Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2021 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Oh man, I can't believe I get to beat Marzetta to posting some good old FUD.

    Originally Posted by The News

    Blockbuster is to favour the Blu-ray movie format, rolling out the high-definition discs to all 1700 stores across the US, with only 250 shops stocking the rival HD-DVD format, reports.

    After an initial trial period, Blockbuster has found that rentals on Blu-ray have significantly outpaced HD-DVD titles.


    "We intend to meet the demands of our customers and based on the trends we are seeing, we're expanding our Blu-ray inventory to ensure our stores reflect the right level of products," commented Matthew Smith, SVP of merchandising at Blockbuster.

    Both formats will be on offer from the company's online rental service and the retailer says it is still willing to consider HD-DVD in more stores if customer demand is strong enough.

    "While it is still too early to say which high-definition format will become the industry standard, we will continue to closely monitor customer rental patterns both at our stores and online, so we can adjust our inventory mix accordingly and ensure that Blockbuster is offering customers the most convenient access to the movies they want, in the format they want," said Smith.

    The Blu-ray format is central to Sony's PlayStation 3 offering, while Microsoft adopted HD-DVD as its standard of choice for the Xbox 360.

  • Reply 2022 of 4650
    Gloss, you beat me posting this.

    In fairness, though, I would like to point out that Blockbuster will still carry HD-DVDs on line where, I'm sure, most of the HD rentals occur given they have HD discs in only 250 B&M stores. So it's hard to see how important this is. Still that means a loss of orders for HD-DVD of an inventory of discs for 1700 stories.
  • Reply 2023 of 4650
    I couldnt get into the site earlier to post this Blockbuster news ;P or to even find out who was posting about it

    The upside of it (if there actually IS an upside) is that HD-DVD proponants will be claiming that there will be a LOT more sales of the actual discs, which may indeed slow the sales gap between the formats from increaseing too quickly.

    Still, its ANOTHER company turning its back (if only slightly) on HD-DVD.


    In other news, I just watched DMC last night and now I'm off to see part 3!

    BRILLIANT film, LOVED it!
  • Reply 2024 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Oh man, I can't believe I get to beat Marzetta to posting some good old FUD.


    It's not FUD when it is true my friend, and in this case, this is most definitley true...

    Blockbuster favors Blu-ray DVDs to HD DVD

    Blockbuster Expands Blu-ray DVDs to 1700 Stores

    Blockbuster Says It Will Back Blu-ray in DVD Format War

    And yes, I consider this one of many dominoes to fall as we approach the holiday season and IMO it is quite significant--in that even if most people rent online, which I don't have or have seen any definitive data to prove either way, then the majority of the rental market will still be exposed to Blu-ray as their online subscription model which includes Total Access (which I'm a subscriber of) includes the ability to trade in your mailed movies into the store for any movies in the store while they mail the movies back and you wait on the other ones in your queue. So, guess what they'll see while in they're in the store? Yup, Blu-ray.

    But please, those who support HD DVD feel free to rationalize this as...

    not a big deal...

    not effecting me because I'm a subscriber to Netflix...

    will force HD DVD customers to side with Netflix...

    will hurt Blu-ray sales because all of a sudden more customers will just rent Blu-ray...

    etc, etc., etc.

    Allow me to provide some photos for some visual clarity of the situation...

  • Reply 2025 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    HD DVD owners are too busy enjoying their movies.

    <removed callous comment>
  • Reply 2026 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Oh come on, Murch. Don't stoop to that level.
  • Reply 2027 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    HD DVD owners are too busy enjoying their movies.

    So Marzetta7 hows that PS3 working out for you?

    Murch, I was sure you were so busy enjoying your HD-DVDs that I'm surprised you found time to respond. Grin.

    With the new Sony player priced at $499 and the Panasonic 10a at $599, hopefully it won't be long before Maz can start enjoying Blu-ray. Sometimes the financial demands of a family suck when it comes to purchasing new grown-up toys though and guilty pleasures need to be put off for a time.

    I should have the the HDMI cable from Monoprice hopefully on Wednesday but probably more likely on Thursday and am really looking forward to setting up the 10a. I'm going to have to massively reprogram my Harmony 880. I've already switched my Netflix preference to B-r and should receive Bridge to Terrabitha tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how Netflix is on actually having in stock B-r discs.

    Murch, a serious question, not meant to promote a "this format is winning controversy." At this point it seems B-r is getting more traction, but this may only be a temporary blip. In your opinion what would it take to happen for the handwriting to be clearly on the wall that one format has failed?

    Does anyone else have an opinion on that? I mean a realistic observation not the reading of entrail type posts we usually get in this thread stemming from isolated news reports .
  • Reply 2028 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Murch, I was sure you were so busy enjoying your HD-DVDs that I'm surprised you found time to respond. Grin.

    With the new Sony player priced at $499 and the Panasonic 10a at $599, hopefully it won't be long before Maz can start enjoying Blu-ray. Sometimes the financial demands of a family suck when it comes to purchasing new grown-up toys though and guilty pleasures need to be put off for a time.

    I should have the the HDMI cable from Monoprice hopefully on Wednesday but probably more likely on Thursday and am really looking forward to setting up the 10a. I'm going to have to massively reprogram my Harmony 880. I've already switched my Netflix preference to B-r and should receive Bridge to Terrabitha tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how Netflix is on actually having in stock B-r discs.

    Murch, a serious question, not meant to promote a "this format is winning controversy." At this point it seems B-r is getting more traction, but this may only be a temporary blip. In your opinion what would it take to happen for the handwriting to be clearly on the wall that one format has failed?

    Does anyone else have an opinion on that? I mean a realistic observation not the reading of entrail type posts we usually get in this thread stemming from isolated news reports .

    In all honesty and seriousness, I certainly don't think this is any knock out punch for Blu-ray, but it is indeed one helluva haymaker.

    IMO, it is Universal going neutral that is the knock out punch. If this is to happen, most assuredly, the handwriting is on the wall and this format war is over. I just wish it never happened and one format was here from the beginning. But such is life, competition from conglomerates are no exception.

    And to answer your question Murch, good ol buddy, the PS3 is simply still having to wait in the wings to this guy...

    Gettin a daughter in 10 days, need more room (3 boys already). Already have it ordered and am waiting for it to be shipped from Lansing. But I digress. Maybe the PS3 at Christmas time for the kiddos, me being the biggest one of them all. Until then, watching BD movies and friends and families houses will have to suffice.
  • Reply 2029 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    ^^^ I wanted to see if it came with a Blu-ray entertainment system, but sadly, just DVD.
  • Reply 2030 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Some more perspective on Blockbuster's announcement...

    Netflix Total Revenue for the year 2006: $996.7 million


    Blockbuster Total Revenue for the year 2006: $5.52 billion


    Total Rental Market Revenue for the year 2006: $7.5 billions

    (according to

    So we get:

    13.4% for Netflix

    73.6% for Blockbuster
  • Reply 2031 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    But please, those who support HD DVD feel free to rationalize this as...

    not a big deal...

    not effecting me because I'm a subscriber to Netflix...

    will force HD DVD customers to side with Netflix...

    will hurt Blu-ray sales because all of a sudden more customers will just rent Blu-ray...

    etc, etc., etc.

    You forgot what my response would have been.

    I've only bought the movies I'd watch in HD(most enthusiasts do this). I'm allowed to watch SD releases just like all of you(most enthusiasts do this). Most SD movies do look near HD at my home, thanks to REON video processor built into HD-XA2.

    I really don't see Blockbuster's decision to be anything but just a PR to please Sony, since HD-DVD's still supported. When I need to rent movies from Blockbuster (which is never).... I can always turn to online service...... You can find anything and everything for free online these days.... and that is a bigger threat to this whole movie business than the Blockbuster PR.

    Anyway, this news isn't as detrimental as the Fox silently not releasing any movies at all in Blu-Ray.

    Sometimes, I wish I supported Blu-Ray just to join your PR cheerleading parties. I also want to be lead by the blind fanboys.
  • Reply 2032 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Grats on the kiddies, Marz. I've heard good things about the Enclave, too.
  • Reply 2033 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Grats on the kiddies, Marz. I've heard good things about the Enclave, too.

    Thanks man. Maybe soon I'll be able to join those here who've taken the plunge, but until then, I'll just continue to research, inform myself, and listen to you all in envy.

    On a side note, I took the Enclave for a test drive and loved it. Very quiet, smooth, and gets great gas mileage--for a SUV that seats eight at least.

    BTW, OldCodger, when are you getting the new Panasonic? I'm interested to hear your opinions about the quality of the box and movie playback.
  • Reply 2034 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Rumor...I repeat rumor...nothing to substantiate this, but regardless, this could be potentially huge as well...


    Paidgeek (Sony Pictures Insider and predicted that Blockbuster would side with Blu-Ray late last week), just stated the following at AVS:

    "Originally Posted by paidgeek

    I have heard from a reliable source that Target will go BD hardware exclusive..."

    If this is true, this may be big news as well.

  • Reply 2035 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    GoWell G875 Blu-ray Player


    Specifications have been released for what might just be the first bargain Blu-ray player on the market. You may recall that in January the HD DVD group announced that cheap Chinese players would guarantee them a win in the format war. Six months later, those players still can't be found, but a cheap Chinese Blu-ray player has now been spotted on the website for GoWell Enterprises International Ltd.

    The specs aren't very impressive, but this is an entry level player which will carry a very consumer friendly entry level price. The player will be Internet ready, both via wire and wireless connectivity, but no support for advanced audio codecs. No word on when these players will be hitting store shelves (its sure to be a Walmart favorite) or a price. Visit their website (click Source below) for more information and a mock-up picture.

  • Reply 2036 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Rumor...I repeat rumor...nothing to substantiate this, but regardless, this could be potentially huge as well...

    Now, this is perfect example of pure FUD along with rest of all the posts. This thread just gets worse and worse...... and I thought that wasn't possible.
  • Reply 2037 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Now, this is perfect example of pure FUD along with rest of all the posts. This thread just gets worse and worse...... and I thought that wasn't possible.

    How are the other posts--the FACT that Blockbuster is going Blu-ray--FUD? Please explain.

    I prefaced my other post in stating it was a rumor and it shouldn't be regarded as anything else. How is this FUD. I made it clear it was a rumor. What I was attempting to do is foster some discussion on what the effects would be if such a rumor was indeed true.

    FUD, IMO, is the dissemination of false information and trying to pass it off as fact in order to create Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. In none of the posts we've discussed today does this case apply. So, again, enlighten us, why do you consider this FUD?

    I think you simply are getting a clearer picture of where the market is going--Blu-ray, and are at odds with the result, thus your baseless claims of FUD.
  • Reply 2038 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    I just wish it never happened and one format was here from the beginning. But such is life, competition from conglomerates are no exception.

    Now you see, this is what I cannot understand with you Marzetta.

    You don't even have a player at this point. The format war has driven down player and media prices far faster than a single format would have. So while the enthusiast market has had to suffer a little confusion, the general consumer comes out of this smiling, whichever format wins.

    Add to that the fact that Blu-Ray implements more DRM than is necessary, which is typical of Sony and their contempt for consumer rights. Strike two for consumers there.

    Why would you, other than sheer Sony fanboyism, wish for a single format from the beginning?
  • Reply 2039 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    How are the other posts--the FACT that Blockbuster is going Blu-ray--FUD? Please explain.

    I prefaced my other post in stating it was a rumor and it shouldn't be regarded as anything else. How is this FUD. I made it clear it was a rumor. What I was attempting to do is foster some discussion on what the effects would be if such a rumor was indeed true.

    FUD, IMO, is the dissemination of false information and trying to pass it off as fact in order to create Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. In none of the posts we've discussed today does this case apply. So, again, enlighten us, why do you consider this FUD?

    I think you simply are getting a clearer picture of where the market is going--Blu-ray, and are at odds with the result, thus your baseless claims of FUD.

    Actually, I've got nothing to be in pain about if I have to switch to blue boat from the red. I just care about HiDef format being a successful next gen format, and at this time, I've decided to back HD-DVD as a favorable HiDef movie media format for me and the rest of the world.

    You asked, why your posts are nothing but FUD?... because you're trying to give an impression that BD already won the HiDef format war, which you and Sony have been claiming since November of 2006. So, is it over today?..... if no.... then all the claims are and were just another FUD from you and Sony. Need I explaim more?
  • Reply 2040 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Now you see, this is what I cannot understand with you Marzetta.

    You don't even have a player at this point.

    And this is critical,...why? Is it not enought I have family and friends with a Blu-ray player, and have watched a good many a Blu-ray and HD DVD movie? Or does the $$$ qualifier being dumped on a particular format qualify one to speak here? I certainly don't think so, because if anything, I'm format neutral (ok, I couldn't keep a straight face saying that) as I have no vested interest (which is quite true) in seeing one particular format succeed. I'm just giving my opinion from what I've seen, from both formats. In addition, I want, as a consumer, to have the best format for my future movie watching needs, and that format is with Blu-ray, in the tech specs, with support, and IMO with durability.


    The format war has driven down player and media prices far faster than a single format would have. So while the enthusiast market has had to suffer a little confusion, the general consumer comes out of this smiling, whichever format wins.

    Add to that the fact that Blu-Ray implements more DRM than is necessary, which is typical of Sony and their contempt for consumer rights. Strike two for consumers there.

    Why would you, other than sheer Sony fanboyism, wish for a single format from the beginning?

    Who cares how much DRM is on there, since if you are a model citizen, you ought not be ripping any movies in the first place. As long as it is transparent, I can give a rip. Moreover, with the availability of MMC on both formats, I think the studios are being quite fair.

    Hmm, Sony fanboyism would necessitate that I either own one of their products or work for them...otherwise, why would I be a fanboy of them? Given that neither of these reasons apply to me, I would say your dead wrong in regards to the implication of Sony fanboyism. I can think of some good reasons for having a single format from the beginning,...

    1) Unity...with unity comes less consumer confusion.

    2) With a single format, all parties involved don't have to deal with multiple replication equipment.

    3) With a single format, studios don't have to screw the consumer offering in only one particular format.

    4) With a single format, price would still be driven down with the parties involved as competion is still there, just that all high def hardware equipment would all be going toward the same format, thus having an even bigger economies of scale realized. Simply look at DVD. It certainly didn't take long for it to go down.

    BTW, what was strike one?
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