Apple unveils redesigned iPod shuffle with speech technology



  • Reply 121 of 341
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    ? this looks more like a pretty iPhone accessory.

    But not a shuffle

    here's a few remarks:

    1. how do you go back to the previous song?

    2. what's wrong with the iconic click wheel? It's far more intuitive than the current hold and press gestures!

    3. why do I want to hear the name of the song if I can't write it down? read: what's the use of the voice over?!

    this product is a mistake.
  • Reply 122 of 341
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    I don't think anyone needs "audiophile" quality at the GYM, especially when most were happy when all you had was a Sony Walkman playing tapes at the gym in the past. It is a $79 player, use it for what it is, and then enjoy your high end stereo at home.

    With all due respect, a Walkman sounded better- it was fuller and had bass.

    The 1G Shuffle sounded better- just bring back that sound.

    And BTW, adding bass and a fuller sound is not "audiofile" quality.
  • Reply 123 of 341
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Not necessarily- but it would be nice if you had added what's so positve about this unecessary shuffle update.

    I kinda did in an earlier posting. I don't think it is particularly positive other than it looks cool and I like the new controls. It is easier when you are on the go (though you could just clip your shuffle in a convenient place). The voice function is good for selecting play lists.

    In terms of sales, this is as I stated earlier, an update for the sake of updating. The shuffle is low cost high selling unit that needs to update frequently and Wow people in order to stay relevant. It is a little gimmicky perhaps, but it needs to be to make a noise.

    So I think it is a great update and for everyone who prefers the older model they are readily available (or else just keep the one you have)
  • Reply 124 of 341
    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    … this looks more like a pretty iPhone accessory.

    But not a shuffle

    here's a few remarks:

    1. how do you go back to the previous song?

    2. what's wrong with the iconic click wheel? It's far more intuitive than the current hold and press gestures!

    3. why do I want to hear the name of the song if I can't write it down? read: what's the use of the voice over?!

    this product is a mistake.

    1. three taps

    2. nothing, but its an overused icon that's been copied (and it wasn't a full blown click wheel, right?)

    3. incase you have songs that have long, similar intros (like some techno/dance). And remember, only if you hold down the button for a while will it even say the name... have you watched the demo?
  • Reply 125 of 341
    f1turbof1turbo Posts: 258member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I don't understand all the negative nellies bitching about the fact that you can't use non-Apple headphones with the new shuffle.

    In the first case you probably can, it just won't have any volume and track controls as those are patented by Apple. Secondly, any headphones you can get that aren't Apple headphones, especially those that are of the same quality or higher, are going to cost you double the cost of the player itself.

    What the heck are you buying the cheapest, lowest capacity player on the market for if you are some kind of audiophile that is too good to wear standard earbuds? Are you serious? And why should Apple twist themselves double trying to make such a tiny tiny fragment of an already tiny market segment happy?

    Your first two cases have already been addressed here. It's not just volume and track controls, but play/pause too.

    Re: your last paragraph, I'll offer up my example: I didn't buy a Shuffle because it was cheap, I bought it for the form factor. I didn't buy third party headphones for the Shuffle, I already owned them. And because it uses a standard jack and the controls on the player, I didn't need to buy specific headphones or adapters for it. I mainly use it in the gym (Etymotic ER4-P with APureSound custom cable), and then only for weight training. I love the simplicity and small size of the Shuffle (being about the same size as the remote I used to use plugged into a full size iPod). I also use a 160 GB Classic (with my entire library), a modded 60 GB 4G iPod (by Red Wine Audio, with Apple Lossless, RSA Hornet amp, Sennheiser HD-650 headphones) for high quality sound, an iPhone occasionally (standard earbuds with controls), and a first gen nano once in a while, mainly for measuring time and distance for outdoor runs. I have an 80 GB 5.5G that I'm thinking of modding with a 240 GB drive.

    Having said all that, I agree with you that they have to go where the market drives them, not necessarily to enthusiasts like us on this forum.

    I'm not saying the new Shuffle is junk--I like the higher capacity, clean design and voice feedback--just that I don't think it would meet my needs better than my current Shuffle.
  • Reply 126 of 341
    duecesdueces Posts: 89member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I don't understand all the negative nellies bitching about the fact that you can't use non-Apple headphones with the new shuffle.

    In the first case you probably can, it just won't have any volume and track controls as those are patented by Apple. Secondly, any headphones you can get that aren't Apple headphones, especially those that are of the same quality or higher, are going to cost you double the cost of the player itself.

    What the heck are you buying the cheapest, lowest capacity player on the market for if you are some kind of audiophile that is too good to wear standard earbuds? Are you serious? And why should Apple twist themselves double trying to make such a tiny tiny fragment of an already tiny market segment happy?

    You are a sad sad person. You must take a shot of Apple heroin every morning when you wake up. Over the past couple months I have not seen you say 1 negative thing about any apple product of feature no matter how stupid it is. Only ridicule people who have legitimate complaints. Maybe if you keep up all the sucking, you can get a job sweeping bathrooms at the Apple campus.

    This is yet another case of Apple giving their customers exactly what THEY think you want, rather that what their customer really want.

    I'm still rocking my 1st Gen, 512mb ipod shuffle. The sound quality is better than all other ipods I have owned, it holds 8 hours of continuous music, and I use the thing every single day and have never even came close to making it through all my music. I use it at the gym and on my motorcycle.
  • Reply 127 of 341
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    Speaking song titles is probably the dumbest waste of tech I've ever heard of. They spent the time money and effort on that, but they still resist even a one line display?

    Oh, and a new bonus!! They've raised the price too!

    Nuuh! Lol to my knowlege wasnt the previous shuffle also $79?

    Originally Posted by mknopp View Post

    How the heck does this thing connect to a computer? It is narrower than Apple's standard iPod connector? Have they finally moved to a standard USB connector?

    Oh, and I am another that will not be upgrading until a pass-through is available. I connect my iPod to my car stereo's, AUX port through a 3.5 jack. With this new control scheme there is no way for me to do this. No matter how great the earbuds are they cannot connect to a 3.5 jack in my car.

    It connects to the computer like the previousshuffle via the 3.5mm jack
  • Reply 128 of 341
    robb01robb01 Posts: 148member
    pretty cool IMO


  • Reply 129 of 341
    f1turbof1turbo Posts: 258member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    I don't think anyone needs "audiophile" quality at the GYM, especially when most were happy when all you had was a Sony Walkman playing tapes at the gym in the past. It is a $79 player, use it for what it is, and then enjoy your high end stereo at home.

    You can say that you don't feel you need it, but be careful of telling other people what they need or want.

    The sound isolation of IEMs is at least as important to me as sound quality in the gym.
  • Reply 130 of 341
    f1turbof1turbo Posts: 258member
    Originally Posted by Flash_beezy View Post

    Nuuh! Lol to my knowlege wasnt the previous shuffle also $79?

    I think they were $49 for 1GB and $69 for 2 GB?
  • Reply 131 of 341
    Originally Posted by F1Turbo View Post

    I think they were $49 for 1GB and $69 for 2 GB?

    true, but people have said that their price has almost doubled (non-US of course)
  • Reply 132 of 341
    jimerljimerl Posts: 53member
    Where are HER fan pages!?

    She's the greatest thing since Ellen Feiss!

  • Reply 133 of 341
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    I wonder if this is the "pleasant surprise".\
  • Reply 134 of 341
    Originally Posted by jimerl View Post

    Where are HER fan pages!?

    She's the greatest thing since Ellen Feiss!

    Amen to that!! I think i was paying attention to the ad more goodthing girlfriend is still in bed cause i was drooling haha
  • Reply 135 of 341
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by rcoala100 View Post

    Its about appealing/reaching the masses, not the 100 AI whiners on here!!!!! Watch the stock, one more reason to go long, plus all the refresh of products this summer.

    Of the ones that I'm watching, it's leading the pack so far today.

    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I don't understand all the negative nellies bitching about the fact that you can't use non-Apple headphones with the new shuffle.

    In the first case you probably can, it just won't have any volume and track controls as those are patented by Apple. Secondly, any headphones you can get that aren't Apple headphones, especially those that are of the same quality or higher, are going to cost you double the cost of the player itself.

    The lack of volume controls for third party adapters is a pretty critical oversight, would you never want to adjust the volume, or is that a niche feature in your mind?

    I simply can't use earbuds, there's no audiophile anything about it.

    Not only that, the Apple buds don't seem to be nearly as reliable as others. I'm also skeptical that it would be so expensive to match or exceed the sound quality.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    let me get this right- You have a playlist that you made and still need to hear what song you're listening too?

    I make playlists, but they are mostly smart playlists. I don't watch what's in them, the computer automatically updates the playlists based on parameters such as play count. I don't know if any other system can do this, I'm pretty sure the players that you load like a flash drive simply can't track play count.

    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Keep it - no change - still great.

    Are AI forum frequenters having a bad morning? I have never read so much bitching about nothing for a long time. Or are you guys just genetically pre-disposed to see the negative with any given situation?

    How is that really going to work? The shuffle doesn't even have a button to start playback, that button goes away when you disconnect the earbuds. If the shuffle pauses when you disconnect the earbuds, then you're stuck without a pass-through adapter to add the button to play and pause. It's not a huge deal, but it's more than the "no change" that you claim.
  • Reply 136 of 341
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    You are a sad sad person. You must take a shot of Apple heroin every morning when you wake up.

    Stop being such a "deuce"...
  • Reply 137 of 341
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    i thought about the headphones as well, and maybe loosing site of the goal apple has, to sell to the masses. The new package as a whole is great for someone looking for a running or workout solution.

    It would be nice if they had an option for the upgraded ear buds as well, just bought my pair and love them. They are very comfortable and stay in my ears well.

    Wondering if the voice over is a prelude to some sort of e-reader concept. It could read a book to me as well while running.
  • Reply 138 of 341
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    It's not a huge deal, but it's more than the "no change" that you claim.

    I didn't make myself clear - what I meant was 'keep your existing shuffle'. There's nothing wrong with it, it works for you so no worries. The previous iterations of shuffles will be around for a long time. The new ones look very cool but it is a shuffle - who really cares what it looks like. I still use my Gen 3 and that is REALLY long in the tooth and has no battery left whatsoever. But it has my entire music collection on it and works great with my Logitec speaker unit.
  • Reply 139 of 341
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    I love how Apple juices the most out of its fruit. Always introduce 1 or two colors, the fan boys run out and buy it. A few months later... eeeeeek, it comes in (insert color here) and fan boy gets juiced twice!

    love it.

    What business model do other companies use? I mean, I bought a new truck in '08, should I have waited on purchasing because a refresh was imminent for '09, 10, 11, 12, ....?

  • Reply 140 of 341
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    Speaking song titles is probably the dumbest waste of tech I've ever heard of. They spent the time money and effort on that, but they still resist even a one line display?

    Oh, and a new bonus!! They've raised the price too!

    Apple already had all the tech for the device, so developing the new iPod probably cost very little compared to other products. Besides, Apple would sell us a screenless, buttonless Macbook if people would buy it. Steve Jobs likes simple products.
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