Palm Pre a ?Threat? Thoughts?



  • Reply 81 of 91
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Okay. Let's take on example. iTunes.

    As it us now you can use the phone with one computer only. What if the ore allows you to such to many computer in addition to adobe websites or cloud computing. Plus you won't have all the restrictions that the app store has. I see many who were turned away going to ore(developers) and imagine if teethering due to 4g was available fir cheap or free I'd jail broken easy without bricking you phone I'd worse, an unlocked pre that you could swap the sim card.

    My take is that Oalm will address every shortcoming if the iPhone and this is why Apple is scrambling to ad ccpaste, video ( but for .mac, cough cough I mean mm), where palm might have no restrictions at all.

    Palm knows they have an open window with millions if users about to have their two contract expire. I think Palm is going to wait until June 29th and release a monster if a phone. Equally mobile windows 6.5 which looks like an iPhone os in ease of use may be a huge problem fir Apple. But as others have said, this is all great for us, the consumer. Even in a worse case scenario where apple AT&T loses millions, it may force apple to reakse better computers, in fact, they may release the tablet netbook to garner those that may have expired and go to the Palm Pre. Slot depends in price

    The iPhone syncing to one computer makes sense from a logistical and anti-piracy standpoint. While it is an inconvenience it should be clear to many why the decision to tie an iPhone/iPod to a single computer is important.

    I think Apple waited for CC&P because they simply wanted to get it right. As for video the current iPhone probably isn't as fast as it should be hardware wise to do video correctly as well as the lame camera. Even the video app running on jailbroken apps doesn't seem all that hot.

    I agree the competition helps us in the end because Apple cannot rest on its laurels so I hope the Pre is a success and I wish Palm long life. Now go love that wifey.
  • Reply 82 of 91
    seankillseankill Posts: 567member
    First off. I hated apple till I got my iPhone. Now I'm neutral. So not taking up for them. Hardware wise. This is a stupid arguement. Palm compares there new phone that they have been developing probably since the iPhone 2G rolled out. They compared their new big bad boy to apples 2 year old hardware. Nice huh?? I still havnt read a huge bit about pre. Can't find all the info I'd like on the pre but anyway. They compare the 2 year old iPhone to the brand new pre. It's like taking the xbox 360 vs PS 2. Knowing apple they don't get on top and play around. They seem to be one step ahead. Always. I hope they are now as well. iPhone needs a new model. It's 2yrs old. The 3g was simply a 3g transmitter and gps. That was around at the first release. I think apple needs to make the iPhone 2 times faster processor, 4 times the ram for background apps, faster 3g( though I'm happy with the current one some people aren't) 3 times the graphics, up to 32gb, seems people want HD. So throw that in there. 5mp camera, 3.2 front facing for video conference. I think I got it all. It would be cool to have a micro as chip too. Fm transmitter. All while keeping the battery life a tad better. But let's be honest, thats too much to get in one for now. But apple can pick the best out of there. I hope they make it a good hardware upgrade. Software. True the have background apps but why waste the battery?? Personally. Push sounds so much better. If apple continues to move. If they jump to verizon and stay on at&t as well. Apple should hold or gain ground. The processor of the pre isn't all that much faster than the current iPhone but apple has of undercloxked to save power. It can always change it. Besides I have the entire app store and I still get bored with my iPhone. I'd shoot myself if I had the pre. Apple will probably lighten up as to fight back. Meaning more content like flash but I have read the iPhone is just too slow. My iPhone doesn't even like sites now much less with a bunch of nonsense. So who knows
  • Reply 83 of 91
    After weeks of endless previews, reviews, opinions, think-pieces, surveys, blogposts, hype and silliness, I've come back to this thread to announce the most important thing ever:

    I choose Pre over iPhone 3G S.

    In many respects, I like what Apple has done with the iPhone. And after owning an iPod touch for a while, I was this close to jumping in.

    In the end, though, these factors helped me decide:

    - The price of Sprint's services. The base plan is cheaper than the equivalent plan at AT&T, and includes GPS nav for free. I have not found dealing with any of the major carriers I've ever dealt with, including AT&T, to be pleasant from a customer POV. As such, it was hard to penalize Sprint too much on this.

    - The quality of the Pre's web-browser. It's as good as iPhone's, IMO. This is the killer app for me, and it's what kept me from ever buying a Windows Mobile phone.

    - The coverage. Neither AT&T or Sprint is considered to have poor coverage where I live. YMMV.

    - Zig when everyone else zags. Although this is only a minor point, I like the idea of having something that is different from the norm. I always root for the underdog. I won't even claim this is rational.

    - iTunes. I don't hate iTunes, but it doesn't really call to me all that much. I don't consume a lot of music or videos - I'm sort of stuck on the same damn bands I've been stuck on forever, and I have all the CD's I think I'll ever need. As such, being exposed to and having access to new music is not all that important to me.

    - The keyboard. It's tiny, but I can use it. I never got over glass-button mashing on the iPod touch.

    - The webOS. I like where they are going with this. Multitasking is something everyone will want once they see it. The card metaphor is slick and new.

    - The size. It's a bit smaller than the iPhone and has better 'hand feel' if there is such a thing.

    Anyway, none of this is to suggest that the iPhone is deficient in any way. It's a great product, and if Pre didn't exist, I'd have bought it.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts.

    (Re-reading this, I sound like a Palm corporate whore. Sheesh.)
  • Reply 84 of 91
    shadowshadow Posts: 373member
    Originally Posted by Lunchable Food Product View Post

    After weeks of endless previews, reviews, opinions, think-pieces, surveys, blogposts, hype and silliness, I've come back to this thread to announce the most important thing ever:

    I choose Pre over iPhone 3G S.

    If you never had an iPhone, you may like it. I gave it a try in a Sprint store - not impressed. I would prefer my current iPhone against the Pre. Not an iPhone killer by a big margin. The new iPhone seems a compelling update, but I am afraid I can not make it at reasonable price.
  • Reply 85 of 91
    hobbithobbit Posts: 532member
    Originally Posted by Lunchable Food Product View Post

    I choose Pre over iPhone 3G S.

    Before all the Pre vs iPhone bashing starts:

    I think it's great that there is a viable choice and people actually can pick according to their liking. Whether you prefer one over the other, doesn't really matter as everyone has their unique likes and dislikes.

    I for example don't particularly like glass keyboards, but I find it worse to be stuck on one orientation with a real keyboard. I like the freedom of using apps horizontal _or_ vertical. And I haven't really seen a well working physical keyboard in a phone that can serve both orientations. So back to the glass keyboard for me.

    The Pre did a great job for a 1.0 release. Thinking back iPhone OS 1.0 wasn't all that great either.

    And lastly I think the Pre is much more a threat to the BlackBerry than the iPhone. Apple is happy sticking with the consumer market, Palm will be happy with the enterprise market.

    It's great we do have a choice!
  • Reply 86 of 91
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    The Palm Pre is not an iPhone killer.

    But it may well be a Blackberry killer.

  • Reply 87 of 91
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    You will see treo business user continue with pre and put

    pressure on rim those that demand physical keyboard will

    Seek pre but iPhone and the cost of losing the apps purchased

    Will keep iPhone growing

    We should start to see stats on early adopters and it looks

    More scary for rim than iPhone
  • Reply 88 of 91
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    WTF was that?
  • Reply 89 of 91
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Here is my assessment:

    The Palm Pre (and more importantly WebOS) is not a threat to Apple.........yet.

    But over time, and with the right decisions being made by Jon Rubenstein the new Palm CEO, it can quite possibly turn into a threat.....eventually.

    Right now though Rubenstein isn't thinking about Apple just as Apple themselves weren't concentrating on Microsoft when they were slowly building their business back some years ago.

    Rubenstein is concentrating on building Palm's business and improving its products.

    He seems to be extremely smart and shrewd and I wish him and Palm all the luck and good fortune.
  • Reply 90 of 91
    shrikeshrike Posts: 494member
    The only thing the Pre is killing are Treo and Centro sales. I can't believe people are saying it is a Blackberry killer. RIM is even more impenetrable than Apple. They've got corporate IT pretty much locked up and those guys don't change unless RIM totally goes FUBAR. The Pre has a chance to hurt [Sprint] RIM consumer sales, but I really don't think so either.

    Palm will have a chance for more sales when or if the rumored candy bar EOS comes out, but the only thing the Pre is meant to do is to keep Palm alive for the next 2 to 3 quarters (not necessarily profit, but keep the company from going bankrupt) so that they can deliver a 2nd gen of WebOS devices that may be able to provide a black balance sheet. Still, they've got a long uphill battle as they've got zero infrastructure into the Enterprise, almost dead brand, and Androids, Windows Mobile, Apple, RIM, Nokia, and others all trying to ramp up.
  • Reply 91 of 91
    begbeg Posts: 53member
    I hope Palm had it in their budget to replace all the Pre's that are cracking/scratching because of the plastic screen they are using...
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