Apple shares of smartphone market jumps more than twofold



  • Reply 61 of 148
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by RCO3 View Post

    Seriously, I'm begging.

    I'm very sorry that I've used one of my very infrequent comments to discuss an off-topic matter like this. I'll stop talking now.

    That's hysterical. You are really either out of your mind or off your meds. Blocking anybody that disagrees with Apple? Pathetic.
  • Reply 62 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    I think something is wrong with that italiankid troll bot. It's starting to randomly respond to its own posts.


    i didnt even notice that lol

    im busy at work and trying to do the post... work first. post after... ciao
  • Reply 63 of 148
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    LOL look how the page shrinks with all his posts omitted.

    Except now he's highlighted in blue for a quick fix.
  • Reply 64 of 148
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I've long had him on my ignore list, but apparently mentioning teckstud's name summons him like an evil genie.

    There's something oddly satisfying about seeing those multiple posts just listed like shrapnel, without having to pay any mind.
  • Reply 65 of 148
    missiongreymissiongrey Posts: 208member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I've long had him on my ignore list, but apparently mentioning teckstud's name summons him like an evil genie.

    There's something oddly satisfying about seeing those multiple posts just listed like shrapnel, without having to pay any mind.

  • Reply 66 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I've long had him on my ignore list, but apparently mentioning teckstud's name summons him like an evil genie.

    There's something oddly satisfying about seeing those multiple posts just listed like shrapnel, without having to pay any mind.

    who is teckstud
  • Reply 67 of 148
    rco3rco3 Posts: 76member
    Originally Posted by delreyjones View Post

    Thanks for educating me about the Ignore List. I've added ItalianKid and TechStud and things looks better now. Their "contributions" to the discussion seem very childish to me and my time is too valuable to spend it reading their words.

    You are welcome. Now if we could just figure a way to ignore comments which quote people on the ignore list...
  • Reply 68 of 148
    rokkenrokken Posts: 236member
    The ignore list works like a charm. Thanks a lot.

    OT: It would be interesting to see how those so-called "iPhone killers" fare in the meantime, and how much of RIM's market share gain is contributed through the buy-one-get-one campaign. Something that worth noting is that China is still missing from the global market for iPhone, while many of the others are already competing there. Jail-break iPhone costs much substantially more than it is in other countries and it doesn't stop Chinese from buying it. What will happen to Apple's global market share when iPhone eventually enters China?
  • Reply 69 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    That's hysterical. You are really either out of your mind or off your meds. Blocking anybody that disagrees with Apple? Pathetic.

    Stud we best becareful... I think these Mac heads are gonna commit suicide if we continue... LOL

    Sad... lol
  • Reply 70 of 148
    stompystompy Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by RCO3 View Post

    Seriously, I'm begging.

    ... Ask yourself: is there anything at all to be gained from responding to anything <redacted> has ever posted? Or <redacted>?

    The very question I asked myself a while ago. Survey says...

    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I've long had him on my ignore list, but apparently mentioning <redacted>'s name summons him like an evil genie.

    ( Following addabox's suggestion to avoid further summons. )
  • Reply 71 of 148
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    I hope it would... Last year at the same time, the United States only sold the iPhone. It should have more than doubled! The fact that the iPhone is in over 40+ countries and it only doubled is very BAD news.

    The iPhone is only HOT when released and dies down very fast as the months pass.

    The iPhone sells very well on launch and dies from there.

    The iPhone and the iPhone 3G are perfect examples. Same thing will happen with the next release. Guaranteed.

    This is not good for Apple. The device needs to sell well throughout the year. It doesn't.

    Kid is an appropriate handle.
  • Reply 72 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Kid is an appropriate handle.

    you just upset me... im calling mommy...
  • Reply 73 of 148
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    The iPhone is only HOT when released and dies down very fast as the months pass.

    The iPhone sells very well on launch and dies from there.

    The iPhone and the iPhone 3G are perfect examples.

    Perfect examples of what?

    That the iPhone sells very well on launch and then "dies down"?

    Since each was only released once, you do realize they are the ONLY examples?

    Or can you give us other examples of the iPhone?

    Your signature has iPhone 2G/3G

    What is a 2G iPhone?
  • Reply 74 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Perfect examples of what?

    That the iPhone sells very well on launch and then "dies down"?

    Since each was only released once, you do realize they are the ONLY examples?

    Or can you give us other examples of the iPhone?

    Your signature has iPhone 2G/3G

    What is a 2G iPhone?

    a 2G iphone is the first gen iPhone

    a 3G is the current iPhone
  • Reply 75 of 148
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Ah, so the real reason for Apple's Mac sales decline has been revealed. People are bypassing desktop and laptops altogether and opting for an iPhone. Nice!
  • Reply 76 of 148
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    Smartphone marketshare is such an irrelevant metric these days, it's impossible to draw any conclusions from it. The line between smartphone and feature phone is so incredibly blurred these days and will only get more blurred as hardware costs fall further.

    For example, now that Symbian OS is effectively free, what's to stop Nokia shoving it in 50% of their phones? Suddenly Nokia's smartphone sales go from 15 million to 200 million and therefore propelling Nokia up to 90%+ market share. Will Nokia have sold any more phones overall or made any additional profit? Probably not but the smartphone metrics would show them utterly destroying Apple. The metric is worthless.
  • Reply 77 of 148
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    who is teckstud

    teckstud is your other account. It's kind of funny when you talk to yourself and think that none of us know.

    Seriously though, it would be nice if AppleInsider let us stay logged in for longer, like a day or so.

    Trolls like teckstud and italiankid are getting to be a big problem. On this thread, almost all the posts are theirs, but the content of the posts is essentially zero. I have both of them on my ignore list, but every time I come back to the site to check the threads, I'm logged out and all their posts are there to be viewed.

    I know it's up to me to ignore them or not read them, but that's the purpose of the "ignore posts" feature isn't it? Why not let us stay logged in all day so that we can more easily ignore the bait these idiots set out?

    It's very difficult to switch over to this site to see what's happening, be confronted by dozens of inflammatory posts and yet have the strength not to answer them. Anyone who has dealt with teenagers for any length of time knows how hard it is to ignore them and how difficult it is not to get caught up in their stupid games etc.

    Kasper, give us a break and let us put these guys on ignore for longer than a few minutes at a time. I don't see the downside in letting people stay logged in all day instead of pushing us off if we go away for more than a few minutes.
  • Reply 78 of 148
    italiankiditaliankid Posts: 279member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    teckstud is your other account. It's kind of funny when you talk to yourself and think that none of us know.

    Seriously though, it would be nice if AppleInsider let us stay logged in for longer, like a day or so.

    Trolls like teckstud and italiankid are getting to be a big problem. On this thread, almost all the posts are theirs, but the content of the posts is essentially zero. I have both of them on my ignore list, but every time I come back to the site to check the threads, I'm logged out and all their posts are there to be viewed.

    I know it's up to me to ignore them or not read them, but that's the purpose of the "ignore posts" feature isn't it? Why not let us stay logged in all day so that we can more easily ignore the bait these idiots set out?

    It's very difficult to switch over to this site to see what's happening, be confronted by dozens of inflammatory posts and yet have the strength not to answer them. Anyone who has dealt with teenagers for any length of time knows how hard it is to ignore them and how difficult it is not to get caught up in their stupid games etc.

    Kasper, give us a break and let us put these guys on ignore for longer than a few minutes at a time. I don't see the downside in letting people stay logged in all day instead of pushing us off if we go away for more than a few minutes.

    hahaha I am sure there are more than 1 or 2 people who can voice an opinion on Apple. Negative or Positive.

    I dont know teckstud personally, but after reading many of his post today, I am loving him. lol
  • Reply 79 of 148
    rco3rco3 Posts: 76member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Seriously though, it would be nice if AppleInsider let us stay logged in for longer, like a day or so.


    Kasper, give us a break and let us put these guys on ignore for longer than a few minutes at a time. I don't see the downside in letting people stay logged in all day instead of pushing us off if we go away for more than a few minutes.

    Hmm... Virgil-TB2, I stay logged in. Haven't put my password in in ages. Even after upgrading to Safari 4 beta, it remembered my login. I dunno. Could it be a difference in browsers?

    update: I found this in the board FAQ: " When you register, you will be given the option to 'Automatically login when you return to the site'. " It sets a cookie. Perhaps you didn't set that when registered (and I assume that I did which would be why I don't have to log in?), and now it's necessary to figure out a way to use this cookie? I can't find any cookie settings in the User Control Panel.

    Er... was that even comprehensible?
  • Reply 80 of 148
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    teckstud is your other account. It's kind of funny when you talk to yourself and think that none of us know.

    Seriously though, it would be nice if AppleInsider let us stay logged in for longer, like a day or so.

    Trolls like teckstud and italiankid are getting to be a big problem. On this thread, almost all the posts are theirs, but the content of the posts is essentially zero. I have both of them on my ignore list, but every time I come back to the site to check the threads, I'm logged out and all their posts are there to be viewed.

    I know it's up to me to ignore them or not read them, but that's the purpose of the "ignore posts" feature isn't it? Why not let us stay logged in all day so that we can more easily ignore the bait these idiots set out?

    It's very difficult to switch over to this site to see what's happening, be confronted by dozens of inflammatory posts and yet have the strength not to answer them. Anyone who has dealt with teenagers for any length of time knows how hard it is to ignore them and how difficult it is not to get caught up in their stupid games etc.

    Kasper, give us a break and let us put these guys on ignore for longer than a few minutes at a time. I don't see the downside in letting people stay logged in all day instead of pushing us off if we go away for more than a few minutes.

    Dude- you need to stop. You're freaking me out! Who is italiankid?

    Kasper I have know idea what this guy is talking about. I've been on topic.

    Right- We are one- Sybil Vista!
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