Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 521 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blu-ray Sales Outpacing HD DVD 3 to 1? (Sony insider states 3:1 gap) (DVD Empire has Blu-ray selling at 65% and HD DVD at 35%) (Amazon Sales Ranking numbers are favoring Blu-ray now) (VideoScan Magazine -- -- also claims Blu-ray outselling HD DVD 3 to 1)

    Plus we had the news about the Best Buy retail report of Blu-ray sales outpacing HD DVD

    Hmm, it appears a trend is forming given that 1.5 million plus Blu-ray players are in people's homes now. It'll be interesting to see if the trend continues, but it seems all indicators are pointing to this trend not letting up. I've always stated I thought Amazon numbers by themselves didn't really represent an accurate picture of the overall market, but coupled with the sales information from the various sources above, it seems credible that Blu-ray is beginning to win this race since the advent of the PS3.
  • Reply 522 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Man you're slow...that's so January 24th...don't you have any more recent data?

  • Reply 523 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Blu-ray Sales Outpacing HD DVD 3 to 1? (Sony insider states 3:1 gap) (DVD Empire has Blu-ray selling at 65% and HD DVD at 35%) (Amazon Sales Ranking numbers are favoring Blu-ray now) (VideoScan Magazine -- -- also claims Blu-ray outselling HD DVD 3 to 1)

    Plus we had the news about the Best Buy retail report of Blu-ray sales outpacing HD DVD

    Hmm, it appears a trend is forming given that 1.5 million plus Blu-ray players are in people's homes now. It'll be interesting to see if the trend continues, but it seems all indicators are pointing to this trend not letting up. I've always stated I thought Amazon numbers by themselves didn't really represent an accurate picture of the overall market, but coupled with the sales information from the various sources above, it seems credible that Blu-ray is beginning to win this race since the advent of the PS3.

    Give it time, chaps. Blu-ray will go the way of the Mini-disc, and there will be a very loud thud when it hits the ground. And as for the PS3, I have a friend who manages the most popular game store in town, and he has 3, count them, 3 Playstation 3's lying about, and no one wants to buy them! They have made their customers aware of the fact that they have the systems in stock, but everyone is buying either the XBOX360 or the Nintendo Wii. Like I said, chaps, a very loud thud.

  • Reply 524 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by opnsource View Post

    Give it time, chaps. Blu-ray will go the way of the Mini-disc, and there will be a very loud thud when it hits the ground. And as for the PS3, I have a friend who manages the most popular game store in town, and he has 3, count them, 3 Playstation 3's lying about, and no one wants to buy them! They have made their customers aware of the fact that they have the systems in stock, but everyone is buying either the XBOX360 or the Nintendo Wii. Like I said, chaps, a very loud thud.


    How long before people just stop making crap up in here? You have no basis for your assertion/prediction of Blu-Ray's failure. Oh sure, it may fail, but at present there is no reason to think it will. Can you list one reason why you feel that way? What specifically makes you discount the sales data and other evidence, such as the large consortium of companies supporting the format? It's certainly not any technical reason, as Blu-Ray seems to actually have a slight edge in terms of capacity.

    Secondly, your little anecdote about the PS3 is dubious at best. What do you mean "no one wants to buy them?" How do you know that? How does he know that? What exactly is "the most popular game store in town?" What is the availability of the systems at larger retailers? A quick track on some of the tracking sites shows stock is now starting to show up in places like Circuit City and Amazon.

    You won't be taken seriously as long as you just pull predictions out of your ass.
  • Reply 525 of 4650
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    How long before people just stop making crap up in here? You have no basis for your assertion/prediction of Blu-Ray's failure. Oh sure, it may fail, but at present there is no reason to think it will. Can you list one reason why you feel that way? What specifically makes you discount the sales data and other evidence, such as the large consortium of companies supporting the format? It's certainly not any technical reason, as Blu-Ray seems to actually have a slight edge in terms of capacity.

    Secondly, your little anecdote about the PS3 is dubious at best. What do you mean "no one wants to buy them?" How do you know that? How does he know that? What exactly is "the most popular game store in town?" What is the availability of the systems at larger retailers? A quick track on some of the tracking sites shows stock is now starting to show up in places like Circuit City and Amazon.

    You won't be taken seriously as long as you just pull predictions out of your ass.

    My reasons for feeling that Blu-Ray will fail are not reasons I just "pulled out of my ass" as you so colorfully put it.

    The game store that my friend manages is an EB Games, and when I said its the most popular in town, I meant MY TOWN you ignorant twit. And as for the availability at other retailers is concerned, none of the EB Games or other game stores have not seen the same sort of drop off in sales with ANY of the other systems they sell. How do I know that? I have personally spoken to employees at other stores, not the least of which was a sales associate at my local Best Buy. People are having problems with the Blu-Ray drives in the PS3's. Deal with it.

    Sony is known for making blown calls with reguards to new technologies. They either copyright the technology so that they are the only ones producing the product (ie Mini Disks) and the technology never takes off, or they make thier new technology proprietary so that they only work with other products that they make. Find me someone who is still using those little blue MemorySticks, I dare you. I was simply stating that it seems as though "HD" is the technology du jour these days. what with all of the HD TV's being sold and all of the TV shows that are now offered in HD. So when Joe Consumer goes to Circuit City to by a new "dvd" player, he is going to recognize the HD logo and thanks to the psychology of branding, he's seen that logo when he watches football in HD and will most likely end up walking out with an HD DVD player. Many of the technology savy guys that I have spoken with share this view, many of them sales guys in stores like Best buy or Circuit City.

    And finally, SDW, if all you do is sit back and wait for people to make posts that do not share your view and then attempt to tear them to shreds, you are going to feel sad and alone, sitting there in the corner trying so hard to make sure everyone else knows that you're smart. I had no personal vendetta against you, until you came in here looking for ways to make yourself feel important by trying to make others feel small. We are all here to speculate, learn new info, share thoughts and ideas and to, in general, have fun. Learn some people skills.

    I thought you might need to look this over...

    It's from Webster's Dictionary:


    Main Entrytspec·u·late



    Inflected Form(s)t-lat·ed; -lat·ing

    EtymologytLatin speculatus, past participle of speculari to spy out, examine, from specula lookout post, from specere to look, look at -- more at SPY

    intransitive verb

    1 a : to meditate on or ponder a subject : REFLECT b : to review something idly or casually and often inconclusively
  • Reply 526 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    That post is the first time I've hard of anyone having problems in blu-ray drives in a PS3. But then again, any time I look into Apples user forums at I find a small percentage of macs having problems with this, and that that I never heard of. Actually that happens with every electronic device from toasters, to iPods, and beyond so it's not that surprising.
  • Reply 527 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Man you're slow...that's so January 24th...don't you have any more recent data?


    Hahahahahaha! LMAO!
  • Reply 528 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by opnsource View Post

    Give it time, chaps. Blu-ray will go the way of the Mini-disc, and there will be a very loud thud when it hits the ground. And as for the PS3, I have a friend who manages the most popular game store in town, and he has 3, count them, 3 Playstation 3's lying about, and no one wants to buy them! They have made their customers aware of the fact that they have the systems in stock, but everyone is buying either the XBOX360 or the Nintendo Wii. Like I said, chaps, a very loud thud.


    Really, they're not selling?... (ProvenFlipper is a Best Buy Manager)

    Multiple sources seem to indicate that the PS3 does indeed continue to sell quite well. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt perhaps in TN, something's different, your local store.
  • Reply 529 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Really, they're not selling?... (ProvenFlipper is a Best Buy Manager)

    Multiple sources seem to indicate that the PS3 does indeed continue to sell quite well. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt perhaps in TN, something's different, your local store.

    Funny, how fast Amazon just became your best source of info. The ranking numbers will drop again. Amazon offered few hundred units of 60GB version since last Saturday and it took 3 days to sell out. Last time, they had PS3 in stock which I believe was about 3 to 4 weeks ago, even more units including 20GB models sold within a day. So, it's a sign of slowing down and why people now pays less than retail for PS3's on ebay. I live near LA area Thousand Oaks/Simi Valley/Moorpark, and I've seen them stacked on shelves of Target and BB couple weeks back. I don't think the PS3 rush will last or the end is very near and things will look back to normal once HD-DVD titles start rolling. Hmm.... what to get?..... 60GB PS3 for $450 or 2nd gen HD-DVD player HD-XA2 for $650........
  • Reply 530 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    The Target that I go to gets PS3's every night now for about the past 4 weeks. At least the supply problem is gone.
  • Reply 531 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    A few things...

    A) why is this in future hardware? Did this originally start off as to what should go in the computers?

    B) check this article out at ars.
  • Reply 532 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    A few things...

    A) why is this in future hardware? Did this originally start off as to what should go in the computers?

    This is in future hardware because of its relation to possible Mac Pros, MacBook Pros, and other Mac hardware getting a potential next generation drive.


    Interesting. We'll see if demand for all consoles continues to decline, but it is quite natural for this to occur after Christmas. What will be intersting too, is to see if any of the console trends seen in this graph change once people get their tax returns back. 8) Also couple this with some great releases in terms of games and movies for the PS3 in the coming weeks, you very well may see PS3 sales remain sustained fairly well into the next holiday season. I could also see Pirates and Cars (plus Spiderman 1,2, and 3) themselves moving some Blu-ray units as well. Oh well, time will tell.
  • Reply 533 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Wii is really the poor mans system, and that is what keeps it selling. Many people just wont justify spending over $300 for their kids Xmas present, and that has little or nothing to do with the 360, or the PS3. maybe 5% of Wii sales have had any effect on the next gen consoles. Wii has no HD capabilities, no real graphics that will help it make it through until the next consoles are released in about 2012, 2013. IMO if you bought a Wii - plan on buying an updated one just to keep pace with the 360, and the PS3, and you still probably wont have an HD capable Wii after you upgrade.
  • Reply 534 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    If Sony is really thinking about a price cut then demand must have dropped off enough so that the Blue Laser shortage is no longer a factor.
  • Reply 535 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    If Sony is really thinking about a price cut then demand must have dropped off enough so that the Blue Laser shortage is no longer a factor.

    I thought I read the Blue-Laser crystal diode thing was resolved weeks ago. That's why, I assume, Sony can ship PS3 units daily. I had mentioned that the target by my house was getting them nightly now, and the shipping is not declining. They still sell a few units daily, but not enough to meet the amount they are getting in. They get like eight a night. That's what the guy in electronics said anyway. That's a lot of PS3's to sell daily. He also said they only get 4 Wii's every couple of weeks now. I don't know what happened there.
  • Reply 536 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    If Sony is really thinking about a price cut then demand must have dropped off enough so that the Blue Laser shortage is no longer a factor.

    They're still under water though so any price cuts could signal that Sony is concerned about the slowing sales of the PS3.

    The Wii is still smokin' in sales and demand. Nintendo effectively delivered an Ace serve. I'm glad...just as Sony swooshed past Nintendo and Sega with the Playstation ..someday your competitor will do the same.

    This is very interesting as it relates to Blu-ray vs HD DVD. Sony wooed many studios by the PS3 sales projections and how that would translate into an unbeatable platform for movie watching. This is starting off much shakier than even Sony imagined I suppose.

    HD DVD is certainly at a content disadvantage but they have enough exclusives and large studios to weather the storm and if they can deliver 2 million HD DVD players worldwide then the content issue because more complex. Does Disney/Fox/LGF want to ignore 2 million players? Does Universal want to ignore 6 million potential players?

    I see 2008 as being the year that content evens out and perhaps Total HD take hold.
  • Reply 537 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    BTW, does anyone have any idea when HD-DVD drives will be available for Macs?

    Last week, IIRC, Blu Ray drives were announced for Macs.
  • Reply 538 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    BTW, does anyone have any idea when HD-DVD drives will be available for Macs?

    Last week, IIRC, Blu Ray drives were announced for Macs.

    It's been out since November. Xbox360 HD-DVD add is an external USB drive for Mac and PC.
  • Reply 539 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Xbox360 HD-DVD add is an external USB drive for Mac and PC.

    Xbox version does not burn HD-DVD. (no high capacity burning) There are a few Blu-ray Burners out there that will burn 50GB disks for right under $550.00 but I don't know if Apples firmware will detect them or not. You may need toast 8 to burn with them. Look at the toast website to see if these burners are supported.
  • Reply 540 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    The Wii is still smokin' in sales and demand. Nintendo effectively delivered an Ace serve. I'm glad...just as Sony swooshed past Nintendo and Sega with the Playstation ..someday your competitor will do the same.

    Nintendo delivered an Ace serve on the first serve of the first game of a six set match. And we know that the Wii doesn't have the legs for more than say...two-three sets.

    This generation is the 360 vs the PS3. Nintendo, unless they offer a new console has written itself out of the hardcore console market. It almost doesn't matter how well the Wii does. Its a lot like the PS2 still making sales. Great. Long term it doesn't really matter.

    Whether the hardcore console market is as lucrative as the casual console market and the handheld market that Nintendo still owns is debatable. Arguably Nintendo has conceded that market just as Apple has conceded the tower market. Nintendo can continue to be very successful in those arenas and be more profitable than either Sony or MS.


    This is very interesting as it relates to Blu-ray vs HD DVD. Sony wooed many studios by the PS3 sales projections and how that would translate into an unbeatable platform for movie watching. This is starting off much shakier than even Sony imagined I suppose.

    If Sony is moving 100K units per week into the US and selling them as the article you quoted says then I don't think they have a significant issue unless that flags. The problem is the after Christmas slump...I have a silly credit card statement this month and there's no way I'm buying any toys before April.


    HD DVD is certainly at a content disadvantage but they have enough exclusives and large studios to weather the storm and if they can deliver 2 million HD DVD players worldwide then the content issue because more complex. Does Disney/Fox/LGF want to ignore 2 million players? Does Universal want to ignore 6 million potential players?

    I see 2008 as being the year that content evens out and perhaps Total HD take hold.

    I still see that 2M number as questionable and I think Total HD is DOA. I also don't think Sony's hitting 10M but 6M+ as doable.

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