Apple contributes $100,000 to fight California's No on 8 battle



  • Reply 1081 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    There is an assumption that just because rich people get to keep more money they will share it. This has never proven to be true. Their is no place on this planet that trickle down economics has worked, especially not in America.

    Over the past 4 years our economy grew by 800 billion dollars. The top 10% got over 600 billion of that 800 billion. The bottom 90% got less than 200 billion of that 800 billion.

    Looking at our current economic condition, when does the trickle down happen?

    You're completely delusional. Most of that money went to overseas investments. Do the research. That same money was pulled out of our economy to hedge off the impending bottom falling out.

    Sorry, but any tax redistribution will cripple the Middle Class as it's only aim can possibly fuse the lower class with the middle class and thus a pseudo-singular class that by comparison to the upper class creates not 3 but 2 classes.
  • Reply 1082 of 1351
    Originally Posted by WESALLEN View Post

    OOOHHHH I forgot about that. Im sure the 2-3% of homo's of which less than 25% have a median income over 100k will make a huge boost in apples iphone sales. Lets see...... 50,000,000 adult working males in this country X 2% = 1,000,000 X 25% = 250,000.

    Apple has sold 6.8 million Iphones. For every one homo it sold 25 to a hetro.

    BTW, my income is 200k plus. My wife (a female)and I have purchased new from apple over the years... 1 performa mac, 3 imacs, 4 macbooks, 1 mac mini, 9 ipods, 1 iphone, 2 iphone 3g's.

    Unless they also give 100k to the YES ON 8 campaign, the lost customers for life. Im sure im not the only one.

    You homos are not as powerful or as popular as you think. YOU WILL LOSE THE PROP 8 FIGHT BY A LANDSLIDE. I cant wait!!!!

    Guess what - no LANDSLIDE.
  • Reply 1083 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Guess what - no LANDSLIDE.

    So, you think it was a win for the gays?
  • Reply 1084 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    So, you think it was a win for the gays?

    Of course not, but it was close. There's no doubt now though, that the tide is changing in favor of gay marriage.

    If anything, it can be argued that it was a landslide in favor of gay marriage.The vote in California (discounting the yet to be counted 4,ooo,ooo mail in ballots) has shrunk from 61% in favor of a ban to 52% and in a short time frame. That doesn't bode well for the continuation of the ban at all.
  • Reply 1085 of 1351
    Jesus! I spend one day in suspense and then two days shivering with relief, and I come back and you're still arguing with this cretinous, bitter old fart zinfella? Quit feeding the troll, people!

    Yes it sucks that Prop Hate will (probably) pass, although there are still a lot of votes to be counted, but think about it! We avoided 4 years of rule by a demented fascist who was slavering to continue the same death spiral of insanity that that mindless moron Bush and his evil puppeteers have been driving us headlong into.

    On top of all that, he picked for his running mate a pig-ignorant, batshit-insane harpy who would only be one 72-year-old heartbeat away from having control over enough bombs to bring on the End Times™ that she expects any minute. (After cleaning out Neiman-Marcus.)

    So I refuse to be brought out of my euphoria right now. A similar proposition would have probably passed 5-1 10 years ago, and a few years from now, its repeal will pass handily. The evil old coots like the brain-dead old wacko you keep arguing with, who voted most heavily for Prop 8 will die off; And best of all, the wingnuts are circling the wagons and getting ready to totally marginalize themselves for a generation to come. ("McCain lost because he was too moderate! Palin 2012!")
  • Reply 1086 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    Jesus! I spend one day in suspense and then two days shivering with relief, and I come back and you're still arguing with this cretinous, bitter old fart zinfella? Quit feeding the troll, people!

    Yes it sucks that Prop Hate will (probably) pass, although there are still a lot of votes to be counted, but think about it! We avoided 4 years of rule by a demented fascist who was slavering to continue the same death spiral of insanity that that mindless moron Bush and his evil puppeteers have been driving us headlong into.

    On top of all that, he picked for his running mate a pig-ignorant, batshit-insane harpy who would only be one 72-year-old heartbeat away from having control over enough bombs to bring on the End Times? that she expects any minute. (After cleaning out Neiman-Marcus.)

    So I refuse to be brought out of my euphoria right now. A similar proposition would have probably passed 5-1 10 years ago, and a few years from now, its repeal will pass handily. The evil old coots like the brain-dead old wacko you keep arguing with, who voted most heavily for Prop 8 will die off; And best of all, the wingnuts are circling the wagons and getting ready to totally marginalize themselves for a generation to come. ("McCain lost because he was too moderate! Palin 2012!")

    I hear you - Pure bliss. One of the most striking things about America is it's black population, that's been bruised, blamed and banished by reactionary thugs, mostly from the right, terrified of their potential power. Now, with only three black congressman and two black senators in history, there is a black President. In my eyes nothing better could have happened to this country.
  • Reply 1087 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Of course not, but it was close. There's no doubt now though, that the tide is changing in favor of gay marriage.

    If anything, it can be argued that it was a landslide in favor of gay marriage.The vote in California (discounting the yet to be counted 4,ooo,ooo mail in ballots) has shrunk from 61% in favor of a ban to 52% and in a short time frame. That doesn't bode well for the continuation of the ban at all.

    Considering it's CA I'd say the fact that ban passed means a heck of a lot more than you'd like to think. If it were, say, Texas or Nebraska and it only passed 52-48 then I might give that to you but CA? If CA can't pass it it's not going anywhere...

    Also, something to keep in mind, as history has shown us, it's much more difficult to get the people to overturn an amendment than it is to pass one.

    Lastly, I saw this this morning "City attorneys of Los Angeles and San Francisco, along with the American Civil Liberties Union, filed requests for the state Supreme Court to overturn the gay marriage ban on Wednesday." WTH? So neither the city attorneys of LA and San Fran or the ALCU understands that there is absolutely nothing a state judge can do about this? It's an amendment - the only judges that can over rule this are the Supreme Court judges - that's it, end of story. You fought the battle 2 days ago, you lost, you can either move forward and plan your next attack or you can sit around and whine and b!tch and moan about losing. It's quite clear what the ACLU and LA and San Fran are doing but that is nothing more than acting like a little kid whining that someone ate your candy or, "drank your milkshake" (that was a horrible movie by the way...)
  • Reply 1088 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    I hear you - Pure bliss. One of the most striking things about America is it's black population, that's been bruised, blamed and banished by reactionary thugs, mostly from the right, terrified of their potential power. Now, with only three black congressman and two black senators in history, there is a black President. In my eyes nothing better could have happened to this country.

    Nothing? What about the insane marginalization of Hispanics? There are far more of them than blacks and yet they'd love to have the success blacks have had in the Senate and House! Some of the most famous people in America are black (Michael Jordan was well loved by people of all races) but name me one, just one, Hispanic that has even come remotely close to that (I'm not going to give you Pelé).

    Semi-off topic here. What's the over-under that BO's cabinet will actually be LESS diverse than Bush's? I'd put money down that Bush's is far more diverse than BO's will be (yes, yes, I know, people hate Bush but guess what, he still had easily the most diverse cabinet in history)
  • Reply 1089 of 1351
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Considering it's CA I'd say the fact that ban passed means a heck of a lot more you'd like to think. If it were, say, Texas or Nebraska and it only passed 52-48 then I might give that to you but CA? If CA can't pass it it's not going anywhere...

    Also, something to keep in mind, as history has shown us, it's much more difficult to get the people to overturn an amendment than it is to pass one.

    Lastly, I saw this this morning "City attorneys of Los Angeles and San Francisco, along with the American Civil Liberties Union, filed requests for the state Supreme Court to overturn the gay marriage ban on Wednesday." WTH? So neither the city attoneys of LA and San Fran or the ALCU understands that there is absolutely nothing a state judge can do about this? It's an amendment - the only judges that can over rule this are the Supreme Court judges - that's it, end of story. You fought the battle 2 days ago, you lost, you can either move forward and plan your next attack or you can sit around and whine and b!tch and moan about losing. It's quite clear what the ACLU and LA and San Fran are doing but that is nothing more than acting like a little kid whining that someone ate your candy or, "drank your milkshake" (that was a horrible movie by the way...)

    The numbers are clear, gay marriage is coming (pun intended) to America. The thirty states who are banning it are really just helping it become established law quicker. They've become the baddies and the liberties once won back wont be going anywhere.
  • Reply 1090 of 1351
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Nothing? What about the insane marginalization of Hispanics? There are far more of them than blacks and yet they'd love to have the success blacks have had in the Senate and House! Some of the most famous people in America are black (Michael Jordan was well loved by people of all races) but name me one, just one, Hispanic that has even come remotely close to that (I'm not going to give you Pelé).

    Semi-off topic here. What's the over-under that BO's cabinet will actually be LESS diverse than Bush's? I'd put money down that Bush's is far more diverse than BO's will be (yes, yes, I know, people hate Bush but guess what, he still had easily the most diverse cabinet in history)

    Hispanics will soon out-number Blacks, so expect the DNC to work heavily to drum up the tiresome decades of mythical support for Hispanics and their plight to citizenship.

    Give it a year and it will all start falling.

    I don't expect Obama to be throwing a bunch of fig leafs around for Hispanics.
  • Reply 1091 of 1351
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Nothing? What about the insane marginalization of Hispanics? There are far more of them than blacks and yet they'd love to have the success blacks have had in the Senate and House! Some of the most famous people in America are black (Michael Jordan was well loved by people of all races) but name me one, just one, Hispanic that has even come remotely close to that (I'm not going to give you Pelé).

    Semi-off topic here. What's the over-under that BO's cabinet will actually be LESS diverse than Bush's? I'd put money down that Bush's is far more diverse than BO's will be (yes, yes, I know, people hate Bush but guess what, he still had easily the most diverse cabinet in history)

    Since when did Hispanics fight slavery? I agree that their political representation should and will grow, further alienating those white voters who think everything's already fair and square for minorities ! LOL
  • Reply 1092 of 1351
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Hispanics will soon out-number Blacks, so expect the DNC to work heavily to drum up the tiresome decades of mythical support for Hispanics and their plight to citizenship.

    Give it a year and it will all start falling.

    I don't expect Obama to be throwing a bunch of fig leafs around for Hispanics.

    Soon? They already out number them and it's not even close. In 2006 they outnumbered them by over 4 million and that number is doing nothing but growing.
  • Reply 1093 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    The numbers are clear, gay marriage is coming (pun intended) to America. The thirty states who are banning it are really just helping it become established law quicker. They've become the baddies and the liberties once won back wont be going anywhere.

    30? You really don't read anything on previous pages do you?

    "Forty-three states have statutes restricting marriage to two persons of the opposite sex, including some of those that have created legal recognition for same-sex unions under a name other than "marriage."" I'm not sure if that includes CA or AZ so the number is potentially 45.

    The future for same-sex marriage isn't marriage - it's civil unions and domestic partnerships (see Vermont, NJ, and New Hampshire).
  • Reply 1094 of 1351
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Hispanics will soon out-number Blacks, so expect the DNC to work heavily to drum up the tiresome decades of mythical support for Hispanics and their plight to citizenship.

    Give it a year and it will all start falling.

    I don't expect Obama to be throwing a bunch of fig leafs around for Hispanics.

    There are currently more blacks registered to vote than registered hispanics. In 2012 it is widely accepted that there will be more registered Hispanics voting than registered blacks. With around 70% of them having just voted Democrat, in part because of all those Republicans that wanted to round them up and send them back to Mexico. They wont forget that in a hurry. Obama will make it a priority to bring many Hispanics out of the shadows to legal citizenship, which shouldn't create the same anger!
  • Reply 1095 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Since when did Hispanics fight slavery? I agree that their political representation should and will grow, further alienating those white voters who think everything's already fair and square for minorities ! LOL

    They are being marginalized because people say "oh well they didn't have to fight off slavery" and treat them as some second-class minority because they aren't as politically active as a blacks even tho they out number them. I've got a number of friends who are hispanic and it's total proof that being hispanic doesn't prevent you from being successful - all I'm talking about is DC. There's too many whites, not nearly enough women, blacks, hispanics and asians. But at the same time people have to run in order to get elected so it's only partially washingtons fault.

    However, if it we are going to say it's ok to have 80%+ of the NBA be black because they are the best then we have to equally say that the %'s in Congress are fair because those are the best politicians. You can't say the NBA isn't racist and Congress is - they are one in the same - those with the most talent, drive, and ability get in...
  • Reply 1096 of 1351
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    30? You really don't read anything on previous pages do you?

    "Forty-three states have statutes restricting marriage to two persons of the opposite sex, including some of those that have created legal recognition for same-sex unions under a name other than "marriage."" I'm not sure if that includes CA or AZ so the number is potentially 45.

    The future for same-sex marriage isn't marriage - it's civil unions and domestic partnerships (see Vermont, NJ, and New Hampshire).

    30 States have amended their constitutions.
  • Reply 1097 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    There are currently more blacks registered to vote than registered hispanics. In 2012 it is widely accepted that there will be more registered Hispanics voting than registered blacks. With around 70% of them having just voted Democrat, in part because of all those Republicans that wanted to round them up and send them back to Mexico. They wont forget that in a hurry. Obama will make it a priority to bring many Hispanics out of the shadows to legal citizenship, which shouldn't create the same anger!

    Huh? You do know that Obama's plan was horrible compared to McCain's when it comes to Hispanics right?

    Obama totally opposes a guest worker program where-as McCain supported it. In fact, McCain's bill to provide a path for citizenship to illegal immigrants was viewed as amnesty by many conservatives.

    But I suppose if you can't get over the fact that he's a registered Republican then, well, whatever...
  • Reply 1098 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    30 States have amended their constitutions.

    and over a dozen more have laws - passed by the people.

    And again, look at history, it's much harder to get the people to overturn an amendment than it is to pass one...
  • Reply 1099 of 1351
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    They are being marginalized because people say "oh well they didn't have to fight off slavery" and treat them as some second-class minority because they aren't as politically active as a blacks even tho they out number them. I've got a number of friends who are hispanic and it's total proof that being hispanic doesn't prevent you from being successful - all I'm talking about is DC. There's too many whites, not nearly enough women, blacks, hispanics and asians. But at the same time people have to run in order to get elected so it's only partially washingtons fault.

    However, if it we are going to say it's ok to have 80%+ of the NBA be black because they are the best then we have to equally say that the %'s in Congress are fair because those are the best politicians. You can't say the NBA isn't racist and Congress is - they are one in the same - those with the most talent, drive, and ability get in...

    Well said.
  • Reply 1100 of 1351
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    So, you think it was a win for the gays?

    Not for gays, but for human rights. While it did pass this time, the fact that it was so close—or even on the ballot—shows that in a few short years it will be voted for again and will most likely not pass. Hatred of a group of people is a learned behaviour, not an innate one, which makes your flavour of discrimination harder and harder for you to keep brainwashing your bigotries into each new generation.
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