Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2121 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    if the entire disk is filled with uncompressed sound that'd be like offering music in .wave formate. which is uhh almost absolutely pointless considering most people do not have the sound system capable of enjoying such high fidelity. if that is the case, sorry, it will hold no weight in the "ps3 games need bluray space" argument.

    Infinity Ward did create a really good multi-platform game that is nearly identical to each other, yes. they are a very talented bunch over there and should be applauded for their efforts. reality is, not many companies will have the resources and time to spend on both systems. the return that most devs get on the ps3 are minimal, only a few gaming companies have made any significant money on the ps3 as of late. that's just reality man.

    yes, if bioshock comes to the ps3 good for you guys that haven't played it,it's an amazing game. you should hope that it isn't a complete wash out like a lot of other late arrivals to the system.

    Speak for yourself, but my receiver will put out uncompressed audio and I want it. Not sure why you are such a 360 fanboi about it, but audio is very important and adds a ton to the movie/game experience. I really hate the spectacular audio in MLB The Show 08, what a terrible feature. Oh wait, I guess you haven't played that game, since it isn't on your precious 360.
  • Reply 2122 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    if the entire disk is filled with uncompressed sound that'd be like offering music in .wave formate. which is uhh almost absolutely pointless considering most people do not have the sound system capable of enjoying such high fidelity. if that is the case, sorry, it will hold no weight in the "ps3 games need bluray space" argument.

    Infinity Ward did create a really good multi-platform game that is nearly identical to each other, yes. they are a very talented bunch over there and should be applauded for their efforts. reality is, not many companies will have the resources and time to spend on both systems. the return that most devs get on the ps3 are minimal, only a few gaming companies have made any significant money on the ps3 as of late. that's just reality man.

    yes, if bioshock comes to the ps3 good for you guys that haven't played it,it's an amazing game. you should hope that it isn't a complete wash out like a lot of other late arrivals to the system.

    Well they're saying it'll be better on the PS3. We'll see what happens.

    And honestly, the entire disk? That's just ridiculous. Audio is a big thing, but it doesn't fill up the entire disk. Not even close.

    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Speak for yourself, but my receiver will put out uncompressed audio and I want it. Not sure why you are such a 360 fanboi about it, but audio is very important and adds a ton to the movie/game experience. I really hate the spectacular audio in MLB The Show 08, what a terrible feature. Oh wait, I guess you haven't played that game, since it isn't on your precious 360.

    I LOVE THAT FREAKING GAME. Seriously, greatest baseball game out there.
  • Reply 2123 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Speak for yourself, but my receiver will put out uncompressed audio and I want it.

    as will mine
  • Reply 2124 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Aaaaaaaaaand mine.
  • Reply 2125 of 2639
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

  • Reply 2126 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Speak for yourself, but my receiver will put out uncompressed audio and I want it. Not sure why you are such a 360 fanboi about it, but audio is very important and adds a ton to the movie/game experience. I really hate the spectacular audio in MLB The Show 08, what a terrible feature. Oh wait, I guess you haven't played that game, since it isn't on your precious 360.

    being a fanboy or being realistic? it's great that you, and a few others that post in a tech based forum (not to mention a thread about a brand new high def format) have the audio to support such fidelity but most do not, therefore it is NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR NEXT GEN GAMING. this was the argument we've been having, or did you forget?

    so, to make it simple for you it means bluray wouldn't be required for games during this gen if all they filled the disk up with was uncompressed audio and code. is that hard to understand? just because YOU want it, and just because YOU have the system to support it does not mean it is something needed or even feasible for most.

    do i have to also remind you of the devs that re-looped and layered code on the disk in order to try and shorten load times? im' sure you dont need reminding of that, since you have to download 4gig+ for every single game in order to have bearable loading times. right?

    Fishy- it's cool that you may be enjoying a great game like Bioshock on your ps3 soon but please leave the fud out of it. the only people saying its going to be better on the ps3 are the playstation magazine editors...

    and even so, i would hope the dev team over there could manage some improvements after an entire year of porting the game over, you agree? for your sake i hope the game doesn't turn out like lost planet, or ninja gaiden sigma cuz if so you'll be hearing from me
  • Reply 2127 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    Fishy- it's cool that you may be enjoying a great game like Bioshock on your ps3 soon but please leave the fud out of it. the only people saying its going to be better on the ps3 are the playstation magazine editors...

    and even so, i would hope the dev team over there could manage some improvements after an entire year of porting the game over, you agree? for your sake i hope the game doesn't turn out like lost planet, or ninja gaiden sigma cuz if so you'll be hearing from me

    I only said that because I was curious if you'd use the term 'fud' in your response. It's nice knowing people so well.

    That being said, do you honestly think that the audio takes up 40gb? I don't think so. Even without uncompressed sound (even though that's just been your guess as to what is the majority of data on the disc) it wouldn't fit on a normal/dual layered DVD.

    And honestly? Stop over exaggerating things. The majority of games do not have a mandatory install.
  • Reply 2128 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    being a fanboy or being realistic? it's great that you, and a few others that post in a tech based forum (not to mention a thread about a brand new high def format) have the audio to support such fidelity but most do not, therefore it is NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR NEXT GEN GAMING. this was the argument we've been having, or did you forget?

    see what you did there?

    thread about a BRAND NEW HIGH DEF FORMAT

    which the 360 has NOTHING to do with.. now PLEASE go away and take your biased FUD with you
  • Reply 2129 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member

    How often will Blu-ray's capacity be increased, I wonder?

    That being said (to keep it on topic) The Legend of Dragoon (PS1) is amazing.
  • Reply 2130 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post


    nonesense talk ->so, to make it simple for you it means bluray wouldn't be required for games during this gen if all they filled the disk up with was uncompressed audio and code. is that hard to understand? just because YOU want it, and just because YOU have the system to support it does not mean it is something needed or even feasible for most...

    It is only realistic for someone who doesn't want progression. Did Lost Odessey take up 4 or so discs for the 360? Yeah I'm pretty sure games graphically and coding wise are getting bigger, not just audio wise. I'm pretty sure Blu-Ray benefits for games that are coming out sooner rather than later. But games (multi-platform) that could be bigger aren't because of the 360 and its use of DVD. If MS didn't rush out the door with their next gen system to gain market share, they might have a more advanced optical media and have been smart enough to build in a HDD on all systems.

    I'm not sure what the big deal about downloading content to speed up load times is. It means load times are faster on the PS3 than the 360, damn that sucks.

    Just so you know, Elixir, the point of HD is to offer something better with the hopes that people buy in to it. If companies thought like you ("oh dvd is good enough, who needs better audio?") then there would be no movement forward in development. Your responses are silly and speak to defend your inferior 360.

    Fishyesque, have you played Star Ocean on the PS2? I hear it is good, I picked it up for under $7. Is it true there is a rediculous amount of ways it can end?
  • Reply 2131 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    I'm not sure what the big deal about downloading content to speed up load times is. It means load times are faster on the PS3 than the 360, damn that sucks.

    Fishyesque, have you played Star Ocean on the PS2? I hear it is good, I picked it up for under $7. Is it true there is a rediculous amount of ways it can end?

    I agree with all your points. And actually I haven't, but a friend of mine can't shut up about the game! I need to pick it up.

    Originally Posted by Wiki

    One of the things about the game that was hyped were its multiple endings. The exact number is often said to be 87, though it's really 86 with two having minor differences. There is one ending for each character alone and one for each possible pair of characters. If two characters could be recruited together, they can have an ending together. For example, an ending involving Bowman and Precis does not exist as you cannot have both recruited. There are also secret endings involving characters outside of the party. This adds a certain element of replay value to the game; to see all the character endings, it would be necessary to play through the game nine times or more and would require a vast amount of time and effort since the game is quite long not to mention taking the time to get the characters paired up correctly.

    Awesome. I'm going to have to pick this up. I have too many games to play
  • Reply 2132 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    If companies thought like you ("oh dvd is good enough, who needs better audio?") then there would be no movement forward in development.

    Uhh... If companies thought like that there'd be no DVD to be good enough to begin with.
  • Reply 2133 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Uhh... If companies thought like that there'd be no DVD to be good enough to begin with.

    Touche! (I don't know how to make an accent ague)
  • Reply 2134 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    alt+1+3+8 gets you è
  • Reply 2135 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    alt+1+3+8 gets you è

    I believe it is the other one.
  • Reply 2136 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    I know, but I was in a rush and you said you didn't know how to make an accent, so at least I was able to show you how it's done..

    é theeeere we go.
  • Reply 2137 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    It is only realistic for someone who doesn't want progression. Did Lost Odessey take up 4 or so discs for the 360? Yeah I'm pretty sure games graphically and coding wise are getting bigger, not just audio wise. I'm pretty sure Blu-Ray benefits for games that are coming out sooner rather than later. But games (multi-platform) that could be bigger aren't because of the 360 and its use of DVD. If MS didn't rush out the door with their next gen system to gain market share, they might have a more advanced optical media and have been smart enough to build in a HDD on all systems.

    I'm not sure what the big deal about downloading content to speed up load times is. It means load times are faster on the PS3 than the 360, damn that sucks.

    Just so you know, Elixir, the point of HD is to offer something better with the hopes that people buy in to it. If companies thought like you ("oh dvd is good enough, who needs better audio?") then there would be no movement forward in development. Your responses are silly and speak to defend your inferior 360.

    Fishyesque, have you played Star Ocean on the PS2? I hear it is good, I picked it up for under $7. Is it true there is a rediculous amount of ways it can end?

    please, take your silly a55 to an unbiased gaming forum and watch your ridiculous arguments crumble. it is pretty much common knowledge that the 360 spanks the ps3 in exclusive content as well as multi-platform games. only a very select few developers have managed to create simultaneous releases where there wasn't a disparity between the two versions of the game (rockstar did, after they delayed GTA because of the ps3, and then the ps3 version ends up being plagued by a mysterious unknown freezing issue on the ps3 anyway) why didn't you bring that up? instead, you choose to single out a developer developing a sony property to talk about the 360 hindering a game. a game not yet proven worth a damn , from an unproven dev team. lol

    i mean look what you did to strengthen your other argument- bluray has yet to be used at all for gaming, MGS4 is supposedly going to be the only one to do something useful with the space, wonderful- you rather get hit hard on the memory side in order to have about the same loading speed as a default 360? i mean that's just moronic but hey that is what fanboys do.

    i have a friend with a ps3, he downloads the mandatory update for 90% of his games. he's a very active user with lots of songs, extra content on his machine and he has to always go back and delete the updates in order to have sufficient space. thats a hassle.

    you dont see me here defending the poor quality of the initial 360's that were out, f/ck microsoft for putting out faulty consoles. i wont deny it, i wont hide it, but damn if anyone in here is licking boot it's definitely you bud.

    the PS3 is all about the future, all about potential, that just seems to drag on forever. f/ck, by time the "future" gets here everyone will have hopped on to the next gen lol. so, go ahead eat the bluray costs, eat the ps3 costs, hold on tight little fanboy, hold on. i'm sure the ps3 will eventually sometime in the "future" become the unit you want and expect it to be.

    in the meantime i'll enjoy the best games on the best console, thanks.

    once the ps3 gets where it's been saying it will be i'll be in line to get one if the price is reasonable. just like i'd jump on to bluray if they offered a cheaper player, but they wont will they? they know the ps3 hangs in the balance of whether or not bluray takes off.
  • Reply 2138 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    You're a douchebag when you argue (saying that makes me one, but it was worth it :P )

    I mean, honestly. There's such a way to argue without coming across as a prick.

    The thing that I wonder, is that if everything that you say is completely true, I don't know why anyone would enjoy owning a PS3. I know I wouldn't. Yet everyone that I know that has one loves it. The majority do. I've heard countless times people (who own all three) saying that they prefer the PS3.

    All that I am trying to get across to you, you know what, forget it. The one thing I've learned from you is that you simply don't get it. I'm glad you have a console you can enjoy.


    Fishyedit: Hahahahahaha I remember way back in the day when you said that this argument was over.

    If only it had been.
  • Reply 2139 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    What a compelling arguement based on opinion and rumours!
  • Reply 2140 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Seriously, since everything's getting blown out of proportion, can we stop? Me included.

    The 360 has nothing to do with this thread anymore. Let's leave it out.
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