Microsoft intros Windows 7 beta, Songsmith app at CES



  • Reply 41 of 156
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    The Songsmith commercial is one of those silly internal Microsoft commercials, they do from time to time, right?
  • Reply 42 of 156
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    The Songsmith commercial is one of those silly internal Microsoft commercials, they do from time to time, right?

    Nope! That's from the actual page promoting the software. It's linked in the story.
  • Reply 43 of 156
    jpellinojpellino Posts: 704member
    That piece of video was excruciating to watch. It's over now. Just keep repeating, "I took one for the team... I took one for the team... I took one for the team..."

    If you tried to parody this in the most deliberate way you would have an exact copy of the actual commercial. It's just that tacky.

    Just when you were certain you already lived thru the day irony died, something like this comes along and proves you wrong.

    It is apparently certain that:

    a. No one in Redmond has any idea how an actual song is written (hint: you don't just sit down and spit out melody and lyrics simultaneously)

    b. None of the actual musicians who wrote the pre-arranged jingles for this monstrosity had the plums to tell MS that they were so far off from the actual act of songwriting that they should all be spanked and sent to bed straight away with no supper or dessert.

    c. A whole bunch of people connected with this project no doubt high-fived each other raw upon completion of this turkey.

    The commercial shows a whizzy tool for documenting improv singing which is exceedingly difficult for the average person. Garageband was originally aimed at people with keyboards lying fallow or people with no musical talent who could leverage the expert loops to build something nice.

    And oh yeah I see a BIG lawsuit coming from a class composed (sorry) of at the very least Clive Anderson, Richard Vranch, Laura Hall, Greg Proops, Brad Sherwood, Mike McShane, Drew Carew, Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie and Wayne Brady.
  • Reply 44 of 156
    Originally Posted by Elijahg View Post

    Terrible ad, would turn people off rather than make them buy it IMO...

    The girl can't sing, her dad seems like a moron, and it's being played on a Mac. You can see the tip of the white Apple logo poking out above the flower sticker. Plenty of people know what Mac notebooks look like, and they'll be saying, "Hmm that looks like they are running it on a Mac". Well done M$!

    Fan boys please your making the rest of us mac users look really bad. First of all this program on the ad is being used by a 9 year old girl so it obviously is not aimed towards music pruducers. It is just supposed to be fun. The first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac whether u run windows 7 on a PC or a mac microsoft still makes their money. Let's stop being immature. And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it. Anyway please let's grow up. If youlike your mac like I like mine then don't buy a PC. You sound so fearful of windows getting it's edge back with this new OS. Which if u already have a mac you like then shut up.
  • Reply 45 of 156
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member
    How did you all miss the biggest news item from the story: Dell is going to preinstall Facebook on very PC sold. I'm going have to buy a Dell.
  • Reply 46 of 156
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    OK, it's been said by a lot of people but my word, that video is just incomprehensibly awful. I can't tell if they're trying to be serious, or irreverent, or quirky, or what. Whatever they were going for, it horribly missed the mark, and is instead a bottomless pit of suck.
  • Reply 47 of 156
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    Fan boys please your making the rest of us mac users look really bad. First of all this program on the ad is being used by a 9 year old girl so it obviously is not aimed towards music pruducers. It is just supposed to be fun. The first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac whether u run windows 7 on a PC or a mac microsoft still makes their money. Let's stop being immature. And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it. Anyway please let's grow up. If youlike your mac like I like mine then don't buy a PC. You sound so fearful of windows getting it's edge back with this new OS. Which if u already have a mac you like then shut up.

    quote "he first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac" well you just said it wasn't a mac. I looked at the video I don't think it was a sony. Your right it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but it is ironic that a mac was (imho) used.

    I'm not a fanboy, but now I own several macs, and hardly use a WIN-PC much. Like many people, I don't worry that MS will come bounding back with Windows 7. First I doubt they will, but if Windows 7 is as much an improvement on OS-X as OS-X is over previous MS 'languages' I will simply replace OS-X with Win7

    Its not immature to air ones views about a very tacky, puke inducing advert. If it were just poor, it may not be mentioned, but it really seems to have sunk new depths of a properly produced piece of junk
  • Reply 48 of 156
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    That video hurt me so much.

    The most bizarre thing is how Microsoft couldn't resist tying Songsmith into the workplace! An enterprise app success!
  • Reply 49 of 156
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    thats disgusting, I need to wash my eyes out with soap.
  • Reply 50 of 156
    Watch the Ad in HD (click the youtube link). It's a Powerbook with the Logo covered and a silicon skin over the keyboard

    Image 1: Image 1

    Image 2: Image 2
  • Reply 51 of 156
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    thats disgusting, I need to wash my eyes out with soap.

    It was like diving into vomit.
  • Reply 52 of 156
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    Fan boys please your making the rest of us mac users look really bad. First of all this program on the ad is being used by a 9 year old girl so it obviously is not aimed towards music pruducers. It is just supposed to be fun. The first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac whether u run windows 7 on a PC or a mac microsoft still makes their money. Let's stop being immature. And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it. Anyway please let's grow up. If youlike your mac like I like mine then don't buy a PC. You sound so fearful of windows getting it's edge back with this new OS. Which if u already have a mac you like then shut up.

    Yikes. Btw, heard of punctuation?

    (If you think that's a Vaio, you have no clue what an MBP looks like; of course, it's possible that the Mac you say you own is not an MBP).
  • Reply 53 of 156
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    Fan boys please your making the rest of us mac users look really bad. First of all this program on the ad is being used by a 9 year old girl so it obviously is not aimed towards music pruducers. It is just supposed to be fun. The first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac whether u run windows 7 on a PC or a mac microsoft still makes their money. Let's stop being immature. And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it. Anyway please let's grow up. If youlike your mac like I like mine then don't buy a PC. You sound so fearful of windows getting it's edge back with this new OS. Which if u already have a mac you like then shut up.

    Its fun to mock the inflicted.

    PS: do everyone a favor and shut up yourself.
  • Reply 54 of 156
    Ignoring the ad, what is the actual use of this product anyways? If i were singing at my laptop along with crappy and repetitive music playing, especially in public, I would feel like an ass.

    I believe SmartMusic offers similar functionality, but you use it with instruments in practice situations. This does not seem to have any point besides being able to produce extremely low quality and stale songs. In a few respects it also seems to be an entirely automated, barebones form of garageband, but it takes away all the creativity, possibility, and freedom that came with garageband.

    The sad part is that many people are going to actually use this product because they have not experience anything else. (These users are defiantly going to be the annoying bragging type that blab on and on about how "tech savvy" their children are for creating "awesome" songs.)
  • Reply 55 of 156
    K, first off i dont hate microsoft. When i read all your negative comments about the Song video , i thought you guys were being over dramatic. But no, this was a cheese fest and really really REALLY should never have been aired. It made me NEVER, EVER want to buy that product. Secondly i am really really not feeling this whole windows 7 thing. I liked XP and run windows Xp on parrallels just incase i need to run something, but i never do, i mean ever. My mac can run everything i ever need it to, and the only time i go on Xp is to have a better msn. But the thing is that like i dont hate vista either, i just dont need a slower version of XP for the ammount i use it. Windows 7 will be faster, and may actually have some good things vista didnt, but again it feels as if its missing that push. I love my mac and i wouldnt be caught using Windows 7. That whole windows live thing is just a total piss off, and i dont care who they partner with, it will continue to be. If i want to facebook someone, i will go to firefox or safari, not IE and go to boom! done! That was easy. I dont like the whole theme vista and 7 are going 4 and those features are cool, sure but then again, i have a better version of each at my finger tips right now, infact i just finished this message on a machine that has all those "new" windows 7 features. My 24" iMac. No i dont hate windows, but the people who use windows really wont have a reason to love it either.
  • Reply 56 of 156
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I officially fucking hate Microsoft.

    That is one tragic, cringe inducing god awful infomercial. Not only does the product come across as completely lame and graphically misses the 'fun' market by a wide mile but the "Microsoft, huh? So it's easy to use" line is so utterly bad I am not sure this is for real. The creative process must have been such a travesty of bad ideas and bad decision making I am sure it would have made the perfect episode of The Office.
  • Reply 57 of 156
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    Fan boys please your making the rest of us mac users look really bad. First of all this program on the ad is being used by a 9 year old girl so it obviously is not aimed towards music pruducers. It is just supposed to be fun. The first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac whether u run windows 7 on a PC or a mac microsoft still makes their money. Let's stop being immature. And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it. Anyway please let's grow up. If youlike your mac like I like mine then don't buy a PC. You sound so fearful of windows getting it's edge back with this new OS. Which if u already have a mac you like then shut up.

    No, you shut up. First off, Microsoft or not, this video deserves everything it gets. Secondly you used the objectionable and sexist term 'fan boy'. Anybody who uses that term reveal an alarming level of stupidity. There is a lot of silly Microsoft bashing here and sometimes it is unreasonable but it rarely stoops to the level of using 'fan boy' as an all encompassing derogatory anti Apple term. Its very much at the same level as the video in question.
  • Reply 58 of 156
    Originally Posted by iCloud View Post

    Watch the Ad in HD (click the youtube link). It's a Powerbook with the Logo covered and a silicon skin over the keyboard

    Image 1: Image 1

    Image 2: Image 2

    (Actually the first clue it was a Mac was when he simply snaps the lid closed and immediately walks away.)

    Yep. There it is. Magsafe and all. Lameness, thy name is Ballmer.

    This is right up there with an old Broderbund ad where they tried to take a product action shot in daylight with a CRT screen in it, realized their futility and scotch-taped a printout of the screenshot on the CRT glass. They *almost* made the tape disappear in the shot. Almost.
  • Reply 59 of 156
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    Fan boys please your making the rest of us mac users look really bad. First of all this program on the ad is being used by a 9 year old girl so it obviously is not aimed towards music pruducers. It is just supposed to be fun. The first laptop is a Sony vaio and even if it was a mac whether u run windows 7 on a PC or a mac microsoft still makes their money. Let's stop being immature. And to one of the other posters the new taskbar looks nothing like the mac dock. Also if you google "windows 7 circle dock" you will see they took the idea of the dock and changed it. Anyway please let's grow up. If youlike your mac like I like mine then don't buy a PC. You sound so fearful of windows getting it's edge back with this new OS. Which if u already have a mac you like then shut up.

    Wow. This is rarely seen in the wild. Someone on the actual border between "denial" and "anger". Please do come back and treat us to your versions of "bargaining" and "depression". We'll let you go through "acceptance" on your own, but please, do wave to us on your way into the local Apple Store.

    This is too easy.
  • Reply 60 of 156
    begbeg Posts: 53member
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    I find it more ironic that AppleInsider posted the video in Flash format that can't be viewed on my iPhone.

    I thought Flash was dead and we don't need it for the iPhone?

    Apparently you didn't actually try to play it on your iPhone... Why don't you try it and come back because it works fine.
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