Your revised MWSF predictions



  • Reply 61 of 101
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael Grey:

    <strong>applenut, I think your 'conservative' predictions are bang-on. With three exceptions:

    1) no new case for G4s

    2) no standard Superdrive in low-end model

    3) new LCD line-up of 17" ($699), 19" ($1,199) and 22" ($2,299)

    I think the G5 is close, and we'll see it before MWNY (in a new case), but this show's gonna be all about OS X (lots of demos ofFCP3, Photoshop X, etc.) and the cool new LCD iMac.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yea, I think my conservative predictions are pretty good too

    Have to disagree with you strongly on the last 2 points you make though. Apple may indeed keep the sames case but

    1.) the superdrive must be standard on the lowend PowerMac. It's definitely cheap enough to be in it now.

    2.) I don't see any good reason why Apple would get rid of their most popular LCD (15 inch) just to replace it with a larger and more expensive model. Apple needs a display under 500 bucks. even if its only 15 inch.

    I would love to see an 18.1 inch 16X9 LCD though
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  • Reply 62 of 101
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    yea, I think my conservative predictions are pretty good too

    Have to disagree with you strongly on the last 2 points you make though. Apple may indeed keep the sames case but

    1.) the superdrive must be standard on the lowend PowerMac. It's definitely cheap enough to be in it now.

    2.) I don't see any good reason why Apple would get rid of their most popular LCD (15 inch) just to replace it with a larger and more expensive model. Apple needs a display under 500 bucks. even if its only 15 inch.

    I would love to see an 18.1 inch 16X9 LCD though</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I also read that they were ditching the 15", something about the iMac and both notebooks having around 15" or that the 15" didn't sell well enough and the the 19" would replace the 15".
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  • Reply 63 of 101
    Just a little thing that hasn't been mentioned. Since all of nVidia's new cards are Mac compatible do you think the new PowerMacs will get the Ti cards? Also I heard the NV25 would be out by spring, so maybe the G5s could ship in March with GeForce 4s.
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  • Reply 64 of 101
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Let's see. Not necessarily in this order: Apple just got done with a very significant update to FCP, and (if I'm not mistaken), they've announced DVD Studio Pro for OS X. That segways ( ) very neatly into two announcements:

    QuickTime 6, with full support for MPEG-4. Announced, but not shipping. Release date for a public beta is given.

    New PowerMacs to do all your DVD authoring on. Since the last I heard was that the 7460 was available in "spring," like the 7450, I'm going to say that the low end model will be the current midrange model, chopped down to the base price and with an available (if not standard) SuperDrive. 7460 based towers with an all-new motherboard are shown: 1GHz and 1.2GHz processors; 266MHz DDR RAM; <a href=""; target="_blank">Firewire 2</a>, GeForce3 Ti standard (but not the top of the line GF3) and significantly improved internal bandwidth. The case will be unchanged. These models will ship in March, with OS X standard. (At this time, the 867MHz model will quietly disappear - since Apple was mostly just clearing out old models - and the line will get bumped to 1GHz, 1.2GHz, and 1.4GHz).

    To go with your new Macs, new displays: 17" ($599), 19" ($1099), 22" ($2099). The displays will be sans pinstripes, but otherwise similar to the current look.

    Portables. The iBook is exceeding expectations. The TiBook is doing great (insert spiel about how great it is that you can do real-time video editing on a notebook for the first time ever - which really is cool). No changes.

    MacOS X adoption is at 9 o'clock. Adobe announces various major projects for OS X, including Photoshop. AppleWorks 7 announced. iMovie updated to support OfflineRT so that people can store a lot more video on their machines.

    Apple Stores are doing great, opening on target. iPod is lingered on. No changes.

    Closing spiel about how Apple is reacting to the downturn by pushing forward, innovating, getting the message out, and taking advantage of their "whole widget" approach to make more compelling products; the theme is investment rather than retrenchment.

    Oh, and one more thing.

    LCD iMacs. 15" LCD. Same motherboard as current top of the line machine. 700MHz G3 (the Sahara doesn't even start sampling until January, <a href=""; target="_blank">according to IBM</a>). $999, $1299, $1599. Base model has CDRW, 128MB RAM, 60GB HD. $1299 DV model has combo drive, 128MB RAM, 80GB HD. Top of the line SE has a SuperDrive, 256MB RAM, 100GB HD.

    [edit: rassin' frassin' UBB...]

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Amorph ]

    [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
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  • Reply 65 of 101
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:


    LCD iMacs. 15" LCD. Same motherboard as current top of the line machine.... Top of the line SE has a SuperDrive, 256MB RAM, 100GB HD.


    As much as we'd like it, I really don't think Apple would put a Superdrive in a G3 machine. There's just not quite enough processor there.

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  • Reply 66 of 101
    - PowerMac G5 (FireWire 2, GF3, SuperDrive standard)


    1 GHz

    256 MB RAM

    60 GB HD


    1.2 GHz

    512 MB RAM

    80 GB HD


    1.4 GHz

    512 MB RAM

    100 GB

    - iMac

    (15 inch LCD, 32 MB GeForce 2 MX, FireWire 2 standard)


    867 MHz G4 Apollo (maybe 800)

    128 MB RAM


    40 GB HD


    867 MHz G4 Apollo (maybe 800)

    256 MB RAM

    DVD/CD-RW Combo

    60 GB HD


    867 MHz G4 Apollo (maybe 800)

    256 MB RAM


    80 GB HD

    (OS X default on new iMacs and G5s)

    - iMovie 3

    - Photoshop 6.5 X

    - Image Capture Studio X (photo editor)

    [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Tarbash ]</p>
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  • Reply 67 of 101
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    [quote]Originally posted by Tarbash:


    - iMac

    (15 inch LCD, 32 MB GeForce 2 MX, FireWire 2 standard)


    933 MHz G4 Apollo

    128 MB RAM


    40 GB HD


    933 MHz G4 Apollo

    256 MB RAM

    DVD/CD-RW Combo

    60 GB HD


    933 MHz G4 Apollo

    256 MB RAM


    80 GB HD

    [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Tarbash ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're kidding right? Please tell me you're not serious.

    You expect APPLE to release an iMac with a G4 processor that has yet to be introduced, a Superdrive, AND a 15" LCD -- all for $1499!

    You ARE kidding, right?

    I can see those specs for the top end PowerMac (w/o LCD) for $3499.

    Please tell me you're kidding. <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
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  • Reply 68 of 101
    jasonppjasonpp Posts: 308member
    933 MHz G4 Apollo - what? $200 MAX

    256 MB RAM - What? $15 MAX

    SuperDrive - What? $500 MAX

    80 GB HD - What? $100 MAX!

    What else?

    Motherboard - $100 MAX!!

    15"LCD - $200 MAX (if it's *yawn* 1024x768)

    bluetooth keyboard and mouse (neato!) - $75 MAX

    Geforce 2 vidcard - $50 MAX!!

    misc - $300

    let's see then:

    $1540...add $10 for r&d (at 100,000 units a month that's $120,000,000 in 1 year.)

    shipping marketing and packaging, add another $120,000,000 or $10 per unit)

    $1560 then for the sucker. Add 25% margin and...

    $1950 US. I can see them going for $1899. That's $300 more than the high end iMac today, and $1399 LESS than the 867Mhz PM with 15"LCD and superdrive.

    wow. iWant!
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  • Reply 69 of 101
    My predictions for MW in 01-02:

    1. Steve Jobs will do the Keynote.

    2. He'll wear a black turtleneck.

    3. He'll have an iPod with him.

    4. Just about everything will be cool.

    5. Somethings won't be available until later.

    6. People will write about how hot the new things run.

    7. Some people will try to scratch them.

    8. Some Mac weenies will ask "why not faster-better-more?" for weeks to come, even if they don't own a late model Mac.

    9. PC weenies will ask "who cares? It's only a Mac..."

    10. It'll be cold in some parts of the US that week, but I'll be happy inside playing on my 800-D.
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  • Reply 70 of 101
    Here's my 2 bits...

    New processor chip towers... They might not even be called the G5, but in a move to distance themselves from Motorola they name the chip something new. (This goes along with Bodhie's other thread).

    1.2, 1.4, 1.6

    256MB, 512MB, 1GB

    60GB, 80GB, WD100GB SE

    GeForce 3 across

    The iMac will move to G4...

    667, 800, 933

    256MB, 256MB, 512MB

    cdrw, cdrw, superdrive


    999, 1199, 1499

    and if they can sell the ibook and make a profit, they sure can sell an iMac with an lcd.


    might be the only remaining G3 system.


    G4 Apollos at 933, 1.2GHz
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  • Reply 71 of 101
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by JasonPP:

    <strong>933 MHz G4 Apollo - what? $200 MAX

    256 MB RAM - What? $15 MAX

    SuperDrive - What? $500 MAX

    80 GB HD - What? $100 MAX!

    What else?

    Motherboard - $100 MAX!!

    15"LCD - $200 MAX (if it's *yawn* 1024x768)

    bluetooth keyboard and mouse (neato!) - $75 MAX

    Geforce 2 vidcard - $50 MAX!!

    misc - $300

    let's see then:

    $1540...add $10 for r&d (at 100,000 units a month that's $120,000,000 in 1 year.)

    shipping marketing and packaging, add another $120,000,000 or $10 per unit)

    $1560 then for the sucker. Add 25% margin and...

    $1950 US. I can see them going for $1899. That's $300 more than the high end iMac today, and $1399 LESS than the 867Mhz PM with 15"LCD and superdrive.

    wow. iWant!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    unfortunately your numbers are off. G4s based on the 7450 design for some reason cost a ton. especially the high clocked ones. the 7410s were cheap. the 7460 will likely be similar to the 7450 unfortunately.

    Superdrive is around 300 probably too.
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  • Reply 72 of 101
    I've kind of wondered about this rumor that the 15" will be replaced by a 19". Let's ignore for a moment that this sounds strange because Apple _does_ need a sub-$500 display, and I just can't see the 17" at the $499 price point yet. Maybe $599, but that's still a bit high for an entry-level display.

    Right, so, what's the resolution of this mythical 19"? The 17" now is 1280x1024, and the 22" is 1600x1024. The logical resolution for the 19" would be 1600x1200, but it would be VERY weird for the 19" to have a higher resolution than the flagship 22".

    So...anyone heard anything about a resolution bump for the Cinema Display? 1920x1200? With HDTV support? Puh-leeze?

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  • Reply 73 of 101
    Geez, the 15" and 17" are still $599 and $999 respectively? I've been looking at the deveoper pricing too much. These definitely need a cut.

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  • Reply 74 of 101
    tarbashtarbash Posts: 278member
    No, I'm not kidding at all. I'm just optimistic. Let me revise that though, since I really don't know the pricing scheme of the 7460 compared to the 7450. I was under the impression these things were going to be cheaper and cooler than the 7450. Kinda like the 7410 was to the 7400.

    Read above edited post.
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  • Reply 75 of 101
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member
    I hereby declare that if a G5 is released at MWSF 2002, I will eat something that most people would agree is unpalatable.

    - Pook
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  • Reply 76 of 101
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Alexander:

    <strong>I've kind of wondered about this rumor that the 15" will be replaced by a 19". Let's ignore for a moment that this sounds strange because Apple _does_ need a sub-$500 display, and I just can't see the 17" at the $499 price point yet. Maybe $599, but that's still a bit high for an entry-level display.

    Right, so, what's the resolution of this mythical 19"? The 17" now is 1280x1024, and the 22" is 1600x1024. The logical resolution for the 19" would be 1600x1200, but it would be VERY weird for the 19" to have a higher resolution than the flagship 22".

    So...anyone heard anything about a resolution bump for the Cinema Display? 1920x1200? With HDTV support? Puh-leeze?


    From railhead deisgn-

    [quote] As for Apple, you can now purchase three sizes: 15, 17 and 22 inch displays, and prices range from $600 to $1000 to $2500. Also, these current models match only the Graphite enclosure ? but not for long.

    Here?s what I know: the 15 inch display will be dissolved and the new low-end display will be the 17 inch model. The 22 inch display will remain the top-dog, and to fill-in the middle spot, Apple will introduce a 19 inch model. So, we?ll have the full range: 17 inch, 19 inch, and 22 inch.

    We will also be seeing a new body for these displays: Quicksilver. There are a few potential cases being looked at, from complete Quicksilver matching, to a design that?s a little more androgenous to the Mac?s case design (so it will still ?match? the Mac when the next body style comes out). But the current mind-set is to make displays that match the body?s and to change their exteriors accordingly and in relation to changes made in the Mac case style.

    As for pricing, even though LCD is getting more and more affordable, things won?t be too much different from what they are now: the 17 inch will come in around $500, the 19 inch around $900, and the 22 inch display will hold fast to the $2000-$2300 spot. Better, yes, but good mother I?d love that 22 inch display!

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  • Reply 77 of 101
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Alexander:

    <strong>Geez, the 15" and 17" are still $599 and $999 respectively? I've been looking at the deveoper pricing too much. These definitely need a cut.


    Yeah, I think they could each go down $100, maybe a drop of for the 17".
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  • Reply 78 of 101
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Has anyone speculated that Apple's "Gigawire" is using or related to Motorola's RapidIO?

    I glanced over Motorola's "RapidIO Architectural Overview" presentation and it looks like it can be used in network connections.

    Here is the link with the presentations:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    - Mark
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  • Reply 79 of 101
    When Moto disappointed at MWNY and failed to deliver the 7460 chip on time,javascript: x() Apple was in a fix on its MHz timetable. That's when it took over the development of the G5 chip. With concerted effort they have pushed Moto to get the Apollo chip into production, because their efforts have gone so well that the G5 Goldfish is now in volume production.javascript: x() No one disputes that the G3 Sahara is ready to roll. This senario has a lot of upside and MWSF will truly be an exciting event.

    Here is my evaluation of what could be on tap:

    Low end iMac?$699

    ?700 MHz in same form factor

    ?100 MHz system bus, 128 MB PC100 SDRAM

    ?20 GB Hard Drive, Slot loading 24 x CD-ROM

    ?Two USB Ports, two 400 Firewire

    ?ATI Rage 128 Ultra, AGP 2X

    LCD iMAC $999

    ?15" LCD Display

    ?800 MHz 7450 G4

    ?133 MHz system bus, 128 MB PC133 SDRAM

    ?40 GB Hard Drive, CD-ROM

    ?Two USB Ports, two 800 Firewire

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    LCD iMAC $1,199

    ?15" LCD Display

    ?867 MHz 7450 G4

    ?133 MHz system bus, 256 MB PC133 SRAM

    ?60 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM

    ?Two USB Ports, two 800 Firewire

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    LCD iMAC $1,499

    ?15" LCD Display

    ?933 MHz 7450 G4

    ?133 MHz system bus, 256 MB PC133 SDRAM

    ?80 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM/CD-RW

    ?Two USB Ports, two 800 Firewire

    ?NVIDIA GeForce2 MX w/TwinView and 64MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    Low end Powerbook $2,199

    Same form factor

    ?733 MHz or possibily 867 MHz 7450 G4

    ?133 MHz system bus, 256 MB PC133 SDRAM

    ?30 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM w/DVD-Video

    ?Two USB Ports, one 400 Firewire

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    Powerbook $2,999

    Same form factor

    ?1 GHz Apollo 7460 G4

    ?400 MHz system bus, 256 MB PC 266DDR-SRAM

    ?40 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM w/DVD-Video

    ?Two USB Ports, Two Gigawire

    ?Book E Core

    ?NVIDIA GeForce2 MX w/TwinView and 64MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    Powerbook $3,299

    Same form factor

    ?1.13 GHz Apollo 7460 G4

    ?400 MHz system bus, 256 MB PC 266DDR-SRAM

    ?60 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM/CD-RW

    ?Two USB Ports, Two Gigawire

    ?Book E Core

    ?NVIDIA GeForce3 w/TwinView and 64MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    Power Mac G5 $2,199

    Same form factor

    ?1.2 GHz Goldfish 8500 G5

    ?400 MHz system bus, 256 MB PC266 DDR-SRAM

    ?40 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM w/DVD-Video

    ?Two USB Ports, Two Gigawire

    ?Book E Core

    ?NVIDIA GeForce3 and 64MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    Power Mac G5 $2,999

    Same form factor

    ?1.6 GHz Goldfish 8500 G5

    ?400 MHz system bus, 256 MB PC266 DDR-SRAM

    ?60 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM/CD-RW

    ?Two USB Ports, Two Gigawire

    ?Book E Core

    ?NVIDIA GeForce3 w/twinview and 64MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    Power Mac G5 $3,699

    Same form factor

    ?Duel 1.4 GHz Goldfish 8500 G5

    ?400 MHz system bus, 512 MB PC266 DDR-SRAM

    ?80 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM/CD-RW

    ?Two USB Ports, Two Gigawire

    ?Book E Core

    ?NVIDIA GeForce3 w/twinview and 64MB of SDRAM

    ?2 USB & 1 FireWire 400 Port

    ?Built in Airport

    Possible Surprise

    New all in one iMac form factor

    Revolution iMAC $799

    ?17" Short neck CRT

    ?700MHz Sahara G3

    ?400 MHz system bus, 128 MB PC266 DDR-SRAM

    ?20 GB Hard Drive, 24xCD-ROM

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?2 USB & 1 FireWire 800 Port

    ?Built in Airport


    ?17" Short neck CRT

    ?800MHz Sahara G3

    ?400 MHz system bus, 128 MB PC266 DDR-SRAM

    ?30 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?2 USB & 1 FireWire 800 Port

    ?Built in Airport


    ?17" Short neck CRT

    ?800MHz Sahara G3

    ?400 MHz system bus, 128 MB PC266 DDR-SRAM

    ?40 GB Hard Drive, CD/RW

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?2 USB & 1 FireWire 800 Port

    ?Built in Airport

    LCD iMAC would then be positioned as the cube's replacement and priced $1,199, $1,399 and $1,599


    Due at MWT

    iBook G3 $1,299

    same form factor

    ?800MHz Sahara G3

    ?133 MHz system bus, 128 MB PC133SDRAM

    ?20 GB Hard Drive, 24xCD-ROM

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?2 USB & 1 FireWire 400 Port

    ?Built in Airport

    iBook G3 $1,499

    same form factor

    ?900MHz Sahara G3

    ?133 MHz system bus, 256 MB PC133SDRAM

    ?30 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?2 USB & 1 FireWire 400 Port

    ?Built in Airport

    iBook G3 $1,599

    same form factor

    ?900MHz Sahara G3

    ?133 MHz system bus, 512 MB PC133SDRAM

    ?40 GB Hard Drive, CD-RW

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    iBook G3 $1,699

    same form factor

    ?900MHz Sahara G3

    ?133 MHz system bus, 512 MB PC133SDRAM

    ?60 GB Hard Drive, DVD-ROM/CD-RW

    ?NVIDA GeForce 2MX w/32MB of SDRAM

    ?Built in Airport

    If shortneck iMAC unfolds and LCD iMAC fills the Cube's marketing slot, look for the iTablet to position between the iBook and the Powerbookjavascript: x()
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  • Reply 80 of 101
    danhodanho Posts: 22member
    Just visited my local CompUSA. I asked the manager about new mac systems. Aside from the flat panel Imac, he stated Apple was coming out with a dual 1Ghz tower, with 512 MB ram, 120 GB hd, lots of software - for about $3500.
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