i**** v2 & beyond !



  • Reply 141 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Ok Kormac,

    but once again this is nothing that hasn't been previously rumored and suggest here. SGI, old news. HDTV, that's actually interesying! But it's still natural. Movie studios and TV studios both are making use of some very expensive HDTV equipment. HDTV content will only increase over the next 5 years. Naturally, Apple will include the ability to work in HDTV formats in it's flagship video editing product -- FCP.

    Don't take it personally, I just enjoy breaking your balls.
  • Reply 142 of 254
    msleemslee Posts: 143member

    Stop it. You're not breaking anyone's balls...you're just making yourself look like a jackass.
  • Reply 143 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    tounge in cheek. tounge in cheek. jeeze.

    All I'm saying is that none of this stuff is new. It's a nice synopsis of current rumors. And if anything, my comments on the HDTV stuff show that it's a reasonable and expectable development. That's all.
  • Reply 144 of 254
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    If all of his claims come true, that doen't prove him right.

    If all of his claims DON'T come true, that doesn't prove him wrong.
  • Reply 145 of 254
    stimulistimuli Posts: 564member
    That's great, except KM76 posted this SGI buyout when I first joined AI... a YEAR AND A HALF AGO. His predictions are/were so far into the future, everyone thought he was a fraud.

    Bow before the mightiness of the clairvoyant Kormac!
  • Reply 146 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    SGI has been dying a not so slow death for maore than two years. A lot of companies were to have bought them out/merged with them over that time. No one has... yet. Are ther HP, or Dell, or IBM, or SONy (not PS2) rumor sites? No. If Apple buys them, the Mac rumor community is one of the few that would have brough it up and kept chatting about it for the last 2 years. Still it's just matter of time type stuff. Though nothing's happened yet, we'll see.
  • Reply 147 of 254
    stimulistimuli Posts: 564member
    edit: rats, never mind...

    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: stimuli ]</p>
  • Reply 148 of 254
    i want to believe.

    ain't gonna happen though. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    for another 20 hours for sure
  • Reply 149 of 254
    [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto:

    <strong>I enjoy Kormac's threads for their interesting ideas and posts... ...[he] has been making guesses, albeit educated ones with al those links he throws at us, for probably 2 years now.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I usually stay out of the posts where one member is addressing another member's credibility and such, but I have to agree.

    Kormac 7x has made me think about what's possible and learn to enjoy the speculation for the pure fun of it more than anyone else.

    No matter how or where s/he comes up with her/his info/guessing I love the posts.
  • Reply 150 of 254
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by scottiB:

    <strong>SGI @ 2.99/share, FYI.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And this is why Kormac has to be wrong...

    SGI has a market cap of 580.5 mill (company value)

    SGI has a stock price of $2.99

    Translation SGI has apx 194,147,157 shares outstanding (I think). MCAP / SHARE PRICE

    With a 1 Share of AAPL for 10 of SGI that comes to 19,414,715 shares of AAPL stock.

    AAPL closed at $23.69

    19,414,715 * $23.69 = $459.9 Mill

    Value of SGI merger: $459.9 Mill

    Value of SGI: 580.5 Mill

    In other words why don't you (SGI) give us (AAPL) $580.5Mil and we (AAPL) will give you $459.9 Mil in return!

    SUCH A DEAL!!!

    Umm if YOU were an SGI stockholder would YOU do/approve this deal?!?! If anyone were to buy SGI stock based on this 'tip' they deserve to lose their money...

    Oh and if you think AAPL stock will go up due to whatever else they might announce on monday... Remember, AAPL stock would have to be at almost $30 per share (a 30% POP in the stock price) just for SGI to break even! Sorry but it ain't gonna happen.

    If my math is wrong please let me know...


    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
  • Reply 151 of 254
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    why was SGI up 20% on Friday?
  • Reply 152 of 254
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by SYN:

    <strong>why was SGI up 20% on Friday?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I dunno but SGI was @ .50ish cents in November... If Apple wanted to do this deal they shoulda done it then...

    Something *IS* going on with SGI (no doubt about it, just look at the 6 month chart) but I can tell you that a 10 for 1 stock deal is out of the question now (the shareholders have already pumped the stock price up too high)...

    Stock swap deals can/do fall apart all the time if word leaks and the stock goes above and beyond what the 'deal maker' (in this case AAPL) thinks the company is worth to them and then when news hits (no buyout) the stock drops like a rock... A stock going UP so fast on no news WILL crash and burn if the 'rumored' good news never hits...

  • Reply 153 of 254
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    SGI's stock is probably on it's way down.

    APPL's stock is probably on it's way up.

    If SGI takes the deal now, when the market turns around and Apple's next year's worth of products have hit the streets, APPL's stock will probably be back up over 30 and then some.

    Wouldn't the buyout be a good investment for SGI?
  • Reply 154 of 254
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Hi kormac, if this unnusually ebullient (sp?) version is really you.

    Matsu: The original kormac was the one who had begun some of the first SGI aquisition threads long ago, so it isn't bandwagoning for him to do so again.

    What I likes about the orgininal kormac, lets call him Kormac Classic, was that he predicted the corporate rearraingments that he? is reiterating now. He? first had mentioned 3 product divisions and now he? is thinking 2 divisions.

    I like this idea and I like the speculation that the New Kormac is bringing up again, though his posts sound a bit unlike Kormac Classic.

    Anyway whether or not the home PC morphs into a big box or lots of iPods, servers are going to still be important and it might not be a bad idea for Apple to do something in that realm if it parallels the professional MP/ creative market.

    I think the server market is pretty low right now, at least in my town, lots of people in the field are getting laid off, but there has to be a turn around some time.

    My question is, why SGI now and not a year ago?
  • Reply 155 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    So kormac may be in a position to see some 'Market' if not 'product' developments. Interesting, but it hasn't produced much.
  • Reply 156 of 254
    chromoschromos Posts: 191member
    People, be realistic. The '1:10' figure CAN'T be correct... the SEC has far harsher penalties for those divulging insider information than Apple Legal does.
  • Reply 157 of 254
    If Kormac doesn't work for Apple, maybe he should. Those are some serious "out of the box" thoughts which aren't so far out there to be completely unbelievable. Just maybe a little financially irresponsible for publicly traded companies to be swinging at.

    Oh, and the SEC can only reach so far. US jurisdiction and corps who trade on US markets are the easy ones. Corps in foreign countries who don't work directly with the US have a lot more options as far as staying off the SEC's radar.

    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: israces ]</p>
  • Reply 158 of 254
    snipesnipe Posts: 97member
    fwiw SGI traded in excess of 3 million shares on friday (50% more than average) and the stock hit $3.00 up fifty cents. What is interesting about fridays trading is almost half of the volume were block trades (money flow) meaning the pros are buying. As for Apple stock the wall street Journal in a " heard on the street" column last week said that Apple usually goes up before a MWevent then goes down for six months after. This has happened on three of the last five MW shows. So that info is in the market and tended to depress Apple's price. One Professional likes Apple and feels that this time it will be different and that Apple will appreciate after the event. I am along time aapl shareholder so I am a slightly biased contrarian
  • Reply 159 of 254
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    ISn't it funny how word on the street influences the real ( ie. not private day trader schleps like us) traders. If you knew how wide spread insider trading offenses were... It's basically an epidemic problem. Everyone pushes the bounds. It's so bad that most of the major exchanges don't have the resources to go after more than a third of the known cases. I think they basically just treat it as a gentlemans agreement now. Don't piss anyone off, or get too greedy and we'll leave you alone.

    A lot of 'Market research' is getting people to, if not break, at least 'stretch' the rules a bit.
  • Reply 160 of 254
    cooopcooop Posts: 390member
    Where do your predictions on 'DNA' stand for tomorrow kormac? Do they even apply anymore?
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