Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2181 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    I'm so glad I can pick up Cloverfield this week.

    That was quite the edit!!!
  • Reply 2182 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Uh, you are the ignorant one. You don't think uncompressed audio is important? Good for you! I do and so do many others. I said it before and I'll say it again; if every person/company thought like you there would be no progression. If compressed DVD audio and video is good enough for you, why are you in a Blu-Ray thread? A year from now HDMI receivers will be the standard, they have already dropped in price considerably. Please. Stop. Trolling.

    i just don't think you can read properly and understand arguments, can you? the point was that bluray was supposed to do something for gaming, it hasn't translated into any "progression" at all. bluray in this generation of games is not needed like Sony claimed.

    understand? do i have to reiterate everything in order for you to understand what's going on? shape up buddy.
  • Reply 2183 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    That was quite the edit!!!

    Yes, yes it was.
  • Reply 2184 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i just don't think you can read properly and understand arguments, can you? the point was that bluray was supposed to do something for gaming, it hasn't translated into any "progression" at all. bluray in this generation of games is not needed like Sony claimed.

    understand? do i have to reiterate everything in order for you to understand what's going on? shape up buddy.

    once is enough, now go away
  • Reply 2185 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i just don't think you can read properly and understand arguments, can you? the point was that bluray was supposed to do something for gaming, it hasn't translated into any "progression" at all. bluray in this generation of games is not needed like Sony claimed.

    understand? do i have to reiterate everything in order for you to understand what's going on? shape up buddy.

    You sir are dense! In YOUR opinion you don't think it is/will be needed. In SONY's opinion, and many others, it is needed to make progress, make bigger and more detailed games.
  • Reply 2186 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    You sir are dense! In YOUR opinion you don't think it is/will be needed. In SONY's opinion, and many others, it is needed to make progress, make bigger and more detailed games.

    my opinion? ok, so where's the hard evidence? where are the examples? MGS4 was going to be the first step for the fanboys to feel better about being lied to by sony again, but as we are slowly realizing that's not the case. bluray space is not needed this generation, maybe in the distant future, but as of right now it is not doing anything for the "progression" of games.
  • Reply 2187 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    So... are they using lossless audio on gaming?

    If so, hope you have a system that will sing through 20Hz that can be felt. Most people will not likely notice/care for the improvements other than being able to play it louder and having it coming out of more than two speakers.

    These newer audio technologies are not built for gamers because most gamers are not equipped to hear the difference, but it is still cool to play lossless. Actually, even majority of home theather folks do not have the system to make the lossless audio shine.

    It will be interesting to see if the mutlichannel lossless audio option will sell games or even the nextgen gaming console.

    It's not necessarily a selling point for the average gamer, but it's certainly a feather in the cap for those of us with hefty home theaters.

    Obviously Elixir is not a part of this contingent. His jealousy is so transparent.
  • Reply 2188 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    my opinion? ok, so where's the hard evidence? where are the examples? MGS4 was going to be the first step for the fanboys to feel better about being lied to by sony again, but as we are slowly realizing that's not the case. bluray space is not needed this generation, maybe in the distant future, but as of right now it is not doing anything for the "progression" of games.

    What about MLB The Show 08?
  • Reply 2189 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    What about MLB The Show 08?

    i haven't heard much of a ruckus in regards to bluray use in that game nor has it translated into any reviewers drastically different than last years game. MLB the show has always been regarded as a great baseball game, and i haven't seen a single indication that using Bluray resulted in a vast improvement over the previous version.

    so, explain how it helped besides adding more of the little things people tend to look over? i think you're confused once again about what the true argument is here. Sony made the claim that true HD gaming would be had with bluray, and that the more space offered would better their games over the traditional space offered with DVD.

    yet we haven't seen any real improvement, or any real use of the space. adversely it created this huge problem where almost every single game for the PS3 requires a 4gig+ mandatory instal in order to shorten load times. so, what is really happening is instead of downloading extra secondary content that bluray tends to offer they are giving you that on the disk, but then asking you to download 4gigs of data. :
  • Reply 2190 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    It's not necessarily a selling point for the average gamer, but it's certainly a feather in the cap for those of us with hefty home theaters.

    Obviously Elixir is not a part of this contingent. His jealousy is so transparent.

    Actually, for the geek sake, I would like to be present for such gaming demo. Since I'm an audio geek catching onto video/HT hobbies, I'm still sensitive to good sound reproduction and I shouldn't exclude gaming.

    I would soon be looking for a new house with a basement and this may allow me to have a designated gaming room to put another multichannel audio system with all the retired speakers from upgrading days. I'm sure my newphews would like it when they visit.
  • Reply 2191 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Actually, for the geek sake, I would like to be present for such gaming demo. Since I'm an audio geek catching onto video/HT hobbies, I'm still sensitive to good sound reproduction and I shouldn't exclude gaming.

    I would soon be looking for a new house with a basement and this may allow me to have a designated gaming room to put another multichannel audio system with all the retired speakers from upgrading days. I'm sure my newphews would like it when they visit.

    Audio is such an addiction, innit?
  • Reply 2192 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Actually, for the geek sake, I would like to be present for such gaming demo. Since I'm an audio geek catching onto video/HT hobbies, I'm still sensitive to good sound reproduction and I shouldn't exclude gaming.

    I would soon be looking for a new house with a basement and this may allow me to have a designated gaming room to put another multichannel audio system with all the retired speakers from upgrading days. I'm sure my newphews would like it when they visit.

    For a game room I'd put my best sub there and maybe get some buttkickers. And really think about what sonic treatments are desired to keep the house from shaking and pissing off my wife.
  • Reply 2193 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    I recant. Marz may actually have to start a 2009 version of this thread after all.
  • Reply 2194 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Toshiba just won't call it quits, will they?

    Good grief.
  • Reply 2195 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Toshiba just won't call it quits, will they?

    Good grief.

    Reminds me of Elixir!
  • Reply 2196 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Ture, that.

    I just figure I won't acknowledge that he exists. :P

    It'll lighten up this thread a little.
  • Reply 2197 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I recant. Marz may actually have to start a 2009 version of this thread after all.


    Toshiba will eventually release Blu...that is, if they want to compete in the HVM space, otherwise, they're just pissin in the wind with their annoucement.
  • Reply 2198 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Audio is such an addiction, innit?

    I was able to quit smoking, but don't think I can quit being an audio geek.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    For a game room I'd put my best sub there and maybe get some buttkickers. And really think about what sonic treatments are desired to keep the house from shaking and pissing off my wife.

    Haha... sound treatments in a basement room? I've got two spare servo subs I can use in the future game room, so we'll see if I'll need the buttkickers.

    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    I recant. Marz may actually have to start a 2009 version of this thread after all.

    Oh boy, I need more shelf space for toys.......
  • Reply 2199 of 2639
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Oh boy, I need more shelf space for toys.......

    So your looking forward to a format that will likely fail, but havent bought into BD yet.. and you ARN'T a fanboy??

    Is it just me, or am I missing something here? can anyone else explain "his" aversion ??
  • Reply 2200 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    So your looking forward to a format that will likely fail, but havent bought into BD yet.. and you ARN'T a fanboy??

    Is it just me, or am I missing something here? can anyone else explain "his" aversion ??

    You wouldn't know even when explained multiple times. Obviously, you still don't get it.

    BTW, did someone assigned a deadline for me when to get BD. Get a life little man, internet is no place to play parent or a boss.
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