Review roundup: Zune HD plays catchup to iPod touch



  • Reply 61 of 231
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    If you read the Gizmodo review (which AI has curiously refrained from quoting), you'd see that they call it the best PMP on the market.

    Also, AI has (as can normally be expected), included all of the best negative lines from the reviews they quoted, and left out most of the positive lines.

    Anyways, I'm interested in the new Zune since it seems microsoft is focusing on it being a media player, while apple seems to be moving towards a new gameboy/internet machine with the touch... I know everybody has laughed at the radio in the zune in the past, but now Apple seems to be playing catchup, and was beat to the punch with HD radio, as well as the Zune's ability to transmit 720p via a cable directly to the TV (which basically gives it better-than-iTV funtionality...)

    You're wasting your time with that one.
  • Reply 62 of 231
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    And as for 720p playback, the iPod Touch is apparently capable of that. Apple can flip the switch on that little feature any time.

    Yeah, all they have to do is send us a diagram showing us the HDMI output none of us has noticed yet on the touch.... Enjoy your kool-aid while you wait.
  • Reply 63 of 231
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Pre iTunes: I could play on any device I wanted. Audiophile sound quality.

    Post iTunes: Only playable on Apple products, no international music availble

    domestically. Mediocre sound quality- no lossless.

    Methinks your coffee's spiked with too much kool-aid today.

    Any other questions?

    i was looking at the specs of some Android cell phones and they support AAC. i've seen a lot of devices support AAC
  • Reply 64 of 231
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    What would be cool was if Apple, like Microsoft has done with the Zune at least, is continually try to improve it's lemon.

    I guess regular iPod refreshes, the App Store, the iPod as a pocket computing device, iTunes and regular software improvements, more storage, more speed, the best mobile browser etc., aren't actual improvements.

    Should we be impressed that MS improved on garbage? Isn't that supposed to be easy?

    Apparently, not, because it still isn't enough.
  • Reply 65 of 231
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    as well as the Zune's ability to transmit 720p via a cable directly to the TV (which basically gives it better-than-iTV funtionality...)

    The AppleTV does 720p already so which part is "better-than-iTV functionality"?
  • Reply 66 of 231
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    When you're talking obvious and sad MS me-too attempts vs. Apple, there is always bias. It's not an equal situation.

    AI seems to be doing their best to be honest here.

    Today's article was a good summary of the reviews. The Monday article is the one I was referring to as belonging on Roughtly Drafted, not AI. That article may have been mostly factually accurate. But even hard, cold facts can be presented in an extremely biased manner. I have a very hard time buying into what may, in fact, be true when it's presented by an author with a very obvious bias. It completely discredits the valid points they author may make. Guilt by association.
  • Reply 67 of 231
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    Yeah, all they have to do is send us a diagram showing us the HDMI output none of us has noticed yet on the touch.... Enjoy your kool-aid while you wait.

    Well, the ZuneHD technically doesn't have an HDMI output on it either. That requires an additional $90 option, albeit one that Apple doesn't yet offer.
  • Reply 68 of 231
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Today's article was a good summary of the reviews. The Monday article is the one I was referring to as belonging on Roughtly Drafted, not AI. That article may have been mostly factually accurate. But even hard, cold facts can be presented in an extremely biased manner. I have a very hard time buying into what may, in fact, be true when it's presented by an author with a very obvious bias. It completely discredits the valid points they author may make. Guilt by association.

    Ah, ok. I suppose I can see the merit in that. Just one of the things you'll need to deal with on AI, though, for better or worse.
  • Reply 69 of 231
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    Except for the "movie night at a friend's house", the AppleTV already does this. But yes, it would make for a cool feature on the iPod Touch and/or iPhone.

    You want to unhook all the cables from you AppleTV and haul it over to your friend's house? Then take it back home and have to hook it all back up again?

    You must have worked in the AV department in high shool.
  • Reply 70 of 231
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    The AppleTV does 720p already so which part is "better-than-iTV functionality"?

    Try sticking an iTV in your pocket and taking it for a walk, and you might understand
  • Reply 71 of 231
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    The AppleTV does 720p already so which part is "better-than-iTV functionality"?

    Which one can you walk around with comfortably?

    I don't think comparing the two makes much sense.
  • Reply 72 of 231
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    Yeah, all they have to do is send us a diagram showing us the HDMI output none of us has noticed yet on the touch.... Enjoy your kool-aid while you wait.

    Notice how whenever something's not there in an Apple product - Fanboyz answer always is " Oh it exists , Apple only needs to turn on the switch, blah, blah , blah. ? They said the same thing yesterday discussing the new Tablet - whether it should get the existing iPhones OS as opossed to a modifed full SnowLeopard OS. 'Oh Muti Open apps exist- all Appple needs to do is turn it on!"

    Next thing they'll be saying is about a removable battry- "Oh it exists . all Apple has to do is cut into the metal and install a latch!"
  • Reply 73 of 231
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    You want to unhook all the cables from you AppleTV and haul it over to your friend's house? Then take it back home and have to hook it all back up again?

    You must have worked in the AV department in high shool.

    All the cables? Try HDMI and power. Last time I checked, the Zune HD dock needs those as well.
  • Reply 74 of 231
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    If you read the Gizmodo review (which AI has curiously refrained from quoting), you'd see that they call it the best PMP on the market.

    Also, AI has (as can normally be expected), included all of the best negative lines from the reviews they quoted, and left out most of the positive lines.

    Anyways, I'm interested in the new Zune since it seems microsoft is focusing on it being a media player, while apple seems to be moving towards a new gameboy/internet machine with the touch... I know everybody has laughed at the radio in the zune in the past, but now Apple seems to be playing catchup, and was beat to the punch with HD radio, as well as the Zune's ability to transmit 720p via a cable directly to the TV (which basically gives it better-than-iTV funtionality...)

    The iPod touch isn't included in that definition of PMP (see article called the Portable Media Player is Dead, Long Live.... the Portable Media Player). They were saying that the Zune is better than the Samsungs and Sony's of the world. The iPhone 3GS and iPod touch are fully capable of playing 720p video, maybe the Zune will encourage Apple to provide an update that enables it. Microsoft even set the cost of the dock nice and high at $90.

    I for one don't want to watch an ad for the Kia Soul when I launch chess.
  • Reply 74 of 231
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Which one can you walk around with comfortably?

    I don't think comparing the two makes much sense.

    I think it does. Basically, both "squirt" songs to and from other sources (although no iTV user would call it that), including computers (although the zune can also receive from other zunes), and both have HD outputs of the same quality, and the same codec support. The main difference is in convenience and size. When you think about it, the Zune has got to be an attractive option who are looking for both a media centre and a PMP, since it effectively does both. No Apple product does (yet).
  • Reply 76 of 231
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    Try sticking an iTV in your pocket and taking it for a walk, and you might understand

    I've got really big pockets

    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Which one can you walk around with comfortably?

    I don't think comparing the two makes much sense.

    I'm not the one who made the original comparison. Just correcting someone who claimed that the AppleTV couldn't do 720p.
  • Reply 77 of 231
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Which one can you walk around with comfortably?

    I don't think comparing the two makes much sense.

    Dang - you'd wind up with second degree hand burns from the AppleTV!
  • Reply 78 of 231
    ...something to the effect of 'you have to pull it [the iPhone] out and look at it just to answer the phone'?

    I've looked but can't seem to find the source of that quote but I know someone with a high position said that. If not Microsoft, then Dell?

    Anyone remember that?
  • Reply 79 of 231
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Dang - you'd wind up with second degree hand burns from the AppleTV!

    Keeps me warm when I carry it over to my friends house.
  • Reply 80 of 231
    There's not a whole lot of reason to be discussing this anyway, I'm beginning to realize. This thing will flop the same way the original Zune did. It's an exact rehash of the original Zune situation, except a few years later.

    We're debating yet another one of MS' failures-to-be.
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