Apple shares of smartphone market jumps more than twofold



  • Reply 101 of 148
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Color me confused... but it looks to me like Italiankid's account has been deleted. Thank Mod.

    THANK F**K!

    it's long overdue
  • Reply 102 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    THANK F**K!

    it's long overdue

    i am here.

    i refuse to reply to macheads with a one view opinion. lol
  • Reply 103 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Color me confused... but it looks to me like Italiankid's account has been deleted. Thank Mod.

    wrong again...

    i am here... just not replying to narrow minded people!
  • Reply 104 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    food for thought to ALL...

    An opinion is a belief that may or may not be backed up with evidence, but which cannot be proved with that evidence. An opinion is neither right nor wrong. It is normally a subjective statement and may be the result of an emotion or an interpretation of facts; people may draw opposing opinions from the same facts.

    So my OPINIONS may differ from yours. EXCEPT IT.

    Your opinion or that of mine may be different. Let this be known...
  • Reply 105 of 148
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    teckstud is your other account. It's kind of funny when you talk to yourself and think that none of us know.

    Seriously though, it would be nice if AppleInsider let us stay logged in for longer, like a day or so.

    Trolls like teckstud and italiankid are getting to be a big problem. On this thread, almost all the posts are theirs, but the content of the posts is essentially zero. I have both of them on my ignore list, but every time I come back to the site to check the threads, I'm logged out and all their posts are there to be viewed.

    I know it's up to me to ignore them or not read them, but that's the purpose of the "ignore posts" feature isn't it? Why not let us stay logged in all day so that we can more easily ignore the bait these idiots set out?

    It's very difficult to switch over to this site to see what's happening, be confronted by dozens of inflammatory posts and yet have the strength not to answer them. Anyone who has dealt with teenagers for any length of time knows how hard it is to ignore them and how difficult it is not to get caught up in their stupid games etc.

    Kasper, give us a break and let us put these guys on ignore for longer than a few minutes at a time. I don't see the downside in letting people stay logged in all day instead of pushing us off if we go away for more than a few minutes.

    Hear, hear! The particularly telling point for me is: "the content of [their] posts is essentially zero."

    This forum is not a democracy. Please get rid of them, or risk making AI a joke. (As to threats to re-appear as someone else from somewhere else, I guarantee that people can sniff their dumb presence and posts from a mile away).
  • Reply 106 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Hear, hear! The particularly telling point for me is: "the content of [their] posts is essentially zero."

    This forum is not a democracy. Please get rid of them, or risk making AI a joke. (As to threats to re-appear as someone else from somewhere else, I guarantee that people can sniff their dumb presence and posts from a mile away).

    close minded.

    except change. YES YOU CAN...

    I can help...
  • Reply 107 of 148
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Color me confused... but it looks to me like Italiankid's account has been deleted. Thank Mod.

    Great news!

    One down, one more to go.......
  • Reply 108 of 148
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,093member


    Originally Posted by macxpress

    Except its marketshare actually went up. This is why the title of the article is "Apple shares of smartphone market jumps more than twofold".

    Now if you want to spin numbers so they agree with you go ahead. Live in your own world of stupidity.

    teckstud response-



    Although Apple saw sales jump more than 100%, its 10.8% share of the market isn't the highest its achieved during its short tenure as a smartphone maker. The company actually registered a near 13% share of the market back in the third quarter of 2008, immediately following the launch of its second-generation iPhone.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post


    Flunk reading comprehension- heh?



    Apple saw its share of global smartphone market more than double on a year-over-year basis during the first quarter of the year.....

    The more intelligent among us knows that growth is traditionally measured on a same quarter, year-over-year basis. When (if) they release a new iPhone in Q3 of 2009, we'll see if marketshare take a decline from it's 13% share in Q3 2008. (the quarter Apple released the iPhone 3G). Until then, no one really gives a rat ass about the 13% number. Except for trolls like you.

    With your logic, the iPod marketshare declines 3 quarters out of the year because it's highest % marketshare quarter is traditionally the Xmas (1st) quarter. \
  • Reply 109 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Great news!

    One down, one more to go.......

    is this the war in Iraq? lol
  • Reply 110 of 148
    tawilsontawilson Posts: 484member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    And, what about Samsung and LG -- one would have thought they'd figure somewhere up there in this list?

    You see that "Others" category, I'm sure that's where you'll find their figures as they were too insignificant on their own.
  • Reply 111 of 148
    tawilsontawilson Posts: 484member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The only problem they had was in the very beginning, when some reports of cracks around the connectors were mentioned, but that stopped quite a while ago.

    There have been no other real problems reported, other than some minor software glitches.

    So if you have links to real problems that are affecting more than a very small number of people, sure put them out.

    Firstly, I absolutely love Apple and their products.

    My iPhone was replaced only the other day because the glue came off the volume rocker switch and it fell off. The phone also had the "dock connector crack" (this had started appearing in August 08 and I bought a 3G on launch day).

    Took it to the Apple Store and it was replaced no questions asked. Awesome service.
  • Reply 112 of 148
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Marketshare is important to every site, and to the manufacturers as well.

    I've noticed some people throwing around Nokia's marketshare, though they quiet down when it's pointed out how much it's dropping.

    Well at least some people put the news out there. Not just the happy cheerleading news that this site seems to throw out there.

    Personally both Nokia and Apple can go in the tank. It will not affect me either way as I am not an Apple drone lemming zealot, nor a Nokia fanboy. I am a more bang for my buck loyalist. If Nokia and Apple go in the tank, someone else will step up and get my dollars. I could not care less.

    As for the future of Nokia and Apple. It will remain the same. Nokia will continue to lead Apple forever unless Nokia shuts its doors or goes back to making rubber boots, and toilet paper. There are simply tens of millions of people that will never purchase an iPhone no matter what. Apple will never get these people which in effect contribute to its market share. On the same not, Nokia will never get a certain type of consumer which my be inclined to purchase Apple. So once again, Nokia's market share will suffer a bit. In the end it will be Nokia first, Samsung/LG fighting it out for second, with Apple somewhere in the mix, but they could make a massive leap to second but they will never overtake Nokia. With that, who cares? They both make good phones, currently Nokia makes more of a phone than Apple but we will all see what Apple drops in the next few weeks as with Nokia and the N97. For someone like me that will most likely purchase both, this is a win-win.
  • Reply 113 of 148
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by DavidW View Post

    teckstud response-

    The more intelligent among us knows that growth is traditionally measured on a same quarter, year-over-year basis. When (if) they release a new iPhone in Q3 of 2009, we'll see if marketshare take a decline from it's 13% share in Q3 2008. (the quarter Apple released the iPhone 3G). Until then, no one really gives a rat ass about the 13% number. Except for trolls like you.

    With your logic, the iPod marketshare declines 3 quarters out of the year because it's highest % marketshare quarter is traditionally the Xmas (1st) quarter. \

    Don't flatter yourself. Seems like you're the one with the logic problem If more than one phone is introduced next quarter than you can't compare. You're the kind of person on here that uses the logic that iPhone and iPod Touches should be included in OS market share but don't want netbooks included in hardware share comparisons.
  • Reply 114 of 148
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    That's hysterical. You are really either out of your mind or off your meds. Blocking anybody that disagrees with Apple? Pathetic.

    Blocking anybody that disagrees with Apple would indeed be pathetic, TS. What the poster is advocating is rather blocking those who come on this site simply to disrupt an exchange of legitimate opinions (i.e. based on facts and figures) with their unsupported negativity; the goal of such people is merely to anger others NOT because they're criticizing Apple, but because their criticisms are distortions.

    Which if you think about it, is rather pathetic.

  • Reply 115 of 148
    davidwdavidw Posts: 2,093member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Don't flatter yourself. Seems like you're the one with the logic problem If more than one phone is introduced next quarter than you can't compare. You're the kind of person on here that uses the logic that iPhone and iPod Touches should be included in OS market share but don't want netbooks included in hardware share comparisons.

    Looks who talking. You're the one that made a big deal about Apple market share declining by comparing last quarter (Q2 2009) to Q3 of 2008. They didn't release a new iPhone last quarter (like they did in Q3 2008), did they? But that didn't seem stop you from making your initial comment because you saw a chance to post something negative about Apple.

    It doesn't matter if they release more than one iPhone this quarter (Q3 2009). If market share doesn't go pass 13% then we can say that Apple market share took a dip in growth. If market share go up, then it's up but the multi release will be taken into consideration.

    It's only if Apple don't release a new iPhone this quarter that we can't make a fair comparison between the two quarters. Then the 13% of Q3 2008 number would be considered an anomaly. (Like the quarters that Apple releases new iPods or Macs.) This number is then discounted to take this into consideration when making any comparison. Unlike what you did (using numbers from two different fiscal quarters, y-y and not discounting that one of the quarter had a release of a new iPhone) to make your claim that market share for iPhone is dropping.
  • Reply 116 of 148
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    Well at least some people put the news out there. Not just the happy cheerleading news that this site seems to throw out there.

    Personally both Nokia and Apple can go in the tank. It will not affect me either way as I am not an Apple drone lemming zealot, nor a Nokia fanboy. I am a more bang for my buck loyalist. If Nokia and Apple go in the tank, someone else will step up and get my dollars. I could not care less.

    As for the future of Nokia and Apple. It will remain the same. Nokia will continue to lead Apple forever unless Nokia shuts its doors or goes back to making rubber boots, and toilet paper. There are simply tens of millions of people that will never purchase an iPhone no matter what. Apple will never get these people which in effect contribute to its market share. On the same not, Nokia will never get a certain type of consumer which my be inclined to purchase Apple. So once again, Nokia's market share will suffer a bit. In the end it will be Nokia first, Samsung/LG fighting it out for second, with Apple somewhere in the mix, but they could make a massive leap to second but they will never overtake Nokia. With that, who cares? They both make good phones, currently Nokia makes more of a phone than Apple but we will all see what Apple drops in the next few weeks as with Nokia and the N97. For someone like me that will most likely purchase both, this is a win-win.

    I don't see the N97 as affecting the iPhone's sales much, if at all.

    It's a totally different kind of phone, for a completely different kind of person.

    It's big and clumsy. I don't know what the weight is, but it looks as though it's heavier.

    It's more for the techie market than for the type of buyers Apple has.

    That doesn't mean it won't do ok, but it's like Mercedes and BMW, you would think that a new model of one would take sales from the other but it doesn't. They are two different kinds of people. Buyers of one almost never buy the other.

    Yes, I know, you're different, and may have both. but that's very rare.
  • Reply 117 of 148
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by JakeBarnes View Post

    Blocking anybody that disagrees with Apple would indeed be pathetic, TS. What the poster is advocating is rather blocking those who come on this site simply to disrupt an exchange of legitimate opinions (i.e. based on facts and figures) with their unsupported negativity; the goal of such people is merely to anger others NOT because they're criticizing Apple, but because their criticisms are distortions.

    Which if you think about it, is rather pathetic.


    Believe me, he wasn't blocked because of "anti-Apple" sentiment. We've got more than a bit of that here.

    It's the way he expresses it.

    Sometimes the way you say something IS more important than what you are saying.
  • Reply 118 of 148
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Areas where a new iPhone is likely to beat the N97.

    Processor N97 464MHz ARM 11,a new iPhone will probably be faster.

    RAM N97 128MB a new iPhone 256MB

    Screen N97 640x360 resistive TFT, a new iPhone ??? Capacitive OLED?

    Connectivity N97 3.6Mbps HSDPA, a new iPhone 7.2???.

    You see the N97 was designed to take on the iPhone 3G, 6 months of hype between it's announcement and it's release have given competitors ample time to come up with something better.

    The Samsung Omnia HD or LG Arena for instance.

    Apple won't knock Nokia off number one, if anyone will it's Samsung.

    I think this quarters figures will reveal a surprise as far as iPhone sales go, speaking anecdotally based on my experience working in a phone store in Australia iPhone sales have been picking up, the 'storm' has died down, the App store campaign, word of mouth and "discounting" i.e. better value plans, to clear inventory have pushed the iPhone to our top selling phone at the moment.
  • Reply 119 of 148
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by DavidW View Post

    It's only if Apple don't release a new iPhone this quarter that we can't make a fair comparison between the two quarters. Then the 13% of Q3 2008 number would be considered an anomaly.

    Then you can consider every quarter an anomaly.

    You can say that when the 3G iphone was launched and Apple got a big market share --- it was because RIM hadn't launched a new phone model for a year. Since 3 out of the top 5 smart phones come from RIM, it's all about RIM and nothing to do with the iphone.

    If we use your logic, then the 4 quarters look like this: July-Sept quarter iphone launches (massive numbers), Oct-Dec quarter (actually really bad quarter for the iphone because they managed to go flat or even go down in sales even with the busy christmas quarter), Jan-March quarter (have you visited a shopping mall during these months, it's dead for everybody), April-June quarter (Apple "ran out" of iphone inventory and have a token amount of market share).
  • Reply 120 of 148
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Then you can consider every quarter an anomaly.

    You can say that when the 3G iphone was launched and Apple got a big market share --- it was because RIM hadn't launched a new phone model for a year. Since 3 out of the top 5 smart phones come from RIM, it's all about RIM and nothing to do with the iphone.

    If we use your logic, then the 4 quarters look like this: July-Sept quarter iphone launches (massive numbers), Oct-Dec quarter (actually really bad quarter for the iphone because they managed to go flat or even go down in sales even with the busy christmas quarter), Jan-March quarter (have you visited a shopping mall during these months, it's dead for everybody), April-June quarter (Apple "ran out" of iphone inventory and have a token amount of market share).

    Trends are more important than any one quarter overall.

    But it depends on what happened in a particular quarter. As you say, we have to consider what was being released.

    Also, is it a selling quarter, or a quiet one? Are most of a company's sales to business and government, or consumers? Who has come out with what? How far away is the next model, and how does that figure into declining sales for the quarter leading up to it?

    I like to look at each quarters sales, and look into all of that. a single quarter can tell us something important, depending on the factors involved.

    For example with Palm. Sales have been dropping pretty much continuously for a couple of years. Sales are less than a quarter (in dollars) of what they were.

    I would expect Palms sales to be less because of the Pre. But as sales have dropped so much anyway, it's really difficult to determine how much of the past 6 months sales drops are due to the Pre, and how much is due to people just abandoning the platform.
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