Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 1281 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    The thing is, the cost isn't just $300. It's $300. PLUS a High Definition capable TV.

    My big screen isn't HD-capable and I have no real plan to upgrade it anytime soon.

    All my spare cash goes into upgrading my Mac anyway.

    DVDs suit me just fine.

    While I would prefer HD-DVD win over Blu-Ray because the format seems less restrictive from a consumer perspective, the truth is that I'm not a gamer or a hard core film buff, and really have no plans to purchase either in the short to medium term.
  • Reply 1282 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    It kinda hit me today... how many people are waiting to upgrade to HD players until "this mess sorts itself out"? What if it never really sorts out and there is a large abundance of people that never upgrade because of it.

    People who's buying HD players are ones who already own HDTV's who cares about the video quality. For many, the Picture quality is no big deal, until you see the potential of what your new HDTV can show. Many still do not care to see it as a big deal even knowing that good HD contents look significantly better than good SD contents.

    However, when the consumers are forced to chose, they will. You've already realize that it's now harder to find SDTV's than HDTV's on the store shelfs.... soon, same thing will happen with these players capable of playing HD contents. Once the price goes down, and the industry forces the consumers to chose from a given choices of HD capable players with SD backward compatibility..... consumers have no choice but pick a hd content capable players and eventually buy hd contents over the sd. This will probably happen in about 5 years or less, but it will happen, and at this point the format war between HD & BD may be even more fierce, but SD will not be.
  • Reply 1283 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I think by this time next year you'll see a clear winner. Blu-Ray is opening up a commanding lead. There's already a $499 player out there:

    Once the street price is under $300, you'll see a lot of folks upgrade. I myself bought a PS3, so I have a player...but at some point I'll likely buy a standalone player as well. The thing with HD right now is that most people just don't have HD discs in their mind, at least from what I can tell. Most video stores are not stocking them en masse yet.

    LOL you are so clueless. I love when people try to strengthen their vacuous posts with adjectives like "commanding" hahahahah

    Planet Earth on HD DVD is the number one title at the time of this post with a #31 ranking.

    5 of the Top 10 titles in ranking are HD DVD.

    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    The thing is, the cost isn't just $300. It's $300. PLUS a High Definition capable TV.

    My big screen isn't HD-capable and I have no real plan to upgrade it anytime soon.

    All my spare cash goes into upgrading my Mac anyway.

    DVDs suit me just fine.

    While I would prefer HD-DVD win over Blu-Ray because the format seems less restrictive from a consumer perspective, the truth is that I'm not a gamer or a hard core film buff, and really have no plans to purchase either in the short to medium term.

    Don't worry...the current trending is that HD DVD will hit $200 faster than Blu-ray will. You may find that next year you can replace your current DVD player with a HD DVD player for say $150 with great upscaling features. Since it'll be barely over the cost of a DVD only player you can decide when you want to start buying HD movies or even better you can rent them. We're already seeing $299 prices for the A2 now after the recent discount.

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    People who's buying HD players are ones who already own HDTV's who cares about the video quality. For many, the Picture quality is no big deal, until you see the potential of what your new HDTV can show. Many still do not care to see it as a big deal even knowing that good HD contents look significantly better than good SD contents.

    However, when the consumers are forced to chose, they will. You've already realize that it's now harder to find SDTV's than HDTV's on the store shelfs.... soon, same thing will happen with these players capable of playing HD contents. Once the price goes down, and the industry forces the consumers to chose from a given choices of HD capable players with SD backward compatibility..... consumers have no choice but pick a hd content capable players and eventually buy hd contents over the sd. This will probably happen in about 5 years or less, but it will happen, and at this point the format war between HD & BD may be even more fierce, but SD will not be.

    Yup. When 32" LCD screen are $499 now and will be even cheaper come Xmas 2007 if you're looking for a decent TV it's going to be HDTV by default. DVDs look fine on 30" screen but when you begin to move to 42" and above only upscaled DVD looks good and HD begins to show it's worth. I'm trying to get my gf to go with a 32 or 37" HDTV.
  • Reply 1284 of 4650
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    You can pick the difference between an HD-DVD/BD and upscaled DVD very easily just in the colour alone, which people do pick up on. HD will definitely supplant DVD it is just a case of when, if only because they won't be given a choice. People may not rush to upgrade old DVDs but ultimately they will switch as prices drop.
  • Reply 1285 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    LOL you are so clueless. I love when people try to strengthen their vacuous posts with adjectives like "commanding" hahahahah

    Planet Earth on HD DVD is the number one title at the time of this post with a #31 ranking.

    5 of the Top 10 titles in ranking are HD DVD.

    Don't worry...the current trending is that HD DVD will hit $200 faster than Blu-ray will. You may find that next year you can replace your current DVD player with a HD DVD player for say $150 with great upscaling features. Since it'll be barely over the cost of a DVD only player you can decide when you want to start buying HD movies or even better you can rent them. We're already seeing $299 prices for the A2 now after the recent discount.....

    You are hopeless. HOPELESS. Honestly, you've become a caricature of yourself.
  • Reply 1286 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I think by this time next year you'll see a clear winner. Blu-Ray is opening up a commanding lead. There's already a $499 player out there:

    Once the street price is under $300, you'll see a lot of folks upgrade. I myself bought a PS3, so I have a player...but at some point I'll likely buy a standalone player as well. The thing with HD right now is that most people just don't have HD discs in their mind, at least from what I can tell. Most video stores are not stocking them en masse yet.

    hmm... $499 for out of production Sammy BD model seems to be little too much since the 2nd gen Sammy BD-P1200 is already here with $799 MSRP.

    Anyway, if you're looking for best prices alone, then you can have 1st gen HD-DVD player a lot cheaper.... some are right around $200 if you look hard enough and you may even qualify for free 5 HD-DVD rebate. However, the 2nd gen HD-DVD players are right around $350 shipped right now and it still is a better bargain with 5 free HD-DVD movies.

    As for how the format war momentum is shifting.... there's no definite direction.... HD-DVD lead the the whole year of 2006, and now BD is catching up with stronger 1st 3 months of 2007, but the momentum is shifting back to HD-DVD's again starting as earlier as this month. Just do some quick search on what's schedule for both HD & BD movie releases for next three months. When you do, you'll not make a blind statement regarding to how BD or HD will be doing.....

    As for the attachment rate of the HiDef format player owners to hidef format movie buyers... it's is true that people who owns PS3 are not very interested in BD movies as much as people supporting HD-DVD's, mostly owning standalone HD-DVD players. This was expected and was repeatedly stated that the PS3 attachment rate to BD movies sales will be remote. BTW, most video enthusiasts/hobbyist use internet wisely to get the best bargain for their HiDef format movies purchases. Most local stores will rob you and you'll only know this if you're buying HiDef movies. However, good volume of HD or BD movies are readily available now locally via BB, CC, Target, Walmart, Fry's, and many other AV stores.... but most will probably rent them via netflix?
  • Reply 1287 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Telomar View Post

    You can pick the difference between an HD-DVD/BD and upscaled DVD very easily just in the colour alone, which people do pick up on. HD will definitely supplant DVD it is just a case of when, if only because they won't be given a choice. People may not rush to upgrade old DVDs but ultimately they will switch as prices drop.

    That's true. HD isn't just about resolution it's about color. I saw Open Season on Blu-ray at a Sony store here and I was like "Wow" the color was off the charts. I see why it got 5 stars. Animation is impressive in HD when it's new stuff.

    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    You are hopeless. HOPELESS. Honestly, you've become a caricature of yourself.

    Thank man! But honestly "commanding" leads should only be spoken when said format is actually leading in sales. Overall BD is leading but when you don't occupy the Pole Position it's kind of hard to swallow statemens like what you've made.

    Of appears that Toshiba is now beginning to advertise more. CC had a nice spread with the new $399 pricing and a new Crutchfield came to me with the new pricing as well. I think it's time for a bit of "shock and awe" for HD DVD owners.

    SDW2001 I really think you should go neutral. Why not give yourself access to all movies?
  • Reply 1288 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    The Playstation 3 drops %82 in sales in the UK


    Sales of the PlayStation 3 have dropped dramatically on the second week of release in the UK, with official Chart Track figures revealing a fall of 82 per cent.

    Chart Track data is gathered from 7000 UK retail outlets representing 90 per cent of the software market, including GAME, Gamestation,, Asda and HMV.

    A spokesperson for Chart Track confirmed the figure to this afternoon, stating: "Yes, sales of PS3 hardware have dropped by 82 per cent."

    Last week, Chart Track revealed that the PlayStation 3 had sold 165,000 units in the first two days following the launch, making it the fastest-selling home console in the UK.

    "We publish the first week figures because there's such a clamour for them that we can't keep it a secret," said the spokesperson.

    This week's software charts revealed that sales of the top two PlayStation 3 titles, Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm, had dropped by over 60 per cent.

    Sony Computer Entertainment Europe declined to comment.

    Talk about blowing your wad early.
  • Reply 1289 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    The Playstation 3 drops %82 in sales in the UK

    Talk about blowing your wad early.

    Um, you didn't think anyone other than Elixir was seriously going to buy that, did you?

    They launched with all the supply they needed. Sales were at all time record-breaking highs.

    You're seriously surprised that they're not selling 650,000 units every week? You've sunk to a new low with this.
  • Reply 1290 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Um, you didn't think anyone other than Elixir was seriously going to buy that, did you?

    They launched with all the supply they needed. Sales were at all time record-breaking highs.

    You're seriously surprised that they're not selling 650,000 units every week? You've sunk to a new low with this.

    Do you really believe 650K units of $840 gaming console were sold in Europe during the first week of launch?
  • Reply 1291 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Do you really believe 650K units of $840 gaming console were sold in Europe during the first week of launch?

    I don't

    When the Wii is beating the PS3 2:1 "in" Japan I have my doubts about the PS3 being a world beater anytime soon.


    According to the figures, reported by Bloomberg, Nintendo had sold 1.95 million units up to 25th March, having launched in the region on 2nd December, while Sony had managed 812,000 between 11th November and 25th March.

  • Reply 1292 of 4650
    i dont think we are going to see a winner anytime soon

    although blu ray is arguably technically superior and has a greater backing, have a HD DVD player listed at £260, wheras samsungs BD-P1000 blu ray player is £500, PS3 is £425 and panasonics new DMP BD10 stand alone blu ray player is a whopping £1099.

    A bold prediction, but I think we will see sub £200 HD DVD players alot sooner than sub £200 Blu Ray players (I rec in the uk we will see sub £200 HD DVD by christmas), maybe, just maybe, sub £150, and in the movie market HD DVD arguably has the stronger brand name.

    As I said earlier, far from over and I cant see a clear winner coming anytime soon
  • Reply 1293 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    hmurchison, I have to give it you: You never rest. It's almost admirable. I almost hope that HD-DVD wins now. I want to see you vindicated after all your struggles.
  • Reply 1294 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member

    Breaking the record for the most defective discs in a single month, HD DVD received its third strike with the release of 'National Geographic - Relentless Enemies'. This stunning documentary will not play on any G2 player from Toshiba, nor the Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on. After contacting support at Toshiba, Robert from Value Electronics confirmed that the issue was compatibility with an older disc creation process. It appears that Toshiba neglected to include the 'Basic' disc format with its new machines. Owners of these brand new players, and those Xbox owners looking for a cheap thrill, will have to wait until May to play back their disc they purchased in March.

    Yes, thank you Toshiba for your wonderful commitment to quality...
  • Reply 1295 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Yes, thank you Toshiba for your wonderful commitment to quality...

    hmmm.... can't find anything positive or cheerleading news from Sony?.... At least, the toshiba issue can be addressed with a new firmware update, but most problems with BD players such as BD-J IME features can't be fixed, but requires a new player to work. Even the 2nd gen sammy BD-P1200 will not comply to new BD-J 1.1, meaning, you'll need a 3rd generation Sammy to run BD-J IME.
  • Reply 1296 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    hmmm.... can't find anything positive or cheerleading news from Sony?.... At least, the toshiba issue can be addressed with a new firmware update, but most problems with BD players such as BD-J IME features can't be fixed, but requires a new player to work. Even the 2nd gen sammy BD-P1200 will not comply to new BD-J 1.1, meaning, you'll need a 3rd generation Sammy to run BD-J IME.

    No IME? Oh no, what is an early adopter to do without IME? Um, maybe watch the movie? Hahahaha. If the best you can do is keep regurgitating nonsense about BDJ while your format of your choice is getting outsold almost 4.5 to 1, well, I think the important factors of this format war have been lost on you.

    And for all you postering about a shift in favor of HD DVD, I think you need to either get your eyes checked or not use Amazon sales RANKINGS solely as Murch does in terms of bolstering his format. Here are the Nielson VideoScan numbers ending the week of March 25th...

    This is overall sales boys and girls, not rankings. In my opinion, it is the overall sales that matter, and again, there appears to be no reversal in terms of sales given the lineup of movie releases to com--in that Blu-ray enjoys membership from 7 of the 8 hollywood studios, 5 of which are exclusive to Blu-ray.
  • Reply 1297 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    hmurchison, I have to give it you: You never rest. It's almost admirable. I almost hope that HD-DVD wins now. I want to see you vindicated after all your struggles.

    Is there anyone more stubborn than a Mac user in computing (well maybe a linux user haha). I'll be honest with you I love to discuss topics with you fellas. Since most of us agree on Mac stuff there has to be something to be disagreeable about I admit that the war for me will effectively be over next year. Win/Lose/Draw I'm finding some way to get both formats in my home. Right now I'm more concerned with getting one HD player and then getting a decent but not fantastic LCD HDTV and a decent HDMI AVR (which is a freaking struggle...HDMI blows). I'm also looking at completing my 5.1 surround. I'm thinking about either a HSU or AVS 10" sub.

    Holy shat have you guys into Home Theater checked out the Audyssey MultEQ hardware? It's ran by Tomlinson Holman (of THX...Tomlinson Holmans Experiment) fame. It's spendy at $2450 MRSP but from what I'm reading you can take 32 measurements of your room and it equalizes your enviroment to reduce all sort of audio anomalies. Normally this voodo stuff isn't to my liking but i've read two glowing reviews so far. I love the idea of not having to worry about having the "ideal" room for audio. Wow sorry got off tangent but check it out when you have the opportunity.

    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Yes, thank you Toshiba for your wonderful commitment to quality...

    I know man I'm like who's at the freaking wheel here? I guess they don't call this stuff the "bleeding" edge for nothing. Hey man what's with you? You've been distant lately. How DARE you spend more time with your family and local friends. You have obligations to AI. :P

    Take care bud.
  • Reply 1298 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    No IME? Oh no, what is an early adopter to do without IME? Um, maybe watch the movie? Hahahaha. If the best you can do is keep regurgitating nonsense about BDJ while your format of your choice is getting outsold almost 4.5 to 1, well, I think the important factors of this format war have been lost on you.

    And for all you postering about a shift in favor of HD DVD, I think you need to either get your eyes checked or not use Amazon sales RANKINGS solely as Murch does in terms of bolstering his format. Here are the Nielson VideoScan numbers ending the week of March 25th...

    This is overall sales boys and girls, not rankings. In my opinion, it is the overall sales that matter, and again, there appears to be no reversal in terms of sales given the lineup of movie releases to com--in that Blu-ray enjoys membership from 7 of the 8 hollywood studios, 5 of which are exclusive to Blu-ray.

    Obviously, you do not care about BD-J and IME, if you did own a player or expecting to purchase BD movies, you would.

    How about little more historical data starting from March 2006 to Dec. 2006? Everyone is aware of why and what was going on from Jan to March 2007.

    We're looking at movie disc being sold right?... I know that Sony was using game discs and also free bd movie in the PS3 to represent as movie disc being sold.
  • Reply 1299 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I know man I'm like who's at the freaking wheel here? I guess they don't call this stuff the "bleeding" edge for nothing. Hey man what's with you? You've been distant lately. How DARE you spend more time with your family and local friends. You have obligations to AI. :P

    Take care bud.

    Yeah, been real busy at work trying to impress my boss in order to get a $$$ raise--and I did it, woohoo! I'm an SMS Administrator (yeah my occupation dictates I use Microsoft management software, hehehe) at work managing around 20,000 clients around the world, so needless to say, 2007 has begun with both barrels blazing.

    Also, I'm turning the big 30 tomorrow, and in so doing got a new iMac (20in Core 2 Duo) earlier this week so I've been obsessed with my new toy.

    Now if I can only talk my work into getting me an iPhone instead of my Blackberry, hmmmm? (Hey, we're on the Cingular network, so anything is possible! I hope at least).

    Hope all is well bro. And make sure you remember how good Open Season looks on Blu-ray!
  • Reply 1300 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Obviously, you do not care about BD-J and IME, if you did own a player or expecting to purchase BD movies, you would.

    How about little more historical data starting from March 2006 to Dec. 2006? Everyone is aware of why and what was going on from Jan to March 2007.

    We're looking at movie disc being sold right?... I know that Sony was using game discs and also free bd movie in the PS3 to represent as movie disc being sold.

    Sorry don't have historical data that far back. "SI" is since inception, so this should give you a fairly good indicator. Also, Nielsen numbers DO NOT include the sales of game discs, or free packaged movies, which by the way, Toshiba has been giving 5 of them for free with every sale of one of their players.,2933,251514,00.html

    So in essence, what you thought you knew in regards to game discs and free movies, is incorrect.

    Moreover, again, Blu-ray is not just Sony, so their not the only ones selling discs. I'll keep repeating as often as possible so that hopefully one day it will stick. Blu-ray is represented by the BDA which host over 170+ companies.
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