Apple's Snow Leopard disc will install on Tiger Macs



  • Reply 121 of 166
    cmasoncmason Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It's all the little things, all the little details. Taken for all in all, the widespread desirability of Apple notebooks is not surprising. Plus it's the entire Apple gestalt. Can't be matched by anyone else.

    Definitely true there, I love my Macbook Pro. Actually I got the early 2008 2.5 GHz model refurb, which I prefer over the new unibody for several reasons. It still has a firewire 400 port (and 800 too), has a real button under the trackpad, still has the expresscard slot, and is the last model with the full DVI port, no dongles needed. Oh, and I love having a usb port on each side of the laptop. It's fully supported by Snow Leopard, including 64-bit and Open CL, so hopefully it should last me for some time.
  • Reply 122 of 166
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    ok so let me get this straight i have 2 mb on tiger 2 recent imacs on leopard

    i can

    1. upgrade to SL on all with the 29$ upgrade

    2. I don't need the family pac but can use one disk for all???

    and i get full SL functionality? including saved disc space?
  • Reply 123 of 166
    cmasoncmason Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    ok so let me get this straight i have 2 mb on tiger 2 recent imacs on leopard

    i can

    1. upgrade to SL on all with the 29$ upgrade

    2. I don't need the family pac but can use one disk for all???

    and i get full SL functionality? including saved disc space?

    Well, if you're upgrading more than one, you should buy the family pack. But nothing will stop you from using the regular one. Just like nothing will stop you from torrenting.
  • Reply 124 of 166
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    So why didn't you feel compelled to report that to a forum such as AI ages ago, instead of now? Duh?

    Well if you notice, I'm not reporting it now on AI either. I basically said no kidding it works. This is old news and not surprising. Why wouldn't it install.

    It's like saying, 'hey, anantksundram is a troll". I'm not reporting. Merely stating the obvious.

  • Reply 125 of 166
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    How is this fair to those who spend $129 on Leopard...

    Unless someone can give me a figure that less then 5% of Intel based Mac are using Tiger.........
  • Reply 126 of 166
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    I'll get the family pack but it would be great to upgrade

    my mb tiger without buying two bundles
  • Reply 127 of 166
    Originally Posted by ksec View Post

    How is this fair to those who spend $129 on Leopard...

    Unless someone can give me a figure that less then 5% of Intel based Mac are using Tiger.........

    People who paid for Leopard had a year and a half to use it, those who didn't didn't.
  • Reply 128 of 166
    Originally Posted by Ronbo View Post

    You have an intel Mac and you're still running 10.4??

    Well I am, and it's an Intel Mac that has no need for iLife or iWork. So I'm interested.

    Although I've decided to wait until the reports are out as to how well a Core Duo (32 bit only) processor works on Snow Leopard before doing anything. And I just might wait until iLife gets upgraded again, then get the box set. The current Intel Mac would get the Snow Leopard install, and the new mini I'm getting next month will get the updated iLife and iWork.

    Yes, the Dual 1 Ghz Quicksilver is getting retired after 7.5 years of service. The other Quicksilver (single 800 Mhz) will remain in server duty. (80 W instead of 165 W)
  • Reply 129 of 166
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    I agree with concept of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” even though I much prefer to break things so I can fix it to see how it works, but Leopard was far from being bells and whistles. There were a lot of core foundations that Apple really tackled to make this a great OS over Tiger. However, Snow Leopard takes this to a whole…. ‘notha…. lev’a with core changes. I’m getting sick of some people crying that Apple is charging anything for this service pack that is only bug fixes.

    I don't mean any offense, but those are vague generalities with no specifics. I read all the articles and I have Leopard on my MBP (came preinstalled), I still run Tiger on my Mac Pro. I really haven't found enough to agree it's worth the time to upgrade. I haven't had any major problems, but I haven't found enough reason to care either. Certainly nowhere near enough that would justify certain other people calling the remaining Tiger users stupid or whatever pejorative that was used.

    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Well if you notice, I'm not reporting it now on AI either. I basically said no kidding it works. This is old news and not surprising. Why wouldn't it install.

    You're using a stricter meaning of reporting than you need to. Just saying it works on a forum post is also reporting it, just not as a journalist. I don't recall anyone reporting it. I think it's fair to be puzzled why no one mentioned it before, it's not as if we don't have several developers on this forum, or at least people that are using developer releases.

    A reason why few expected it to install is that it's priced like an upgrade over the previous version, not an upgrade for the version before. It was a fair expectation based on Apple's wording too.


    It's like saying, 'hey, anantksundram is a troll". I'm not reporting. Merely stating the obvious.


    No, that wouldn't be stating the obvious, that would be your opinion at best, and not a civil gesture either, I don't see how that response is justified. You certainly didn't have to say that that way, and because of that comment, I'm more convinced that it is you that is trolling. Say something like that again and I might not let it slide.
  • Reply 130 of 166
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by cmason View Post

    That was a quote from Walt Mossberg. Obviously he contacted Apple and received this confirmation from them. Hence this article.

    Well, it's not obvious that he asked Apple anything, let alone if the $29 upgrade could be installed without Leopard, which is why I asked.
  • Reply 131 of 166
    bobrikbobrik Posts: 36member
    Originally Posted by ksec View Post

    How is this fair to those who spend $129 on Leopard...

    Unless someone can give me a figure that less then 5% of Intel based Mac are using Tiger.........

    July 2009: Leopard: 3.42%, Tiger: 1.03%; Source
  • Reply 132 of 166
    Originally Posted by bobrik View Post

    July 2009: Leopard: 3.42%, Tiger: 1.03%; Source

    Thanks for looking it up.

    That actually shows that about 25% of Mac users are using Tiger. Having a 75% adoption rate after 2 years is pretty damn good. Now, drop the PPC Macs from the list and you see that it was probably not fonancially viable for Apple to do authentication checks.
  • Reply 133 of 166
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't mean any offense, but those are vague generalities with no specifics. I read all the articles and I have Leopard on my MBP (came preinstalled), I still run Tiger on my Mac Pro. I really haven't found enough to agree it's worth the time to upgrade. I haven't had any major problems, but I haven't found enough reason to care either. Certainly nowhere near enough that would justify certain other people calling the remaining Tiger users stupid or whatever pejorative that was used.

    No offense taken. I don't mean any offense when I say that the info about changes to Leopard over Tiger and Snow Leopard over Leopard is well known. The core changes are pretty dramatic.
  • Reply 134 of 166
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    I will concede your point that you have to buy a computer to utilize an operating system, and you can buy one that is capable of running windows for less. I really don't see the point of such a remark though.

    I think the point is, with most operating systems, it is at least theoretically possible to purchase the legal right to use an operating system totally independently from the act of acquiring and/or assembling the necessary hardware on which to run the operating system.

    You can purchase or otherwise acquire the legal right to run the full version of an operating system in one act, and then you can purchase or otherwise bring together all the hardware necessary to run that operating system in a separate act. This is true of most personal-computer-class operating systems.

    Alternately, you might be able to acquire the "upgrade" version of most operating systems, and even though it might be technologically possible to install them from scratch on a computer that has never had any previous version of that operating system on it, it would be illegal to do so because you hadn't already acquired the right to use a previous "full version".

    On the Mac side of the equation, the only way to acquire the right to use Mac OS X in the first place, is if you purchase it bundled with computer hardware. If you have already assembled the necessary hardware technologically adequate to run Mac OS X, thus eliminating the need to purchase any new hardware, it is impossible to independently acquire the legal right to use Mac OS X. The versions of Mac OS X that you can purchase separately by retail are therefore all effectively "upgrades" for the original version of Mac OS X that came with the initial hardware purchase.

    It is impossible to separate the cost of the Mac hardware from the cost of acquiring the legal right to run the initial "full version" of OS X.
  • Reply 135 of 166
    cmasoncmason Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Well, it's not obvious that he asked Apple anything, let alone if the $29 upgrade could be installed without Leopard, which is why I asked.

    Um, yes it is. He wrote the article. He said the standard $29 Snow Leopard installs fine on Tiger. He says Apple conceded this. He's a respected journalist who has been around a long time and has extensive contacts at Apple.

    What else is there to understand???
  • Reply 136 of 166
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    I bought a Mac Mini 2 weeks ago which came with 10.5 and the old iLife. I ordered the up-to-date software from Apple for $10. Will that also include the iLife 09 bundle, or will it just include only the OS?

    I've never done the up-to-date bit so I'm not sure what it includes. I also can't tell if it's shipped. The apple store just says it will ship on or before Aug 28th. I'm getting impatient when I could just go down to my local Best Buy and pick it up for $29
  • Reply 137 of 166
    cmasoncmason Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by DJRumpy View Post

    I bought a Mac Mini 2 weeks ago which came with 10.5 and the old iLife. I ordered the up-to-date software from Apple for $10. Will that also include the iLife 09 bundle, or will it just include only the OS?

    I've never done the up-to-date bit so I'm not sure what it includes. I also can't tell if it's shipped. The apple store just says it will ship on or before Aug 28th. I'm getting impatient when I could just go down to my local Best Buy and pick it up for $29

    Just the OS.
  • Reply 138 of 166
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Originally Posted by cmason View Post

    Just the OS.

  • Reply 139 of 166
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    No offense taken. I don't mean any offense when I say that the info about changes to Leopard over Tiger and Snow Leopard over Leopard is well known. The core changes are pretty dramatic.

    I'll restate my question then, how do the core changes affect the user? I was hoping for more information than that.

    Originally Posted by DJRumpy View Post

    I bought a Mac Mini 2 weeks ago which came with 10.5 and the old iLife. I ordered the up-to-date software from Apple for $10. Will that also include the iLife 09 bundle, or will it just include only the OS?

    I've never done the up-to-date bit so I'm not sure what it includes. I also can't tell if it's shipped. The apple store just says it will ship on or before Aug 28th. I'm getting impatient when I could just go down to my local Best Buy and pick it up for $29

    I don't understand why you only got "old iLife". If you bought from apple (rather than third party used/old stock) got iLife 08 then maybe you should take that up with Apple.
  • Reply 140 of 166
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Well, it's not obvious that he asked Apple anything, let alone if the $29 upgrade could be installed without Leopard, which is why I asked.

    Here's the exact quote from Mossberg's review:

    "And, for owners of Intel-based Macs who are still using the older Tiger version of the Mac OS, Apple is officially making Snow Leopard available only in a "boxed set" that includes other software and costs $169. The reasoning is that these folks never paid the $129 back in 2007 to upgrade to Leopard. But here's a tip: Apple concedes that the $29 Snow Leopard upgrade will work properly on these Tiger-equipped Macs, so you can save the extra $140."

    You can google it if you wish.
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