ATI Radeon X2800XT with CrossFire rumored for Apple's next Mac Pro



  • Reply 161 of 167
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    yes, I think there must be some very creative meaning to 320 shaders on AMD's front. Shame, probably was foolish to think a revolution was at hand.

    AMD must be in a hell of alot of pain at the moment, they're late on the CPU, late on the GPU, haemorraging money and just taken on $2 billion of debt.
  • Reply 162 of 167
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by kukito View Post

    Unfortunately, it didn't really work out that way.

    That cooling system looks almost like a gas powered leave blower.

    Anyway, the benches a couple articles down on the same site looks a lot better, though there are many subtle differences in what was tested. Too many G's, X's and T's, I'm losing track here.
  • Reply 163 of 167
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    That cooling system looks almost like a gas powered leave blower.

    Anyway, the benches a couple articles down on the same site looks a lot better, though there are many subtle differences in what was tested. Too many G's, X's and T's, I'm losing track here.

    yes, while there is a definate physical difference in the core between the Nvidia 8800 GTS and GTX range - 25% more shader/stream processors in the GTX, there really is little difference in the Radeon XT and XTX range apart from the use of GDDR3 in the XT and GDDR4 in the XTX, memory capacity is doubled in the XTX to 1GB (which wont make the slightest difference in todays benchmarks) , and maybe the core of the GPU runs a little faster in the XTX, but not much as far as I can see.

    This is why the XT beats the GTS, but the XTX loses against the GTX.

    As with most things computer related, Memory is by far the biggest 'CON' when specifications are published.

    In the realworld GDDR4 is not much faster than plain old PC133 except in the theoretical and specially fabricated circumstances that rarely happen when executing real code, certainly nowhere near what the numbers would suggest.
  • Reply 164 of 167
    You guys might be happily surprised when official numbers of the Radeon HD 2900XT and HD 2900XTX are published...
  • Reply 165 of 167

    What is the general guess as to how long it will be before a Mac version with drivers is available? In otherwords, should I hold off on the purchase of a new Mac Pro for another two weeks, or will it take a month or two before Apple is offering these ?
  • Reply 166 of 167
    prismprism Posts: 75member
    At the moment I am still saving money for my Mac Pro, and at the same time waiting for the video card upgrade.

    But reading those ATI R600 benchmarks I REALLY hope Apple consideres the 8800GTX as well. R600 performing so crap is totally unexpected to me.
  • Reply 167 of 167
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    I have an 8800GTXXX running in my PC and it is very impressive (kicks the crap out of anything else I've tried). If I could put this card in my Mac Pro I would. nVidia supply the Apple TV GPU and 'apparently' the iPhone GPU. Lets hope we see more Mac compatible high end offerings from nVidia.
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