Microsoft ups cash limit, takes aim at MacBook Pros in new ad



  • Reply 81 of 505
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    $299 is the retail price for a 12.7mm model.

    That won't fit into any Mac notebook so it's a no go.
  • Reply 82 of 505
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    Like most HPs, the HDX comes with Muvee Reveal anyway. It's basic, but easy to use and quite capable for most people's use.

    Yes, but she's a filmmaker. She's supposedly has needs that exceed "most people's use" requirements.
  • Reply 83 of 505
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That won't fit into any Mac notebook so it's a no go.

    Well aren't you clever. Panasonic had sample shipments of a 9.5mm model in December of 2007. Surely if a company like Apple had placed an order a year and-a-half ago, they'd have them by now.
  • Reply 84 of 505
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Why don't these PC users just get online instead of in line?
  • Reply 85 of 505
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    Wait a second, this makes sense. I always wondered why dozens of women didn't brutally rape me because I wore axe body spray :/

    Maybe it was because you didn't use enough, hence your name.
  • Reply 86 of 505
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by lakorai View Post

    She SHOULD have bought an ASUS. I am very disappointed that the Fry's staff didn't sell her on an ASUS, which kills HP and Apple in performance and specs. Frys sells an extensive line of ASUS laptops.

    ASUS may kill HP and Apple on price, but not before committing suicide on materials and workmanship.

    Remember this is an advertisement, not the real world. Microsoft and HP are clearly pooling their $$ in this campaign. And apparently the agreement between Fry's and Apple doesn't prohibit display of Apple products in a competitor's ads, unlike Best Buy and Apple.
  • Reply 87 of 505
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Well aren't you clever. Panasonic had sample shipments of a 9.5mm model in December of 2007. Surely if a company like Apple had placed an order a year and-a-half ago, they'd have them by now.

    Interesting! So there is no worthwhile market for super expensive, ultra-thin BRDs that are slower than the fat, cheap tray loading drives found in your typical notebook? You'd think that if Apple didn't supply them that 3rd-parties would jump at the chance to sell these drives. You'd also think that more than one a single company with a single press release of these prototype drives would exist.

    PS: It's common sense, not cleverness. You can't bitch about a device not be offered by a PC vendor when you can't even find a 3rd-party vendor that makes one.
  • Reply 88 of 505
    bsenkabsenka Posts: 801member
    Originally Posted by DestructoTex View Post

    Yes, but she's a filmmaker. She's supposedly has needs that exceed "most people's use" requirements.

    She's a student. A "real" film maker probably isn't going to settle for iMovie either. How much is Final Cut Studio? And that's assuming that she'll even pay anything for software, not many students do.
  • Reply 89 of 505
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Makes no difference, really.

    Blu ray physical media is a dying technology. It was intrduced too late. The future (and ever-growing in the present) will be AppleTV-like devices that access online HD content. Wetstern Digital and Popcorn Hour already provide some of these solutions, though not every one includes wireless.

    Blu ray players and Blu ray physical, movable media will soon be obsolete. It will go the way of physical sofware media. We get everything online now, donwnloaded. Just look at the App Store. That's the future, and it's already happening.

    That's you future perhaps but the reality is there a people who still buy and listen to radios. watch TV over an antenna, etc, etc.
  • Reply 90 of 505
    oh-es-tenoh-es-ten Posts: 53member
    I think one of the main facts that a lot of people miss is that the PC just can't compete in the 'out of the box' experience. People recommending a PC will send links to different software packages and things for different purposes, but the fact of the matter is - that as a tool for a digital lifestyle, the Mac has HD video editing ready to go, DVD authoring integrated into this, along with near-pro audio software with easy to use composition tools, not to mention very intuitive photo management and easy web publishing.

    The fact that all of these are ready to run after you first turn your Mac on pretty much sums up the Mac experience - do what you would like to do as quickly and easily as possible.

    I think Windows 7 is looking quite good (although not enough lessons learnt from Vista), but most average users don't care about whether RAM is DDR2 or DDR3 - they are looking for an easy, trouble free experience. For PC users, most of the time they'll call up a geek friend to get them to 'set things up'.

    My mother traded in her PC for a Mac and the silence from her is deafening! Instead of asking questions about what would work best - she is actually just getting on with work! Not only this, but feeling more creative in doing so.

    This is a massive differentiator here, and requires a fundamental rethink from MS and the PC maker to achieve it.
  • Reply 91 of 505
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by DestructoTex View Post

    Yes, but she's a filmmaker. She's supposedly has needs that exceed "most people's use" requirements.

    If she's a filmmaker, she shouldn't even be going anywhere near PC junk boxes.

    Sh should be lookng at a Mac. The tools for the Mac in this area are positively unmatched. By far.

    MS will do and say anything to pawn their garbage off on people.

    Of course, for users such as her, the usual Mac-envy will inevitably ensue in due course, as it has historically for so many other users, and continues.
  • Reply 92 of 505
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    She's a student. A "real" film maker probably isn't going to settle for iMovie either. How much is Final Cut Studio? And that's assuming that she'll even pay anything for software, not many students do.

    That's not the point. The statement was made that the bare bones software that came with the PC would be enough for most people's needs. I was refuting that point by pointing out that she claims to need something better than what "most people" would need.

    I said nothing of iMovie or Final Cut, although I use each for freelance gigs all the time at HD quality and get a great product.

    BTW - you can get Final Cut Express for $200 (retail). And my sister is in film school and she can get Final Cut Studio for $600 (half price).
  • Reply 93 of 505
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by Oh-es-Ten View Post

    I think one of the main facts that a lot of people miss is that the PC just can't compete in the 'out of the box' experience.

    And this is the key.

    But it's an experience that is sustained.
  • Reply 94 of 505
    psxndcpsxndc Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by NPrtmn4evr View Post

    I would hope most "average" users that plan on spending $2000 on a computer would understand the difference between DDR2 and DDR3 RAM, and that you need a 64 bit processor to use 4GB of RAM.

    I can't think of too many people that would plunk down $2000 and NOT know what they're getting.

    I registered just to respond to this. Are you serious?? NO ONE knows the difference between DDR2 and DDR3, except MAYBE people that post on boards like this. People plunk down $2000 for a computer all the time without knowing what is inside it other than asking "will it be fast enough for me."

    You have serious delusions of the computer proficiency and tech savvy of the "average" user if you think they have any clue about the type of RAM in their computer.

  • Reply 95 of 505
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Don't be so obtuse.

    Marketing is all about IMAGE.

    What image are the MS ads communicating? Would YOU want to be associated with that image?


    This is the crux of the issue. Many people who display hostility toward Apple, do so

    because of their advertising. Portraying Apple (or any other company) customers as hip, young,

    and beautiful will sell more merchandise to people who want to identify with these qualities.

    People who, for whatever reason, don't want to identify with these qualities, might indeed

    prefer the images portrayed in the Microsoft ads. What is unsettling is that much of this

    processing in consumers' minds occurs below the level of consciousness. The most effective

    advertising (and political propaganda) programs people's minds without them even

    realizing it is happening.
  • Reply 96 of 505
    quantzquantz Posts: 94member
    Those Palinesque ads remind me so much the presidential campaign.

    What kind of films is that so called hysterical film maker shooting ?

    Anti choice demonstrations ?

    Cheap wardrobes ?

    These ads reflect so much the whole bully spirit that exudes from

    that Ballmer character…

    M$oft will end exactly like the Edison Trust in the 40-ies.

    It won't be pretty.
  • Reply 97 of 505
    Originally Posted by sweirich View Post

    Seriously, let's not forget this "artist" software? How much more does that add to the price? Oh Really, you're a pc, Oh Really...

    About $549 (link) if you buy Sony Vegas directly from Sony's site (you may be able to find it cheaper elsewhere. So... let's do a little price breakdown.

    PC Route: According to Microsoft's site, the computer is $1049.99 = Software... $549.49= $1598.99 If I were her, I'd go to the 7 Beta and use that instead of Vista and then buy 7 once it's released (I've been testing 7 with Vegas after using OSX with Final Cut Pro) so assuming that the price of upgrading isn't going to move much between Vista and 7... $239.99 So her final price is $1838.98

    Mac Route: $1999 for MacBook Pro + $1499 for Final Cut Studio (do not bring up that joke Final Cut Express... it does not handle all of the same codecs that Final Cut Pro and Sony Vegas can do.) = $3498.

    Would you like to allaborate on the "add to price" that PCs bring? I've been an editor for about 8 years now on the OSX+Final Cut platform and I have now moved to the PC platform. I'm saving money and getting better turn around time in my business.

    I'm a PC and I'm a video editor/filmmaker/Local TV producer.
  • Reply 98 of 505
    junkiejunkie Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    Tell that to my mom. In fact, tell that to my friend's gf! Just the other day she didn't know what made a computer make "wooshing noise" until I showed her there were fans inside the case LOL

    my point is, even though it's incredibly easy, people will view it as rocket science for some reason. I've seen the same thing happen with guys I work with here when it comes to working on cars lol.

    Most people don't want to deal with adding memory from a 3rd party seller. I just went to 4GB and it cost $67 and a few minutes time, but most people don't want to bother.

    I for one hope Apple DOES respond to these ads by lowering prices and upping specs like memory. No question their stuff is better and ultimately a good value but its still in my opinion overpriced.
  • Reply 99 of 505
    b6 boostb6 boost Posts: 1member

    To AppleInsider: FYI, that is a Fry's Electronics, somewhere in Bay Area or SoCal. So it's not a best buy, i'm guessing maybe because of the relationship that microsoft has with best buy. I think there were a few commercials by microsoft during this campaign that filed at best buy. But not recently right?

    Yes, the store they are filming in front of is FRY's Electronics, located in Fountain Valley, CA (South Orange County). They are right down the street from where I live.
  • Reply 100 of 505
    Originally Posted by junkie View Post

    Most people don't want to deal with adding memory from a 3rd party seller. I just went to 4GB and it cost $67 and a few minutes time, but most people don't want to bother.

    I for one hope Apple DOES respond to these ads by lowering prices and upping specs like memory. No question their stuff is better and ultimately a good value but its still in my opinion overpriced.

    The upgrade cost for Apple to go from 2-4GB is $100, not terrible really.
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