Apple supports homosexual "marriage" - goodbye apple

in General Discussion edited January 2014
To Apple and Mr Jobs,

I have been a supporter of apple for about 3 or 4 years now, like the operating system, the product design and it's innovative improvements to both aspects of it's output. I've recently spent the most I ever have on computer hardware after a successful period, purchasing a 30 inch display for the MBP I use, a macbook air and an iphone. I had become almost intoxicated with the company, and was not disappointed with the new products.

However, what I was disheartened and disappointed at one morning was one of the news feeds delivered to my inbox. Apparently Apple are now actively supporting homosexual "marriage" and are using funds they have made to advance this cause. I believe that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman, for the purpose of bringing children, naturally into the world. It is a Holy covenant ordained by God and affirmed biologically for this purpose. Those who engage in same sex relationships are violating our natural and sacred design, which is clearly the union of male and female organs in a sexual nature. Anything outside of that is sodomy, which is essentially a violation of another body, regardless of their willing submission, for ones own pleasure and abuse.

The fact that you Mr Jobs and Apple, are now towing the line of this popular morally blind crusade of deceitful "equality" seeking, should I suppose, be of no real surprise. It seems the value of respect, decency and sex has been reduced and almost erased from western culture. I have no problem with people who label themselves gay, but if they practice what their lust entails, then they are violating natural and sacred laws and orders. To do this willfully, without any regret or conscience, actually in pride, brings great social and spiritual degeneration. The fact that you seem so blind to this amazes me.

I object to any funds from products I purchase going towards a cause I disagree with and think is morally corrupt and perverted. The promotion of illicit sodomy relationships as decent and right under the banner of marriage, is really appalling in my view. It is essentially thumbing your nose at the great system programmer of this universe, and saying "we know you created an awesome system of architecture here, but we think this virus should have equal status and merit"

Yes I would compare God to the Master programmer of these myriad genetic and bio-mechanical systems we have and are, the originator of that intangible and unknown consciousness/spirit within. And I would compare degenerate practices to a virus upon our society. We do not heal a virus by funding and encouraging it, we have to recognize the correct way the system should function and rewrite the code.

Which analogously would be repentance of abusive lusts and violence, and a return in humility to holiness, purity, and goodness.

What should two same sex who are consenting do if they desire each other?

They should recognize that not every desire or thought we have merits or justifies expression. Many thoughts that come can be depraved and violent, it is our choice whether to act upon them, perpetuate them, or reject them as not right and harmful.

We were not designed by God or nature to conduct ourselves sexually with the same gender. The acts which ensue from such desires are counter to what is natural, holy, and respectful in our own better judgment and conscience.

The argument is usually put forth, if you are not harming anyone its OK, but the reality is a great deal of harm is occurring under the surface and is not recognized.

Not only on a Spiritual level for those who believe, but also on a social cultural level. Family breakdown, promiscuity, thoughts, lifestyles spread throughout society like wildfire, and in a liberal society that loses all sense of balance and proportion, an "anything goes alternative lifestyle" becomes normal.

As soon as you devalue sex and marriage, remove God from the equation, then anything goes, and the "alternative community" is at the forefront of this social motion, it has intertwined with heterosexuals also and now the programming system of order "marriage" has been essentially broken as all respect has gone.

The purpose of marriage is the covenant commitment and bond between the male and the female to further life, creation and human beings. We are designed biologically for that function and it is essential that we respect our design. Respect is a central part of love, if we do not respect our design, and seek to violate it, in order to fulfill base lusts then it is not love. We are to love our fellow man, and woman are to love their fellow sisters, but as soon as lust arises in these cases, all respect and love is gone. It becomes purely a love for the flesh and not a love for the soul, personality and being. Why? Because if there was LOVE between the same sex, they would respect each-others natural design and order and not want to violate and sodomize each-other, regardless of the willingness of the person.

Trying to dress up sodomy relationships as legitimate and right by honoring them with the term "marriage" is very misguided and shameful.

I might have know that the bitten apple logo was an atheistic reference to the tree of knowledge and satan.

I won't be buying another apple product again. I wish that you wake up to holiness and Spirituality and what is right and true. The earthly physical life is but a blip, what matters is the destiny of our eternal Soul and Spirit, and that choice is in our own hands. We need to repent, humble ourselves, turn from our degenerate ways and sincerely walk in a new light of goodness, holiness and love.

I no longer am happy to be associated with Apple and I would encourage anyone else with decency to take a stand against Apples active support of "gay marriage" and boycott any further product purchases.


  • Reply 1 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I'm not even going to read this.
  • Reply 2 of 113
    I'm sure Steve Jobs will be devastated to receive this irrelevant, incorrect, unsolicited and discriminatory "letter".
  • Reply 3 of 113
    If this was seriously sent to the company, I see it going straight to the shredder. I didn't really bother reading this. Except the first two lines.....

    So what are you going to do with that shiny MBA? I'll take it......
  • Reply 4 of 113
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member
    I am sure the Windows community will welcome you back. A world without walls? Maybe, but for you, "A World Without Understanding" is a far better catchphrase.
  • Reply 5 of 113
    It speaks volumes the angry liberals can't even read a reasoned argument against their misinformed politically correct blind opinion. Thats true prejudice =pre-judgment and ignorance, the irony. I suppose you feel threatened by any opposing view though and can only ignore and attack.
  • Reply 6 of 113
    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    I am sure the Windows community will welcome you back. A world without walls? Maybe, but for you, "A World Without Understanding" is a far better catchphrase.

    And maybe "A world without morals" would suit you
  • Reply 7 of 113
    And just who are you to be telling people what's "moral" and not?

    Who I get involved with and what I do behind the closed door of my house is none of your business, or anyone else's. And if I want the same rights as straight people, then I have every right to demand that the government give me it.

    Go and crawl under whatever rock you came from, you demented, narrow-minded, sickening rat.
  • Reply 8 of 113
    Originally Posted by mr_zebra View Post

    And just who are you to be telling people what's "moral" and not?

    Who I get involved with and what I do behind the closed door of my house is none of your business, or anyone else's. And if I want the same rights as straight people, then I have every right to demand that the government give me it.

    Go and crawl under whatever rock you came from, you demented, narrow-minded, sickening rat.

    Now that is intolerance on display! You must start with name calling because you cannot justify your queer behavior. In your opinion, nobody but you has the right to an opinion. Thankfully, here we can vote to outlaw gay marriage, and if you don't like it, stay in Scotland, we won't miss you.
  • Reply 9 of 113
    "In your opinion, nobody but you has the right to an opinion."

    Errrrrm I didn't say that.

    And thanks, I have every intention of staying in Scotland. We at least have a semblance of understanding and equality. It's hard being superior, but we somehow manage.

    Oh, and I don't need to justify my "queer behaviour" to anyone. It's the way I am, and I don't owe anybody an explanation for that.
  • Reply 10 of 113
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    And maybe "A world without morals" would suit you

    If you're defining morality as being a specific narrow human interpretation of the natural world, then I'm happy to be free of the burden of your particular brand of morality - the same morality that drowned 'witches' and burned 'heretics', I might add.
  • Reply 11 of 113
    Originally Posted by mr_zebra View Post

    "In your opinion, nobody but you has the right to an opinion."

    Errrrrm I didn't say that.

    And thanks, I have every intention of staying in Scotland. We at least have a semblance of understanding and equality. It's hard being superior, but we somehow manage.

    Oh, and I don't need to justify my "queer behaviour" to anyone. It's the way I am, and I don't owe anybody an explanation for that.

    We'll see how you respond when you get AIDS, a truly self inflicted death sentence.
  • Reply 12 of 113
    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    If you're defining morality as being a specific narrow human interpretation of the natural world, then I'm happy to be free of the burden of your particular brand of morality - the same morality that drowned 'witches' and burned 'heretics', I might add.

    Spoken like a true hedonist!
  • Reply 13 of 113
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    We'll see how you respond when you get AIDS, a truly self inflicted death sentence.

    Not likely, I practise safe sex.

    Oh, newsflash: straight people get AIDS too.
  • Reply 14 of 113
    I am in scotland also actually, and none of us got a vote on it

    it is a joke which undermines the respect and sacredness of the union. It's purpose is to bring new life into the world which can only happen by male and female entering into that natural union. Practicing sodomy and think its right and good is really twisted, you need to humble yourself and consider what your engaging in.
  • Reply 15 of 113
    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    If you're defining morality as being a specific narrow human interpretation of the natural world, then I'm happy to be free of the burden of your particular brand of morality - the same morality that drowned 'witches' and burned 'heretics', I might add.

    If you read what I have said I have in no way sought violence which you now aggressively and falsely imply. Sodomy is clearly immoral as it violates the natural function and role of our organs and their function, thats true naturalistically and Spiritually/religiously
  • Reply 16 of 113
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    I am in scotland also actually, and none of us got a vote on it

    it is a joke which undermines the respect and sacredness of the union. It's purpose is to bring new life into the world which can only happen by male and female entering into that natural union. Practicing sodomy and think its right and good is really twisted, you need to humble yourself and consider what your engaging in.

    You're clearly incapable of understanding this: I DO NOT NEED TO ANSWER TO ***ANYONE*** about my private life or what I'm "engaging in". The reason there was no vote on the Civil Partnership Act is because the public don't have the right to block legislation that grants equal opportunities. It doesn't affect you if you're not wanting a civil partnership, so there's no need for you to be trying to block it by a vote.

    What pleases me is that most of the people I've met all over the world are open, accepting, thoughtful people. I may be in a minority being part of the LGBT community... but you're also in a minority of narrow-minded bigotry which is a dying breed.
  • Reply 17 of 113
    Originally Posted by mr_zebra View Post

    You're clearly incapable of understanding this: I DO NOT NEED TO ANSWER TO ***ANYONE*** about my private life or what I'm "engaging in".

    What pleases me is that most of the people I've met all over the world are open, accepting, thoughtful people. I may be in a minority being part of the LGBT community... but you're also in a minority of narrow-minded bigotry which is a dying breed.

    Actually, that's not true, most people do not countenance homosexual behavior. Some put up with it, some don't, but the over all majority does NOT support it, in spite of your limited World experience.
  • Reply 18 of 113
    You actually don't know anything about me or my experience of the world.

    Yet another example of you making assumptions about people and their lives when you have no information to base it on.
  • Reply 19 of 113
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    I might have know that the bitten apple logo was an atheistic reference to the tree of knowledge and satan.

    yeah I can see where you are coming from. Go back there!
  • Reply 20 of 113
    The truth is most people have been forced into blindly accepting "alternative lifestyles" in society. Most don't consider what it entails and ignore the social degeneration promiscuity and sodomy has brought and promoted.

    Of course everyone has freewill and the choice to do what they like when it does not harm anyone.

    The purpose of marriage is for the creation of new life in a sound secure committed relationship. The purpose of sex is for males and female to produce children. Yes it is pleasurable, but when the pleasure becomes the object and taken outside of a respectful relationship it becomes purely self gratification and abuse. The homosexual and lesbian community have contributed largely to the social degeneration of sexual values, respect, morals and marriage.

    We do not excuse a pedophile from their lustful act because they seem to have that innate unnatural desire. But going on the gay philosophy, they cannot change the way they are, they have no control over the thoughts they have and should be allowed to practice their desire so long as the partner is willing.

    But adults are over the age of consent and have the sense to express their freewill?

    I seriously doubt the mental maturity of anyone who think sodomy is a loving act

    I think the lifestyle is perverted, sodomy in general violates what our organs were designed to do and the things that are decent to do with them. Also that the increasing promotion of that culture has spread throughout society and led to the breakdown of marriage, values, respect, decency and society.

    The attempt for the gay community to qualify their sexuality which boils down to sodomy with no procreative and natural functions, with the term marriage. Is really a sickening disgrace.

    Yes people can do what they like behind closed doors, but increasingly as we see, it leaks into society and begins ruining it. I think we all will be judged for our conduct and how repentant, humble, decent and holy we have lived our lifestyles.
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