i**** v2 & beyond !



  • Reply 221 of 254
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    [quote]Originally posted by kormac77:

    <strong>Well. I am speechless !

    This ia another cube again in big time.

    Currently , I am using iMac type D and it is almost 2 year old.

    The reason people was not buying a iMac is not the design but it's capability as a working tool.

    I think steve done it again as what he did in Next.

    Of cource, I know APPLE is working with the technology which I was mentioned.

    However, In MARKETING, Timing is everthing and he lost it big time.

    I think many will buy new iMac but it is just little upgrade, not a radical change.

    iPhoto might be good application but No other 3rd party company will come back to Mac platform because of iPhoto.

    Well. If APPLE announce New G5 at Feb, The expectation will not be this much and for this alone will be the very painful moment for APPLE for coming time.

    Think about case of wolf and Sheep guard.

    I feel very badly and I am begin to worry about long term success of APPLE as viable contender.

    I think it is about time to think about what Steve is actually doing for APPLE. And We wish APPLE to survive this difficult time.

    Today, the stock market will show clear sign. I think the stock will go down and it will tell steve what the real world are thinking!

    For steve, he has to see real world first to know what is going on. If he does not M$ will do it and it will be against APPLE.

    I wish APPLE good luck.

    I accept all the hype which I created but I still stand on what I said.


    Steve needs to personally apologize and hand over the keys to you, Kormac77.
  • Reply 222 of 254
    merlionmerlion Posts: 143member
    You did a good job K-Man! Thanks for your posts and keep them coming. Do not listen to the naysayers... especially that Mastu dude. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 223 of 254
    hi "kormac"!

    the stuff you mentioned made sense but would have been alot to release at one show, i think apple will leave some things for the tokyo expo.

    and i certanily hope they dont jump all over you as before because you're not the one who makes the final decision on what gets released and when...

    the whole package seems very good and i hope apple is working on stuff like this, because if they dont release it, someone else will!
  • Reply 224 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Amazing. Kormac, you were right about NOTHING!

    But then again there's always "for later"

    I don' know why Steve didn't show, must change plans for last minute!

    Gigawire: WRONG!

    PowerMacs: WRONG!

    Apple + Sony: WRONG!

    G5 + Raycer: WRONG!

    i****: WRONG!

    LCD displays: WRONG!

    quite a record.

    We'l be sure to celebrate when you finally get one right.
  • Reply 225 of 254

    even if he had nailed ALL of the you still would've jumped on him for "just guessing the obvious" looking at your posts you are a constant negative...

    i think you do this for attention...

    ingnore him kormac

    reading your posts kormac is at least intresting, his are always negative...

    matsu reminds me of "beefyguy"
  • Reply 225 of 254
    allenallen Posts: 84member
    Well, the show would have been much better if Apple had introduced, even half of the Kormac predictions. Whatever Apple is working on, does not seem to be as innovative as the ideas posted in these forums. The lack of a tower upgrade is a disappointment. The mHz gaps just grows. I'm sure Apple knows this, but it is clear they are powerless to do anything about it.

    One would think given this inability to deliver faster products they would introduce something very innovative ( ala Kormac ). But, perhaps the new style iMac will generate enough sales to offset the lost sales to the computer users desiring more power. I guess we will know in a few months.
  • Reply 225 of 254
    I finally discovered where Kormac works - on a farm shovelling BULLSHIT. Zero credibility, but he tells a good fairy tale.
  • Reply 228 of 254
    this reminds me of when they attacked dorsal last year over mwny. (as if he were in charge!)

    my question to kormac and dorsal and others, is this: why do you guys even BOTHER posting things here and livening the boards up, when you know that if any little thing is off, or you are not 100% right, they will hit you with personal attacks?

    and then after chasing you out the guys grumble and moan about how boring the boards have become and wish you back...lol

    if it were me id be poolside...

    props to both of you for coming back...
  • Reply 229 of 254
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    When Macintosh posted all that BS that actually sounded reasonable people tore him apart for making stuff up.

    Kormac posts off the wall crazy BS that not even 10% of is true and everyone eats it up. Crazy.

    Can we close this thread now?
  • Reply 229 of 254
    [quote]Originally posted by futuremac:

    <strong>this reminds me of when they attacked dorsal last year over mwny. (as if he were in charge!)

    my question to kormac and dorsal and others, is this: why do you guys even BOTHER posting things here and livening the boards up, when you know that if any little thing is off, or you are not 100% right, they will hit you with personal attacks?

    and then after chasing you out the guys grumble and moan about how boring the boards have become and wish you back...lol

    if it were me id be poolside...

    props to both of you for coming back...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A little thing is off? Not 100% right? Do you work on the same BS farm as Kormac? Go back and read his 5-part post.

    "All Fantasy, No Credibility" is Kormac's motto. Sorry, don't take this wrong way, I just prefer to live in the real world.
  • Reply 231 of 254
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 391member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>Amazing. Kormac, you were right about NOTHING!

    But then again there's always "for later"

    I don' know why Steve didn't show, must change plans for last minute!

    Gigawire: WRONG!

    PowerMacs: WRONG!

    Apple + Sony: WRONG!

    G5 + Raycer: WRONG!

    i****: WRONG!

    LCD displays: WRONG!

    quite a record.

    We'l be sure to celebrate when you finally get one right.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Matsu - right on! Kormac is just plain BS. But some enjoy his posts - so I suggest a new Forum - FANTASY - where Kormac (and Macintosh and anybody else) can post their "inside" information.
  • Reply 232 of 254
    If what people want and actually find useful is fantasy - then let it be so!

    What we were offered today was only a retelling of what we already know - and maybe a bit of tidying up (iPhoto) all the bases are covered.

    The stuff Kormac is talking about would bring the company forward - realy forward.

    I hope now that the foundation is set and we are ready for the next stage.

    It all seems so slowly, slowly - its painful.

    I have to agree with the Cry Wolf. The iMac is important in some ways - but not in new ways. The iMac is still the iMac.

    - and whats a bigger iBook with the same screen resolution all about?
  • Reply 233 of 254
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]<strong>I suggest a new Forum - FANTASY - where Kormac (and Macintosh and anybody else) can post their "inside" information.


    You do realize that if we moved every thread based on pie-in-the-sky dreaming out of FH and into your proposed forum, there would be maybe 3 threads left in FH?

    This forum is for speculation and rumors, not (just) hard inside information.This isn't the best place to look for leaks anyway: Apple watches these boards. Any mole with any sense will launder their information through one of the rumors sites to avoid leaving a trail.

    Sit back and enjoy the ride.
  • Reply 234 of 254
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    Hey...catching on finally, are we?

    Kormac has some nice ideas, but Apple isn't the type of company that will implement them. Gigawire is completely made up by us rumormongers, I believe. HDTV tuners, decoders, blah blah is all a little expensive right now, and not something Apple will do. Apple is commited to making personal computers that act as a digital hub to postion devices of your digital lifestyle around?not within.You work with a complementary product, you don't try to take it over and make something do everything. Concentrate on one thing and do it well. That is what Apple tries to do, and putting all sort of expensive techy stuff is not on Apple's gameplan.
  • Reply 235 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    The truth hurts, don't it?

    Fact of the matter is that if all the stuff Kormac talks about ever came out even remotely close to the times in which he suggests them, then he might have some cred.

    Revisit the cold reading/fortune teller analogy. This is exactly what is going on here. The 'eventualities' kick back into your consciousness at some point down the line as truth and prediction. Make note. Every specific is wrong! The only things that come remotely close are general, open-ended and unclear, or evolutionary, and too far down the line to be anything other than the result of industry progress (often previously noted)

    I never picked on Dorsal. I defended him. His specs for a PM were what no one wanted to hear, but the specs were right on, and they were timely too (within the bounds of a dev. and test cycle)

    My problem with Kormac is not speculation, it is his consistent attempts to paint the info as 'insider' when the record clearly shows that is anything but.
  • Reply 236 of 254
    merlionmerlion Posts: 143member
    The K-Man is a righteous dude! Ya' all need to get off him and let him do his mole work. Apple is working on these things just give it some time.

    Please keep on posting Kor, I for one have faith!

  • Reply 237 of 254
    [quote]Originally posted by kormac77:


    However, In MARKETING, Timing is everthing and he lost it big time.

    I think many will buy new iMac but it is just little upgrade, not a radical change. So not many people will change.


    So then, many will buy the iMac, but not many will buy the iMac?
  • Reply 238 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    There is no mole. The only mole is the one crawling through his imagination.

    It's amazing how delusional some of you are.
  • Reply 239 of 254
    I think the moral here, Matsu, is that many people see no difference between "What if?" speculation, and people making-believe that they have true insider info. To most Forum readers, I guess it fulfills the same function -- they get to wonder "What if?" and fantasize about this great new technology.

    The down side is that it ends up making many people disappointed with EVERY SINGLE MACWORLD, no matter what.

    I mean, how can the real-world progress of an actual company bound by the real limitations of actual, current technology, compete with entertaining fantasy-land concoctions made up of vague, teasing hints about far-off technological tidbits?
  • Reply 240 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Oh yeah, and ...

    integrated airport: WRONG!

    Wireless firewire 1394G: WRONG AGAIN!

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