Apple to host Mac event next Tuesday



  • Reply 61 of 564
    bronabrona Posts: 1member
    The iMac hasn't been updated in almost a year. That's a long time for a computer. Had it just been to bump the processor the update would have come much sooner. Plus it's not called for to have a media event for such a minor thing. I belive, like so many others, that the new iMac will have a more sleek and elegant design. However it's generally to much focus on how thinn it should be. Really how much thinner does a desktop computer need to be than the current iMac? I rather get a new iMac that is a couple of degree's cooler than some centimeters thinner. More TV-like functions such as a built in TV-card would be nice and in line with the "Digital Hub" plans. Maybe HDMI output? Features that will get the iMac a way into the living room or bed room.

    There where alot of gaming anouncements at WWDC this year. Apple probably has had a more open discussion with the industry about what they need in terms of hardware, in order to create some really wonderful and unique stuff. Maybe a Nvidia Geforce 8600 GT as standard? As Apple probably has seen alot of users picking the better graphics card on the iMac 24" modell - will we get more options this time?

    We probably will see some numbers on how Apple little "hobby" (AppleTV) is going and maybe some future plans for it. It's only been out there for 3 months but from what I have heard it does pretty well in USA. Here in Europe not so much as there is no iTunes Store with video material (other than music videos and podcasts which really isn't enough). A date as to when we will get some of the good stuff would be nice. Although this is a Mac event so AppleTV will probably have to wait to another time.

    The Mac mini (like the iMac) hans't been updated in almost a year, making it likely that it to will get some love - or hate for that matter. Either we will see a serious update or an anouncment of it's retirement. Right now it's rather unclear on how that Mac mini's and AppleTV's roadmap differ. The Mac mini is really superior in terms of features and flexibility as media center. Although at a higher price many have chosen it over AppleTV. It could use HDMI-output.

    Demos of the new iLife and iWork suites are almost a garantee. As they are an important part of the Mac package. The .Mac not as much so but still important and Steve Jobs recently said we could expect new things with it.

    - New re-designed iMac

    - Bumped or cancelled Mac mini

    - Demo of iLife, iWork and .Mac

    - Leopard on schedule for october

    - Perhaps updated ACD's with HDMI and iSight - same design though
  • Reply 62 of 564
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I'm gonna say there is a good possibility we'll see the new iMac and the new Cinema displays, and maybe a sneak peek of iLife and iWork '08, but not a release for them - I still hope they become part of Leopard.
  • Reply 63 of 564
    The date GOOD NEWS!

    The "Mac event" GOOD NEWS!

    All the conformations GOOD NEWS!

    I'm a very happy camper today
  • Reply 64 of 564
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    I have received word from Suni that he will be involved in some sort of countdown soon... In the meantime OMG TUESDAY OMG

    I STRONGLY PREDICT that iLife'08 and iWork'08 will only be *previews*, it will not be full release until Leopard full or MacWorld SF Jan 2008. I could be wrong though. Just that it would be very weird in the scheme of things if people went out and can buy iLife08 and iWork08 next week. Anyways, buckle up, ladies and gents, 'cause Kansas is about to go bye bye...
  • Reply 65 of 564
    While I agree with the masses that the iMac upgrade will likely take centre stage next week, I wonder what actual 'upgrade' we can expect. Design and shape changes are nice, however I want my computer to perform, and since iMacs will likely continue to use mobile components, and Intel haven't released anything monumentally better since the current iMac CPUs, I don't see the new iMacs performing that much better than the current ones.

    Unless Intel also have something to tell us about Penryn next week ?
  • Reply 66 of 564
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    I want a Macbook with intel x3100 gpu and a MOBO that supports 2x 2gb ram DIMMs so it can meet my needs for he next ~3-4 years...

    Maybe we will see MBPs with new enclosures that add the ease of expandability as the Macbooks.

    and santa rosa metal iMacs too i suppose...YAWN
  • Reply 67 of 564
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by Caribou Killa View Post

    New Mac Pros? Why? Theres no need for that. New iMacs and new ultra-portables is what we should be hoping for. And maybe, but almost definetely not, a mid-range tower. New ACDs too probably with integrated iSight. Also a serious revamping of the mac mini or total elimination of it.

    also i hear Powerbook G5s should be making there debut too.

    I would expect to see the Pro updated, bumped up to quad core, and speed bumped to 2.33, 2.83, and 3.16ghz when harpertown arrives in Q4.

    I'm praying that Apple will release a true successor to the PowerMacs (the Mac Pro is really in a price range above them), but I don't have much faith in Jobs to deliver anything that isn't completely former over function that isn't a Mac Pro.
  • Reply 68 of 564
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by lukechip View Post

    While I agree with the masses that the iMac upgrade will likely take centre stage next week, I wonder what actual 'upgrade' we can expect. Design and shape changes are nice, however I want my computer to perform, and since iMacs will likely continue to use mobile components, and Intel haven't released anything monumentally better since the current iMac CPUs, I don't see the new iMacs performing that much better than the current ones.

    Unless Intel also have something to tell us about Penryn next week ?

    It'll be more about cosmetic changes than anything else, although despite some more vocal opinions I think I'd prefer to own the new keyboard which I definitely think is the real. We could possibly be looking at a few different color keyboard and iMac pairs too. I'm thinking a black on black pair & a white on silver pair to start, though they could easily do ones in all the colors of the shuffles and nanos too, yeah, both the iMacs and the keyboards in colored, anodized aluminum.
  • Reply 69 of 564
    Originally Posted by petera1969 View Post

    I hope they take a chance with the iMac, like they did with the original, cos thats how you define markets... point out HOW you should be using your computer not making machines that fulfill todays paradigm!

    first post, hi appleinsider!

    Hi ! Welcome ! Prepare to be plea-amazed !

    Just because your first post was right on target...

    The Apple event is all about Mac... iMac or whatever Apple will call this next thing.
  • Reply 70 of 564
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,440moderator
    Whoa, whoa, why would they arrange this kind of thing for just an iMac redesign? I think something new is coming like a Cube or something related to gaming. They need to get the word out that gaming is back on the Mac and as Carmack said, there will be some more Mac announcements later in the year.

    Nonetheless, AUGUST 7TH CONFIRMED and it's all Mac this time (take *that* iphone people)!! At least it's a definite date to look forward to.
  • Reply 71 of 564
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    - New designs for 20 and 24 iMac

    - Old design 17 iMac is education only.

    - 10.5 voucher with iMacs

    - iWork 08 and iLife 08 demo

    - New keyboard across the Mac range from 7 August.

    - later on in day quiet drop of Mini (we'll hear more about it's replacement in the coming months - Apple TV Pro)
  • Reply 72 of 564
    crentistcrentist Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by European guy View Post

    Hi ! Welcome ! Prepare to be plea-amazed !

    Just because your first post was right on target...

    The Apple event is all about Mac... iMac or whatever Apple will call this next thing.

    European Guy! Welcome back; it's been a while. Any riddles this time?
  • Reply 73 of 564
    My prediction:

    iMac 20"

    iMac 24"

    I have no idea what to expect in terms of colours & materials

    iLife 07'

    iWork 07'

    Silent Mac Mini update:

    1.66Ghz CD -- 2.0Ghz Core 2 Duo

    1.83Ghz CD -- 2.16Ghz Core 2 Duo

    802.11n WiFi & 100/160GB Hard Drives
  • Reply 74 of 564

    - Old design 17 iMac is education only.

  • Reply 75 of 564
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by itgoesforfun View Post

    Since it's getting close to the 10.5 release date wouldn't one just hold off on the new Mac until the updated OS is available?

    I've never understood this logic. It seems that this is a perfect time for a new iMac, as it will help keep sales robust prior to Leopard's release.
  • Reply 76 of 564
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    My prediction:

    2.2ghz 20" $1299 1GB RAM 256mb 8600M GT

    2.4ghz 24" $1699 2GB RAM 512mb 8700M GT

    Bottom end configurations and Mac Mini dropped. Apple perplexed when Mac sales start to drop because of this due to lose of low end and education customers.
  • Reply 77 of 564
    ijayijay Posts: 57member
    i sure hope the mac mini doesn't get phased out. it's such a good little machine. it's what gets people on the mac. apple would be crazy to ditch it...

    maybe make it a bit speedier and cheaper? they don't need to profit on this one... people who start out on the mini will likely move to another mac.

    my cousin bought a mini to test the waters and now she's just waiting for leopard to buy a macbook... she wasn't sure she'd like the mac but now she knows she loves it.
  • Reply 78 of 564
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    My prediction:

    2.2ghz 20" $1299 1GB RAM 256mb 8600M GT

    2.4ghz 24" $1699 2GB RAM 512mb 8700M GT

    i agree with this, though am hoping there will be a 'wow feature' beyond the (much looked forward to) re-design, cf petera1969's call for apple to take a chance/shake things up.

    i think the 17" old form factor might be kept on as a defacto edu-imac with no great press about it.

    i still like the iPhone inspired mock-up in the other thread, but am hanging out to see what apple actually come up with!
  • Reply 79 of 564
    ijayijay Posts: 57member
    how do i subscribe for replies again? it always takes me ages to figure out

    EDIT: found it
  • Reply 80 of 564
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    My prediction:

    2.2ghz 20" $1299 1GB RAM 256mb 8600M GT

    2.4ghz 24" $1699 2GB RAM 512mb 8700M GT

    My vote is 2.2ghz 2GB 2.4ghz 2GB standard and 128mb 8600M GT and 256mb 8600M GT respectively.

    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Bottom end configurations and Mac Mini dropped.

    Yes. Though this will be a silent slice in the middle of the night, no "it has been discontinued it teh sucky" official big announcement.

    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Apple perplexed when Mac sales start to drop because of this due to lose of low end and education customers.

    Nope, Mac sales continue to do well. Low end Mac Mini and 17" retail market shifts somewhat to MacBook, Education customers shift as well to MacBook one-laptop-to-one-student program.

    Originally Posted by mrtotes View Post

    - New designs for 20 and 24 iMac


    Originally Posted by mrtotes View Post

    - Old design 17 iMac is education only.

    Yes, unofficially.

    Originally Posted by mrtotes View Post

    - 10.5 voucher with iMacs

    Would be nice, but I don't think so. Appel is teh evil.

    Originally Posted by mrtotes View Post

    - iWork 08 and iLife 08 demo

    - New keyboard across the Mac range from 7 August.

    Yes, sounds good.

    Originally Posted by mrtotes View Post

    - later on in day quiet drop of Mini (we'll hear more about it's replacement in the coming months - Apple TV Pro)

    I don't think any AppleTV Pro, just a bigger push to bigger hard drives.
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