<strong>I hope they release some of that crack that Mike's been smoking because it seems to be really good stuff.</strong><hr></blockquote>
A) No crack. Just my gut. And it doesn't distribute crack either.
This is a prediction. Any machine is better than mine. I am on a IIci, upgraded to a 80MHz 68040. So I am more mainly focused on price.
As for my predictions. The only one I am going to change is my iBook one. I think that will be a special event in May. Other than that, I can't think of any changes.
torifile, as for my predictions being over the top. Not really. Look at all of the specials going on right now. G4 discounts on buying the monitor. Or how about the iMac rebates if you buy a digital camera.
Normally, I would agree with your synopsis of Apple releasing only one big item. However they know that they let down everyone at MWNY this past time, so I think that they might bring two major items up because of that disappointment. Besides, that would get the whole industry buzzing, saying something like "Look at what Apple just did. They released TWO new computers!!"
In order to increase marketshare, Apple needs to pull that off. Then Apple needs to (are you listening Apple??) MARKET its products.
Just my humble opinion.
[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Mike Eggleston ]</p>
Then at least pass some of it over this way Anyway, I would love to agree with you, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm going to keep my expectations relatively low for this one. LCD iMac is all I'm picturing right now. Whoever said that they would have all the same speed proc but differ in optical drives was onto something. I think that's what's going to happen with a CRT iMac as the low end. Just like the iBook. All 933mhz G3, LCD iMacs. No superdrive, yet. No G5's until Seybold. I hope I'm wrong
Then at least pass some of it over this way Anyway, I would love to agree with you, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm going to keep my expectations relatively low for this one. LCD iMac is all I'm picturing right now. Whoever said that they would have all the same speed proc but differ in optical drives was onto something. I think that's what's going to happen with a CRT iMac as the low end. Just like the iBook. All 933mhz G3, LCD iMacs. No superdrive, yet. No G5's until Seybold. I hope I'm wrong </strong><hr></blockquote>
I would be ok with a Seybod release. that is still Q1.
-No G5, I doubt that Apple, Motorola and other PPC customers could be quiet throughout the design, testing and production phases of a whole new chip architecture. I think that there has been Only one source spreading the same bogus information about the G5. If I remember correctly the source claimed that hundreds of test units were in the field, way too many for there to be only one source
-No 64bit OSX Dependent on G5 and demand for 64 bit application, wich outside of server and scientific supercomputing is very limited
-No OSX 1.2 Simply not eneogh time to develop a major update to OSX from the 10.1 update
-No mac clustering Why? Where's the demand? To enter the overcrowded highend server market with zero credability. Apple makes a fine single or dual proc server but garners nary a mention in the traditional server arena's
-No LCD imac LCD prices are still too high an LCD iMac from a cost standpoint is likely very close to that of and IceBook and $1199 starting price is too high for entry level market.
-No gigawire What is it?
-No1394b (aka 800Mbit firewire) TI hasn't even finalized development of the silicon.
-No USB 2.0 Won't adopt the faster USB protocol until after the faster Firewire ships
-No 802.11 a or g (aka 54Mbit and 22Mbit airport respectively) 802.11a range sucks and 802.11g spec isn't finalized. Last month they updated there Aiport hardware and software
Heres what Apple will introduce
-Up to 1.2 Ghz G4.5 (AKA Apollo) Apple won't make a huge jump in clock speed when they could make a couple clock bumps over a couple months and get more upgrade business
-Speed bumped portables at best a 800mhz Tibook and 700Mhz IceBook and slight chance at a slot loading DVD/CD-R option.
-speed bumped iMacs may sport up to 1Ghz G4 they have to do something drastic to reinvigorate iMace sales, but LCD prices are still too high
-iPicture or similar To really round out their digital hub strategy they really need a free consumer oriented photo editor
Some of you seem right on the nose, some of you seem WAY off. Here's what I think's coming, and then I'll tell you why:
1) Steve in typical clothing
2) Jibber jabber about Apple Stores, Airport 2, and OS X, demos iTunes 2 and stuff.
3) iPod flaunting and release of what that secret special port ACTUALLY does and whatever product goes with it.
4) Adobe big-wig announces Photoshop for OS X, let's a lackey actually show it.
5) Macromedia announces Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash for OS X
4) Steve's computer talk:
a) Quicksilvers, TiBooks, and iBooks doing very well -- almost TOO well (ref. to TiBook CD-RW version being halted for a bit) Announcement of combo drive in TiBook models. No price increase or speed bumps.
b) LCD iMac's released
600, 700, 800Mhz G3
$1199, 1399, 1599 (we're talking about LCD's here!)
CD-ROM on bottom, CD-RW on top two
128MB, 128MB, 256MB
20, 40, 60GB HD's
14" LCD display w/ 1024x768 max. resolution
500Mhz Indigo or Snow iMac stays at bottom for education only.
And that's the show. Pretty full, really. What you WON'T see and why:
G5 PowerMacs: The G4 has a lot left in it, and Quicksilvers weren't introduced THAT long ago. They still have a bit of life left until an update. Expect a speed bump to the G4 in Tokyo, but still no G5 until summer.
Speed bumps to iBook and TiBook: They were updated AFTER the Quicksilvers and need to stretch for a while still. Expect a new TiBook enclosure (not too drastic) and speed-bump in Tokyo and a speed-bumped iBook then too.
New device: The iPod still needs it's moment in the sun, and we need to find out what the special port is for. I think it'll be a while before we see another device.
iMacs and iBooks will NOT get a G4 until PowerMacs and TiBooks have gone G5. Period. Talk about a marketing nightmare dealing with the consumer and pro models having the same processor.
a) Quicksilvers, TiBooks, and iBooks doing very well -- almost TOO well (ref. to TiBook CD-RW version being halted for a bit) Announcement of combo drive in TiBook models. No price increase or speed bumps.
I think you are way off here. No matter the G4/G5 rumor or not, every rumor says faster towers in Jan. And from what i hear, tower sales suck. And, Apple speed bumps them every 6 months if I remeber correctly
I think you are way off here. No matter the G4/G5 rumor or not, every rumor says faster towers in Jan. And from what i hear, tower sales suck. And, Apple speed bumps them every 6 months if I remeber correctly </strong><hr></blockquote>
Apparently you failed to read that I think everything will have had a speed bump after Tokyo.
-No G5, I doubt that Apple, Motorola and other PPC customers could be quiet throughout the design, testing and production phases of a whole new chip architecture. I think that there has been Only one source spreading the same bogus information about the G5. If I remember correctly the source claimed that hundreds of test units were in the field, way too many for there to be only one source<hr></blockquote>
god I am good. Unfortunatly it doesn't look like we'll see G5 until late 2002 early 2003. They will just be sampling an embeded G5 that lacks altivec and only runs at 800Mhz by mid 2002. ouch.
32-bit <----- G5 PowerPC 8500 Goldfinger processor running at speeds of either 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4 GHz or 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 GHz
It won't be quite the G5 we expected to see......but it will sure be a nice surprise. Expect lower clock speeds. Some architectural features we expected may be missing.
[quote]-No G5, I doubt that Apple, Motorola and other PPC customers could be quiet throughout the design, testing and production phases of a whole new chip architecture. I think that there has been Only one source spreading the same bogus information about the G5. If I remember correctly the source claimed that hundreds of test units were in the field, way too many for there to be only one source<hr></blockquote>
and this is different from the G4 how? everyone thought the G4 was being released no earlier than January 2000 and Apple snuck it in at Seybold in August 99. There were hundreds of test units in the field but no one heard of them. People do keep their NDAs.
[quote]-No mac clustering Why? Where's the demand? To enter the overcrowded highend server market with zero credability. Apple makes a fine single or dual proc server but garners nary a mention in the traditional server arena's<hr></blockquote>
there is a very large demand. the clustering seminar at macworld expo NY was very popular and the scientific field is growing a lot for Apple with the G4 and OS X. Clustering out of the box is just so damn logical.
[quote]-No LCD imac LCD prices are still too high an LCD iMac from a cost standpoint is likely very close to that of and IceBook and $1199 starting price is too high for entry level market.<hr></blockquote>
1.) an LCD iMac is coming.
2.) An LCD is not too expensive. There are sub 1000 PCs with LCDs now
3.) there is no reason an LCD imac can't start at 1199 or 1299. Apple could always keep a lowend CRT based imac for 899 to cover the lowend.
[quote]-No1394b (aka 800Mbit firewire) TI hasn't even finalized development of the silicon.<hr></blockquote>
thought I read that it was finalized several weeks ago?
[quote]-Speed bumped portables at best a 800mhz Tibook and 700Mhz IceBook and slight chance at a slot loading DVD/CD-R option.<hr></blockquote>
considering a faster G4 would likely set the thing on fire unless its a new rev G4 I thought it. Plus, how do you expect Apple to clear the channel when the channel is finally being filled. Think.
-speed bumped iMacs may sport up to 1Ghz G4 they have to do something drastic to reinvigorate iMace sales, but LCD prices are still too high<hr></blockquote>
if anything the G4 is too expensive. a 1Ghz G4 would cost more than the LCD display
I read your post and again, I disagree. Tokyo is more than 6 months from July. The tower and the iMac will see speed bumps <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
applenut, I think your 'conservative' predictions are bang-on. With three exceptions:
1) no new case for G4s
2) no standard Superdrive in low-end model
3) new LCD line-up of 17" ($699), 19" ($1,199) and 22" ($2,299)
I think the G5 is close, and we'll see it before MWNY (in a new case), but this show's gonna be all about OS X (lots of demos ofFCP3, Photoshop X, etc.) and the cool new LCD iMac.
<strong>I hope they release some of that crack that Mike's been smoking because it seems to be really good stuff.</strong><hr></blockquote>
A) No crack. Just my gut. And it doesn't distribute crack either.
As for my predictions. The only one I am going to change is my iBook one. I think that will be a special event in May. Other than that, I can't think of any changes.
torifile, as for my predictions being over the top. Not really. Look at all of the specials going on right now. G4 discounts on buying the monitor. Or how about the iMac rebates if you buy a digital camera.
Normally, I would agree with your synopsis of Apple releasing only one big item. However they know that they let down everyone at MWNY this past time, so I think that they might bring two major items up because of that disappointment. Besides, that would get the whole industry buzzing, saying something like "Look at what Apple just did. They released TWO new computers!!"
In order to increase marketshare, Apple needs to pull that off. Then Apple needs to (are you listening Apple??) MARKET its products.
Just my humble opinion.
[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Mike Eggleston ]</p>
Then at least pass some of it over this way
Then at least pass some of it over this way
I would be ok with a Seybod release. that is still Q1.
Edit: bad spelling !
[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Franck ]</p>
<strong>WHEN'S MWSF???</strong><hr></blockquote>
Jan 7-11
<a href="http://www.macworldexpo.com" target="_blank">www.macworldexpo.com</a>
<strong>Since when is August in Q1 ???
Edit: bad spelling !
[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Franck ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
Seybold NY in Feb.
-No G5, I doubt that Apple, Motorola and other PPC customers could be quiet throughout the design, testing and production phases of a whole new chip architecture. I think that there has been Only one source spreading the same bogus information about the G5. If I remember correctly the source claimed that hundreds of test units were in the field, way too many for there to be only one source
-No 64bit OSX Dependent on G5 and demand for 64 bit application, wich outside of server and scientific supercomputing is very limited
-No OSX 1.2 Simply not eneogh time to develop a major update to OSX from the 10.1 update
-No mac clustering Why? Where's the demand? To enter the overcrowded highend server market with zero credability. Apple makes a fine single or dual proc server but garners nary a mention in the traditional server arena's
-No LCD imac LCD prices are still too high an LCD iMac from a cost standpoint is likely very close to that of and IceBook and $1199 starting price is too high for entry level market.
-No gigawire What is it?
-No1394b (aka 800Mbit firewire) TI hasn't even finalized development of the silicon.
-No USB 2.0 Won't adopt the faster USB protocol until after the faster Firewire ships
-No 802.11 a or g (aka 54Mbit and 22Mbit airport respectively) 802.11a range sucks and 802.11g spec isn't finalized. Last month they updated there Aiport hardware and software
Heres what Apple will introduce
-Up to 1.2 Ghz G4.5 (AKA Apollo) Apple won't make a huge jump in clock speed when they could make a couple clock bumps over a couple months and get more upgrade business
-Speed bumped portables at best a 800mhz Tibook and 700Mhz IceBook and slight chance at a slot loading DVD/CD-R option.
-speed bumped iMacs may sport up to 1Ghz G4 they have to do something drastic to reinvigorate iMace sales, but LCD prices are still too high
-iPicture or similar To really round out their digital hub strategy they really need a free consumer oriented photo editor
g5 dual 1 GHz.-1.4 ghz.
and if not that something quad(boasting that new I/O thingie that makes MP act as SP)
New iMacs, no g4 but LCD and speed bump
no new portables(perhaps a speed bump or if ddr ram gets standard the option to add ddr-ram in BTO)
the really really really optimistic(though I have NO rumors at all suppoting this I want it to happen)
FULL support from creative labs
1) Steve in typical clothing
2) Jibber jabber about Apple Stores, Airport 2, and OS X, demos iTunes 2 and stuff.
3) iPod flaunting and release of what that secret special port ACTUALLY does and whatever product goes with it.
4) Adobe big-wig announces Photoshop for OS X, let's a lackey actually show it.
5) Macromedia announces Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash for OS X
4) Steve's computer talk:
a) Quicksilvers, TiBooks, and iBooks doing very well -- almost TOO well (ref. to TiBook CD-RW version being halted for a bit) Announcement of combo drive in TiBook models. No price increase or speed bumps.
b) LCD iMac's released
600, 700, 800Mhz G3
$1199, 1399, 1599 (we're talking about LCD's here!)
CD-ROM on bottom, CD-RW on top two
128MB, 128MB, 256MB
20, 40, 60GB HD's
14" LCD display w/ 1024x768 max. resolution
500Mhz Indigo or Snow iMac stays at bottom for education only.
And that's the show. Pretty full, really. What you WON'T see and why:
G5 PowerMacs: The G4 has a lot left in it, and Quicksilvers weren't introduced THAT long ago. They still have a bit of life left until an update. Expect a speed bump to the G4 in Tokyo, but still no G5 until summer.
Speed bumps to iBook and TiBook: They were updated AFTER the Quicksilvers and need to stretch for a while still. Expect a new TiBook enclosure (not too drastic) and speed-bump in Tokyo and a speed-bumped iBook then too.
New device: The iPod still needs it's moment in the sun, and we need to find out what the special port is for. I think it'll be a while before we see another device.
iMacs and iBooks will NOT get a G4 until PowerMacs and TiBooks have gone G5. Period. Talk about a marketing nightmare dealing with the consumer and pro models having the same processor.
The End.
[ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: CosmoNut ]</p>
I'd expect 40,60,80 in the iMac, and 60,80, 100 in the PowerMac.
a) Quicksilvers, TiBooks, and iBooks doing very well -- almost TOO well (ref. to TiBook CD-RW version being halted for a bit) Announcement of combo drive in TiBook models. No price increase or speed bumps.
I think you are way off here. No matter the G4/G5 rumor or not, every rumor says faster towers in Jan. And from what i hear, tower sales suck. And, Apple speed bumps them every 6 months if I remeber correctly
I think you are way off here. No matter the G4/G5 rumor or not, every rumor says faster towers in Jan. And from what i hear, tower sales suck. And, Apple speed bumps them every 6 months if I remeber correctly
Apparently you failed to read that I think everything will have had a speed bump after Tokyo.
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
[quote]originally posted by me:
-No G5, I doubt that Apple, Motorola and other PPC customers could be quiet throughout the design, testing and production phases of a whole new chip architecture. I think that there has been Only one source spreading the same bogus information about the G5. If I remember correctly the source claimed that hundreds of test units were in the field, way too many for there to be only one source<hr></blockquote>
god I am good. Unfortunatly it doesn't look like we'll see G5 until late 2002 early 2003. They will just be sampling an embeded G5 that lacks altivec and only runs at 800Mhz by mid 2002. ouch.
32-bit <----- G5 PowerPC 8500 Goldfinger processor running at speeds of either 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4 GHz or 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 GHz
It won't be quite the G5 we expected to see......but it will sure be a nice surprise. Expect lower clock speeds. Some architectural features we expected may be missing.
and this is different from the G4 how? everyone thought the G4 was being released no earlier than January 2000 and Apple snuck it in at Seybold in August 99. There were hundreds of test units in the field but no one heard of them. People do keep their NDAs.
[quote]-No mac clustering Why? Where's the demand? To enter the overcrowded highend server market with zero credability. Apple makes a fine single or dual proc server but garners nary a mention in the traditional server arena's<hr></blockquote>
there is a very large demand. the clustering seminar at macworld expo NY was very popular and the scientific field is growing a lot for Apple with the G4 and OS X. Clustering out of the box is just so damn logical.
[quote]-No LCD imac LCD prices are still too high an LCD iMac from a cost standpoint is likely very close to that of and IceBook and $1199 starting price is too high for entry level market.<hr></blockquote>
1.) an LCD iMac is coming.
2.) An LCD is not too expensive. There are sub 1000 PCs with LCDs now
3.) there is no reason an LCD imac can't start at 1199 or 1299. Apple could always keep a lowend CRT based imac for 899 to cover the lowend.
[quote]-No1394b (aka 800Mbit firewire) TI hasn't even finalized development of the silicon.<hr></blockquote>
thought I read that it was finalized several weeks ago?
[quote]-Speed bumped portables at best a 800mhz Tibook and 700Mhz IceBook and slight chance at a slot loading DVD/CD-R option.<hr></blockquote>
considering a faster G4 would likely set the thing on fire unless its a new rev G4 I thought it. Plus, how do you expect Apple to clear the channel when the channel is finally being filled. Think.
-speed bumped iMacs may sport up to 1Ghz G4 they have to do something drastic to reinvigorate iMace sales, but LCD prices are still too high<hr></blockquote>
if anything the G4 is too expensive. a 1Ghz G4 would cost more than the LCD display
867 Mhz, 1.2 Ghz, dual 1Ghz
256 MB, 512, 512
60, 80, 100 HDs
nvidia Geforce 3 standard
Superdrive Standard
266 Mhz DDR Bus
new case
$1699, $2199, $2799
15 inch LCD
700Mhz G3
DVD, CDRW, Combo
128MB, 128MB, 256MB
40, 60, 80 GB HDs
ATI Radeon 16 MB
new most beautiful computer design ever created
$999, $1199, $1499
Apple Displays
$499, $799, $2199
those our my conservative predictions
what I want/hope/have faith will happen:
PowerMac G5
1Ghz, 1.2 Ghz, 1.4 Ghz, 1.6Ghz
256MB, 256MB, 512MB, 512MB
Superdrive standard
Geforce 3 Standard/Radeon 8500 Option
Firewire 2
Gigabit Ethernet
Airport Standard
40, 60, 80, 100GB HDs (all 7200RPM)
Dual options for all processors except 1.6Ghz at Apple store. dual 1.2 Ghz likely to be offered to stores prebuilt).
$1699, $1999, $2499, $2999
iMac (LCD)
15.1 inch LCD
Superdrive (maybe, maybe combo drive
1Ghz G3 or 867 Mhz g4 depending on if the g3 can handle iDVD2.
256 MB RAM
Firewire 2
Airport standard
nVidia Geforce 2 MX 32 MB
Gigabit Ethernet
iMac (CRT)
15 inch CRT
700Mhz G3
40 GB HD
128 MB RAM
Geforce 2 MX 32 MB
[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: applenut ]</p>
Apparently you failed to read that I think everything will have had a speed bump after Tokyo.
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
I read your post and again, I disagree. Tokyo is more than 6 months from July. The tower and the iMac will see speed bumps <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
933 MHz G3
133 MHz bus
128, 256, 256 RAM
40, 60, 80 HD
Nvidia 32 MB graphics
15" LCD
awesome new enclosure
$999, $1299, $1599
Note: This is a total guess.
1Ghz G5
19" LCD
100Gig Hard drive
4Gigs of Ram
Superduper Drive (everything under the sun)
Radeon VE 1Gig
Carbon Fiber Case
USB 2.0, Firewire 2, I think your catching on...
2Ghz G5
16" LCD
100Gig Hard Drive
2Gigs of Ram
Rambo drive (Burn any CD/DVD in 4sec flat)
Radeon 1Gig
Covered in Red & Gray Ferrari Paint
USB 2.0, Firewire 2, bla bla bla
That was so much fun.
[ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: KrazyFool ]</p>
1) no new case for G4s
2) no standard Superdrive in low-end model
3) new LCD line-up of 17" ($699), 19" ($1,199) and 22" ($2,299)
I think the G5 is close, and we'll see it before MWNY (in a new case), but this show's gonna be all about OS X (lots of demos ofFCP3, Photoshop X, etc.) and the cool new LCD iMac.