Microsoft intros Windows 7 beta, Songsmith app at CES



  • Reply 121 of 156
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by MattRebs View Post

    This is related to apple however. Microsoft is considered apple's main computer industry competitor, so when they make announcements regarding new products like this, its worth noting on an apple site.

    And there's been plenty of apple topics in the past week.

    Well, it's an old thread now but you clearly didn't read what I wrote.

    1) - AppleInsider is (mostly) for Apple news

    2) - They publish Windows stories, but not all of them.

    3) - The reason being it has to be relevant to the Mac/Apple.

    4) - This product is only related to Apple in that it's assumed to be competitive to GB

    5) - The assertion (by the author only) that it *is* competitive to GB turns out to be false.

    6) - Another, much bigger, more relevant story (Palm pre) wasn't covered.

    7) - This story generates more hate, and therefore more hits.

    Conclusion: ApppleInsider seems more concerned with generating heat than it is with covering the industry properly in this case.
  • Reply 122 of 156
    Originally Posted by VertiGoGo View Post

    I thought that too, at first, but the girl's using a 15" laptop.

    The 15" PowerBook G4 had a black or silver keyboard and you can see near the start of the ad that the keyboard appears to be white. There also doesn't seem to be any speakers beside the keyboard.

    As for the ad...their employees and management should be embarrassed. Dreadful. I've seen better content created by high school students on G3 PowerBooks. Wow...that was awful.

    My two cents.

    Keyboard cover?

    The ports are all the same as a MacBook Pro / PowerBook G4.

    It IS an Apple notebook.

    I'm guessing they must have just finished watching High School Musical when this idea came.
  • Reply 123 of 156
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Well, just like gaming sites try to fuel the Xbox 360 vs. PS3 fanboy fanboy flame wars, it seems AppleInsider feels they must do the same with the Apple vs. Microsoft fanboy flame wars to get cheap site hits instead of posting real content. They even take an innocuous quote from a Microsoft exec and try top spin it like it's an attack on Apple (Gee, a high level exec praises his company's own an Apple exec would never do something so evil).

    But I guess it worked. Here you have a bunch of Apple fanbots attacking Windows 7 and Songsmith without ever having used it. AppleInsider, you must be so proud!

    And here is a Windows Fanboy (because you truly have to be a fanboy to continue to use it) touting Windows 7 and Songsmith without ever having used it.
  • Reply 124 of 156
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    Ballmer has to be one of the least photogenic people I've ever seen.

    Be nice- He looks like one of the evolved humans in Wall-E.
  • Reply 125 of 156
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Yikes. Btw, heard of punctuation?

    (If you think that's a Vaio, you have no clue what an MBP looks like; of course, it's possible that the Mac you say you own is not an MBP).

    Well, it HAS a MagSafe
  • Reply 126 of 156
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Be nice- He looks like one of the evolved humans in Wall-E.

    I was being nice by simply referring to him as Not Photogenic.

    From a marketing standpoint alone, having him as a spokesperson is a serious issue, I mean, he couldn't find a sweater that fit? Do they not pay him enough?
  • Reply 127 of 156
    Hands-down the best line ever from a Microsoft ad happens midway through that trainwreck...

    "Microsoft, huh? So it's pretty easy to use?"

    You have got to be kidding me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Clearly that came from the same marketing people who brought us "McDonalds, huh? So it's good for me?" and "Wal-Mart, huh? So that means top quality and excellent service?"

    Oh my god, if this were a spoof of cheesy computer ads, this would be sheer brilliance, but the fact that it's real is beyond bizarre.
  • Reply 128 of 156
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    Ballmer has to be one of the least photogenic people I've ever seen.

    Here's a couple for the road.

    ... and his dad...

    ... and his grandfather...

    ... well, maybe not that last one.
  • Reply 129 of 156
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Well, it's an old thread now but you clearly didn't read what I wrote.

    1) - AppleInsider is (mostly) for Apple news

    2) - They publish Windows stories, but not all of them.

    3) - The reason being it has to be relevant to the Mac/Apple.

    4) - This product is only related to Apple in that it's assumed to be competitive to GB

    5) - The assertion (by the author only) that it *is* competitive to GB turns out to be false.

    6) - Another, much bigger, more relevant story (Palm pre) wasn't covered.

    7) - This story generates more hate, and therefore more hits.

    Conclusion: ApppleInsider seems more concerned with generating heat than it is with covering the industry properly in this case.

    When you come across something like Songsmith and that video, you can't help but mention it. I only said Microsoft seems to be aiming at Magic GarageBand, not GarageBand itself, but only one aspect of the program. I mean, really, they are at *least* remotely similar aren't they? A backup jam band for your vocals, with swappable styles? As for #4 and #5, I didn't say whether or not I thought Microsoft's aim hit its mark - we leave that for the reader to decide. As for #6, refresh the home page!
  • Reply 130 of 156
    buckbuck Posts: 293member
    It's funny how some say that Microsoft has the right to use any computer even if it's Mac, yet why would they cover the logo with a flower then? Leave it like the way it was intended to be then.
  • Reply 131 of 156
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Will Apple have a booth at next year's CES?

    Will Ballmer take on Steve Jobs in a battle of the keynotes?

    No, next year Steve Jobs gets day one and Bland Ballmer will be kicked back to day two.
  • Reply 132 of 156
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,744member
    Looks like Microsoft must have another application in the pipeline called AdSmith which they used to come up with that commercial.
  • Reply 133 of 156
    Originally Posted by UltimateKylie View Post

    I don't think Microsoft cares that you have a Macbook... as long as purchase a copy of Windows and puts it on it.

    Lately every time there has been an Apple event MS comes out with their tripe about Macs being SO expensive.

    Seems to me they don't want us buying them, and here they are using them in their own video. Kinda ironic, dontcha think?
  • Reply 134 of 156
    Originally Posted by auxio View Post

    Looks like Microsoft must have another application in the pipeline called AdSmith which they used to come up with that commercial.

    ha, good one.
  • Reply 135 of 156
    Apresciate you all reading what I have to say. Fan boys and fan girls listen up. If you don't like micrsoft then get your head out of your ass and buy a mac. Stop crying like children. Also I do know punctuation but I'm typing on an iPhone and didn't want to spend the time correcting everything. The ad is directed towards children and people who like to sing in their car. If you use songsmity or garage band for real music purposes then you should quit while your behind. The music industry doesn't need you. Anyway thanks for all the replies I appreciate it. I don't know what someone said about me being angry or something, another replied 'no you shut up'. All very interesting analysis'. Thank you again for your time.
  • Reply 136 of 156
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    .... If you use songsmity or garage band for real music purposes then you should quit while your behind...

    Actually real musicians do use GB to make songs.

    Go to and see for yourself.

    Just saying..
  • Reply 137 of 156
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I have been playing with Windows 7 beta for the last hour now. Not really understanding the hype - it seems like a polished version of Vista, rather than something completely new.

    The new Windows taskbar takes a leaf from the OS X Dock by being graphical not textual and allowing you to put shortcuts in there for things not currently running. The file manager has an enhanced sidebar similar to Finder. The desktop gadgets can go all over the screen now, not just in sidebar, but they don't have a nice way to whisk them all away like Dashboard. Overall I think it is a good incremental improvement to Windows, but probably not enough to make any Mac or Linux users defect.
  • Reply 138 of 156
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    I have been playing with Windows 7 beta for the last hour now. Not really understanding the hype - it seems like a polished version of Vista, rather than something completely new.

    A lot of the foundation was already rewritten with Vista: audio stack, networking stack, video model, drivers in user-land rather than kernel, etc. So in a sense, Windows 7 is a polished and improved version of Vista. Windows 7 main focus now is performance and stability with a few additional features. Because Windows has been fully 64-bit since XP 64-bit, they don't have to focus in this area. Fully 64-bit means a 64-bit kernel that requires 64-bit drivers.

    Basically, new and improved features include:

    * Support up to 256 logical processors

    * Support for multiple heterogeneous graphics cards from different vendors

    * Improved audio stack with multiple audio streams

    * Improved desktop composition engine (memory usage is now constant regardless)

    * Improved and optimized for SSD hard drives

    * Improved power management (longer battery life)

    * Improved memory usage (a new install takes 400-500MB instead of 800MB-1GB)

    * New built-in Bluetooth 2.1 support

    * New DirectX 11, Direct3D 11, Direct2D, DirectWrite, some hardware acceleration for GDI

    * New multi-touch support

    * New Windows Media Center with ClearQAM & CableCARD HDTV Tuners support

    * New BluRay playback support

    * New Windows Media Player 12

    * New built-in playback support for MP4, MOV, 3GP, AVCHD, ADTS, M4A, WTV, H.264, MPEG4-SP, ASP/DivX/Xvid, MJPEG, DV, AAC-LC, LPCM, AAC-HE

    * New home networking method using HomeGroup

    * Improved UAC prompts and management

    * Improved and expanded taskbar and additional desktop features

    * Improved notification system

    * Improved Windows Explorer

    * Improved Windows Search with Federated Search (search Flickr, YouTube...within Windows Explorer)

    * Mount and boot from Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)

    * And other business and enterprise oriented features and improvements
  • Reply 139 of 156
    The way I understand it, Windows 7 is to Vista as Windows XP is to ME. XP was a polished version of ME except that it didn't crash every 25 seconds. I'm downloading Win 7 Beta (x64) now, going to try to dual-boot on my xHack.
  • Reply 140 of 156
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    The way I understand it, Windows 7 is to Vista as Windows XP is to ME. XP was a polished version of ME except that it didn't crash every 25 seconds. I'm downloading Win 7 Beta (x64) now, going to try to dual-boot on my xHack.

    ME and XP came from completely different paths. That comparison between xp and 2000 can be made though. ME was the last entry in the traditional "GUI on DOS" line. XP was the first consumer operating system to come from the Windows NT line.
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