Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 3981 of 4650
    Haha we are an injury free environment!!!

    I don't think it ever got TOO heated.
  • Reply 3982 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Haha we are an injury free environment!!!

    I don't think it ever got TOO heated.

    I'm so glad I get my format-war discussion here where it's mostly civil. I do not see Murch and Marz fighting it out and getting restraining orders. I see Murch and Marz having some beers together and trying to draw PQ graphs on napkins.
  • Reply 3983 of 4650
    Haha Amen.
  • Reply 3984 of 4650
    I find it funny that people can get so worked up over something that, really, means so little in the grand scheme of things. I used to work for M$ and I can't stand them. That, primarily, is the reason why I want Blu-Ray to win. HD-DVD, IMO, is a rushed, half-assed product just like everything else Micro$oft.

    But past my personal dislike of M$, I could care less who wins. I just want one of them to win so I know which to buy.
  • Reply 3985 of 4650
    Or you could go blu and help the cause.

    What did you do for Microsoft?
  • Reply 3986 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    AVSForum has come out and spoken against supporting either format. Apparently they went as far as shutting down posting in these areas because of threats and lies.

    Good. The place has been a cesspit for a while now. The amount of useful information (like Tier quality of particular movies) was dwarfed by the pure venom being exchanged over something as goofy as a digital standard.
  • Reply 3987 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    I'm not saying it's my gear. I'm saying it's the FILM... ie the movie... ie the master... ie the movie? Heh I dont' know how else to explain it. In other words, Troy and Samurai have issues with how they were moved to HD. I am not saying it's my ps3, my hdmi cable, or my hdtv.

    And thank you for the grats, cause it was a big step for me.

    For the record, I bought Ratatouille last night and watched it. It was crystal clear. It just seems a lot of transfers aren't done that great. Looking at AVSForum....

    You can see which ones have been slapped together, and which ones haven't.

    Some of the personal reviews aren't very consistent due to the differences of system being used. Even when reference 1080p HT equipments are used viewing a same HDM title on a same display may show different details on the screen. Most times, the display mode being used, such as 1:1 pixel map vs. overscan, noise filters, EE, and etc. mode available on most displays can hide or reveal some of the finer details when using the video processing set up from the display.

    I really don't like using any of the post-processing on the HDM's, but when I do watch dirty SD-DVD's, some of the noise filters do show it's purpose.

    So, basically, everyone who owns the same title will see different details unless the whole HT system is close to being reference with reference system settings.
  • Reply 3988 of 4650
    That's sad! I'm glad I never got involved with that place. Long live AI.
  • Reply 3989 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    So I wanted to bring something else up...

    As you all know, the hd-dvd vs blu-ray can get pretty heated. AVSForum has come out and spoken against supporting either format. Apparently they went as far as shutting down posting in these areas because of threats and lies.

    I guess we should feel lucky to have made it to 100 pages w/o marz or murch getting hurt

    Hehehehe. All in good debate. You all have great points, but all points can be debated, except my own... Just playin! I for one have enjoyed the heated, albeit mostly logical banter between everyone on this thread.

    I think in the end, our primary concern on this thread is what is best for the Macintosh hardware...and of course it's Blu-ray.
  • Reply 3990 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Well... not sure how many of you guys live in AVSforum, but that place used to be very civil and informative site until the PS3 was released. Then the whole site turned into a hostile place like most gamers xbox vs. ps forums.
  • Reply 3991 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    I'm so glad I get my format-war discussion here where it's mostly civil. I do not see Murch and Marz fighting it out and getting restraining orders. I see Murch and Marz having some beers together and trying to draw PQ graphs on napkins.

    ROFL! Murch and I have quite the mutual respect for one another in terms of our opinions of either format...even though he couldn't be more wrong. Poke, poke, poke.

    I'm also glad that we have all for the most part made our agruments known without getting too personal, and voicing our facts, figures, opinions, and speculations with intended clarity. And, at times being able to humble ourselves and correct ourselves if need be has been a source, at least to me, of reasonable discussion.

    The fact that most of this reasonable discussion comes from Blu-ray supporters is another topic unto itself! (Yes, I'm playin!)
  • Reply 3992 of 4650
    Ah, long live debate. I could out-argue anyone when it comes to PS3/360.

    I really believe that Blu-Ray and Apple should go hand in hand.
  • Reply 3993 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Video Business is claiming that 90,000 HD DVD players were sold this past weekend. I honestly didn't expect there to be enough leftover stock of A2's to sell that many, so I'm surprised. This is of course a fraction of the PS3 installed base who realize they own a Blu-Ray player, but every little bit helps.

    Now, this is interesting. The hardware stats on the closing week of 11/3/07, this is with Spidy3(10/30 release) & 40GB PS3(11/2 release), only sold 55k units. The xbox360 and Wii managed to sell about another 140K units each. This is just in the states.

    I guess low price rules!...
  • Reply 3995 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Well... not sure how many of you guys live in AVSforum, but that place used to be very civil and informative site until the PS3 was released. Then the whole site turned into a hostile place like most gamers xbox vs. ps forums.

    bite, IMO what happened was the HD-DVD people were having everything go their way and when the PS3 came out putting all those BD players in play, they felt extremely threatened and worried about the viability of HD. I read the BD AVS forum and sometimes it almost seems there are more HD people on there knocking BD than BD people. I don't read the HD-DVD forum so I don't know what's happening there.

    emig, congratulations on your purchase. How good the transfer is definitely determines the quality of picture. For example, The Fifth Element was a terrible one while the remastered version is excellent. TCB is supposed to top tier, when I watched it I thought the picture was stunning but the movie itself left me cold.

    Speaking of good transfers I watched Spidy 3 the other night. The picture and sound were gorgeous. Unfortunately the movie was only so-so, maybe a 3/5 on the Netflix scale. Also the approximate 2:20 run time seemed an hour longer, bad news for an action picture.

    emig, I predict within six weeks you wish you would have been able to buy a 50".

    On the face of it a $99 HD-DVD player sounds like a good deal if one wants to get into HDM or go format neutral and if it was for the HD-XA2 I would really think about it. But for me it's all about the software and there aren't enough HD-DVD titles that I would be interested in buying to even warrent $99.

    Given the economic forecast for a significant downturn, the falling US$ and the rising price of oil, I wonder how many J6Ps will be laying out the money for a HDM player and a HD TV even with falling HD TV prices. And we need J6P to build the critical mass to ensure wide spread adoption of HDM.

    It's hard to say how this will play out. I'm trying to make myself as future proof as possible. I just upgraded my receiver to one that has HDMI 4 in and 1 out.
  • Reply 3996 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    emig, I predict within six weeks you wish you would have been able to buy a 50".

    For now 42" is plenty. I live in a duplex so it's not a huge living room. We are looking for a house. I figured the 42" would be a great tv for 2-3 years, then I can retire it to the bedroom and go with a bigger / better tv when HDTVs get ironed out a little more. Yah I'm pretty excited, even though I don't watch much tv. I do love movies though. I think I want to get Rescue Me seasons on Blu-ray.

    If I had the time I'd try and figure out the comparisons between the hd-dvd and blu-ray that are on the same, but meh... people already do that ;p.

    I'm on my 28th hour of break-in. I can't wait till it's done.
  • Reply 3997 of 4650
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    I'm not saying it's my gear. I'm saying it's the FILM... ie the movie... ie the master... ie the movie? Heh I dont' know how else to explain it. In other words, Troy and Samurai have issues with how they were moved to HD. I am not saying it's my ps3, my hdmi cable, or my hdtv.

    And thank you for the grats, cause it was a big step for me.

    For the record, I bought Ratatouille last night and watched it. It was crystal clear. It just seems a lot of transfers aren't done that great. Looking at AVSForum....

    You can see which ones have been slapped together, and which ones haven't.

    erm.. ok, I think I was wondering, are you sure its not HOW the movie was shot? at what point in the film is the problem? 42 mins in? 1hr 16mins? gimmie an example, I'm curious.

    yeah, going HD was a big deal for me too, but fun!
  • Reply 3998 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    erm.. ok, I think I was wondering, are you sure its not HOW the movie was shot? at what point in the film is the problem? 42 mins in? 1hr 16mins? gimmie an example, I'm curious.

    yeah, going HD was a big deal for me too, but fun!

    No I'm not sure if it was due to HOW the movie was shot. I just know that certain scenes in the movies are pretty dirty. I'm not sure why or how it's like that, I just know it's the movie.
  • Reply 3999 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    I'm so glad I get my format-war discussion here where it's mostly civil. I do not see Murch and Marz fighting it out and getting restraining orders. I see Murch and Marz having some beers together and trying to draw PQ graphs on napkins.

    I think thats one of the funniest comments on this thread! mmm. whos mad enough to trawl through all 100 pages and select the funniest comments and then turn that into a poll, winner gets a player from the format they ARN'T supporting its also invisible and only exist on the internet, ahem.
  • Reply 4000 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Warner Officially Goes BluRay Exclusive

    That's pretty f'd up! You did make me look!
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