Something that you buy, for money, from Apple belongs to you. If someone buys a Mac OS X installation DVD from Apple for $129, Apple can't go to that person's house and take back the installation DVD.
I do not believe that is the issue.
If I buy the book for $19.99, I am allowed tear the book page by page and scan it in and read it on my computer.
No, you are not.
I am allowed to dictate the book to myself so I can listen to it later.
No, you are not.
I am allowed to copy the book so I can read it in plain text on my computer.
No, you are not.
Psystar is not chopping up copies of OS X and copying it and distributing it. You buy a copy of OS X FROM APPLE that Psystar installs for you. Apple gets paid for OS X.
Psystar copies the OS illegally, because it is without Apple's permission. Apple gets paid for an upgrade version that was not priced to cover new installs or to cover its loss of a hardware sale. New installs of Vista at retail are twice the price of Leopard upgrades.
All Psystar is doing is building a computer, selling that to the customer, and allowing the customer to purchase Mac OS X FROM APPLE to install on the computer. Mac OS X is not being ripped off by them. Apple still sells a copy of OS X for every copy sold for use in a Psystar computer. That is not stealing.
Right, it's copyright infringement. Loss of revenue is one consequence.
They are not using a trademark or a brand to sell a computer.
Yes they do. Psystar uses the Apple name and "Mac OS X" to promote copyright infringment. They are selling a computer which allows you to install Mac OS X after purchasing it from Apple.
[/QUOTE]Sorry, Psystar installs Mac OS X before shipping the computer. If Psystar did leave the installation up to the customer, it would still be copyright infringement.
Apple also sells a computer which allows you to install Mac OS X after purchasing it from them.
This is allowed by the EULA.
You bought the computer and you bought the copy of OS X. You should be able to do with it as you please. Including using it to wipe your ass after taking a crap.
I own a MacPro, big difference between the engineering of the Pro and what amounts to a clone case with standard parts. I don't own one of the Psystar machines, but I have had clone boxes under my desk as well and they are not near as reliable, on the whole.
My MacPro is silent, sturdy, runs very cool, and if I have a problem, I can haul it down to the Apple store. Wondering if Psystar will be opening up a service depot in my area?
Well, you bought that MacPro for .... how much? $2000+?
I'd understand your point if the price were the same.
By copying or making any use of the image below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand, and agree to, the Image Usage Agreement below that governs your use of the Image. If you do not agree to the Agreement’s terms, do not copy or use the Image in any way, unless you have written permission signed by Apple.
Usage Agreement:
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, you may use the Image solely in whole for editorial use by press and/or industry analysts. This right to use is personal to you and is not transferable by you to another party. The Image cannot be used to promote or sell any product or technology (such as on advertising, brochures, book-covers, stock photos, t-shirts, or other promotional merchandise). You may not alter, or modify the Image, in whole or in part, for any reason.
As between you and Apple, Apple is and shall remain the sole and exclusive owner of the Image. You will not delete, alter, or obfuscate any proprietary legends relating to the Image, and each use will be accompanied by the applicable proprietary attribution shown next to the Image.
The Image is provided by Apple on an ‘as is’ basis, without warranty of any kind, including non-infringement or ownership. You, not Apple, are responsible for your use of the Image. Any misuse of the Image or breach of this Agreement will cause Apple irreparable harm. Apple is either an owner or licensee of the image, not an agent for the owner. We understand that you will give our company a credit line as follows: “Courtesy of Apple “ and also credit the photographer if noted.
I have read and understand, and agree to, the Image Usage Agreement.
(Image will immediately begin download)
I disagree and would like to return to the Apple PR site.
Yessss..... because Apple sells computer below margin. Yes, that makes perfect sense:
Step 1: Build computer from parts sold by other company.
Step 2: Sell computer for price less than the sum of all the parts.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT!!!
What are you talking about??? Apple makes a sizable profit on every Mac Pro. It has volume discounting and perhaps other deals with component suppliers. These are deals that neither we nor Psystar can get. And last time I looked, Psystar doesn't even sell 8-core systems.
Dude... go to this link and have a read of course... that if you can understand what is pointed there.
Psystar is using a thumbnail of a box of OS X. It's fair use. Check the multitudes on case law if you need clarification about thumbnail use in the United States.
Heck, Apple could write "You are subject to suck Steve Jobs' dick" in that legal document, and it doesn't mean that you are not allowed to use a thumbnail of a box of OS X if you don't agree to that.
"Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review."
Wholesale copying of Mac OS X for a non-academic purpose does not constitute "fair use."
"Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review."
Wholesale copying of Mac OS X for a non-academic purpose does not constitute "fair use."
Psystar is not COPYING OS X illegally, it is buying copies of OS X for installation onto a single computer.
Once again, this is not that difficult to understand.
Psystar is using a thumbnail of a box of OS X. It's fair use. Check the multitudes on case law if you need clarification about thumbnail use in the United States.
Heck, Apple could write "You are subject to suck Steve Jobs' dick" in that legal document, and it doesn't mean that you are not allowed to use a thumbnail of a box of OS X if you don't agree to that.
Psystar is using an Apple trademark to promote its copyright infringing activities for profit.
Something that you buy, for money, from Apple belongs to you. If someone buys a Mac OS X installation DVD from Apple for $129, Apple can't go to that person's house and take back the installation DVD.
I do not believe that is the issue.
If I buy the book for $19.99, I am allowed tear the book page by page and scan it in and read it on my computer.
No, you are not.
I am allowed to dictate the book to myself so I can listen to it later.
No, you are not.
I am allowed to copy the book so I can read it in plain text on my computer.
No, you are not.
Psystar is not chopping up copies of OS X and copying it and distributing it. You buy a copy of OS X FROM APPLE that Psystar installs for you. Apple gets paid for OS X.
Psystar copies the OS illegally, because it is without Apple's permission. Apple gets paid for an upgrade version that was not priced to cover new installs or to cover its loss of a hardware sale. New installs of Vista at retail are twice the price of Leopard upgrades.
All Psystar is doing is building a computer, selling that to the customer, and allowing the customer to purchase Mac OS X FROM APPLE to install on the computer. Mac OS X is not being ripped off by them. Apple still sells a copy of OS X for every copy sold for use in a Psystar computer. That is not stealing.
Right, it's copyright infringement. Loss of revenue is one consequence.
They are not using a trademark or a brand to sell a computer.
Yes they do. Psystar uses the Apple name and "Mac OS X" to promote copyright infringment. They are selling a computer which allows you to install Mac OS X after purchasing it from Apple.
[/QUOTE]Sorry, Psystar installs Mac OS X before shipping the computer. If Psystar did leave the installation up to the customer, it would still be copyright infringement.
Apple also sells a computer which allows you to install Mac OS X after purchasing it from them.
This is allowed by the EULA.
You bought the computer and you bought the copy of OS X. You should be able to do with it as you please. Including using it to wipe your ass after taking a crap.
Or after posting on AI.
I own a MacPro, big difference between the engineering of the Pro and what amounts to a clone case with standard parts. I don't own one of the Psystar machines, but I have had clone boxes under my desk as well and they are not near as reliable, on the whole.
My MacPro is silent, sturdy, runs very cool, and if I have a problem, I can haul it down to the Apple store. Wondering if Psystar will be opening up a service depot in my area?
Well, you bought that MacPro for .... how much? $2000+?
I'd understand your point if the price were the same.
Neither does the Psystar when it sells a computer which can run OS X.
Oh, my, aren't you the wit?
The issue is Psystar's sale of computers with Mac OS X pre-installed.
g3pro wrote: If I buy the book for $19.99, I am allowed tear the book page by page and scan it in and read it on my computer.
you wrote:
No, you are not.
Yes, you are perfectly allowed to do so. It's called Fair Use. IT'S CALLED FAIR USE.
You have absolutely no idea what on earth you are talking about when you say "No, you are not."
Oh, my, aren't you the wit?
The issue is Psystar's sale of computers with Mac OS X pre-installed.
Sooooo... if Psystar legally purchases Mac OS X from Apple and installs it on an individual computer, you still think that's stealing? Wow.
Well, you bought that MacPro for .... how much? $2000+?
I'd understand your point if the price were the same.
You can't buy a Psystar system with performance anywhere in the league of a Mac Pro, nor can you build one of your own for the same price.
Uhhhhh, you don't know anything about copyright.
Those are screenshots of a product that is sold. Have you ever seen eBay with people selling Apple hardware?
Dude... go to this link and have a read of course... that if you can understand what is pointed there.
Image Use Agreement
Important Image Use Information
By copying or making any use of the image below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand, and agree to, the Image Usage Agreement below that governs your use of the Image. If you do not agree to the Agreement’s terms, do not copy or use the Image in any way, unless you have written permission signed by Apple.
Usage Agreement:
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, you may use the Image solely in whole for editorial use by press and/or industry analysts. This right to use is personal to you and is not transferable by you to another party. The Image cannot be used to promote or sell any product or technology (such as on advertising, brochures, book-covers, stock photos, t-shirts, or other promotional merchandise). You may not alter, or modify the Image, in whole or in part, for any reason.
As between you and Apple, Apple is and shall remain the sole and exclusive owner of the Image. You will not delete, alter, or obfuscate any proprietary legends relating to the Image, and each use will be accompanied by the applicable proprietary attribution shown next to the Image.
The Image is provided by Apple on an ‘as is’ basis, without warranty of any kind, including non-infringement or ownership. You, not Apple, are responsible for your use of the Image. Any misuse of the Image or breach of this Agreement will cause Apple irreparable harm. Apple is either an owner or licensee of the image, not an agent for the owner. We understand that you will give our company a credit line as follows: “Courtesy of Apple “ and also credit the photographer if noted.
I have read and understand, and agree to, the Image Usage Agreement.
(Image will immediately begin download)
I disagree and would like to return to the Apple PR site.
You can't buy a Psystar system with performance anywhere in the league of a Mac Pro, nor can you build one of your own for the same price.
Yessss..... because Apple sells computer below margin. Yes, that makes perfect sense:
Step 1: Build computer from parts sold by other company.
Step 2: Sell computer for price less than the sum of all the parts.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT!!!
Sooooo... if Psystar legally purchases Mac OS X from Apple and installs it on an individual computer, you still think that's stealing? Wow.
You can't read. It's called copyright infringement, unless Psystar has permission from Apple to perform such copying.
Yessss..... because Apple sells computer below margin. Yes, that makes perfect sense:
Step 1: Build computer from parts sold by other company.
Step 2: Sell computer for price less than the sum of all the parts.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT!!!
What are you talking about??? Apple makes a sizable profit on every Mac Pro. It has volume discounting and perhaps other deals with component suppliers. These are deals that neither we nor Psystar can get. And last time I looked, Psystar doesn't even sell 8-core systems.
Dude... go to this link and have a read of course... that if you can understand what is pointed there.
Psystar is using a thumbnail of a box of OS X. It's fair use. Check the multitudes on case law if you need clarification about thumbnail use in the United States.
Heck, Apple could write "You are subject to suck Steve Jobs' dick" in that legal document, and it doesn't mean that you are not allowed to use a thumbnail of a box of OS X if you don't agree to that.
you wrote:
Yes, you are perfectly allowed to do so. It's called Fair Use. IT'S CALLED FAIR USE.
You have absolutely no idea what on earth you are talking about when you say "No, you are not."
Yeah, don't take my word for it.
Wikipedia isn't the most authoritative source, but you might want to read this page:
"Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review."
Wholesale copying of Mac OS X for a non-academic purpose does not constitute "fair use."
You can't read. It's called copyright infringement, unless Psystar has permission from Apple to perform such copying.
Psystar is not copying it. It is buying legal copies of OS X.
This isn't that hard to see that Psystar is not illegally making infringing copies.
Psystar is not copying it. It is buying legal copies of OS X.
This isn't that hard to see that Psystar is not illegally making infringing copies.
It's the copy installed on the Psystar computer's hard disk that is the illegal copy.
Yeah, don't take my word for it.
Wikipedia isn't the most authoritative source, but you might want to read this page:
"Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review."
Wholesale copying of Mac OS X for a non-academic purpose does not constitute "fair use."
Psystar is not COPYING OS X illegally, it is buying copies of OS X for installation onto a single computer.
Once again, this is not that difficult to understand.
Psystar is using a thumbnail of a box of OS X. It's fair use. Check the multitudes on case law if you need clarification about thumbnail use in the United States.
Heck, Apple could write "You are subject to suck Steve Jobs' dick" in that legal document, and it doesn't mean that you are not allowed to use a thumbnail of a box of OS X if you don't agree to that.
Psystar is using an Apple trademark to promote its copyright infringing activities for profit.
It's the copy installed on the Psystar computer's hard disk that is the illegal copy.
No, it was an installation on a single computer from a single disc that was bought from Apple.
You are wrong. Just admit it.
Psystar is not COPYING OS X illegally, it is buying copies of OS X for installation onto a single computer.
Once again, this is not that difficult to understand.
I agree the situation isn't difficult to understand. As for why you don't understand it, I leave that up to everyone else to decide.
Psystar is using an Apple trademark to promote its copyright infringing activities for profit.
You can't trademark a photo of a box. Otherwise, you can guess what would happen to ALLLLLLLLLLLL these people.
I agree the situation isn't difficult to understand. As for why you don't understand it, I leave that up to everyone else to decide.
I guess you have nothing to counter what was stated, so I'll take it that you finally admitted you're wrong.