Microsoft intros Windows 7 beta, Songsmith app at CES



  • Reply 61 of 156
    halvrihalvri Posts: 146member
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    Fan boys please your making the rest of us mac users look really bad. First of all this program on the ad is being used by a 9 year old girl so it obviously is not aimed towards music pruducers. It is just supposed to be fun. The first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac whether u run windows 7 on a PC or a mac microsoft still makes their money. Let's stop being immature. And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it. Anyway please let's grow up. If youlike your mac like I like mine then don't buy a PC. You sound so fearful of windows getting it's edge back with this new OS. Which if u already have a mac you like then shut up.

    You miss their point, it's not that they're afraid of Microsoft, it's that the ad really was unbelievably bad. Part of selling an operating system is putting up a competent ad campaign and that was just plain bad.

    Also, that's definitely a MacBook Pro. Sony Vaios have a circular hinge that is used as a fairly standard design piece and sony also places its logo much higher up on the lap-top's case.
  • Reply 62 of 156
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it.

    And to one of the other posters the new <<insert Windows bug here>> looks nothing like the <<insert MacOS feature here>>. Also if you google "<<insert Windows bug here>>" you will see they took the idea of the <<insert MacOS feature here>> and changed it.

    There. That'll make your next rant much easier.
  • Reply 63 of 156
    halvrihalvri Posts: 146member
    Originally Posted by iCloud View Post

    Watch the Ad in HD (click the youtube link). It's a Powerbook with the Logo covered and a silicon skin over the keyboard

    Image 1: Image 1

    Image 2: Image 2

    There's a much easier way to tell: in the second image, he has a magsafe adaptor connected to it. Case closed.
  • Reply 64 of 156
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    Fan boys please your making the rest of us mac users look really bad. First of all this program on the ad is being used by a 9 year old girl so it obviously is not aimed towards music pruducers. It is just supposed to be fun. The first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac whether u run windows 7 on a PC or a mac microsoft still makes their money. Let's stop being immature. And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it. Anyway please let's grow up. If youlike your mac like I like mine then don't buy a PC. You sound so fearful of windows getting it's edge back with this new OS. Which if u already have a mac you like then shut up.

    I guess you were one of the ones who couldn't make it through the whole ad.

    The 9 year old was the first.

    The second was a professional making a jingle for a commercial

    The 3rd was supposedly a professional musician writing a song for his band.

    And it's been clearly shown that the laptop was macbook pro, not a sony.
  • Reply 65 of 156
    You guys are so lame...

    I don't think Microsoft cares that you have a Macbook... as long as purchase a copy of Windows and puts it on it.

    As for the ad, sure it cheese but it does target the people that would be interested in it. And Microsoft nor the Media have EVER compared it to GarageBand. If they wanted to do that they would buy FruitLoops. Only fanbois are comparing it to GarageBand. (As you download it and start up Windows XP for the first time in a month).

    Having tried Windows 7 6956 I will say its faster than Windows 7 and UAC is toned down, but not much else is different expept for the nifty taskbar. Which is sorta dockish, but quite alot different as the same time in that you still have a Start Menu and item pin to the left not center. In addition Windows has had since XP at minimum a button to go to the desktop. Also note that Windows 1 launched apps from a row of icons at the bottom of the screen. And you can change settings to include the name.

    And to the person that mentioned the "Circle Dock" that was NEVER official but user renderings of what they wished Windows 7 would look like.
  • Reply 66 of 156
    Originally Posted by UltimateKylie View Post

    I don't think Microsoft cares that you have a Macbook... as long as purchase a copy of Windows and puts it on it.

    It's great to see that AppleInsider's Yoda-Speak Translator is back in working order.
  • Reply 67 of 156
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by coolfactor View Post

    Unbelievable. Embarrassment.

    I feel sick after watching that video.

    Really? Sick?

    I fell off my chair laughing so hard. This is a joke video, it isn't real, neither is the product.

    It's an early April fool's joke... I mean... it has to be.

    I don't know a single kid over age 6 who wouldn't be embarrassed beyond belief to use something like this.

    And creative professionals using it... HA... I think any creative pro would rather put a gun in their mouth and jump off a high-rise then use that software.

    If it is real... then repent, the end is near. Millions of American kids making the worst music ever is the 1st sign of the apocalypse... isn't it?
  • Reply 68 of 156
    x38x38 Posts: 97member
    It's not just that the commercial was so bad (I don't see how it could have been any worse), but the product itself is so unbelievably absurd. Songsmith looks like an inbred, illegitimate progeny of Microsoft Bob and Clippy. Or maybe it's as though all the worst ideas that Microsoft has ever had just kept accumulating until they reached a critical mass of badness that spontaneously spawned into existence an unparalleled monstrosity.

    But at least they gave everyone something to laugh at.

    To be fair, the "Play to" feature in Windows 7 does sound interesting.
  • Reply 69 of 156
    Originally Posted by Halvri View Post

    There's a much easier way to tell: in the second image, he has a magsafe adaptor connected to it. Case closed.

    You know the last lines of the Songsmith pitch meeting: "Hahahahahahaha...*snort*. Geez, you guys slay me. Nice touch with the MacBook. Okay, enough screwing around. So what's the actual product. No, really. C'mon guys. Somebody laugh. Ohdeargodno. We see Ballmer in :30. Please tell me that didn't ship. Please? Look, we can talk. A simple 'sdelete', this meeting never happened.. and we'll... we'll... vest your stock in ONE year and all the Odwalla you can drink! Whuddyasay, deal? Amigos! Hello?"
  • Reply 70 of 156
    A video that makes "Knowledge Navigator" look like "Godfather II".
  • Reply 71 of 156
    Originally Posted by X38 View Post

    It's not just that the commercial was so bad (I don't see how it could have been any worse),

    Well, now, to be fair, they could have animated it using Office's pinhead-stick-figure clip art and done the voiceovers in Esperanto. I hear Bill Shatner is between gigs.
  • Reply 72 of 156
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by Dr. FOTS View Post

    that commercial is so utterly embarrassing. i cringed while watching

    Yeah, it seemed like a cheesy Disney musical from the 70's. Pete's Dragon comes to mind. That was really bad. Every freaky song was about the same beat and tempo.

    That sure isn't a Garage Band competitor.

    Let me tell everyone a small secret and this may explain why this junk is let loose on the world. Microsoft employees, a good quantity as least, are Mac users or wannabees. They may be sabotaging their own employer to save the Mac and hence Apple. Just look at the Zune as an example.
  • Reply 73 of 156
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    If it is real... then repent, the end is near. Millions of American kids making the worst music ever is the 1st sign of the apocalypse... isn't it?

    My aramaic is a bit rusty, but I believe the 1st is that A Second Son and A First Son of a Second Son shall both be seated in the House Of White and shall rule for Many Days and bring upon the land great wailing and gnashing of teeth and losing of shirts. But halfway through the second one the Lord looketh upon the Earth and sayeth "Yikes, that second doofus! I gotta top that? Oy. Let me think. I know... Lucifer - you can take this one - call the boys in Redmond, will ya? We need a sound that will wake the dead."

    So technically you are correct.
  • Reply 74 of 156
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Forget Songsmith, I want me some glow-in-the-dark towels.
  • Reply 75 of 156
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    WOW! I'm sure somebody has said something about this steaming pile of crap, but that is incredible. I can't believe they actually put that out in public. WTF?!?!

    Who the hell would hire a musician that can't come up with I-IV-V chord progressions on their own?

    I've never felt embarrassed for Microsoft before, but this is so so bad. They are F-ing clueless. Every song sounds like a GD Barney The Dinosaur soundtrack. Man.... Just when you think they can't get any worse.
  • Reply 76 of 156
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    The Songsmith commercial is one of those silly internal Microsoft commercials, they do from time to time, right?

    Looks that way. The clue was the Microsoft Research Department title at the start of the video (and the fact that the application is still hosted at Microsoft Research). They occasionally do corny videos for this stuff (though even by their standards, this was particularly toe curling)

    One thing to remember about stuff that comes out of this department, is that it is usually just a try out for some odd bit of technology that they want to experiment with. It may (or may not) end up as a final product.
  • Reply 77 of 156
    Yeah, it was bad, but if it actually sells we'll all hear the same song over and over, haha. I can't believe they used a Mac. They could have at least covered up the whole apple.

    Who wants to bet that the video was made with iMovie?

    oh, and they could have hired some more attractive people, I know looks aren't everything but...really?
  • Reply 78 of 156
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    I found this on a blog about Songsmith... a pretty funny perspective.

    ************************************************** *********

    I just ran across this ad for Microsoft's Songsmith program.

    On the face of it, it is about the worst commercial ever. But it gets worse. In the ad, they are writing a jingle for glow in the dark towels.

    "Sometimes its dark, but you still need to get dry. ... You can find your guests a towel, anytime night or day."

    Any guesses what kind of towel you need to find in the dark to dry off your guests?

    (And "guests" IS plural)
  • Reply 79 of 156
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    1st sign of the apocalypse... isn't it?

    Talking of signs.. I noticed whilst looking at unix timestamps that the ascending order 1234567890 is next months date, and it falls on friday the 13th. Spooky! Well no not really, just a coincidence, but if I was a bored conspiracy theorist I could have made up a complete load on nonsense based round this find.
  • Reply 80 of 156
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    That was just wrong from Microsoft....
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