Apple contributes $100,000 to fight California's No on 8 battle



  • Reply 1121 of 1351
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Florida's Prop 2 was 62% to 38%. I am surprised that it has as high as 38% in opposition of Prop 2. I wouldn't expect Florida to be ahead of California on civil liberties issues They were behind on women's suffrage, interracial marriage, segregation, etc.

    But FL's was also much more than what CA's was. CA's doesn't prohit civil-unions or domestic-partnerships. FL's does, that's generally why you end up with the higher dissenters - Ohio passed the same thing in 2004, can't recall the %'s tho...

    EDIT: Interesting - looks like the exact same %...
  • Reply 1122 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Nice revisionist history there - all you remember is post Monica Lewinsky? Man, that must suck, you need to get that checked out...


    There are two problems with your example.

    One is that I cannot revise history based on a secret plan that never happened.

    Two is the fact that the Republicans created the Monica Lewinsky scandal. They cannot say they were trying to cooperate and then create this huge scandal in the hopes of getting Clinton out of office.
  • Reply 1123 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You want everyone to see a gay marriage as the same as a heterosexual marriage, and that ain't happen'in Bro! If you can't see the difference, then you're blind. This gay movement to fool everyone into thinking that there's no difference is very detrimental to the fabric of society.

    I don't agree marraige is necessarily this sacred pillar of society and family, as people like to claim it is.

    Heterosexuals having been taking marraige for granted for a long time. Divorce rates are high, extramarital affair rates are high, general unhappiness is high.

    If gay people want to participate in that, I don't see why anyone else really cares so much.
  • Reply 1124 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I don't agree marraige is necessarily this sacred pillar of society and family, as people like to claim it is.

    Heterosexuals having been taking marraige for granted for a long time. Divorce rates are high, extramarital affair rates are high, general unhappiness is high.

    If gay people want to participate in that, I don't see why anyone else really cares so much.

    So don't agree, but you are still forced to comply. That is one of the problems that you guys have, you only see issues through your own eyes, and don't want to acknowledge that you're in the minority.
  • Reply 1125 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Two is the fact that the Republicans created the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

    You're f'ing rabid! Bill Clinton was 100% responsible for his behavior in that matter. What a loon you are!
  • Reply 1126 of 1351
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You're f'ing rabid! Bill Clinton was 100% responsible for his behavior in that matter. What a loon you are!

    For once I agree with you. The republicans "created the Monica Lewinsky scandal"? WTF? No, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky created the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
  • Reply 1127 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    So don't agree, but you are still forced to comply. That is one of the problems that you guys have, you only see issues through your own eyes, and don't want to acknowledge that you're in the minority.

    We get it! You're a bigoted, troglodytic Neanderthal. Fortunately you and the blinkered old fools just like you will die soon, and society will advance a little more.

    I just can't understand why all these people are wasting all this time arguing with you. The things you say reveal you to be either abysmally ignorant, crazy, or both. Your statement that President-Elect Obama (God, that feels good to write!) is a "Marxist" show the intellectual level you're working at.

    Ignorance can be cured, but you've resolutely shown no interest in that process, and arguing with crazy people is a mug's game, so give it up, folks!

    (P.S.: I'm also an old fart--not quite as old as zinfella, but I'm still a little hung over from celebrating the spectacular defeat of the assholes who have stolen half of my life, so forgive any typos or grammatical slips. What a great day!)
  • Reply 1128 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You're f'ing rabid! Bill Clinton was 100% responsible for his behavior in that matter. What a loon you are!

    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    For once I agree with you. The republicans "created the Monica Lewinsky scandal"? WTF? No, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky created the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

    You miss my language. Cheating on your wife with another consensual adult is not a crime. Largely is a private matter between the wife and the husband.

    The Republicans took this private matter that does not break the law and turned into a public morality scandal.
  • Reply 1129 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    We get it! You're a bigoted, troglodytic Neanderthal. Fortunately you and the blinkered old fools just like you will die soon, and society will advance a little more.

    I just can't understand why all these people are wasting all this time arguing with you. The things you say reveal you to be either abysmally ignorant, crazy, or both. Your statement that President-Elect Obama (God, that feels good to write!) is a "Marxist" show the intellectual level you're working at.

    Ignorance can be cured, but you've resolutely shown no interest in that process, and arguing with crazy people is a mug's game, so give it up, folks!

    (P.S.: I'm also an old fart--not quite as old as zinfella, but I'm still a little hung over from celebrating the spectacular defeat of the assholes who have stolen half of my life, so forgive any typos or grammatical slips. What a great day!)

    Maybe you're a Marxist too, for all I know. Just like Saul Alinsky, and William ayers, both CLOSE Obama advisors. BTW, while you were celebrating, did you remember that Obama does NOT support gay marriage?

    I have 8 kids, and a slew of grandkids that all share my opinions, so if you hold your breath waiting for things to change when I croak, you'll be committing suicide.
  • Reply 1130 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    So don't agree, but you are still forced to comply. That is one of the problems that you guys have, you only see issues through your own eyes, and don't want to acknowledge that you're in the minority.

    What happened to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Nothing in that phrase encourages limiting peoples ability to make their own lifestyle choices. Nothing about it encourages forcing your moral lifestyle views on others.

    We are supposed to be free live whatever life we choose as long is it does not impinge on the freedom of others. That is what America was founded on.
  • Reply 1131 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    BTW, while you were celebrating, did you remember that Obama does NOT support gay marriage?

    This is not completely correct.

    Obama does not support making gay marraige a federal mandate. He does believe civil unions should be a federal mandate. He believes gay marraige should be left to the individual states.
  • Reply 1132 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You miss my language. Cheating on your wife with another consensual adult is not a crime. Largely is a private matter between the wife and the husband.

    The Republicans took this private matter that does not break the law and turned into a public morality scandal.

    Moron, it's not a private matter when it takes place in the People's House! Plus, you don't know the laws of the state of Virginia, where adultery is a crime.

    You just want a no holds barred lifestyle to permeate the US, but thankfully most of us have some morals, unlike you, and we far outnumber you. HTH
  • Reply 1133 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    What happened to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Nothing in that phrase encourages limiting peoples ability to make their own lifestyle choices. Nothing about it encourages forcing your moral lifestyle views on others.

    We are supposed to be free live whatever life we choose as long is it does not impinge on the freedom of others. That is what America was founded on.

    That is exactly what the gay marriage movement is trying to force on the majority. You seem to be under some moronic misapprehension that the minority wants trump those of the majority. Wrong again!

    Have I mentioned that you guys LOST?
  • Reply 1134 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    That is exactly what the gay marriage movement is trying to force on the majority. You seem to be under some moronic misapprehension that the minority wants trump those of the majority. Wrong again!

    Are you are saying that gay marraige advocates are trying to force "gay marraige" on the majority.

    Gay marraige is a choice. How does it effect anyone who does not choose to participate in it?

    How does gay marriage in Massachusetts right now effect you in any way?
  • Reply 1135 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Moron, it's not a private matter when it takes place in the People's House! Plus, you don't know the laws of the state of Virginia, where adultery is a crime.

    They weren't in Virginia, they were in the District of Columbia where it is not illegal.


    You just want a no holds barred lifestyle to permeate the US, but thankfully most of us have some morals, unlike you, and we far outnumber you. HTH

    No I don't, but news flash, he was not the first president to cheat on his wife while in office. In the past the opposing party had the respect and maturity to allow the Presidents wife to deal with it in the way she chose and not attempt to exploit the unfortunate event for cheap political theater.
  • Reply 1136 of 1351
    It is very sad that society has come to this level of moral confusion and degradation. Marriage is a religious institution and covenant made between man and woman before God for the purpose of procreation and family.

    Sexual intercourse can only happen between a man and woman's organs, other forms of "sex" outside of that are sodomy and masturbation. These other forms are pathetic, demeaning and disrespectful to your body and anyone else's involved.

    With a clear conscience and in your better judgment you would realize these practices can in NO WAY be respectful or loving. They are lust based forms of domination and abuse. The fact that lust masquerades as love shows how confused so many are.

    Love requires respect, sodomy is abuse as it is clear which area of our body was designed for sex and procreation. You can lie to yourself and deny it to continue your lusts and abuse, but deep down in your conscience you know it is wrong and abusive conduct. The trouble is so many, and most on forums such as these dedicated to OCD obsession over things, have lost all touch with their conscience, morality and better judgment.

    I am glad this attempt to subvert the meaning of marriage is being challenged and several states have accepted the proposal to clearly define it in the way the founding Father and the Bible does, between one man and one woman.

    Sodomy should not be associated with Marriage. Marriage is intended for sexual intercourse leading to children, family and a structured and respectful society.

    The fact some married couples defile their bed with sodomy just shows how degenerate they have become and does not make it right or excusable.

    It is very clear what the role of our sex organs are for and the only natural and morally respectful and right sexual function for them is intercourse, which can only happen between male and female organs. every other form is simulated abuse of areas not designed for the organs.

    This is not a human rights issue. All people are born with equal rights, seeking to make sodomy a form of "marriage" is wrong as it is counter what marriage is about. Marriage is a holy ceremony and tradition between the male and female for the production of new life and family.

    Nor do those who are defending marriages sanctity and purpose hate, fear or want to destroy those who call themselves gay. Nor would they condone any abuse or murder of those humans who practice perversion without care.

    God will judge all our souls, and abuse has its consequences, whether its sexual abuse or physical violence, God does not want this. We should repent, for the sake of our soul and eternal destiny, of those deeds which violate and abuse ourself and others.

    The modern day abuse and witch hunts are increasingly turning against those who defend sanctity, decency, morality and right conduct.
  • Reply 1137 of 1351
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    They weren't in Virginia, they were in the District of Columbia where it is not illegal.

    No I don't, but news flash, he was not the first president to cheat on his wife while in office. In the past the opposing party had the respect and maturity to allow the Presidents wife to deal with it in the way she chose and not attempt to exploit the unfortunate event for cheap political theater.

    You don't live in the real world, you can't even admit that you lost this gay marriage issue. You can't see that Clinton was a womanizer, and adulterer, a liar, he was impeached, and had his law license suspended for committing perjury. Yep, a wonderful guy!
  • Reply 1138 of 1351
    Hillary was hardly innocent in Bill's lies and abuse either. I've heard several woman come forth in interviews testifying that Bill sexually molested them and Hillary knew about it and actually threatened them if they said anything about it. Which means Hillary is complicit in his abuse and lies.

    The only reason Hillary stayed with Bill is because she knew he was a womanizer and even helped him to cover up his tracks all to extend her own chances at attaining power and the presidential position.
  • Reply 1139 of 1351
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    Hillary was hardly innocent in Bill's lies and abuse either. I've heard several woman come forth in interviews testifying that Bill sexually molested them and Hillary knew about it and actually threatened them if they said anything about it. Which means Hillary is complicit in his abuse and lies.

    The only reason Hillary stayed with Bill is because she knew he was a womanizer and even helped him to cover up his tracks all to extend her own chances at attaining power and the presidential position.

  • Reply 1140 of 1351
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    It is very sad that society has come to this level of moral confusion and degradation. Marriage is a religious institution and covenant made between man and woman before God for the purpose of procreation and family.

    Sexual intercourse can only happen between a man and woman's organs, other forms of "sex" outside of that are sodomy and masturbation. These other forms are pathetic, demeaning and disrespectful to your body and anyone else's involved.

    That is your opinion and its fine if that is the way you want to live your life.

    But the constitution clearly states you are not free to force your religious or moral views on to other people who may choose to live their lives differently from yours. Again this is the principle America was founded on.
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