Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1161 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    HM... I thought the PR spin was Sony's main tactic..... and had been shown many times even through the lips supporters of Sony/PS3.

    Since I can't find any credible source of the actual sales# of European launch, I was doing some digging, but found something really amusing

    I didn't think about how many of the 1st day PS3 purchasers were ebay sellers until I was reminded by the article. Maybe we'll see most of the units being returned due to lack of profit potential via ebay, thanks to having enough PS3 supplies.......

    Checkout for ebayers bleeding money over PS3's being sold less than the retail.... not a good sign.
  • Reply 1162 of 4650
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    some people really eat this PR stuff up huh:? i dont remember people defending microsoft when Vista arrived with a dud, same situation here.

    every news outlet is reporting a potential flop, yet you come in here and get nothing but people quoting SONY PR bullcrap.

    the 360 was so freaking hampered by supply problems, remember they launched in ALL three major territories, the ps3 JUST launched in europe.... their biggest market!!!!

    they are losing key exclusives by the min, what exactly do they have to be excited about? what? someone tell me?

    the ps3 was supposed to crush the competition, analysts had it pinged as a major success a year and 1/2 before launch, yet right now all they can do is save face and hope to pull equal to its competitors
  • Reply 1163 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Some interesting information from


    A concerning statistic between the two platforms' first January and February months is the drop-off in sales for those two months. From January 2006 to February 2006 the Xbox 360 sales trailed off 36% (250K units down to 161k units). At the same point in its lifespan, Sony's PlayStation 3 experienced a drop-off of 48% (244K units down to 127K units). That drop in sales, considering the units are available at retail, is cause for concern.

    250,000 is bigger than 244,000.

    161,000 is bigger than 127,000.

    So the PS3 sold LESS units than the supply-constrained Xbox360, and the PS3 is not anywhere close to being supply-constrained. As someone on Slashdot said "It's just a waste of money, and the sales figures are the proof."
  • Reply 1164 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Well I suppose that anything I say to the contrary of what Blu-ray fans believe will be spin so I guess it's whatever you want to call it. No one in the UK has even gotten shot for a PS3 yet. Sony has the most massive of rollouts yet didn't sell out. I don't think HD DVD fans are all that worried about the PS3 dominating Europe. The sales in North Am have already begun to wane.

    For the record I'm willing to put up with less content now in lieu of having a more complete player spec and less DRM not to mention lower pricing.

    I'm glad my posts get a laugh out of some. I'm a stubbon bastard and I know it . I want a Universal platform and if it takes Universal players and discs then fine but if given the choice I do not want the extra expense, DRM and hassle of Blu-ray until I've exhausted all other options.
  • Reply 1165 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Some interesting information from

    250,000 is bigger than 244,000.

    161,000 is bigger than 127,000.

    So the PS3 sold LESS units than the supply-constrained Xbox360, and the PS3 is not anywhere close to being supply-constrained.

    Nice to cherry pick from an article that says the PS3 isn't doing a credible Titanic impression...given the PS3 IS $200 more that the numbers are comparable is to be pretty danged surprising. They seriously cost themselves some year 1 sales but they do appear to have a product with more legs than their competitors and they got folks to pay for it.

    Whether it was worth a sucky 2006/2007 depends on how it all turns out in end. How good the games look and play is the real battleground.

    The real battleground for consoles anyway. Doesn't have much to do with how much the PS3 will help Blu-ray regardless of how much better the Wii or 360 is doing.

  • Reply 1166 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    What do you mean the 360 has no legs? Look, Microsoft is already bringing out the next generation -- the black 360! I can see the upgrade fever in some people's eyes already.
  • Reply 1167 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    What do you mean the 360 has no legs? Look, Microsoft is already bringing out the next generation -- the black 360! I can see the upgrade fever in some people's eyes already.

    No, the 360 has legs. The Wii doesn't. Yes, I know that was tongue in cheek...I just didn't want to dis any 360 owners.

  • Reply 1168 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Yes you can guarantee me that but what you cannot guarantee me is that these PS3 will be used for significant movie watching. The attach rate of BD movies to players is horrible. Even with HD DVD shipping no titles Blu-ray could only eek out a 3:1 ratio?

    Would a movie studio rather sell a format with a - let's say - 5:1 attach rate or a format with a 2:1 attach rate if the first format has 100,000 users and the last has 500,000 users?

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    There's a reason why Sony's modifying the mandatory specs to more closely align with HD DVD.

    Can we please stop the Blu-ray = Sony nonsense? You should know better.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Too bad they will be obsoleting 40k players in the process. Oh well choosing the wrong platform is the consumers fault just as much.

    Obsoleting? Will future movies still play on current players? Yep!!

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    You don't know the pricing of TotalHD so that's pure FUD you're injecting.

    So you expect TotalHD to cost the same as a HD DVD or BD? Even when Warner is selling Combos today at a higher price?

    You're reaching.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I want the format that delivers more consistent quality in player functionality, pricing and media. That's not Blu-ray. If anything should have died it would be Blu-ray which was a year behind and is burdened with too much DRM.

    Toshiba shouldn't have started the HD DVD nonsense in the first place (please remember which format is the oldest). The only reason HD DVD exist is Toshiba's fear of losing license money from DVDs.

    And DRM is up to the studio.

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    We're entering a new phase now. The PS3 made up ground because it was just as cheap as HD DVD. As of April 1st the MSRP of Toshiba players drops a C-note. I expect low $300 for the A2. By June we'll see the Reference Players probably enter at MSRP of $299

    The PS3 can overachieve with more content but it's price cannot match the affordability coming to HD DVD period. By Xmas 2007 the base PS3 will likey be 2x more expensive than cheapest HD DVD player. Content is King but Price trumps all.

    You're funny! The BD player prices will fall too.
  • Reply 1169 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    So the PS3 sold LESS units than the supply-constrained Xbox360, and the PS3 is not anywhere close to being supply-constrained. As someone on Slashdot said "It's just a waste of money, and the sales figures are the proof."

    Compared to the PS2 both are a waste of money to most buyers.
  • Reply 1170 of 4650
    Originally Posted by kupan787 View Post

    Some interesting information from

    250,000 is bigger than 244,000.

    161,000 is bigger than 127,000.

    So the PS3 sold LESS units than the supply-constrained Xbox360, and the PS3 is not anywhere close to being supply-constrained. As someone on Slashdot said "It's just a waste of money, and the sales figures are the proof."

    funny what happens when you pick and chose


    In addition to selling more over the first four months of its lifespan than the Xbox 360's first four months, the biggest first party software on PlayStation 3 outsold the biggest first party 360 title during those same four months. According to NPD, Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man sold 500K units through February -- the biggest selling first party Xbox 360 launch game over same period -- Perfect Dark Zero -- sold 396K units across two SKUs.

    The system is selling better over the first four months of its lifespan than the 360 and its major launch game outsold the 360's best selling launch game during the same window.

    from the SAME artical
  • Reply 1171 of 4650
    kupan787kupan787 Posts: 586member
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    funny what happens when you pick and chose

    from the SAME artical

    I wasn't picking and choosing. I chose a relavent part of the text of the article to make a point. It was the same point that the author of the article made:


    [b]Briefly ignoring just how supply constrained the 360 was during that four month period...A concerning statistic...That drop in sales, considering the units are available at retail, is cause for concern.

    The 360 was supply constrained during the entire 4 month period. The PS3 is not. My point was that the drop off rate on the PS3 is huge, they just aren't selling as they should be post launch. Come back to me in July, and lets see just how well the PS3 is selling at that point.
  • Reply 1172 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    funny what happens when you pick and chose

    from the SAME artical

    Just like how people choose to post or link one article over the other.... but who is the liar?

    Someone's definitely not tell the truth or are they? Still now, there is no credible source of europe sales figures and that gives me a hint to sort out the liars. Of all... Sony's BD/PS3 PR have been nothing but a liar from the get go.
  • Reply 1173 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Blu Ray is still kicking the crap out of HD at Amazon according to eProductwars

    And also @ Amazon Japan. Big time!

    Here is the one that is crazy.

    Average Price.

    BluRay $29.80\t

    HD-DVD $40.40
  • Reply 1174 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    Would a movie studio rather sell a format with a - let's say - 5:1 attach rate or a format with a 2:1 attach rate if the first format has 100,000 users and the last has 500,000 users?

    The studios clearly want to sell the most titles but poor attach rates are hard to bank on. In this particular case Sony will blast out PS3s but these consoles are not as effective as stand alone STB players dedicated to movie playing. The PS3 "has" to sell in much larger numbers to circumvent this chasm.

    Can we please stop the Blu-ray = Sony nonsense? You should know better.

    I know bad habit but Sony is clearly the leader. When was the last Panasonic "rah rah" PR release? Some people are beginning to feel that Panasonic doesn't really give a shhh about Blu-ray all that much.

    Obsoleting? Will future movies still play on current players? Yep!!

    In a reduced capacity. No BD Live support and limited BD-Java. As opposed to the 1st generation HD DVD player which will support all new titles. You guys want people to pay MORE money and get less because of studio support that can and will change? nyet

    So you expect TotalHD to cost the same as a HD DVD or BD? Even when Warner is selling Combos today at a higher price?

    You're reaching.

    Warner said the "material" costs of TotalHD are trivial. The extra cost will really come from licensing.

    Toshiba shouldn't have started the HD DVD nonsense in the first place (please remember which format is the oldest). The only reason HD DVD exist is Toshiba's fear of losing license money from DVDs.

    And DRM is up to the studio.

    Toshiba's AoD was ready before Blu-ray. While Blu-ray predated AoD it was a Japanese recording format that suddenly needed to develop the infrastructure to support packaged media. You're trying to spin this to make it sound like Toshiba delivered slop. No..they delivered a working AoD with Blue Laser tech to the DVD Forum for submittal. Sony new they couldn't finish Blu-ray in time and orchestrated a filibuster in which their cronies would simply not vote on an issue. The DVD Forum then had to change the process in how they count abstained votes. Some of the BDA members also sit on the AACS consortium and were able to slow that process down as well. I'm not saying HD DVD would have hit without any problems clearly but that the forward progress of HD was deliberately delayed to give Sony a chance to get Blu-ray ready. For any that disagree tell my why june 2007 announces a new 1.1 Profile and October 2007 mandates that players support persistent storage and full Java support along with secondary video decoders? How is what I've just said not manifesting exactly with what Sony's doing now?

    You're funny! The BD player prices will fall too.

    Yes but everything will be proportional. In order for Blu-ray to reach parity their prices have to fall faster. The only BD players you can get below $499 are obsolete.
  • Reply 1175 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Blu Ray is still kicking the crap out of HD at Amazon according to eProductwars

    And also @ Amazon Japan. Big time!

    "kicking the crap" is a bit hyperbolic.

    Look at the trend...HD DVD has closed the gap and April begins to bring some decent movies.

    Also keep in mind that HD DVD didn't have any releases for March until today the 27th. They didn't have a %50 Amazon sales that skewed the numbers either.

    Blu-ray is not going to win. HD DVD is not going to win. This market is heading towards peaceful co-existence.

    Onlooker I don't know if you know about Japanese culture but they support their own products. You couldn't even run a Japanese business without having some sort of Citizen as your proxy. The Japanese are enculturated to use their own technology. So pointing out that Blu-ray or Nintendo are doing well in Japan is amusing as anyone who understand even a modicum of Japanese culture knows why.
  • Reply 1176 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    What do you mean by obsolite? Are these all absolete players?

    Samsung BD-P1000 Blu-ray Player = $499.77

    Philips BDP9000 Blu-ray Player = $549.99

    Sony PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Player = $499

    New Players comminfg in Q2. Pricing unknown.

    Sharp DV-BP1 Blu-ray Player

    LG BD100 Blu-ray Player

    Lite-On BDP-X1 Blu-ray Player

    Mitsubishi Blu-ray Player
  • Reply 1177 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Blu Ray is still kicking the crap out of HD at Amazon according to eProductwars

    Here is the one that is crazy.

    Average Price.

    BluRay $29.80\t

    HD-DVD $40.40 doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

    Matrix Trilogy - $69.95

    Matrix Trilogy Ultimate -$83.95

    Planet Earth - $69.95

    Blu-ray only has Planet Eart as a multidisc set in the Top 10.
  • Reply 1178 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    "kicking the crap" is a bit hyperbolic.

    Look at the trend...HD DVD has closed the gap and April begins to bring some decent movies.

    Also keep in mind that HD DVD didn't have any releases for March until today the 27th. They didn't have a %50 Amazon sales that skewed the numbers either.

    Blu-ray is not going to win. HD DVD is not going to win. This market is heading towards peaceful co-existence.

    Onlooker I don't know if you know about Japanese culture but they support their own products. You couldn't even run a Japanese business without having some sort of Citizen as your proxy. The Japanese are enculturated to use their own technology. So pointing out that Blu-ray or Nintendo are doing well in Japan is amusing as anyone who understand even a modicum of Japanese culture knows why.

    Your showing a graph that has an upswing over a two day period. Needless to say if you look at the actual sales, and not the 2 day graph you chose, it is still kicking the crap out of HD.
  • Reply 1179 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Blu Ray is still kicking the crap out of HD at Amazon according to eProductwars

    And also @ Amazon Japan. Big time!

    Here is the one that is crazy.

    Average Price.

    BluRay $29.80\t

    HD-DVD $40.40

    Blame the Matrix sets for the price hike on HD-DVD. The ultimate set hitting $84 and complete Trilogy hitting $69 hiked up HD-DVD average price. I'm sure when/if these make it to BD, you'll see the same price hike by end of 2007 or early 2008.

    It's interesting that both sets rank around 57 for ultimate/27 for complete set and it's scheduled for 5/22/07 release. It's interesting that complete set isn't listed from eproductwar site. BTW, look close to the trending chart in couple more weeks.... and we'll see even interesting development as more HD-DVD titles are available while more Fox scheduled BD titles being pulled off the scheduled list.

    Edited: corrected price & ranking
  • Reply 1180 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    What do you mean by obsolite? Are these all absolete players?

    Samsung BD-P1000 Blu-ray Player = $499.77 Substandard Java, no BD Live, no persitent Storage

    Philips BDP9000 Blu-ray Player = $549.99 Substandard Java, no BD Live, no persitent Storage

    Sony PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Player = $499 the only affordable player that has a chance of not being obsoleted.

    Sony is basically telling CE vendors they have to support a subset of features because the discs that studios want to make need to support these features. The Samsung and Philips are the same oem player. Both are obsolete and will struggle to play the latest movies in a couple of years.

    The PS3 is the best bet right now unless you want to spend loot for the Pioneer player. No BD player out here can play the DTS Master Audio that is on some Fox discs. WTF? Who the hell is steering the BDA. Dolby TrueHD support is lacking and I'm sure the puked response will uncompressed PCM which takes up a load of space.

    You guys arent' seeing the forrest throught the trees. Blu-ray hardware sucks. I don't say this to be facetious either. Sony is telling you your player sucks. They're mandating the specification for good players in October. That speaks volumes and fully supports what I've been saying all along. The BD spec today is not good.
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