Apple announces new 13-inch MacBook



  • Reply 221 of 522
    Do you have some fire for my Motu V4HD? It works perfectly in DVCProHD connected to my Black MacBook and I am effectively editing and earning money this way.

    And there is no way I will get an overpriced MBP... Because I have still around 2 Dual G4 full of SCSI Disks and RAID ARRAYS, one 4gigs MacBook Black, and one 10gigs Octocore + FW800 Motu V4HD connected in HDSDI to a JVC Vérité DT24-L3D Broadcast LCD Monitor.

    Patrick from Paris - No Firewire = No Sale = Pas de Vente

    Au revoir.
  • Reply 222 of 522
    Originally Posted by pilottage View Post

    And there is no way I will get an overpriced MBP... Because I have still around 2 Dual G4 full of SCSI Disks and RAID ARRAYS, one 4gigs MacBook Black, and one 10gigs Octocore + FW800 Motu V4HD connected in HDSDI to a JVC Vérité DT24-L3D Broadcast LCD Monitor

    Au revoir.

    You have a recent enough MacBook that there is not much reason for you to get a new one. Just because a new notebook has been released, it doesn't mean that you have to buy one.
  • Reply 223 of 522
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Ten years ago when Intel refused to support FireWire in its chipsets, that pretty much put FireWire on the path to a slow death.

    50% of new Mac buyers are coming from the PC. They are mostly buying the MacBook. The overwhelming majority of these people have never used FireWire and will never make common use of it.

    So you are saying that PC users have never had any interest in a MinDV camera??? Families that have a MiniDV camera that use Windows Movie Maker have never made common use of FireWire? MiniDV cameras don't use USB on a PC for transferring video, they use FIREWIRE, even on a PC! Sorry, your comment is pointless about the lack of FireWire.

    So Apple will continue to advertise iLIfe for the consumer and continue to advertise the ease of use with iMovie and video editing. So when the consumer asks, can I connect my MiniDV camera to this fine consumer-level MacBook? Uh, No, sorry. You have to spend $500 to $1000 more for our MacBook Pro model if you want to use it for iMovie. But I thought iLife was for the consumer? Now the consumer model no longer supports the features of iLife. Smooth move Apple. This bonehead move is as retarded as calling a Power Mac G4 tower "Digital Audio" and removing the Audio In port!!!
  • Reply 224 of 522

    I have been patiently waiting for the new macs to come out and have a few questions and observations. I am tentatively planning on buying the 2.4 MB and upgrading the memory to 4 GB.

    1) The new MB's state they have 3mb l2 cache and the MBA has 6mb l2 cache. How does the 3 MB L2 compare to the old MB's and how much of a performance difference will the 3MB L2 make compared to the 6MB L2 on the air?

    2) I believe it is $135 (educational price) to upgrade the memory to 4GB. Is it cheaper and easier to do this through a place like macmall or is worth just getting it online from Apple directly?

    3) Any thoughts on apple care? Is it worth the $185.00 you are charged?

  • Reply 225 of 522
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    Actually, if complainers like you would just do some research, you would notice that there is no 13" notebook on the market with the MB's features (non-plastic, el cheapo case) and specs for anywhere near $599. You are comparing Turion/Pentium 4 Dual-Core/Old 667MHz bus Core 2 CPU 15" PC laptops to the MB, and this is not a fair comparison.

    The new MB is in competition with the M1330 XPS and Sony SZ models, and the MB is actually much cheaper than the Sony SZ.

    gwmac and others are correct. If you compare apples to apples, the new 13" Macbook is a bargain. And, don't forget that with the high-end PC notebooks, you also need to add a significant additional cost for software.

  • Reply 226 of 522
    Hey Everyone...

    I've been reading you guys for the past few months preparing for a MB purchase. Now that they're out, I need your advice. Here's my situation. I'm a high school teacher. I have a late 2007 Intel iMac at home. I use iWeb, iMovie, GarageBand, and Keynote all the time to design presentations and podcasts for class in addition to the normal surfing and e-mail that I could do on any computer. I do some personal video editing and I do like to multi-task using Spaces so I've usually got at least iChat, Mail, Firefox, and one other application open at once. I love OSX and my iMac but have determined I need the portability to really get optimum benefit of using this stuff in class. I also have a 1TB external at home. So HD space in a notebook really isn't an issue, and neither is firewire.

    So the question is... is there any real reason other than the cosmetic upgrades that I should spend $300 extra for the MB or should I just go for the $949 base model and live with the whiteness and slightly outdatedness? You guys seem to know the hardware of these machines better than I do so what do you think?

  • Reply 227 of 522
    Originally Posted by MiMac View Post

    Or to drive people away from the platform altogether.

    As someone else here already pointed out, nearly all of the other notebook manufacturers are including FireWire as standard on their new models. Apple , in their infinite wisdom, takes it out! Utterly insane!

    Apple R&D has F****d up big time with this and Jobs is a fool to let this happen. Something like omitting a FireWire port costing a couple of bucks is gonna cost Apple dearly in sales. I had been geared up to buy a new MacBook but now I will certainly pass on this ornamental piece of crap. Too expensive to go the Pro option. Man, this sucks!

    For "new" Apple computer users without many peripherals, they will never notice the difference. For the average Apple fanboy, this is yet another in a long line of head butts. Apple's drive to future tech leaves everyone who bought into their last batch of products holding the bag. Steve has developed myopia in addition to his other health problems.
  • Reply 228 of 522
    jetlawjetlaw Posts: 156member
    Well, I hate to go against the grain here, but I am actually excited about the new Macbook. I can see why people are unhappy about the loss of firewire, but fortunately for me, I don't need it. I used to have a 15.4" MBP, but sold it mainly because I wanted a machine with a smaller footprint. The MBA is too small and anemic for my photography work, which only left the standard Macbook. I honestly miss the backlit keyboard and the LED backlight, and am happy to have access to those again in a 13" machine. I have had trouble with pitting in the past with metal Macs, so I hope that is not an issue with the new machine.

    I just ordered the 2.4Ghz model w/ 4GB RAM and the 128GB SSD. Although it won't be a portable movie theater like my current 250GB 2.0Ghz Macbook, I think it will be the perfect machine for my professional life and for my photography.

    While I understand and agree with what most people have said about the reception this machine is likely to have given the state of the economy, I also think that new tech offering need to be innovative, as a "Black Sunday Edition" Mac is going to be ignored, as those wishing to hold onto their dollars will just keep using what they have. If any choice that Apple made leaves me with a confused look on my face it is the choice to abandon FW on the Macbook, as they are literally leaving a part of the potential upgrade population incapable of using the new machine. Especially in a unit without an ExpressCard slot, I think it is a mistake!
  • Reply 229 of 522
    c.dubc.dub Posts: 19member
    Does anyone know what model of Intel processors are in the new MacBooks?

    I would like to compare the 2.0gHz to the 2.4gHz.
  • Reply 230 of 522
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Sigh... don't know why you keep on minimizing this... incorrectly too.

    AAPL closed down 5.60% today. The market as a whole closed down 0.82%. The difference was close to 5%... not "3%"... and not a "couple of points". Another way to look at it is that AAPL dropped almost seven times more than the market as a whole, percentage-wise.

    So, let's just face it, the market did not like what they heard.

    AAPL always drops the day of an announcement. Always.
  • Reply 231 of 522
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    So you are saying that PC users have never had any interest in a MinDV camera??? Families that have a MiniDV camera that use Windows Movie Maker have never made common use of FireWire? MiniDV cameras don't use USB on a PC for transferring video, they use FIREWIRE, even on a PC! Sorry, your comment is pointless about the lack of FireWire.

    Panasonic HD cameras that use USB ports

    JVC HD cameras that use USB ports

    Canon HD cameras that use USB ports
  • Reply 232 of 522
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by edmaster View Post

    Hey Everyone...

    I've been reading you guys for the past few months preparing for a MB purchase. Now that they're out, I need your advice. Here's my situation. I'm a high school teacher. I have a late 2007 Intel iMac at home. I use iWeb, iMovie, GarageBand, and Keynote all the time to design presentations and podcasts for class in addition to the normal surfing and e-mail that I could do on any computer. I do some personal video editing and I do like to multi-task using Spaces so I've usually got at least iChat, Mail, Firefox, and one other application open at once. I love OSX and my iMac but have determined I need the portability to really get optimum benefit of using this stuff in class. I also have a 1TB external at home. So HD space in a notebook really isn't an issue, and neither is firewire.

    So the question is... is there any real reason other than the cosmetic upgrades that I should spend $300 extra for the MB or should I just go for the $949 base model and live with the whiteness and slightly outdatedness? You guys seem to know the hardware of these machines better than I do so what do you think?


    I would look at a refurb.

    Fast MBPs can be had for less than the new MBs. The new MBs have a nice enclosure but are a weak value IMO.
  • Reply 233 of 522
    Originally Posted by edmaster View Post

    Hey Everyone...

    I've been reading you guys for the past few months preparing for a MB purchase. Now that they're out, I need your advice. Here's my situation. I'm a high school teacher. I have a late 2007 Intel iMac at home. I use iWeb, iMovie, GarageBand, and Keynote all the time to design presentations and podcasts for class in addition to the normal surfing and e-mail that I could do on any computer. I do some personal video editing and I do like to multi-task using Spaces so I've usually got at least iChat, Mail, Firefox, and one other application open at once. I love OSX and my iMac but have determined I need the portability to really get optimum benefit of using this stuff in class. I also have a 1TB external at home. So HD space in a notebook really isn't an issue, and neither is firewire.

    So the question is... is there any real reason other than the cosmetic upgrades that I should spend $300 extra for the MB or should I just go for the $949 base model and live with the whiteness and slightly outdatedness? You guys seem to know the hardware of these machines better than I do so what do you think?


    Hi, Ed, you sound like the perfect candidate for the new MB. IMO, you should get the new MB over the white because of (1) the design (2) the LED display (MUCH better than the old one) (3) CPU and GPU (4) and backlit keyboard.

    Everything else is gravy
  • Reply 234 of 522
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Steve has developed myopia in addition to his other health problems.

    That is a completely unnecessary and lowly cheap-shot. Joking about a person's health is never cool, even in cases when the individual has brought it on himself/herself --and in this case, Jobs didn't do blatant things to deserve poor health.
  • Reply 235 of 522
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by edmaster View Post

    Hey Everyone...

    I've been reading you guys for the past few months preparing for a MB purchase. Now that they're out, I need your advice. Here's my situation. I'm a high school teacher. I have a late 2007 Intel iMac at home. I use iWeb, iMovie, GarageBand, and Keynote all the time to design presentations and podcasts for class in addition to the normal surfing and e-mail that I could do on any computer. I do some personal video editing and I do like to multi-task using Spaces so I've usually got at least iChat, Mail, Firefox, and one other application open at once. I love OSX and my iMac but have determined I need the portability to really get optimum benefit of using this stuff in class. I also have a 1TB external at home. So HD space in a notebook really isn't an issue, and neither is firewire.

    So the question is... is there any real reason other than the cosmetic upgrades that I should spend $300 extra for the MB or should I just go for the $949 base model and live with the whiteness and slightly outdatedness? You guys seem to know the hardware of these machines better than I do so what do you think?


    The new MacBook is more than a cosmetic upgrade. It uses a chipset that is twice as fast as the old. Faster RAM which will improve system responsiveness.

    The graphics card is 5 times faster and will be a significant improvement for iLife. The graphics card will also play a more important role in Apples next OS update.
  • Reply 236 of 522
    Originally Posted by c.dub View Post

    Does anyone know what model of Intel processors are in the new MacBooks?

    I would like to compare the 2.0gHz to the 2.4gHz.

    Yo, I believe that these are the bad boys in the new MB:



    P.S. The 2.4 should be much faster. Unlike in times past, when Apple's top-end models did not justify their price premiums, in this case, the increase is substantial
  • Reply 237 of 522
    Originally Posted by mitchleeh View Post


    I'm new, long time mac user, but have been reading for awhile. If you really want to see your complaints go to good use, and want do see change, then go here (someone else already suggested, but nothing really was done):

    Make an official complaint, and I can promise you that if enough of us do it, apple will listen - and HOPEFULLY change prices and problems!

    Please please please do it! Complain about whatever you want - just make sure you include the crappy prices!


    I just let them have an earful. This decision is completely foolish and will cost Apple dearly in sales for entry-level computers. Un-frickin'-believable!
  • Reply 238 of 522
    Interesting advice so far... keep it coming.

    Anyone else think the refurb Pro is a good idea at this point? Price points are similar to the new mid-range MBs.
  • Reply 239 of 522
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I just let them have an earful. This decision is completely foolish and will cost Apple dearly in sales for entry-level computers. Un-frickin'-believable!

    Well when Apple abandoned floppy disks and P2 ports. People said they were crazy. History repeats itself.
  • Reply 240 of 522
    c.dubc.dub Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    Yo, I believe that these are the bad boys in the new MB:



    P.S. The 2.4 should be much faster. Unlike in times past, when Apple's top-end models did not justify their price premiums, in this case, the increase is substantial

    Thank you very much, this does seem to be correct. Cheers!
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