Isn't there an adapter you can use with the Firewire? What's the big deal?
I have a Canon digital camera - nothing crazy but it's still one of the better ones out there (SD 1000). I don't even connect it to my Mac. I simply plug the SD card into the little USB adapter I have and that's it. There's an adapter for everything and a lot of them tend to be fairly inexpensive, and in the case of the SD card adapter, incredibly useful.
Wouldn't know - Mac ads are not aired here in NZ, I can only see them on the net.
I think that MS advertising people are still searching for the right formula, so these notebook hunters are just a phase; they are cheap to make, don't have celebrities (Justin Long must cost something nowadays!) and are expendable. I do have a feeling we'll see more of a variety once Windows 7 is out - I wouldn't be surprised to learn that MS marketing people are, at this point, already spending much more time and money on W7 ads than they are doing on presently aired ads.
Mac ads wise, they were novelty when they started, but today they are more like "me, too". Old news. Another take on the same topic. Definitely not fresh any more. I think Apple should make an effort to re-invent their advertising as well. There is only that much you can tell with one uniformed form of advertising...
It seems that Microsoft is forever searching for the right formula in their advertising. In the past it didn't matter too much -- they got most of their sales by default anyway. They still do, but now they are in the position where it would be very useful for them to have a positive, comprehensible corporate image in the minds of the public, and they don't quite seem to know how it's done. Apple has been masterful at this. Probably most people could tell you what Apple is about in a few words. How many could do the same for Microsoft?
You happen to have a (still?) camera that uses an SD card. For that you're all set. Lots of people have lots of MiniDV and FW audio not to mention hard drives. I haven't looked since the intro of the MacBook 13 ALU but there was exactly one USB 2.0 > FW adapter on the market, and that one did not have Mac drivers.
USB 2.0 claims of equivalent speed are valid only under certain conditions, and the real world sustained performance on hard drives and other devices is going to be lower.
Steve's infamous "you don't need it" private email to an end user was an uncharacteristic public version of what he's famous for doing in house. Notice nobody at Apple has repeated it officially.
eMacs and Minis and every iMac since the DV have had FireWire, so it's not a "pro" feature.
And it's not obsolete or else it wouldn't be on every other later model.
It's space. It'll likely be back.
Originally Posted by Quadra 610
Isn't there an adapter you can use with the Firewire? What's the big deal?
I have a Canon digital camera - nothing crazy but it's still one of the better ones out there (SD 1000). I don't even connect it to my Mac. I simply plug the SD card into the little USB adapter I have and that's it. There's an adapter for everything and a lot of them tend to be fairly inexpensive, and in the case of the SD card adapter, incredibly useful.
You happen to have a (still?) camera that uses an SD card. For that you're all set. Lots of people have lots of MiniDV and FW audio not to mention hard drives.
USB 2.0 claims of equivalent speed are valid only under certain conditions, and the real world sustained performance on hard drives and other devices is going to be lower.
eMacs and Minis and every iMac since the DV have had FireWire, so it's not a "pro" feature.
And it's not obsolete or else it wouldn't be on every other later model.
It's space. It'll likely be back.
Absolutely. USB2, beyond input devices, just doesn't cut it on so many levels.
The first MacBook Pro (Intel processor) omitted FireWire 800. This was accompanied by howls from users. In the Rev.B version, FireWire 800 was back. I suspect we'll see FireWire 800 in the unibody MacBook along with other hardware tweaks in the Rev.B version.
Now you say apple own's 70% of the premium end, I find that odd considering the number of gamers that use WINDOWS gaming rigs starting at around $2500, ever heard of Alienware?
Methinks you and nikon133 are doing a great job at confusing sticker price with profit margins...
Now you say apple own's 70% of the premium end, I find that odd considering the number of gamers that use WINDOWS gaming rigs starting at around $2500, ever heard of Alienware?
Alienware laptops? Talk about hideous design. 20lbs. with freon cooling systems?
Originally Posted by DocNo42
Methinks you and nikon133 are doing a great job at confusing sticker price with profit margins...
Actually Apple has above 60% of the +$1000 LAPTOP market.
The desktop market is where Apple lags pretty miserably.
Apple STILL needs to release a headless desktop machine that falls somewhere in between the MacPro and Mac mini.
I really fail to understand why Windows lovers lurk on geeky Mac forums.
Do they think we're dumb fuck Stockholm Syndrome suffering Windows users dying for abuse, who will all suddenly see the dark, chuck our MacBook Pros and buy a Dell running Vista or Ubuntu?
I guess it's like foam-at-the-mouth Jesus freaks preaching on the subway. There's nothing to be said to get them to shut up or go away... just screw in the earbuds a little deeper or pull the book closer to your face and wait for your stop.
I haven't looked since the intro of the MacBook 13 ALU but there was exactly one USB 2.0 > FW adapter on the market, and that one did not have Mac drivers.
Ouch, I didn't know that.
Mind you, my SD card to USB adapter doesn't need drivers, you just plug it in and go. I suppose Firewire to USB is a different story.
Alienware laptops? Talk about hideous design. 20lbs. with freon cooling systems?
Actually Apple has above 60% of the +$1000 LAPTOP market.
The desktop market is where Apple lags pretty miserably.
Apple STILL needs to release a headless desktop machine that falls somewhere in between the MacPro and Mac mini.
I really fail to understand why Windows lovers lurk on geeky Mac forums.
Do they think we're dumb fuck Stockholm Syndrome suffering Windows users dying for abuse, who will all suddenly see the dark, chuck our MacBook Pros and buy a Dell running Vista or Ubuntu?
I guess it's like foam-at-the-mouth Jesus freaks preaching on the subway. There's nothing to be said to get them to shut up or go away... just screw in the earbuds a little deeper or pull the book closer to your face and wait for your stop.
Completely agree with you on the Windows "lost souls" comment.
There is absolutely no way I could ever go back to Windows. I've already soiled my MBP with Windows (via Bootcamp) in the past, just to play EVE Online, but since I've left the MMO world my Windows XP CD has functioned quite nicely as a decorative coaster.
As for the whole Apple-needs-to-make-a-headless-desktop issue . . . I think they've caught on to the reality that desktops are a dying breed, at least in their current form. Notebooks are where the market is now, and we're heading toward greater and greater miniaturization. If anything, the Mac Mini is the form factor of the future if we're talking headless, but it currently can only handle so much. I think even the Mac Pros will at some point get smaller. Bigger (and thinner) displays are the big thing, not bigger towers and cases.
The gamer market is a different story, but the PC-gamer seems to be a dying breed as well, at least in the big-case + a ton of cards and fans sense. The ones that like to build and mix and match parts in order to max out their Crysis framerates (overclockers, too) just to make the kid next door cry harer seem to be just a niche of the tech enthusiast market, which is small enough as it is.
You know, I've read many of these posts and they have a common thread, that is; My dad can beat up your dad; my car is faster than your car, my p&@#% is larger than your p&@#% . Does it really matter? use what you like and be happy, in this world you get what you pay for. Be happy with your choice or find something that makes you happy. Somebody was right in an earlier post, this is like a broken record...
It seems that Microsoft is forever searching for the right formula in their advertising. In the past it didn't matter too much -- they got most of their sales by default anyway. They still do, but now they are in the position where it would be very useful for them to have a positive, comprehensible corporate image in the minds of the public, and they don't quite seem to know how it's done. Apple has been masterful at this. Probably most people could tell you what Apple is about in a few words. How many could do the same for Microsoft?
Not that many, likely. Guess that is where P&B are supposed to jump in and fill the gap. They've just started, though...
Not that many, likely. Guess that is where P&B are supposed to jump in and fill the gap. They've just started, though...
Advertising firms can't tell a company what they are all about; it has to go the other way. One of Steve's major contributions to the revival of Apple was refocusing the company philosophy. When a company can tell their ad firm what message they want consumers to hear, a good ad firm can help them a lot more than when they're casting around for one.
No, it doesn't. Where did you get this ridiculous idea??
Originally Posted by solipsism
You did make the same point again while using the same car analogy again. Could you at least change up the models being stolen? And I have asked people to not use the analogy, often it fits well but jsut as often it does not and it?s so over used that no one cares anymore. Like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, so over used that no one cares anymore.
No one here who knows any computing history will deny that Macs have had viruses, but it was prior to the switch of Mac OS X. Apple dropped their previous OS because it was antiquated. Got that?! They had a crappy system that required them to clean house, buy NeXT to get the Mac platform back on track.
Also, no one said that Macs aren?t hackable, crushable, or infallible. They are all of those things, but the likelihood of these happening are much less because of Apple?s business model, not in spite of it. When you decide to build the HW and SW. They have a limited product lineup and use a modular, modern OS that affords them certain benefits that MS can?t get. But MS? model affords them the ability to have a much higher marketshare. This is business, this is life, there are always tradeoffs.
OK FOR THE SLOWou WWW PEOPLE IN THE ROOM. As I was saying certain things come with the territory, weather it's buying a TV or a car. Since me changing the brands will make it EASIER for you to understand. An SUV comes with certain drawbacks than if yu buy a car, but it also has it's advantages. If I have a family of 7 an SUV serves me better than a car, duhhhhhh. Sorry you could not understand that certain things come with the territory.
PS: Don’t confuse a consumer desktop with a business workstation and server. There are reasons why data is collected from different groups and this one is from consumers.
Sorry I DID NOT confuse consumer with business, YOU DID NOT SPECIFY. But the better question is how many PC's for consumers do you see that cost $1000+? The thing about your comparison is when MOST people look for a PC they look for UNDER $1000 which are just as good or better than the MAC they would spend $1000+. That's like Pioneer saying they own 70% of ythe TV market for TV's over $5000, but not too many others make TV's in that price range so it is considered a FALSE POSITIVE.
Lets look at the complete picture and see how big (small) that 70% actually is:
70% looks like alot when you cut the picture to taylor your argument.
I'll end my argument cause MOST people who use PC's understand computers alot better and use computers in a completely different way than PEOPLE who use MACS.
I am a PC. I've been running Vista since launch and have gotten no viruses. No need for antivirus, but there are great, free programs such as Antivir. MS cannot include software bundled with it's OS because they would get sued, just like they have been for bundling media player and IE. Macs are prettier than most PC's if not all, but I build my own systems and can upgrade my video card in my ~$1,000 system. To have that ability in a Mac you have to spend more than 2 grand. I would like to buy a Mac but want a tower for ~$1,000 which doesn't look like it will happen. I'll probably get an iPhone though, I'm tired of my WinMo phone. Mac Ads are lies, don't see how people can get mad over PC ads. Oh, my OS also does not freeze, even running beta/RC Seven. I do not need to go into the future 100 years to see if it's not freezing, because it's not now. I mainly joined this forum for iPhone info and figured i'd share my opinion. If there's anything wrong with what I posted, feel free to correct me.
When it'll become more "usable", Linux will eat a LOT of Windows's market share !
To be fair, this is hitslink, which measures OSes based on hits to websites. Since Linux is used mainly for servers and not for consumer use the chances of these servers going to the sites used for measuring is slim. OVerall, Linux will have a larger share and is much more important to the industry as a whole than their survey shows. Good to see OS X on the rise, though.
I have a Canon digital camera - nothing crazy but it's still one of the better ones out there (SD 1000). I don't even connect it to my Mac. I simply plug the SD card into the little USB adapter I have and that's it. There's an adapter for everything and a lot of them tend to be fairly inexpensive, and in the case of the SD card adapter, incredibly useful.
Wouldn't know - Mac ads are not aired here in NZ, I can only see them on the net.
I think that MS advertising people are still searching for the right formula, so these notebook hunters are just a phase; they are cheap to make, don't have celebrities (Justin Long must cost something nowadays!) and are expendable. I do have a feeling we'll see more of a variety once Windows 7 is out - I wouldn't be surprised to learn that MS marketing people are, at this point, already spending much more time and money on W7 ads than they are doing on presently aired ads.
Mac ads wise, they were novelty when they started, but today they are more like "me, too". Old news. Another take on the same topic. Definitely not fresh any more. I think Apple should make an effort to re-invent their advertising as well. There is only that much you can tell with one uniformed form of advertising...
It seems that Microsoft is forever searching for the right formula in their advertising. In the past it didn't matter too much -- they got most of their sales by default anyway. They still do, but now they are in the position where it would be very useful for them to have a positive, comprehensible corporate image in the minds of the public, and they don't quite seem to know how it's done. Apple has been masterful at this. Probably most people could tell you what Apple is about in a few words. How many could do the same for Microsoft?
USB 2.0 claims of equivalent speed are valid only under certain conditions, and the real world sustained performance on hard drives and other devices is going to be lower.
Steve's infamous "you don't need it" private email to an end user was an uncharacteristic public version of what he's famous for doing in house. Notice nobody at Apple has repeated it officially.
eMacs and Minis and every iMac since the DV have had FireWire, so it's not a "pro" feature.
And it's not obsolete or else it wouldn't be on every other later model.
It's space. It'll likely be back.
Isn't there an adapter you can use with the Firewire? What's the big deal?
I have a Canon digital camera - nothing crazy but it's still one of the better ones out there (SD 1000). I don't even connect it to my Mac. I simply plug the SD card into the little USB adapter I have and that's it. There's an adapter for everything and a lot of them tend to be fairly inexpensive, and in the case of the SD card adapter, incredibly useful.
You happen to have a (still?) camera that uses an SD card. For that you're all set. Lots of people have lots of MiniDV and FW audio not to mention hard drives.
USB 2.0 claims of equivalent speed are valid only under certain conditions, and the real world sustained performance on hard drives and other devices is going to be lower.
eMacs and Minis and every iMac since the DV have had FireWire, so it's not a "pro" feature.
And it's not obsolete or else it wouldn't be on every other later model.
It's space. It'll likely be back.
Absolutely. USB2, beyond input devices, just doesn't cut it on so many levels.
The first MacBook Pro (Intel processor) omitted FireWire 800. This was accompanied by howls from users. In the Rev.B version, FireWire 800 was back. I suspect we'll see FireWire 800 in the unibody MacBook along with other hardware tweaks in the Rev.B version.
The moral? Never buy a Rev.A Mac.
Now you say apple own's 70% of the premium end, I find that odd considering the number of gamers that use WINDOWS gaming rigs starting at around $2500, ever heard of Alienware?
Methinks you and nikon133 are doing a great job at confusing sticker price with profit margins...
Now you say apple own's 70% of the premium end, I find that odd considering the number of gamers that use WINDOWS gaming rigs starting at around $2500, ever heard of Alienware?
Alienware laptops? Talk about hideous design. 20lbs. with freon cooling systems?
Methinks you and nikon133 are doing a great job at confusing sticker price with profit margins...
Actually Apple has above 60% of the +$1000 LAPTOP market.
The desktop market is where Apple lags pretty miserably.
Apple STILL needs to release a headless desktop machine that falls somewhere in between the MacPro and Mac mini.
I really fail to understand why Windows lovers lurk on geeky Mac forums.
Do they think we're dumb fuck Stockholm Syndrome suffering Windows users dying for abuse, who will all suddenly see the dark, chuck our MacBook Pros and buy a Dell running Vista or Ubuntu?
I guess it's like foam-at-the-mouth Jesus freaks preaching on the subway. There's nothing to be said to get them to shut up or go away... just screw in the earbuds a little deeper or pull the book closer to your face and wait for your stop.
I haven't looked since the intro of the MacBook 13 ALU but there was exactly one USB 2.0 > FW adapter on the market, and that one did not have Mac drivers.
Ouch, I didn't know that.
Mind you, my SD card to USB adapter doesn't need drivers, you just plug it in and go. I suppose Firewire to USB is a different story.
Alienware laptops? Talk about hideous design. 20lbs. with freon cooling systems?
Actually Apple has above 60% of the +$1000 LAPTOP market.
The desktop market is where Apple lags pretty miserably.
Apple STILL needs to release a headless desktop machine that falls somewhere in between the MacPro and Mac mini.
I really fail to understand why Windows lovers lurk on geeky Mac forums.
Do they think we're dumb fuck Stockholm Syndrome suffering Windows users dying for abuse, who will all suddenly see the dark, chuck our MacBook Pros and buy a Dell running Vista or Ubuntu?
I guess it's like foam-at-the-mouth Jesus freaks preaching on the subway. There's nothing to be said to get them to shut up or go away... just screw in the earbuds a little deeper or pull the book closer to your face and wait for your stop.
Completely agree with you on the Windows "lost souls" comment.
There is absolutely no way I could ever go back to Windows. I've already soiled my MBP with Windows (via Bootcamp) in the past, just to play EVE Online, but since I've left the MMO world my Windows XP CD has functioned quite nicely as a decorative coaster.
As for the whole Apple-needs-to-make-a-headless-desktop issue . . . I think they've caught on to the reality that desktops are a dying breed, at least in their current form. Notebooks are where the market is now, and we're heading toward greater and greater miniaturization. If anything, the Mac Mini is the form factor of the future if we're talking headless, but it currently can only handle so much. I think even the Mac Pros will at some point get smaller. Bigger (and thinner) displays are the big thing, not bigger towers and cases.
The gamer market is a different story, but the PC-gamer seems to be a dying breed as well, at least in the big-case + a ton of cards and fans sense. The ones that like to build and mix and match parts in order to max out their Crysis framerates (overclockers, too) just to make the kid next door cry harer seem to be just a niche of the tech enthusiast market, which is small enough as it is.
It seems that Microsoft is forever searching for the right formula in their advertising. In the past it didn't matter too much -- they got most of their sales by default anyway. They still do, but now they are in the position where it would be very useful for them to have a positive, comprehensible corporate image in the minds of the public, and they don't quite seem to know how it's done. Apple has been masterful at this. Probably most people could tell you what Apple is about in a few words. How many could do the same for Microsoft?
Not that many, likely. Guess that is where P&B are supposed to jump in and fill the gap. They've just started, though...
Not that many, likely. Guess that is where P&B are supposed to jump in and fill the gap. They've just started, though...
Advertising firms can't tell a company what they are all about; it has to go the other way. One of Steve's major contributions to the revival of Apple was refocusing the company philosophy. When a company can tell their ad firm what message they want consumers to hear, a good ad firm can help them a lot more than when they're casting around for one.
No, it doesn't. Where did you get this ridiculous idea??
Does it have a Media Player built in? How about .net framework? should I go on? Like I say IT DOES LESS. Ridiculous idea, i think not.
No, it doesn't. Where did you get this ridiculous idea??
You did make the same point again while using the same car analogy again. Could you at least change up the models being stolen? And I have asked people to not use the analogy, often it fits well but jsut as often it does not and it?s so over used that no one cares anymore. Like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, so over used that no one cares anymore.
No one here who knows any computing history will deny that Macs have had viruses, but it was prior to the switch of Mac OS X. Apple dropped their previous OS because it was antiquated. Got that?! They had a crappy system that required them to clean house, buy NeXT to get the Mac platform back on track.
Also, no one said that Macs aren?t hackable, crushable, or infallible. They are all of those things, but the likelihood of these happening are much less because of Apple?s business model, not in spite of it. When you decide to build the HW and SW. They have a limited product lineup and use a modular, modern OS that affords them certain benefits that MS can?t get. But MS? model affords them the ability to have a much higher marketshare. This is business, this is life, there are always tradeoffs.
OK FOR THE SLOWou WWW PEOPLE IN THE ROOM. As I was saying certain things come with the territory, weather it's buying a TV or a car. Since me changing the brands will make it EASIER for you to understand. An SUV comes with certain drawbacks than if yu buy a car, but it also has it's advantages. If I have a family of 7 an SUV serves me better than a car, duhhhhhh. Sorry you could not understand that certain things come with the territory.
Here is one CNN Money article about NPD data... PS: Don’t confuse a consumer desktop with a business workstation and server. There are reasons why data is collected from different groups and this one is from consumers.
Sorry I DID NOT confuse consumer with business, YOU DID NOT SPECIFY. But the better question is how many PC's for consumers do you see that cost $1000+? The thing about your comparison is when MOST people look for a PC they look for UNDER $1000 which are just as good or better than the MAC they would spend $1000+. That's like Pioneer saying they own 70% of ythe TV market for TV's over $5000, but not too many others make TV's in that price range so it is considered a FALSE POSITIVE.
Lets look at the complete picture and see how big (small) that 70% actually is:
70% looks like alot when you cut the picture to taylor your argument.
I'll end my argument cause MOST people who use PC's understand computers alot better and use computers in a completely different way than PEOPLE who use MACS.
The most correct statistics about market share
Windows - 87.9%
Mac - 9.73%
Linux - 1.02%
iPhone - 0.55%
iPod Touch - 0.15%
Android - 0.07%
Other - 0.32%
And... Apple have... 9.73+0.55+0.15 = 10.43% - The highest percent in "Company market share" nomination.
Higher than such companies as HP, Dell, Asus, etc.
The greatest company !
P.S. Congratulations ! Linux now have 1% !
When it'll become more "usable", Linux will eat a LOT of Windows's market share !
In that case it will allow MAC OS to be installed on PCs and replace the Microsoft,
and will become so ugly and boring like M$ !
Apple, please, don't be too greedy ! Don't grow bigger than 25% !
Leave the place for Linux, FreeBSD and other "human" systems !
I am a PC..
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing.
i?m a little teapot.
You're trolling ! Let's see how you'll eat this !
The most correct statistics about market share
P.S. Congratulations ! Linux now has 1% !
When it'll become more "usable", Linux will eat a LOT of Windows's market share !
To be fair, this is hitslink, which measures OSes based on hits to websites. Since Linux is used mainly for servers and not for consumer use the chances of these servers going to the sites used for measuring is slim. OVerall, Linux will have a larger share and is much more important to the industry as a whole than their survey shows. Good to see OS X on the rise, though.