Apple to host Mac event next Tuesday



  • Reply 21 of 564
    bjnybjny Posts: 191member
    So when will Apple announce a WiFi Hi-Fi and Airport Express-N?
  • Reply 22 of 564
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    This event is for new iMacs, so let's not get ahead of ourselves and even think we'll be getting anything else. If we do then great, but keep a leash on those hopes.
  • Reply 23 of 564
    I am not sure why anyone would expect MacBook updates outside of an ultra-portable, they were just updated. Though this is Apple we are talking about, who just let their flagship products (iMac and iPod) go for 1 year and 2 years (5.5G does not count) without an update.

    I hope we see the Mac Mini be upgraded to a Mac (drop any word that means small). I want something cheap, semi powerful, upgradeable and screen less.

    The Mac Pro is in desperate need of an update, or at the very least a price drop.

    I would love to see HD video rentals, it would give the Apple TV some use and I would maybe pick one up.

    Xserves don't really count as "Mac's" but they are due for another update.

    Bundling a free update to Leopard with the iMac would really make it sell like hot cakes.

    Oh I can't wait!!!!!!!! (even though I am really only in the market for an iPod)
  • Reply 24 of 564
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by empezar View Post

    i'm hoping new mac pros

    WTF? No.
  • Reply 25 of 564
    zengazenga Posts: 267member

  • Reply 26 of 564
    polar315polar315 Posts: 76member
    Wondering what the availablity dates will be ? Thought that they would have pushed the new iMacs up for going to school. Some kids will be heading out the door very soon and maybe mom and dad did not wait and bought them the Acer machine at Futureshop thinking they were doing them a favor...
  • Reply 27 of 564
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    This event is for new iMacs, so let's not get ahead of ourselves and even think we'll be getting anything else. If we do then great, but keep a leash on those hopes.

    Apple is a company that leads by its nature. it will soon introduce a new iMac that will define exactly where they are going with their computing "arm" of the business, or at worst hint strongly and guide/push the industry (speed bumps are corporate decisions guided by stock price/share holders!).

    the iMac always has been their standard bearer (hardwear realisation of their software goals) of where they want to push the industry, mac mini, mac pro etc is what their customers want "now" cos they know no better!

    I hope they take a chance with the iMac, like they did with the original, cos thats how you define markets... point out HOW you should be using your computer not making machines that fulfill todays paradigm!

    first post, hi appleinsider!
  • Reply 28 of 564
    Originally Posted by petera1969 View Post

    Apple is a company that leads by its nature. it will soon introduce a new iMac that will define exactly where they are going with their computing "arm" of the business, or at worst hint strongly and guide/push the industry (speed bumps are corporate decisions guided by stock price/share holders!).

    the iMac always has been their standard bearer (hardwear realisation of their software goals) of where they want to push the industry, mac mini, mac pro etc is what their customers want "now" cos they know no better!

    I hope they take a chance with the iMac, like they did with the original, cos thats how you define markets... point out HOW you should be using your computer not making machines that fulfill todays paradigm!

    first post, hi appleinsider!

  • Reply 29 of 564
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by petera1969 View Post

    I hope they take a chance with the iMac, like they did with the original, cos thats how you define markets... point out HOW you should be using your computer not making machines that fulfill todays paradigm!

    i agree... and welcome!
  • Reply 30 of 564
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    i agree... and welcome!

    my fear is that leopard is taking a little long! i kinda saw a hardware/software assault on windows vista and generic pcs that would REALLY give people a reason to switch!

    guess we'll have to accept that apple work incrementally, which i do respect, but i admire their balls when they go all out... from day 1, integrated screens, non upgradeable hardware, (phaps memory, they really shoulda realised we want apps to run on our shiney OS) no floppy, crikey no right mouse click by default!!!

    lets see what they decide we can live without next!
  • Reply 31 of 564
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Matthew Yohe View Post

    Seriously? You do realize we are halfway through '07...

    Introducing "iChihuahua"!
  • Reply 32 of 564
    jonnyboyjonnyboy Posts: 525member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Introducing "iChihuahua"!

    introducing... i, Robot
  • Reply 33 of 564
    Since it's getting close to the 10.5 release date wouldn't one just hold off on the new Mac until the updated OS is available?
  • Reply 34 of 564
    An ultra-portable with flash memory would be awesome!
  • Reply 35 of 564
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Introducing "iChihuahua"!

    sound cool! and i thought iPhone was already the status symbol that will require multi year commitment, that the celebs will pass to their flunkies as soon as the "next" thing comes out!
  • Reply 36 of 564
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I wonder if some of these products have been developed for some time now, and Apple withholds them until the stock is affected... who knew they'd be introducing new Mac product at this time? It doesn't fit their regular introduction cycle, does it?
  • Reply 37 of 564
    javacowboyjavacowboy Posts: 864member
    How about 2Gb of RAM in the base configuration instead of only 1Gb. Why do MacBook Pros come with more RAM than Mac Pros? It makes no sense at all.
  • Reply 38 of 564
    Originally Posted by Andrew The Man View Post

    An ultra-portable with flash memory would be awesome!

    as soon as technology and the market require it!

    mac sadly is still niche, when that segment (particularly japan) is financially viable or situations "demand" apple push things that way, it will happen

    i have my desires for the now, but i guess i have 2 accept they are a huge corporation that must accommodate a lot of peoples requirements and more importantly have had all these conversations at least 18 months ago!
  • Reply 39 of 564
    jonnyboyjonnyboy Posts: 525member
    Originally Posted by itgoesforfun View Post

    Since it's getting close to the 10.5 release date wouldn't one just hold off on the new Mac until the updated OS is available?

    not if new imac buyers are granted a discount on the leopard upgrade!
  • Reply 40 of 564
    Originally Posted by jonnyboy View Post

    not if new imac buyers are granted a discount on the leopard upgrade!

    perhaps that will only happen if new functionality "demands" leopard!

    everyone assumes it will require leopard to add multi-touch and similar! perhaps a NEW application/ framework/ hardware implementation is in the offing!!!

    of course i'm dreaming, but apple doesn't only add functionality with os releases!!
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