Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 2781 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Your little friend is $900. Funny how all your bitching and moaning about how Blu-ray is too expensive suddenly dies down when you're talking about expensive HD DVD players. And I've owned Onkyo equipment. It's nothing to write home about. Funnier still that earlier this thread you were arguing that 24fps doesn't matter because HDTVs do pulldown. Now you're saying it's something important. Make up your bloody mind.

    So you're saying it looks and sounds like crap on an A2?

    Well clearly I'm not going to be purchasing the D850 from Onkyo. It's still out of my price range and would need to be a Universal player for me to spend that much. However I like seeing Denon enter the market with an upscale Blu-ray player and Onkyo hit with a higher end player. My mind was always made up. What's right for me is just that ...right for "me" I like seeing options for other player for those who are more well heeled.

    Pull Down potentially creates errors. I have no doubt that a 120Hz LCD and native 24p output will look superior in most cases. I've already read reports about the improvements that I take stock in. My final judgement will come when I've seen the combo with my own eyes.

    24p outputs don't matter if you don't have a TV that supports input at a factor of 24. I've heard far too many people claim that 24p output is a dealbreaker yet how many have a 48-120Hz TV or Projector ?
  • Reply 2782 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    That's 12 percentage points away from 50/50 !!!!!

    In other words

    a half a million HD DVD players are a mere 12 percentage points away from equaling the movie purchase potential of over 2 million Blu-ray players. That' s freaking amazing and proof that HD DVD owners are voracious movie consumers.

    LOL..... 13% away from tipping the scale... 49/51 for HD DVD.....

    whether the numbers are valid or not, since it only involves very small number of the sales compared to SD market, it doesn't mean much right now. It's a good indicator for trending, but it can obviously go any direction over night with current HiDef market size.

    When we start seeing consistent 5 to 10% sales of HD contents to SD, that would be a better time to trend the format war..... still has ways to go.... perhaps by the year end?
  • Reply 2783 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    your post is making the BD Fanboys become even more hostile.....

    "The fanboys! The fanboys!" Gee, I wonder who's the hostile one here. Meanwhile, did anyone notice that bmm was conspicuously silent after he was caught red-handed displaying his complete and total ignorance of DIVX. Never once was he man enough to admit he was wrong.

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    LOL..... 13% away from tipping the scale... 49/51 for HD DVD.....

    Dream on. Those higher numbers were during a temporary spike for HD DVD, as evidenced by the charts at The charts show that surge has evaporated as of a few days ago.

    Originally Posted by getluv View Post

    walter: Universal Music is a blu-ray contributor

    Universal Music is owned by Vivendi, a french company.

    Vivendi continues to have 20% ownership of NBC Universal, which includes Universal Studios.
  • Reply 2784 of 4650
    20% isn't exactly the whole company.


    anyone who still believe HD-DVD is still got a chance, is seriously delusional,
  • Reply 2785 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    I'm not sure whether I should ignore you or not......

    Well, I'm trying hard NOT to be what you would describe as a "fanboy" but if you want to continue to bring out that tired response when you can't place a propper argument, then I suppose I can't stop you.

    If you wish to ignore me, doesn't that sound rather like you have no propper argument against what I'm saying, and very like you just want to stick your head in the sand saying "I'm not listening I'm not listening" ?

    Are you going to answer the DIVX questions? or is wiki not giving you the answers at the moment?
  • Reply 2786 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    That's 12 percentage points away from 50/50 !!!!!

    Thats grasping for straws

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    LOL..... 13% away from tipping the scale... 49/51 for HD DVD.....

    Thats REALLY grasping at straws, and if ever there was an indication of someone being a "fanboy" then this has to be it.

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    whether the numbers are valid or not

    And THEN cover your ass
  • Reply 2787 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Thats grasping for straws

    Thats REALLY grasping at straws, and if ever there was an indecation of someone being a "fanboy" then this has to be it.

    And THEN cover your ass

    LOL.... are you kolchak using a different ID?... you two behave the same.

    BTW, regarding to the divx question...... if it was worth the reply, it would have been done.

    oh well... I'm wasting my game time again....
  • Reply 2788 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    LOL.... are you kolchak using a different ID?... you two behave the same.

    BTW, regarding to the divx question...... if it was worth the reply, it would have been done.

    oh well... I'm wasting my game time again....

  • Reply 2789 of 4650
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    With the exception of "The Bourne Ultimatum", the titles mentioned for release in the Universal article are pretty ho-hum and as a exclusive Blu-ray owner won't be missed on my part. But the "The Bourne Ultimatum" is one movie I want to see and probably own as I have the other two. So I'll most likely buy the SD-DVD version as it looks like Universal isn't going to be budging from its position soon.

    This brings up a question, are you one-format exclusive owners still buying SD-DVD must have titles from studios who don't support your format or have you sworn off SD-DVDs?

    Been meaning to get back to this

    I did swear off SD-DVDs for a while, but recently the price of some of them have been way too tempting Eg I'v just gotten hold of Bicentenial Man, Coogan's Bluff and Carwash for £10 Total ($20) all of which will end up on the Apple TV, My current stance is to cherry pick the Blu-ray stuff and cherry pick the older SD-DVD stuff, dependant on my screaming NEED-to-see-at-all-costs versus my desire to spend less cash and wait till an SD-dvd title drops in price to the point of becoming a "rent price"

    I feel at this point that BD is for those must have/must buy again Classics and the really good new stuff. As has been mentioned before BD/HD-DVD is still pretty niche in comparison to SD-DVD which means that there is a limited amount of films being released due to the need for extra restoration work/transfares etc.

    But I have a question in return, what rate of uptake was there with Lazer disc? after about the first year what were the sales like? BD/HD-DVD are both out a little over a year now and it "feels" like the adoption rate is WAAY better than Lazer disc was, I know Ultimately Lazer disc failed to catch on, so BD/HD-DVD needs to surpass its rate of growth.

    Is it doing that I wonder?
  • Reply 2790 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    That's 12 percentage points away from 50/50 !!!!!

    In other words

    a half a million HD DVD players are a mere 12 percentage points away from equaling the movie purchase potential of over 2 million Blu-ray players. That' s freaking amazing and proof that HD DVD owners are voracious movie consumers.

    The future looks bright. Onkyo is coming online with a high end player. Toshiba has 3rd generation players coming. More vendors will jump in in Q4 and Toshiba will be shipping all laptops with HD DVD drives next year.

    I'm a happy man indeed.

    You're so fully of shit, it's laughable.
  • Reply 2791 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    You're so fully of shit, it's laughable.

    That may be true to your perceptions but it doesn't refute what I've said. A half millions players for HD DVD are within 12 percentage points of even with over 2 million Blu-ray players in movie sales. That's as close to a fact as you can get.

    I'm the one that should be laughing. 4 studio advantage, BD player packed in every PS3 purchase and Blu-ray "still" underperforms.

    The two biggest cheerleaders in this thread don't even have HD players as far as I can tell. 32 movies and counting here. By years end I'll have over 60. So keep on laughing.
  • Reply 2792 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    However I like seeing Denon enter the market with an upscale Blu-ray player and Onkyo hit with a higher end player.

    How on earth is a $899 player with a Reon higher end than a $1999 player with a Realta?

    Rumor has it the Onkyo is a rebadged Toshiba (the future XA3...aka HD-A35 with a Reon like the XA2). Other than the Reon the Onkyo has the same feature spec as the HD-A35.


    My mind was always made up.

    That's been obvious a long time.

  • Reply 2793 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    That may be true to your perceptions but it doesn't refute what I've said. A half millions players for HD DVD are within 12 percentage points of even with over 2 million Blu-ray players in movie sales. That's as close to a fact as you can get.

    I'm the one that should be laughing. 4 studio advantage, BD player packed in every PS3 purchase and Blu-ray "still" underperforms.

    The two biggest cheerleaders in this thread don't even have HD players as far as I can tell. 32 movies and counting here. By years end I'll have over 60. So keep on laughing.

    I seriously can't believe what I'm reading. Repeat after me: TOTAL DISC SALES. Say it slowly three times. And really, how the hell can you claim BD is underperforming? And the "future looks bright?"
  • Reply 2794 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    How on earth is a $899 player with a Reon higher end than a $1999 player with a Realta?

    Rumor has it the Onkyo is a rebadged Toshiba (the future XA3...aka HD-A35 with a Reon like the XA2). Other than the Reon the Onkyo has the same feature spec as the HD-A35.


    Just measuring the video performance of silicon optix reon vs. realta, they both perform pretty equally. The known benefit of higher end realta is having the flexibility of reprogram if needed.

    Anyway, the $899 price tag Onkyo HD-DVD does not target the J6P budget and it will be an enthusiast end aimed product just like Denon BD player priced at $1999. For $1999 machine, I would also expected higher end audio components as well as the video. Whether Denon can deliver $1000 more worth of the audio improvement over the Onkyo would be something worth of following up when available.

    With increasing announcements of combo/universal players being planned for future generation hardwares, most people paying close to $1,000 or even higher than $500 would expect to have hidef format neutral capable hardwares for the price tag. For the time being, with this format war going nowhere, I would think the combo/universal hardwares would be more popular choice and also help both Hidef formats in the long run.

    If anyone thinks the HiDef format war would end any time soon....... that would only be a naive wishful thinking.
  • Reply 2795 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    How on earth is a $899 player with a Reon higher end than a $1999 player with a Realta?

    Rumor has it the Onkyo is a rebadged Toshiba (the future XA3...aka HD-A35 with a Reon like the XA2). Other than the Reon the Onkyo has the same feature spec as the HD-A35.

    That's been obvious a long time.


    I'm comparing the Onkyo with current HD DVD offerings. Although quite honestly the Onkyo is damn near close to the Denon. The Denon offers the Reon's bigger sibling the HQV processing which is going to be superior. I hesitate to call the Onkyo player a "rebadge" of the XA2 as the XA2 doesn't support 24p output (yet) nor does it have HDMI 1.3a for native bitstream output or DTS-MA. When it ships it'll be more clear how much lineage these two players share.
  • Reply 2796 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I seriously can't believe what I'm reading. Repeat after me: TOTAL DISC SALES. Say it slowly three times. And really, how the hell can you claim BD is underperforming? And the "future looks bright?"

    Why do I have to repeat after you? I already know that total disc sales are tracking at 60/40 in favor of Blu-ray since inception. If you don't consider a 4 studio advantage and 4x advantage in total players yielding only a tenuous 12-20 percent advantage in total disc sales "underperforming" that's fine but there is cause for many to do just that.
  • Reply 2797 of 4650
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Why do I have to repeat after you? I already know that total disc sales are tracking at 60/40 in favor of Blu-ray since inception. If you don't consider a 4 studio advantage and 4x advantage in total players yielding only a tenuous 12-20 percent advantage in total disc sales "underperforming" that's fine but there is cause for many to do just that.

    Yes, but total disc sales are all that matters. The future doesn't look bright if the best you can do is maintain a 2:3 sales ratio with no signs of growth against a directly competing format. Studios are out to sell the most copies of their movies, period. Not 'the most copies per player'.
  • Reply 2798 of 4650
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    In a local HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray purchasing update; The two copies that our store (Blockbuster) got of 300 on HD-DVD are still sitting there collecting dust, where the Blu-Ray copies have been gone since halfway through day one.
  • Reply 2799 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Why do I have to repeat after you? I already know that total disc sales are tracking at 60/40 in favor of Blu-ray since inception. If you don't consider a 4 studio advantage and 4x advantage in total players yielding only a tenuous 12-20 percent advantage in total disc sales "underperforming" that's fine but there is cause for many to do just that.

    Murchy, this is simply a classic example of you trying to have it both ways. BTW, Blu-ray has a 5 studio advantage, not four--Fox, MGM, Disney, Sony, and Lionsgate. However, it is quite interesting when it suits your vantage point how you or others are so quick to criticize Fox and MGM for not releasing Blu-ray movies in a while and then include them as an advantage in the same breath. Moreover, you or others would like to dismiss the PS3 as a Blu-ray player when you have the same ol tired standalone argument, but want to include it here again in the same breath so as to lay some sort of credence to Blu-ray "underperforming."

    Well, if you want to be honest with yourself and others here then you'd be more accurate to say that Blu-ray has outsold HD DVD in total disc sales at a 60/40 clip since inception with only a 3 studio advantage--Disney, Lionsgate, and Sony. Considering that the ratio this year is more like a 3:1 ratio, would a 5:1 ratio give you more hope when Fox and MGM get into the game? You'll probably say so.

    In addition, you spout off the full number of PS3 players sold here to try and again support your weak argument when we all know full well that not all (4x) players out there in the PS3 are being used for movies.

    So, in essence, it is not hard at all to see through your FUD in your assertion for cause of concern--because it is not higher in your eyes--based off of yet another week with Blu-ray ahead in disc sales . I think this holiday season is going to get nothing but rougher for you and bitemymac. It is quite easy to see given the information out there, but alas, you guys continue to wear the HD DVD blinders and refuse to take them off. Well, when you guys finally swallow your pride, and take them off and find no one around to join you, we'll be waiting for you all back here in reality.

    I look for Blu-ray to have a huge fall and winter, with the addition of Fox and MGM, and finally the blockbuster releases of some Warner titles that have yet to see Blu-ray. Moreover, I look for the standalone argument that you HD DVD boys have enjoyed thus far to evaporate, and it appears the death knell for this is looking to have already started...

    Blu-ray Players Outpassing Rival HD DVD


    Retailers are reporting that, despite HD DVD's price advantage, Blu-ray stand alone players are selling better than HD DVD stand alone players, and could be selling much more if supply could keep up with demand. Abt Electronics and Ultimate Electronics have reported that sales of Blu-ray players have increased dramatically since the introduction of low cost 2nd-generation players, and that current supplies are very tight.

    John Abt, VP of Abt Electronics commented, "With all of the introductions of Blu-ray product, we have seen more sales in BD than in HD DVD, because there are so many options now out for consumers."

    ?We were seeing a 50/50 split in unit sales,? Bjorn Dybdahl, president of Bjorn's said. ?That was primarily all three Toshiba players versus Sony's $499 players. If the Blu-ray group wants to put a death knell on HD DVD, then they need to get it everywhere very quickly.?

    What then my HD DVD sightless wonders? What will your argument be then? You have to know that it is inevitable, right?; given the plethora of hardware vendors on Blu-ray's side, and the minute amount on HD DVD's side. jWill this cause you all to finally see the light. For some reason, I don't think it will simply move on wondering aimlessly, in the dark, on a dead format. To each his own, and my best wishes to you for dropping your hard earned cash into an abyss that is HD DVD.
  • Reply 2800 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member

    Courtesy of WriteSimply at
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