Apple supports homosexual "marriage" - goodbye apple



  • Reply 61 of 113
    Well yeah was hoping to "gotcha" him on that one, but... and anyway, it's not just that...

    It is entirely possible for a straight couple to have a relationship without vaginal intercourse, is it not?

    Golden, let me guess... judging by your writing, style and viewpoint, I think it's likely either you or your wife, or both are too old to have any more children. Since you are so "devout" that having sex without the possibility of procreation is a "sin" then I suppose you do not have sex with your wife, am I correct?

    Well, then I guess you don't have the right to be married any more, right?
  • Reply 62 of 113
    Originally Posted by meh 2 View Post

    There is a view founded upon Biblical teachings that would tend to condemn the act of homosexuality - in the sense that the act is morally condemned by God. When brought forth by those who wish to share this knowledge, they become quickly wrapped up in specious arguments and invariably display a trait of seeming superiority or some other equally morally reprehensible trait. It is beyond question that many of the gays I know are upright, honest and sensitive individuals who, in many ways that I can make my puny efforts of judgment, are ethically equal or better than their heterosexual counterparts.

    After wading through the smug self satisfaction of your delivery it's clear you just don't understand the very rational and clear argument against the act. Trying to paint it as an irrational belief from a text which has no reason only shows you utter lack of understanding and distance from decent moral values. First of all Homosexuality is a term invented by men who want to have sex with other men, the whole division of hetro and homo "sexuality" is misleading because the only real form of sexual intercourse is when the sexual organs unite. Anything outside of that is Sodomy, it may be uncomfortable reading to you, but that is what it is. If you think that the act of sodomy is just as decent and moral as the correct role of the organs then you really are beyond reason and morality.

    I have also known several people who choose to define and label themselves by their sexual preference "homosexuals" and on the surface and in general conduct there is no need or reason to judge their character as you do. what is an issue though is the degenerate practices which the lifestyle entails and its very real social and cultural effects which you can see with any discernment have harmful consequences.

    I have explain all this in greater detail in other writings here and to ignore that shows a lack of mental engagement when reading.
  • Reply 63 of 113
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    Nice try to twist the issue, which is very clear if you step out of a blinkered politically "correct" blind acceptance and defense of what is essentially a relationship based solely on sodomy.

    Also you should become aware of the blatant hypocrisy you and others with your agenda have. You falsely judge anyone who has a different position to you on this issue (and probably all others you hold) as condemning others, when the whole undercurrent and basis of your rant in to condemn me. Hypocrisy at its most blatant. Alongside the amazing hypocrisy of the gay community who violently and aggressively seek to be given rights based on their lust to sodomize each-other, yet want to close down and remove the rights of any one who disagrees with their conduct and its effect on society to even speak about it.

    Yes the true control issue here is with the movement which is attempting to force an unproductive and degenerate abuse of sex lifestyle into society under a banner of normality and equality with what the deed is naturally and spiritually designed for.

    Lets be clear - the real hate in this issue comes from the reaction of the gay community and it's supporters to any opinion different than their own. Now to even state a simple and obvious truth such as this - "Homosexuality is a relationship based on sodomy, which violates the natural role of our sexual organs to purely satiate base lusts." is met with outrage by the liberal community, even though it is the truth. Anyone with a trace of decency recognizes that sodomy is a perverted violation of the sex organs for debased and degenerate practices.

    The liberal community who defend this lifestyle, do it blindly, long since removed from any sense of morality. Yes it is you who do not understand the meaning of the word, if you think that sodomy can under any circumstance be considered a good, right or decent practice - your moral judgment has eroded past rehabilitation and reason.

    Think for a moment, without a blind and rabid agenda and desire - in your better judgment and conscience, do you really consider abusing your sexual organs in sodomy is something right, good, decent and moral? It most certainly is not. Consider if you had to review your life and observe when you committed such acts of sexual stimulation without the natural and right partner of the opposite sex to unite those organs. Would it not shame you? To so clearly violate the natural design of yourself and the person you claim to "love" in that way. It is clearly abuse, regardless of the willful submission of the other person.

    It is clear to any sound and decent mind that the sex organs were meant to fit together in union of the opposite sex, for the purpose ultimately of procreation.

    The fact this is now doubted, and even scoffed at in our society is a sign of how degenerate and damaged it has become.

    All value, honour and respect has been lost from the act. What was once valued and revered as sacred and significant as the vehicle for the creation of new life, has now become debased and perverted and used as another "hobby" to juice as much as possible.

    Sodomy and fornication is not just a homosexual problem, no indeed it is common among heterosexual also now, that does not legitimize it, two wrongs don't make a right. In reality it is wrong in every instance and when I judge that I am judging the act, deed and lifestyle regardless of who commits it. The basis of morality is recognizing right from wrong, good from bad conduct, harm from what is gentle and healthy. Sodomy and fornication is harmful and violent abuse in every case. It is actually an act of brute lust, absent of any love although some may try and delude themselves it is. If respect is removed from sex, which is it when sodomy and abuse of another person occurs, then it is no longer a loving respectful act. Heterosexuality can be performed with respect and decency because it honors our natural and sacred design, homosexuality in all cases where it is conducted violates that natural and sacred design. And this is why it is morally wrong. Culturally it promotes sodomy under a guise of "love" which many naive liberal buy into due to their distance from a sound moral understanding.

    I know most of this will be lost on most who read this, but it is worth one more attempt to explain the reason why these acts and lifestyles are wrong.

    Again, love between two men is good, it is what we should all be aiming to do regardless of gender, likewise love between two women. what you fail to grasp is that acts of sodomy are not loving acts, they are abusive violations. It is really as simple as that, but there is a gap of decency and morals in many many minds now and they do not seem able or willing to accept this clear and undeniable truth.

    My wish is that everyone recognize their harmful deeds, deeds which are harmful to them and to others and no longer practice them. That includes heterosexuals who practice fornication and sodomy, in our better judgment and conscience these practices are debauched and inside we all know it. The reason homosexuality gets so much attention is because there is no way it can be practiced without sodomy. Sodomy is wrong plain and simple, to promote it hidden within a lifestyle as right and good, is a disgrace and sickening. The culture of the west is going down the pan and spreading sodomy as a normal and right use of sex is not only wrong but harmful to society.

    We all need to repent of such deeds and recognize they are wrong and debase and devalue us and others. I feel sorry for those of you hell bent on defending this lifestyle and have seem to lost all sense of decency and morality regarding it.

    Here is another piece of factual truth which will offend the politically "correct" liberal community

    The truth often challenges your will and desires, especially if those desires are debased.

    Let me just start off by saying that I'm not gay, not that I mind you being wrong in your assumption that I am, but that it shows, as I haven't posted anything other than that I am straight on ai forums (or anywhere else) that you make ludicrous statements whether about me or gays. Your rationale stems from a so called un-natural act that therefore implies,in your eyes a horrific act of violence.That assumption alone is laughable, especially, as you obviously have no personal experience of sodomy!

    All your other Mumbo Jumbo is equally as flawed and I strongly recommend that you understand sexuality is personal and not in the slightest religious. In my opinion Jesus would see you or anyones else with the same beliefs as ridiculous at best and evil at worst. God willing you'll one day appreciate that spirituality is for your own understanding of your own behavior and has no set criteria other than love itself which cannot dislike that which is not evil, however hard you may wish it.
  • Reply 64 of 113
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    It is entirely possible for a homosexual couple to have a relationship without sodomy.

    To your previous complain - I'm sure it won't pain anyone who isn't incredibly picky to distinguish between bold, unbold versus the little several many multiquotes you so desired!

    If two men have a relationship without sodomy, that is called brotherhood, you can read about it in the Bible, there is no lust only love.
  • Reply 65 of 113
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Let me just start off by saying that I'm not gay, not that I mind you being wrong in your assumption that I am, but that it shows, as I haven't posted anything other than that I am straight on ai forums (or anywhere else) that you make ludicrous statements whether about me or gays. Your rationale stems from a so called un-natural act that therefore implies,in your eyes a horrific act of violence.That assumption alone is laughable, especially, as you obviously have no personal experience of sodomy!

    All your other Mumbo Jumbo is equally as flawed and I strongly recommend that you understand sexually is personal and not in the slightest religious. In my opinion Jesus would see you or anyones else with the same beliefs as ridiculous at best and evil at worst. God willing you'll one day appreciate that spirituality is for your own understanding of your own behavior and has no set criteria other than love itself which cannot dislike that which is not evil, however hard you may wish it.

    After wading through the smug self satisfaction of your delivery, at no point did I assume you were gay, that is what is known as "projection".

    I'm sure your new age version of Jesus the flower skipping orge loving hippy would condemn me as evil as you seek him to (regardless of how contradictory your own theory is) You create your own version of Jesus which departs from the historical accounts of his followers and then crucify me with him, haa the hypocrisy considering your version is non judgmental lol

    Jesus was very stern in his teaching and call for repentance of sin - he showed mercy and forgave but always warned the person to depart from their sinful conduct less dire consequences come upon them. You have created a version of God and Jesus which condones evil and immoral deeds, and condemns anyone who defend the moral path - this is a total reversal and perversion of reality.

    True Spirituality is grounded sounded in morality and religion, where there is love there is also the rebuke of abuse and that which is opposed to love because of love. Sodomy is not love, it is, to use your term, evil. Those who commit the act are misguided but I do not condemn as evil as you do. There are consequences on earth to our life and conduct and consequences in the timeless spiritual abode, where we will either be with the source of all life, light and love, or separate depending on wether we are connected here and now to him and his ways which are Holy, or if we have departed from his ways, to invent our own versions of God which include debauchery and anything we like apart from those who warn us of that harm.

    Of course it is your choice how to live your life and everyone else, it is our choice which values we hold and how close we become with our conscience and choose to express our free speech.

    In most cases far from condemnation of the person the motive of the call of repentance, which Jesus himself also gave, was motivated by love and a very real desire for the listener to avoid the inevitable consequence of their misguided lifestyles and practices. Simply shouting down everything which disagrees with you as mumbo jumbo and flawed without employing your mind to consider the reason and message is not love either, especially when there is reason to accompany the message of Christ.
  • Reply 66 of 113
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    This is a good post too.

    But it's missing something. In addition to the legal angle, marriage is also a way to make a relationship a sacred relationship. Not just in a religious sense. Marriage can be sacred to atheists as well. It is something special.

    To call a union a "civil union" takes much of that sanctity away from many of those who would otherwise want to call their relationship a marriage.

    It's not like sanctity of a relationship is affected by what a mere legal paper calls it, unless you worship the state.

    Just call it marriage, if that's what it is to you.
  • Reply 67 of 113
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Oh noes. Mullah Omar is back!

    Your standard "frontal" sex act is a loving act if it is consensual. It is rape if it not consensual.

    Can you see? It's the consensual thing that defines morality here. Not the body part.

    If you don't like that particular neck-of-the-woods, fine. Avoid it. But please don't tell other people what they can and cannot do. You only get that right when it affects you personally.

    And please when people don't agree with you, please don't try to beef-up your arguments by enlisting the aid of a fictional supernatural bully. It is not a very convincing argument.


    So you think the german cannibal who ate his parter who consented was a moral act?

    You ignored what I already wrote in explaining that regardless of the consent if you are abusing another persons body, and having sex outside of the natural order, it is in no way loving, respectful or moral. You are abusing another body, in ways it was not designed, naturally or spiritually, purely to fulfill a debased lust, again, regardless of consent the violation is no a loving act.

    More hypocrisy from the liberal camp, "don't tell people what to do" - so thats you telling me what to do is it? ah

    God is not a bully, all of his judgments were and are out of love, holiness and to restore peace and innocence and destroy those who are beyond repentance or care.

    When a person becomes wicked and harmful, and has no longer any intention ever of changing, then it is ultimately loving and compassionate of God to remove that unrepentant abuse from being able to abuse and harm innocents and life in general. Only God can make commit this act with clear and absolute understanding of all potential intentions of the heart of a person.

    We are to uphold a life as holy, good and decent as possible, and also warn others when they are violating that for their own sake and the sake of society at large. But all final judgment rests with God.
  • Reply 68 of 113
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    After wading through the smug self satisfaction of your delivery, at no point did I assume you were gay, that is what is known as "projection".

    I'm sure your new age version of Jesus the flower skipping orge loving hippy would condemn me as evil as you seek him to (regardless of how contradictory your own theory is) You create your own version of Jesus which departs from the historical accounts of his followers and then crucify me with him, haa the hypocrisy considering your version is non judgmental lol

    Jesus was very stern in his teaching and call for repentance of sin - he showed mercy and forgave but always warned the person to depart from their sinful conduct less dire consequences come upon them. You have created a version of God and Jesus which condones evil and immoral deeds, and condemns anyone who defend the moral path - this is a total reversal and perversion of reality.

    True Spirituality is grounded sounded in morality and religion, where there is love there is also the rebuke of abuse and that which is opposed to love because of love. Sodomy is not love, it is, to use your term, evil. Those who commit the act are misguided but I do not condemn as evil as you do. There are consequences on earth to our life and conduct and consequences in the timeless spiritual abode, where we will either be with the source of all life, light and love, or separate depending on wether we are connected here and now to him and his ways which are Holy, or if we have departed from his ways, to invent our own versions of God which include debauchery and anything we like apart from those who warn us of that harm.

    Of course it is your choice how to live your life and everyone else, it is our choice which values we hold and how close we become with our conscience and choose to express our free speech.

    In most cases far from condemnation of the person the motive of the call of repentance, which Jesus himself also gave, was motivated by love and a very real desire for the listener to avoid the inevitable consequence of their misguided lifestyles and practices. Simply shouting down everything which disagrees with you as mumbo jumbo and flawed without employing your mind to consider the reason and message is not love either, especially when there is reason to accompany the message of Christ.

    I'm glad we straightened that one out!

    You really need to try and communicate better.Stop making suggestions that create an inferred reality if you want people to get what the hell your implying without making easily made false assumptions about your convoluted diatribe.

    You'll never learn anything at all about Jesus through the bible and neither will anyone else-haven't you realized that yet, isn't your anger telling you that? That's what you and many others like you fail to see and we don't see you as good we see you as desperate. The Jesus in the bible may as well be a description of a flower, it's equally as irrelevant, hence your need to hate, because you don't have truth but a reference of truth which keeps you warm at night until it disappears into a haze, leaving you alone and questioning and in that questioning you break and suffer until you can't stand it and say this isn't belief it's despair but you don't want to feel despair so you read the bible and it tells you to hate gays so you hate gays it controls you like a dictatorship, like the answer to all your prayers.
  • Reply 69 of 113
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    I'm glad we straightened that one out!

    You really need to try and communicate better to.Stop making suggestions that create an inferred reality if you want people to get what the hell your implying without making easily made false assumptions about your convoluted diatribe.

    convoluted diatribe lol, pot kettle black lol - in part I was mirroring your convoluted diatribe, my original post explains everything very clearly, but i was trying to talk to you in your own language lol

    God bless you
  • Reply 70 of 113
    And God bless all of you on this forum, including those who reacted in a threatened and abusive/insulting manner - I do wish you all peace, awakening to our eternal and intangible nature consciousness/spirit - liberation and salvation from timeless separation from Holiness, purity and goodness.
  • Reply 71 of 113
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    God is not a bully, all of his judgments were and are out of love, holiness and to restore peace and innocence and destroy those who are beyond repentance or care.


    I am Goldenlight's God. I love you. Do exactly as I say, or I will burn you in a big in fire for an eternity. (because I love you sooo much).

    Goldenlight, You are free to chose to follow whatever silly moral code you like. There are hundred of "sacred" teachings to choose from. I am sure they are all 100% correct.

    But at the end of the day, you are proposing that the state should be able to dictate what people do with their own bodies. That seems like facism to me.

    I happen to think people own their own lives, and they are free do to what they like with their own bodies. (As long as it does not harm others). This is what freedom is like. The latin for freedom was libertas. Which is where you get the word "liberal" from. Where I come from, "freedom" is not a dirty word.

    I am sorry, you share your deeply held dislike of sodomy with Hitler and the Taliban. But, I hear that Afghanistan is lovely this time of year.

  • Reply 72 of 113
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    Plenty of GLBT people work at Microsoft and hack on Linux, so I guess GoldenLight will just have to never use a computer again or be an obvious hypocrite?

    There is a marked difference. Apple have announced they are actively using company funds to effectively legitimize and support sodomy as a form of "marriage". I totally disagree with this as it is clear the union is ordained for the natural function of the sex organs to bring life into the world. Trying to legitimize sodomy with the sacred term of "marriage" is misguided, ignorant and disgraceful. It shows that society has now slid into moral degeneration and can't distinguish between what is right and respectful conduct and what isn't. Sodomy is no loving, and a unloving and abusive act is not the basis for a holy and respectful title.

    The other companies may agree and disagree individually, but none have made a public collective announcement to support gay "marriage"

    As I have said, Marriage is a sacred union between the male and the female to bring new life into the world through the natural union of the sex organs. Trying to label abusive relationships with the term of sanctity "marriage" is wrong.

    That is why I won't support apple anymore by buying their products and I hope others do not either, because the slid of western society into lawlessness and immorality would be increased by this proposal.

    I may choose to sell all their products and switch to dell monitor, blackberry storm, hp tablet pc - all of which do everything macs can do and better anyway, or i may continue to use what i have bought, not further inconviencing myself. Either way, the affinity I had for apple is gone. In reflection like everyone who is on these mac forums, I was intoxicated by the brand, design and product. The object, brand, design, is the God you worship slavishly, and so this shake up to me is from God. It's God saying "behind all that is temporal and worldly lies satan, place your mind and heart upon my Spirit and the kingdom of heaven"

    God bless you
  • Reply 73 of 113
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post


    I am Goldenlight's God. I love you. Do exactly as I say, or I will burn you in a big in fire for an eternity. (because I love you sooo much).

    But at the end of the day, you are proposing that the state should be able to dictate what people do with their own bodies. That seems like facism to me.

    I happen to think people own their own lives, and they are free do to what they like with their own bodies. (As long as it does not harm others).


    1) For those who reject God, God cannot accept - we condemn ourself to timelessness without God and Holiness by rejecting him on earth. Earth is the test of our heart and freewill to either choose God or satans ways which are lust, hate and violence. Hell is the place absent by default of God and all of his goodness, love, peace, joy, bliss and light. If you reject God then you reject all that is good and true and so the natural consequence is a place devoid of all that is good and true.

    2) Thats not what I proposed at all. In fact it is apple who is dictating to the government to try and impose a form of "marriage" which is against the very institution and where it came from, not to mention the clearly accepted view of marriage all of those involved in the constitution had. As with Jesus no directly addressing the gay issue, the original writers of the constitution did not explicitly term marriage between a man and a woman because at that time is was universally accepted as being the case. It is only now in our degenerate culture that even the notion that Jesus condoned homosexuality or that the founding father inferred marriage should be an institution open to same sex has arisen. The founding fathers who appall the politically correct liberals of today, you would want to burn them at the stake because if they were around now they would be strongly against the ridiculous and subversive idea. It has harmful cultural consequences, promoting the notion sodomy is a legitimate form of relationship under marriage.

    3) And I also realize we all have freewill - in fact it is impossible to control another person, so why this comes up all the time is silly. By their attempt to change society the gay community is trying to influence others as much as those who disagree with their agenda.

    Everyone is free to do what they like so long as it doesn't harm others - but the spread and acceptance of sodomy lifestyles as normal in a stealth way under the guise of love, is ruining western society and is very harmful. People are being influenced, media, music, is now promoting a culture of debauchery largely and trying to legitimize sodomy as a form of "marriage" which is a sacred covenant for the creation of life. Agreeing with or supporting the promotion of this lifestyle is another step into the abyss of cultural degeneration and chaos.
  • Reply 74 of 113
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    convoluted diatribe lol, pot kettle black lol - in part I was mirroring your convoluted diatribe, my original post explains everything very clearly, but i was trying to talk to you in your own language lol

    God bless you

    This is the last post of yours, I'm happy to tell you, that I will respond to. I find you repulsive, sickeningly so and I hope you get treatment before you inflict more of the same, or worse ,on others.
  • Reply 75 of 113
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    If two men have a relationship without sodomy, that is called brotherhood, you can read about it in the Bible, there is no lust only love.

    And if a man and a woman have a relationship without sex it's called... what exactly?

    Yet they can still get married.

    And, no, you're not correct. There can be lust without sodomy.

    I've also noticed that not only are you homophobic, but you're misogynist as well. None of your arguments considers the love between two women.
  • Reply 76 of 113
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    It's not like sanctity of a relationship is affected by what a mere legal paper calls it, unless you worship the state.

    Just call it marriage, if that's what it is to you.

    You see, that's not enough. It's separate but equal. Don't you understand the feeling you get from recognition? Sure, you can call it what you want, but without recognition of that title, it means much, much less.
  • Reply 77 of 113
    synpsynp Posts: 248member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    I've also noticed that not only are you homophobic, but you're misogynist as well. None of your arguments considers the love between two women.

    There's no love between one woman and one man in his arguments. It's all about the union of sexual organs.
  • Reply 78 of 113
    Originally Posted by synp View Post

    There's no love between one woman and one man in his arguments. It's all about the union of sexual organs.

    VGP (Very Good Point)
  • Reply 79 of 113
    synpsynp Posts: 248member
    Originally Posted by GoldenLight View Post

    There is a marked difference. Apple have announced they are actively using company funds to effectively legitimize and support sodomy as a form of "marriage". I totally disagree with this as it is clear the union is ordained for the natural function of the sex organs to bring life into the world. Trying to legitimize sodomy with the sacred term of "marriage" is misguided, ignorant and disgraceful. It shows that society has now slid into moral degeneration and can't distinguish between what is right and respectful conduct and what isn't. Sodomy is no loving, and a unloving and abusive act is not the basis for a holy and respectful title.

    My marriage is not about regular sex. We engage in it, but then we also engage in making pasta. Neither is what marriage is about. People get married to share their lives. It's an economic union and a huge time investment. sexual relations and exclusivity are typical but neither unique nor universal to marriages.


    The other companies may agree and disagree individually, but none have made a public collective announcement to support gay "marriage"

    Surprisingly, in this I agree with you. The legal recognition of gay marriage is a political matter, and IMO a company should not have an official opinion about the matter. It's bad both as an employer and as a vendor.
  • Reply 80 of 113
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Mac products are designed by cupertino gays and hand assembled by homos in china: you have been infected!!!
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