MacBook Airs ship; Psystar plans Mac notebook, Blu-ray desktop



  • Reply 141 of 144
    bsenkabsenka Posts: 802member
    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    So you now own the software do you? It's not Apple's Mac OS X? It's now bsenka OS X.

    Yes, IF I BOUGHT IT, it is mine. I can install it on anything I want. I can modify it in any way I choose, and I can turn around and sell it if I want to.

    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    What do you think will happen to the IT guy who buys ONE copy of Windows Seven, and then proceeds to upgrade his company's 10,000 PCs?

    "I paid for it, I have the receipt, I own it. It is absolutely mine to do whatever the heck I want to with it."

    Psystar is buying and reselling a boxed version of OS X with each computer. They bought it, installed in on each machine, and sold both the machine and the boxed software. They bought each and every copy, they can do whatever they want with them.
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  • Reply 142 of 144
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    it is mine. I can install it on anything I want.

    Are you deliberately missing the point?

    Can you legally install one copy of (most) paid software on an unlimited number of computers?

    Can you legally install Mac OS X on non-Apple hardware.

    Can you legally purchase software with an education discount when you don't qualify for that discount.

    Companies, not just Apple, put restrictions on what you can do with THEIR software. They control how and who they sell THEIR software to.

    Do you just choose to abide by the rules you agree with and ignore the rest? Stoopid question! Of course you do. And it looks like Psystar is doing the same.
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  • Reply 143 of 144
    It seems to me that Psystar presents a golden opportunity for Apple. Instead of battling them, Apple should embrace them.


    Steve J has repeated said that Apple's DNA does not allow it to produce lower quality product. Fair enough. If Apple were to sell Leopard or next-gen OSX at $399 for non-apple machines (vs $129 for Apple machines) and offer a steeply priced path for upgrading non-apple machines, Apple would be able to

    (1) profit handsomely from machines that it is unwilling to make (Apple's profit margin on each copy of Leopard is--I'm guessing--at least 50%, imagine a 90% profit margin on software from double the number of machines

    (2) indirectly serve the low-end market

    (3) avoid federal intervention for running a monopoly

    (4) skirt all the lawyer fees

    I doubt apple would lose many sales of its machines, simply because of the quality of their products and the R&D that goes into them; those who are forced to pinch pennies would still be able to use OSX, but depend on Pystar's warranty for breakdowns. No enterprise worth its salt would buy non-apple machines (enterprise is coming, mark my words), so Apple would have little to lose and a lot to gain
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  • Reply 144 of 144
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    Yes, IF I BOUGHT IT, it is mine. I can install it on anything I want. I can modify it in any way I choose, and I can turn around and sell it if I want to.

    You can install Mac OS X on a non-Apple computer, but Apple has not authorized such copying. You might be found liable for copyright infringement.

    You can sell the original DVD of Mac OS X that Apple produced, but you aren't authorized to sell copies of it in any way, shape or form.


    Psystar is buying and reselling a boxed version of OS X with each computer. They bought it, installed in on each machine, and sold both the machine and the boxed software. They bought each and every copy, they can do whatever they want with them.

    It's the unauthorized installation (copying) onto non-Apple computers that is a problem. Psystar can not just do whatever they want with the boxed DVDs and not risk a legal battle and severe losses.
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