Briefly: Sony boss calls Jobs "greedy," Vodafone on 3G iPhone, Apple Tech Talks



  • Reply 41 of 123
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by ajhill View Post

    The true touche will be when Steve Jobs and Apple upgrade the AppleTV device to download online HD movie rentals. Thus obsoleting Sony's new Blue Ray Disc format. Why buy a $1000 player and spend $30 per movie when you can rent it on your AppleTV for $3. Think about it. What Hollywood movie made in the last 10 years is worth watching more than once or twice, let alone 10 times.

    No one wants PS3, no one will want Blue Ray. I've bought movies on VHS. I've bought movies on DVD. And I am here to tell you I have bought my last movie. It's Apple TV rentals for me going forward. And don't get me started on those theives at Blockbuster. Watching them go down in flames is going to be even more fun.

    Good luck with that. While you're waiting for Apple to offer HD rentals (or even rentals period), I'll sit and enjoy the beautiful picture and immersive sound that my PS3 already pumps out via Blu-Ray discs. Meanwhile, you can sit around for the next 5 years enjoying YouTube videos on your AppleTV and hoping for Apple to introduce a rental model (and then waiting another 5 years for 720p content and then maybe in another 5 years they'll catch up to Blu-Ray's 1080p). If you think current movies suck so much, why are you even waiting for iTunes rentals?

    Um, Blu-Ray players are available for less than $1000 (like the $499 PS3 which is an excellent player and, as I've already said earlier, much more) and Blu-Ray movies are also available for less than $30 (on Amazon they range from $19.95 to $27.95 which is pretty much the same as DVD's when they first launched). Maybe you could get your facts right.

    Just the opposite of you, I haven't rented a movie since DVD launched. And I don't intend to change that now. And I'll never pay for digital downloads of iTunes locked content. And no self-destroying digital rentals. I actually value having the choice to watch my content on a device of my choosing, not being forced to buy Apple products to enjoy my content.

    Apple is thus far lagging behind most of its competitors at this point. The Tivo/Amazon Unbox link is really nice. You can rent/purchase content direct from your Tivo or from any web browser and have it download straight to your Tivo. And if you actually purchase something, once you've watched it you can just delete it off your Tivo and go back to Amazon's site and queue it up for download when you want to watch it again. This solution is far more elegant than Apple's current strategy of requiring the user to go to their computer to purchase items and then keep track of the media file forever. Then there's Xbox Live which already has 720p HD TV for purchase and 720p HD movies for rent.

    And please, Apple are as much thieves as any other company. How else can you justify them still selling the obsolete Mac Mini for $599 and $799?
  • Reply 42 of 123
    I would like and hope that the european Unie, makes it clear that Apple cant give only one company the monopoly about the iPhone.

    Not even on a country base.

    There should be much more saling partners, this should make a price drop.

    The profit that Apple makes with the iPhone is, greedy, very greedy.
  • Reply 43 of 123
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Apple is greedy and hypocritical.

    They require consumers to fork over big bucks for their systems, but call record labels greedy when they want to charge more of their products.

  • Reply 44 of 123
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    So, who's funny and who's the racist -- you, or vinney57?

    What are you talking about? Howard Stringer is Welsh. I am part Welsh. Gaijin is a word used to my face in Japan many times. Usually hetai gaijin - meaning crazy foreigner in its mildest context. Racisim is systemic in Japan as I am sure you are aware.
  • Reply 45 of 123
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Apple is greedy and hypocritical.

    They require consumers to fork over big bucks for their systems, but call record labels greedy when they want to charge more of their products.


    Good one Dave!
  • Reply 46 of 123
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by vinney57 View Post

    What are you talking about? Howard Stringer is Welsh. I am part Welsh. Gaijin is a word used to my face in Japan many times. Usually hetai gaijin - meaning crazy foreigner in its mildest context. Racisim is systemic in Japan as I am sure you are aware.

    Sure, but does that justify your use of the "Jap" term?
  • Reply 47 of 123
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by vinney57 View Post

    Wow. That's a bit rich Howard from the Valleys! Sounds a little pressured. The Japs must be starting to lose patience with the gaijin

    The term you used is disparaging and offensive. I highly recommend that you read the Posting Guidelines, but in the meantime, an apology would be appropriate.
  • Reply 48 of 123
    Originally Posted by AISI View Post

    The iPhone's motherboard has a second layer and the BlackJack is not thicker than the iPhone.

    Samsung BlackJack (GSM/EDGE/UMTS)

    Dimensions: 4.4"L x 2.3"W x 0.5"D

    Weight: 3.5 oz

    iPhone (GSM/EDGE)

    Dimensions: 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.46 inches

    Weight: 4.8 ounces

    the BlackJack also doesn't have the large Multitouch screen and proximity sensors that also require space for chipsets and what not. The 3G isn't a huge chipset, it is just too big to fit in the iPhone with everything else at the moment.
  • Reply 49 of 123
    icibaquicibaqu Posts: 278member
    i think that apple should release the next version of it's iPhone under a Sony label so they can make the profit and feel better about greed. yup.
  • Reply 50 of 123
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by Electric Monk View Post

    Sony's a Japanese company. Therefore referring to Howard Stringer (a Brit, by the way) who heads it as a foreigner is completely reasonable.

    I assume you didn't read the original post (with what many reasonable people consider to be a racist reference) that led to a response, that led to a response, which led to my post. Please don't make a seemingly 'obvious'-sounding statement that misses the point.

    People can say or think what they will privately. But this is a public forum (and one that is now widely read and cited), and references such as a derisive "J" word to refer to the Japanese -- even if the writer thinks it is in jest -- are simply not cool. And, if people do that, they should expect to get called on it.

  • Reply 51 of 123
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    And please, Apple are as much thieves as any other company. How else can you justify them still selling the obsolete Mac Mini for $599 and $799?

    That is a somewhat strong assertion.

    "Thief" => someone who takes without asking or without owner's consent.

  • Reply 52 of 123
    Originally Posted by fraklinc View Post

    i just dont know about sony anymore, they use to be good but, i just sold my ps3 because am afried it will break withing a year like almost all their products and thats not a risk am willing to take, not to mention it also sucks by the way. about the iphone and european countires, of course they are getting the 3G model the only reason we did not get it its becauses ATTs lack of 3G coverage, thats why steve said clearly we are goin to europe next year, in other words he ment when the 3G model becomes available

    Well said!
  • Reply 53 of 123
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    The term you used is disparaging and offensive. I highly recommend that you read the Posting Guidelines, but in the meantime, an apology would be appropriate.

  • Reply 54 of 123
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    That is a somewhat strong assertion.

    "Thief" => someone who takes without asking or without owner's consent.


    My response was to someone else's comment about Blockbuster being thieves. It seemed clear the assertion was that Blockbuster was ripping people off (thus stealing their money). And thus my response about Mac Mini pricing making Apple a "thief" on the same level. Perhaps "highway robbery" would be the more appropriate euphemism, but that's not the term used in the post to which I replied. Maybe you should follow the discussion you decide to comment on.
  • Reply 55 of 123
    nicnacnicnac Posts: 59member
    Originally Posted by RealAppleIcon View Post

    It is sony that has closed their systems off to the world for so long

    memory stick

    memory stick pro


    the minidisc (which was different from the UMD)

    their laptops finally accept SD

    sony plays station memory cards

    the betamax (yes superior - but how many of us own one)

    You forgot the biggest abuse Sony has in store for customers once they complete dominance over the HD DVD format. Then, early adopters are going to find most of their equipment isn't 100% compatable with Sony's 'final' Blu-Ray specs.

    And as to all the people offended by the word J__, it's funny how Sony is taking a similar stance to Apple/Steve Jobs as the Japanese do to World War 2 history: "We did nothing wrong, and what about what they did to Asia? And, we're offended by that term."

    Once the J__s apologize for Nanking, forced brothels, and every other well-documented rape, then they can start complaining about silly little words like J__.
  • Reply 56 of 123
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post


    My response was to someone else's comment about Blockbuster being thieves. It seemed clear the assertion was that Blockbuster was ripping people off (thus stealing their money). And thus my response about Mac Mini pricing making Apple a "thief" on the same level. Perhaps "highway robbery" would be the more appropriate euphemism, but that's not the term used in the post to which I replied. Maybe you should follow the discussion you decide to comment on.

    Of course I had read the earlier discussion. My comment was meant to be generic and a minimally cluttered response to all references of "thief" (whether Blockbuster, Sony, Apple.....). But I agree I could have pointed to posters with earlier references of that term. However, since you did not put it within quotes (as you did with "highway robber") it seemed appropriate to assume that you agreed with the reference.
  • Reply 57 of 123
    tkntkn Posts: 224member
    Sony is the last company that should complain about greediness. Their greed is what has made the company stumble. They continually try and lock their customers into their own proprietary formats and are so scared of affecting their revenues from one division, that they hobble their products in other divisions.
  • Reply 58 of 123
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    PS3's price point is the same as that of a low end mini. The PS3 is a far better machine on most points.

    You must be on crack, dude. While the PS3 is certainly more powerful from a games perspective, the Core Duo is no slouch. And with the mini being a full-on PC with hundreds of apps, it dominates the PS3 in every way *except* gaming and blu-ray playback.

    I have a mini in my home entertainment system and it does the following:

    -Skype video conferencing

    -Media center streaming and cataloging via front row

    -MAME gaming

    -web surfing

    -online chat

    -video chat

    -home security via iSight camera and Periscope


    -Encoding movies with Handbrake

    Those are just the things I can think of off the top of my head. And, of course, it does all these thing at about a third the size of a PS3. Just because Sony decided to screw themselves by using the PS3 to push blu-ray, doesn't make the PS3 some great value. It doesn't matter how much Sony loses on each unit, its still overpriced, way overpriced, unless you want a blu-ray player.

    Which, of course, most people don't.
  • Reply 59 of 123
    What an idiotic comment! Between he and Tretton, you really have to wonder...

    "If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1200 bucks for it."

    "We don't buy exclusivity. We don't fund development,"

    Can you take anything a company with this track record says seriously?
  • Reply 60 of 123
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    That's about the worst example you could have picked as Sony is taking significant loss on each one sold.

    Stringer is nothing compared to the more entertaining executives at Sony. I thought the way SCEE president recently pissed in SCEA's pool with the comments on the price cuts and the 80GB PS3 was especially grand. More lulz will follow as soon as the 80GB comes in Europe and SCEE jumps in the same pool.

    so how much profit would sony make selling the PS3 at $870?

    Gees image if they did that.....

    Oh wait they do (in the uk at least (£425 = $873))

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