I hope they release some of that crack that Mike's been smoking because it seems to be really good stuff... You've got to be kidding me. Just a G5 at MWSF would be huge. Just an LCD iMac would be huge. Even if they had both of them ready, they wouldn't release them. I agree with applenut on this one. Your expectations are way too high. Look for one big announcement, like the iMac and that's it.
Not unreasonable at all to expect my predictions. Is it unreasonable for Apple to have competitive hardware? If so then they can kiss a lot of former Mac users goodbye.
you know i found it ridiculous not to have the top speed processors in a dual config from the day steve presented the sp733-sp867-dp800 lineup. so whatever cpus there will be in the new machines... i want the top speed machine available as DP!!!!! at LEAST as bto. and it would be a shame NOT to have the G5 (whenever it arrives) in several DP options... especially since, and please correct me if i´m wrong here, it should have even better smp capabilites than the G4.
so what i want to say: DUALIE Gxs FOR EVERYONE!! MOT, ramp up the yields, darnit.
After all this time these boards are back in action. What was up with 10 months of down time?
One more thing. my account has been deleted more times than I care to count, and that alone has me angered.
Nevertheless, it's good to be back.
All I have to say at this time is don't let a rumor spoil your year.
I've seen some incredible Mac rumors spawning from here, the register, and mosr for few years, and it's these unsubstanciated rumors that get mac users upset about their current hardware offerings, and what ends up being released at a MacWorld keynote. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
Half of (if not all) of these rumors arent going to happen. That is reality.
Because the day of, and after the keynote a million, and one people are always sitting around complaining about their FlatPannel iMac not being there, and their 1.6 GHz G5 not attending the show. These people have no right to complain about this stuff, because Apple never said theye were going to have it anyway.
Last time Apple had competitive hardware offerings......probably Seybold 99 when the G4s came out (I just typed G5 and had to change it....syndrome is getting to me). Before they Yikes! -ed them it was G4 500 MHz going up against Athlons and Pentium IIIs of what, 600 or 700 MHz? The G4 blew them away. Everything before the G4 Apple had the competitive lead. Then the fiasco occured with the G4, and Intel & AMD started the run to 1 GHz. Just think, many said that the PPC would be first to 1 GHz, and Apple had a lead in MHz I believe in the old days. I can remember when we got this 300 MHz G3 tower it was the height of its time. It's really a shame you know, Motorola has almost completely screwed Apple over. But it's partly Apple's fault. The debacle of the clones upset Motorola, and Jobs arrogant attitude has hurt. I love the Macintosh platform, but it's just getting ridiculous in terms of price/performance. Apple hasn't showed signs of being serious about delivering the performance we once saw from Macs. Little things just piss me off. I'm almost scared to look at the Apple Store webpage or any Macintosh related web site after expos because it's just too disappointing. It's not because I expect too much, it's because Apple isn't innnovating.
Okay I have been reading these boards for some time now and I finally desided to say something, so here's what I think will appear at MWSF
G5 Tower -
1.0 Ghz SP, 1.2 Ghz SP, and 1.0 Ghz MP
New case, two optical bays, usb and firewire ports moved to better locations
iMac -
Totally new design, nothing anyone is expecting. For some reason I believe that they will be moving to G4 so Steve can put Superdrives into them.
Also I think there will be a new iDevice, and somehow they are going to have a software update for the iPod that adds certain features, ie on/off option, and screen sleep while the music is still playing.
On a side note I just had the strangest experiece with my TiBook 677. I got it like two days ago and hadn't yet used the DVD drive, but I put a CD-RW in and for some reason it the computer allowed me to burn more data onto it. I know I ordered the DVD model because I played a movie right after to check, I think that I some how ended up with a combo drive. If this has happened to anyone else please let me know.
These two are right one the money, though I won't be as specific, 'cause I can't get any more specific
[quote]Originally posted by Mike Eggleston:
<strong>Ok, here it goes. I am going with my gut feeling here:
PowerMac G5:
Price: 1599 2199 2999
Processor G5: 1.0Ghz 1.4Ghz (2)1.2 Ghz
DDR RAM: 256MB 512MB 512MB
HD Storage: 60GB 80GB 2x60GB
Video Radeon: 32MB Dual64 Dual64
Optical: SuperDrive
Others: USB2.0(?), Firewire2, AirPort Standard(?), 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet, etc etc.
iMac2 LCD:
Price: 899 1099 1299
Processor G4: 867Mhz 867Mhz 867Mhz
PC133 RAM: 256MB 256MB 256MB
HD Storage: 40GB 60GB 80GB
Video Radeon: 32MB 32MB 32MB
Optical: CDRW Combo Super
Others: USB, Firewire, AirPort, 10/100BaseT Ethernet, 15" LCD Monitor, software including new iApp, Second Monitor Support(?).
New Displays:
17" LCD $499
19" LCD $799
22" LCD $1699
Even if I am wrong, it still looks like a plausable lineup given today's prices.</strong><hr></blockquote>
[quote]Originally posted by macgirl:
<strong>Okay I have been reading these boards for some time now and I finally desided to say something, so here's what I think will appear at MWSF
G5 Tower -
1.0 Ghz SP, 1.2 Ghz SP, and 1.0 Ghz MP
New case, two optical bays, usb and firewire ports moved to better locations
iMac -
Totally new design, nothing anyone is expecting. For some reason I believe that they will be moving to G4 so Steve can put Superdrives into them.
Mike, trust your gut some more I know I'd love to.
Macgirl, right on.
So my prediction: G5 powermac in white case, and G4 apollo iMac, (no idea about the LCD) all same processor speed, differences by optical drive (combo, superdrive....).
If Apple doesn't pull this off come January, it would be bad. Apple needs a jump back on top.
Now my prediction. I'll say that I think Apple will have one more round of G4 processors before the G5's are out. Maybe 2 rounds. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> Sorry if I'm bursting bubbles, but I'm not going to take a leap off this cliff with you guy's. Sorry . <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
Video : 4X AGP with the same old **** GeForce 2MX across the board but with 64MB VRAM
Case: Same as QS
Price: 1799, 2399, 2999, 3599 <---- Yeap, the price of the base and mid models go UP! Remember this is the Apple Computer we are talking about. They think by putting extra 128MB / 256MB RAM to the base model really does justify the 100 bucks price hike
LCD display, 15" widescreen display, similar in size to the powerbook display, but with higher quality image (better brightness, viewing angle, and better resolution.)
933 MHz G4.
Same processor speed for all, and 133 MHz system bus.
Models are differentiated by drives and RAM. Low end:
CD-RW, 128 MB RAM.
high end:
High end has 32 MB Nvidia GPU, low end has 16 MB crap probably from ATI.
HDs range from 30-80 GB or so, and ALL are 7200 RPM.
Price: $999, $1199, $1499.
Old iMac remains at $799 pricepoint for education customers only, to be phased out when the LCD iMac price can be dropped to $800 or so.
Available immediately:
933 MHz G4
1 GHz G4
1 GHz G4, dual
All with 133 MHz bus, sdRAM
Available soon:
1.2 GHz G5
1.4 GHz G5
With 400 MHz bus, ddr RAM
Pricing on the G4 models remains unchanged. The G5 powermacs are priced above even the high-end G4 that's currently in production.
At MWNY, the Powermac line migrates to all G5 processors, at 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 GHz.
Laptops: No changes.
iPod: minor changes in software and perhaps a new add-on, either remote control, or possible a firewire microphone.
OS X: 10.1.2 will just have been released in December, but Jobs will talk about 10.2, which won't be ready until March or so, when OS X becomes the default OS. However, OS X will be default on the G5 powermacs, and on the new iMacs.
New mobochip for accelerating Aqua will be implemented in G5 powermacs and G4 iMacs.
Leonis' predictions seem the most realistic, except maybe for the pricing change.....otherwise, they are pretty good.......i'm hoping that they will then release a new imac.....that'd be awesome
a lot of people are going to be let down most likely, but the question (that's no one's answered)......
If Apple are serious they will do something big.
<strong>Not unreasonable at all to expect my predictions. Is it unreasonable for Apple to have competitive hardware?</strong><hr></blockquote>
But when was the last time Apple actually had competitive hardware esecially in the iMac line?
so what i want to say: DUALIE Gxs FOR EVERYONE!! MOT, ramp up the yields, darnit.
No one.
[quote]It really is a time for a change and I'm sure Apple knows that.<hr></blockquote>
Well, if they don't know it now, they certainly will within 2 months of releasing my predicted machines.
One more thing. my account has been deleted more times than I care to count, and that alone has me angered.
Nevertheless, it's good to be back.
All I have to say at this time is don't let a rumor spoil your year.
I've seen some incredible Mac rumors spawning from here, the register, and mosr for few years, and it's these unsubstanciated rumors that get mac users upset about their current hardware offerings, and what ends up being released at a MacWorld keynote. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
Half of (if not all) of these rumors arent going to happen. That is reality.
Because the day of, and after the keynote a million, and one people are always sitting around complaining about their FlatPannel iMac not being there, and their 1.6 GHz G5 not attending the show. These people have no right to complain about this stuff, because Apple never said theye were going to have it anyway.
Quick and painless.
<strong>One more thing. my account has been deleted more times than I care to count, and that alone has me angered.
This time everyone's accounts were lost. Everything was lost.
G5 Tower -
1.0 Ghz SP, 1.2 Ghz SP, and 1.0 Ghz MP
New case, two optical bays, usb and firewire ports moved to better locations
iMac -
Totally new design, nothing anyone is expecting. For some reason I believe that they will be moving to G4 so Steve can put Superdrives into them.
Also I think there will be a new iDevice, and somehow they are going to have a software update for the iPod that adds certain features, ie on/off option, and screen sleep while the music is still playing.
On a side note I just had the strangest experiece with my TiBook 677. I got it like two days ago and hadn't yet used the DVD drive, but I put a CD-RW in and for some reason it the computer allowed me to burn more data onto it. I know I ordered the DVD model because I played a movie right after to check, I think that I some how ended up with a combo drive. If this has happened to anyone else please let me know.
But when was the last time Apple actually had competitive hardware esecially in the iMac line?</strong><hr></blockquote>
probably the Kihei iMacs which were really great systems for the price. That and the first iMacs, especially revision B.
the Summer 2000 iMacs were decent but really needed something special other than a color change and faster processors.
probably the Kihei iMacs which were really great systems for the price. That and the first iMacs, especially revision B.
Yeah, that probably was the last time.
[quote]Originally posted by Mike Eggleston:
<strong>Ok, here it goes. I am going with my gut feeling here:
PowerMac G5:
Price: 1599 2199 2999
Processor G5: 1.0Ghz 1.4Ghz (2)1.2 Ghz
DDR RAM: 256MB 512MB 512MB
HD Storage: 60GB 80GB 2x60GB
Video Radeon: 32MB Dual64 Dual64
Optical: SuperDrive
Others: USB2.0(?), Firewire2, AirPort Standard(?), 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet, etc etc.
iMac2 LCD:
Price: 899 1099 1299
Processor G4: 867Mhz 867Mhz 867Mhz
PC133 RAM: 256MB 256MB 256MB
HD Storage: 40GB 60GB 80GB
Video Radeon: 32MB 32MB 32MB
Optical: CDRW Combo Super
Others: USB, Firewire, AirPort, 10/100BaseT Ethernet, 15" LCD Monitor, software including new iApp, Second Monitor Support(?).
New Displays:
17" LCD $499
19" LCD $799
22" LCD $1699
Even if I am wrong, it still looks like a plausable lineup given today's prices.</strong><hr></blockquote>
[quote]Originally posted by macgirl:
<strong>Okay I have been reading these boards for some time now and I finally desided to say something, so here's what I think will appear at MWSF
G5 Tower -
1.0 Ghz SP, 1.2 Ghz SP, and 1.0 Ghz MP
New case, two optical bays, usb and firewire ports moved to better locations
iMac -
Totally new design, nothing anyone is expecting. For some reason I believe that they will be moving to G4 so Steve can put Superdrives into them.
Mike, trust your gut some more
Macgirl, right on.
So my prediction: G5 powermac in white case, and G4 apollo iMac, (no idea about the LCD) all same processor speed, differences by optical drive (combo, superdrive....).
If Apple doesn't pull this off come January, it would be bad. Apple needs a jump back on top.
This time everyone's accounts were lost. Everything was lost.</strong><hr></blockquote>
At least they are back.
Processor: 7460
Speed: 933Mhz, 1Ghz, 1.33Ghz, Dual 933
RAM type / Bus: DDR-RAM, 233Mhz
RAM installed: 256/256/ 256/ 512
Optical Drive: Combo / Combo / SuperDrive / SuperDrive
Video : 4X AGP with the same old **** GeForce 2MX across the board but with 64MB VRAM
Case: Same as QS
Price: 1799, 2399, 2999, 3599 <---- Yeap, the price of the base and mid models go UP! Remember this is the Apple Computer we are talking about. They think by putting extra 128MB / 256MB RAM to the base model really does justify the 100 bucks price hike
Processor: New IBM Sahara processor
Speed: 600Mhz, 800Mhz, 900Mhz, 1Ghz
RAM type / Bus: SD-RAM / 133 Mhz
RAM installed: 128/128/256/ 256
Optical Drive: CD-ROM / CD-RW/ CD-RW / Combo <------ No superdrive, sorry
Video: ATi Radeon 16MB VRAM
Case: Old case and same CRT for the low end. New case with 14" LCD for the others
Price: 799 / 999 / 1299 / 1499
No change until MacWorld Tokyo
No change until after Spring Break
On the software side......
OSX 10.1.2
OS 9.2.2
Adobe demostrates and announces Photoshop 6.5 / 7 or whatever....
At least they are back.
Since November 12th.
LCD display, 15" widescreen display, similar in size to the powerbook display, but with higher quality image (better brightness, viewing angle, and better resolution.)
933 MHz G4.
Same processor speed for all, and 133 MHz system bus.
Models are differentiated by drives and RAM. Low end:
CD-RW, 128 MB RAM.
high end:
High end has 32 MB Nvidia GPU, low end has 16 MB crap probably from ATI.
HDs range from 30-80 GB or so, and ALL are 7200 RPM.
Price: $999, $1199, $1499.
Old iMac remains at $799 pricepoint for education customers only, to be phased out when the LCD iMac price can be dropped to $800 or so.
Available immediately:
933 MHz G4
1 GHz G4
1 GHz G4, dual
All with 133 MHz bus, sdRAM
Available soon:
1.2 GHz G5
1.4 GHz G5
With 400 MHz bus, ddr RAM
Pricing on the G4 models remains unchanged. The G5 powermacs are priced above even the high-end G4 that's currently in production.
At MWNY, the Powermac line migrates to all G5 processors, at 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 GHz.
Laptops: No changes.
iPod: minor changes in software and perhaps a new add-on, either remote control, or possible a firewire microphone.
OS X: 10.1.2 will just have been released in December, but Jobs will talk about 10.2, which won't be ready until March or so, when OS X becomes the default OS. However, OS X will be default on the G5 powermacs, and on the new iMacs.
New mobochip for accelerating Aqua will be implemented in G5 powermacs and G4 iMacs.
a lot of people are going to be let down most likely, but the question (that's no one's answered)......
<a href="http://www.macworldexpo.com/" target="_blank">click here</a>