Anti-DRM protest at Apple stores; Verizon on iPhone 3G's impact



  • Reply 41 of 126
    jcassarajcassara Posts: 39member
    Just like with Peta, I don't disagree with the message -- but the tactics are lame. What kind of jobless ass clown has the time to pester a poor Apple Genius, whose job it is to fix machines not defend Apple's strategy?

    Warning: If I see you causing trouble at my favorite Apple Store, which is staffed by several personal friends of mine, I will tell mall security that you touched me inappropriately.
  • Reply 42 of 126
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by robb1068 View Post

    Ha! This will be a total burn on Apple when those Genius Bar employees can't answer their questions on Apple's DRM policies.

    Yeah, right. Anyone with something that amounts to even one-eighth of a pea brain should be able to figure out that no one (not even a store manager) would be able to address any policy issue, let alone an issue which is beyond the scope of retail or warranty in any way. The media should report on the lack of reasoning skills demonstrated by these idiots whose motives are questionable and whose tactics make even Greenpeace look like laggards.

    Now, if they want to go and demonstrate against the record labels and studios asking for a more rational approach to electronic distribution, more power to them. But demonstrating in ANY retail environment just makes them look incredibly stupid.
  • Reply 43 of 126
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by voodooru View Post

    no longer syncing to mobile me. they need to fix that joke. really.

    today, for now apparent reason, all my contacts became only numbers, all the names have vanished. LOL!

    glad i'm only using this free 2 month trial period.

    This is odd, it's clearly a syncing issue, but it may be an issue with the iPhone firmware.

    If you go toe number pad of the iPhoen and type in the number of a contact the name and designation (mobile, home, etc.) will appear on the phone correctly, just not in the contacts.The first thought is that you've previously dialed that contact and it's pulling that data from a saved file, but it's not.

    Now go to MM and change a phone number of a contact to something that isn't in your address book. Then go to your iPhone and type in that new number. The number will be associated with that name.

    You can even create an all new contact in MM and dial that phone number almost instantly and have the name appear under the number you just dialed.
  • Reply 44 of 126
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    Do you even know what you're trying to say?

    I think he's equating Apple's lack of patronising collaboration & openness to that of the failed social doctrine.

  • Reply 45 of 126
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    If you don't travel overseas, but you do travel a lot in North America, CDMA can have advantages over GSM.

    With 3G GSM (UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA), you can still receive phone calls while using the data side of the service. With GSM EDGE and 3G CDMA (EVDO), incoming calls are blocked while using data. Advantage: GSM.
  • Reply 46 of 126
    samnuvasamnuva Posts: 225member
    I would like to hearby announce the formation of the Locked, Safe, and Controlled software association. As our first offical activity, we will be handing out these flyers:

    All who wish to participate, please find someone passing out the rival flyers, and give all of their readers one of these. Thank you.
  • Reply 47 of 126
    "DRM opponents hope to overwhelm Apple retail"? Ha!

    These guys are a tiny, meaningless fringe, and the idea that they could "overwhelm Apple retail" is part PR blather, part freetard fantasy.

    Coverage like this AppleInsider article is actually their goal - it's the best they can hope to accomplish.

    We should just stop talking about them.
  • Reply 48 of 126
    Originally Posted by city View Post

    It was a smooth purchase at the Apple store using a Microsoft/Windows software based wireless ordering and credit card swiping device.

    I am pretty sure-though my evidence is anecdotal to be sure, that Apple's POS System certainly DOES NOT run on windows...
  • Reply 49 of 126
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Enigmafan420 View Post

    I am pretty sure-though my evidence is anecdotal to be sure, that Apple's POS System certainly DOES NOT run on windows...

    Not their full-sized computer/cash registers, but the handheld devices. They are by a company called Symbol that uses their POS system that uses WinCE as the underlying OS. I'm not sire of the actual model number.
  • Reply 50 of 126
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by VisualZone View Post

    It would be very easy to answer the questions. Just two words, "no comment".

    Or one word... "Next!"
  • Reply 51 of 126
    samnuvasamnuva Posts: 225member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Not their full-sized computer/cash registers, but the handheld PDAs wth CC swipes do run on WinCE.

    Just because something says PocketPC does not mean it runs windows. Remember, by definition, macs are PCs too. What? Have I shocked all you all to peices?
  • Reply 52 of 126
    It's a shame, because the only thing this wrong-headed "protest" can achieve is pitting proponents of DRM-free content against ordinary Apple clients. It's going to have no effect whatsoever on Apple. Genius Bar employees aren't there to debate, question, change or explain corporate policy, they're there to serve clients, and this action interferes with their ability to do that.

    Furthermore, while annoying at times, Apple's DRM is the least restrictive that is commercially feasible (that the studios agree to). Those who are pushing for the elimination of DRM constantly claim that Apple is championing DRM and holding it up against DRM-free and open-source friendly competitors, when the truth is that those competitors are the studios' only chance to break the dominant position the iPod/iTunes ecosystem has in the market. If it were to succeed and the iTunes store closed, you'd see those stores switch to a new DRM-enabled platform in a hearbeat, probably one more restrictive than the one it replaced.

    As such all this can achieve is making ordinary Apple customers less sympathetic to complaints about DRM, and encourage them to defend Apple's policies, so that these people will go away and they can get the support they are looking for from the Genius Bar staff.

    No one ever accused the FSF's supporters of being particularly people-friendly, but this is beyond the pale, really. What's next, throwing red paint on people who use iPods?
  • Reply 53 of 126
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Samnuva View Post

    Just because something says PocketPC does not mean it runs windows. Remember, by definition, macs are PCs too. What? Have I shocked all you all to peices?

    So you think Apple bought these devices from Symbol, then ported their app to OS X iPhone and then installed it on the Symbol handheld and writing all necessary drivers just to have a device that doesn't look like an Apple product on it's HW or GUI, but has OS X running in the background instead of the well developed POS software that came with the device?
  • Reply 54 of 126
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    Edit 2: Do these protesters have jobs? What is this? A bunch of people who quit life to play WoW?

    Do the people that stand in line for several hours to buy an iPhone have jobs?

    Originally Posted by sibelius View Post

    To those who protest: You do have THE RIGHT... the right to buy software from someone else. If you don't like how a company operates go elsewhere. Or better yet -- MAKE YOUR OWN!!! But you wont do that, will you. Why? Because it's easier to b*tch to someone else than to actually put any effort or risk into creating a solution that's right for you.

    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    I don't know much about it, but isn't that the point of Android, that it's open source? If they want an open source cell phone, why don't they just use that?

    There is OpenMoko too.


    Oh, right, they think they are "entitled" to Apple's hardware.

    FSF is much more about software than hardware. Their ideal is that the software be open.

    Originally Posted by Samnuva View Post

    All who wish to participate, please find someone passing out the rival flyers, and give all of their readers one of these. Thank you.

    The first and third "reason" are missing a period. The layout spacing is inconsistent and the last statement is cut off.

    Originally Posted by Enigmafan420 View Post

    I am pretty sure-though my evidence is anecdotal to be sure, that Apple's POS System certainly DOES NOT run on windows...

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Not their full-sized computer/cash registers, but the handheld PDAs wth CC swipes do run on WinCE.

    I thought they pretty much got rid of the cash registers. But the handhelds are there and are certainly some form of mobile windows.
  • Reply 55 of 126
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I thought they pretty much got rid of the cash registers. But the handhelds are there and are certainly some form of mobile windows.

    The store I last went to had at least one as I saw a cash transaction take place. It was up in the front and there were two iMacs up there so I assume there were two registers connected to them below.
  • Reply 56 of 126
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Samnuva View Post

    Just because something says PocketPC does not mean it runs windows. Remember, by definition, macs are PCs too. What? Have I shocked all you all to peices?

    Yes, I'm shocked at the lameness of the argument.
  • Reply 57 of 126
    samnuvasamnuva Posts: 225member
    What I'm saying about the whole PocketPC device is is that it is not neccesarily running a microsoft windows type OS. there are many other (and better, since we're talking about windows) OSs for those handheld thingymabobs, so I think it's bad to be calling it windows until no one has produced an image of one of these running it. It could, for all we know, be running a ported iPhone OS. Not very likely, but still, we don't know for sure.
  • Reply 58 of 126
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Samnuva View Post

    there are many other (and better, since we're talking about windows) OSs for those handheld thingymabobs

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt, what other OSes does Symbol use on their POS devices?
  • Reply 59 of 126
    samnuvasamnuva Posts: 225member
    [QUOTE=JeffDM;1285691]The first and third "reason" are missing a period. The layout spacing is inconsistent and the last statement is cut off./QUOTE]

    I did that in 4 1/2 half minutes to make a point. If anybody actually feels like handing those out, I'll look over it with a scanning electron microscope, but for now, I think everybody gets the idea.
  • Reply 60 of 126
    samnuvasamnuva Posts: 225member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt, what other OSes does Symbol use on their POS devices?

    I wouldn't know, I'm just saying we shouldn't automatically say it's windows. It may very well be windows, as that makes the most sence, but I'm saying that it's not automatically windows, as someone here, I forget how far back, implied.
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