Apple plans Mighty Mouse makeover



  • Reply 21 of 164
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by super8sean View Post

    Alcohol on some toilet paper.

    put the toilet paper on a hard table

    and rool the ball on it really fast

    all the dirt will come out of the ball

    p.s use a lot of alcohol


    Thanks you Thanks you Thanks you Thanks you Thanks you Thanks you Thanks you
  • Reply 22 of 164
    I don't understand why Apple cannot get the scroll ball to work properly to be honest. I think the idea really is very good just badly implemented. In it's current design, the Microsoft solution of a scroll wheel that can be tilted works better (but is not as flexible).

    So why does Apple seem to have so many problems with this? I've had a couple different Blackberry's now with the little scroll ball and they work great. Only once did I ever get something in there and it was easy to clean (and I did not even have to take out the ball which you can do on a Blackberry (Apple stop being so concerned with sealing everything up so people cannot open them). If RIM can do it, why not Apple?

    That being said - RIM no has moved to a mini trackpad instead of a scrollball on their newest models (also very cool) which also would work nicely on a mouse.
  • Reply 23 of 164
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Strange that despite the mouse debacles Apple has made impressive advances on the trackpad.

    I can't stand a one button mouse, but one button is way better on a multi-touch trackpad. They took a stagnant technology and moved it along.
  • Reply 24 of 164
    I love my Bluetooth Mighty Mouse as it is, though I occasionally have the problem where the trackball needs a vigorous cleaning to get it scrolling right again. Plus it absolutely devours batteries, so I use rechargeable to try and alleviate it... just means I (literally) have to keep ~20 rechargeables around.
  • Reply 25 of 164

    Maybe that guy's not making a bunch of stuff up after all?
  • Reply 26 of 164
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Apple hasn't made a good mouse since the ADB II Mouse. That was a great mouse. It was only one button, but it was the perfect shape. Everything since has been horrible. I haven't used an Apple mouse in over a decade.

    HATE the Mighty Mouse:
    1. Stupid little ball

    2. Flat shape (same height in back and front so you can't easily push it around with your palm)

    3. One giant button with TEENY TINY little side pads. To lift the mouse with the button clicked you have to stop and think about your grip and make sure your thumb and outer fingers are positioned just so.

    4. Side "buttons" are useless as buttons are are accidentally "clicked" far too easily

    5. Touch sensitive two button idea sounds cool in principle but without tactile feedback it's easy to send a regular click when you meant to right-click. And you should just see computer illiterates try to use the thing as a two button. Their heads explode.

    It's like Apple never even tested the thing with... you know... humans. Total garbage. I really hope this new mouse is an improvement. It would be nice to go back to using an Apple mouse instead of Logitech and Microsoft. Much as I dislike MS in general... they make great mice. The Laser Mouse 7000 is awesome. Awesome shape. Nice thumb button. Light as a feather.
  • Reply 27 of 164
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member

    Apple may extend antiglare display option to more Macs

    You're welcome.
  • Reply 28 of 164
    m8689m8689 Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I hear you! I have tried alcohol, compressed air and swearing at it. My tiny roller ball remains unable to scroll anywhere but sideways and that is sporadic at best. Helpful suggestions welcome.

    There's a kbase article with a video that shows how to properly clean the clogball:
  • Reply 29 of 164
    I still don't fully understand the hatred so many people have for the Mighty Mouse. I've loved my Mighty Mouse since day one and I've never had any of the usability problems so many people complain about. What little dust or whatever gets into the scroll ball chamber is easily, and quickly, removed by rolling the ball on a white sheet of paper (no alcohol required). Having said that, I'm eager to see what improvements/innovations SJ and Apple are bringing to the "indispensable" desktop rodent.

    Honestly, I'd like to see Apple go the full Monty and introduce a touchboard that would replace the traditional keyboard and mouse combination in favor of a single multitouch input device roughly the size of the current Apple extended keyboard. Like the versatile interface of the iPhone and iPod touch, the touchboard screen could adapt to the needs of the application being used and the user's preferences; it could even have multiple "home screens" like the iPhone and iPod touch.

    Right now, the concept is admittedly more high-end than many users would be able to handle (at least initially) and it certainly wouldn't appeal to everyone. It would also probably be limited to professional workstations and be really expensive (again, at first). But Apple did just order a lot of touch screens if I'm not mistaken, so maybe the cost for such a device won't be too prohibitive.

    I dunno. It's a thought. Maybe one day. As long as we keep heading toward a Minority Report level of input, I'm cool with it.
  • Reply 30 of 164
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    As I have said before, picking a mouse is like buying a pair of gloves or even mitts. A special glove for golfing, playing baseball, hockey, or even for protection from the weather or work, it is a matter of function and fit.

    Whatever Apple introduces, it will never suit everyone. Although millions are more than satisfied with the mouse that came with their pc, there are those that immediately go back to the one they are used to or search for a 'new' replacement.

    Whatever Apple introduces, it will probably restart another evolution in design. Not that it doesn't work, but the technology behind the device will instill the Logitech's, MacAlly's and Microsoft's to update their own barn.

    Perhaps, though, maybe it is time for the mouse to fade away.

    Why could't the next mouse be your own 'naked' hand.

    Why couldn't Apple's multi-touch technology be the basis for an 'external' bluetooth-trackpad?

    Or better yet, why a trackpad at all? Could not the 'multi-touch technology be integrated into the keyboard keys themselves where our fingers are already positioned?

    Hmmm. An Apple Multi-Touch Keyboard. Hard-touch for input, light-touch for navigation.

    Works for me.

    P.S. But it still wouldn't be for everyone. Like those who would never buy a new car with an automatic transmission.
  • Reply 31 of 164
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by DanaCameron View Post

    I still don't fully understand the hatred so many people have for the Mighty Mouse.

    Once you get used to using a good mouse with good ergonomics and normal buttons... the Mighty Mouse is aggravating to use for anything other than casual internet use. In my experience.
  • Reply 32 of 164
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    The intro video is great. It is amazing that they are still doing the same basic presentations today, just with better graphics and a wardrobe change.
  • Reply 33 of 164
    Originally Posted by Shintocam View Post

    I don't understand why Apple cannot get the scroll ball to work properly to be honest. I think the idea really is very good just badly implemented. In it's current design, the Microsoft solution of a scroll wheel that can be tilted works better (but is not as flexible).

    So why does Apple seem to have so many problems with this? I've had a couple different Blackberry's now with the little scroll ball and they work great. Only once did I ever get something in there and it was easy to clean (and I did not even have to take out the ball which you can do on a Blackberry (Apple stop being so concerned with sealing everything up so people cannot open them). If RIM can do it, why not Apple?

    That being said - RIM no has moved to a mini trackpad instead of a scrollball on their newest models (also very cool) which also would work nicely on a mouse.

    I love hearing people bitch about the scroll ball on the mighty mouse like its the one thing that makes it or breaks it. I consider it a pretty decent OEM mouse although I find it a little small for my hand. I use it at work and like most people that use it I've had the ball get clogged with debris. I found a easy way to get rid of the obstruction. While the computer is off, or the mouse is unplugged or you kick on the desktop so that no window is active, while pressing down hard on the scroll ball spin it with your finger in one direction for a few seconds then do the same thing in the other direction. Doing this kicks out whatever particle that happens to be causing the obstruction pretty much all the time. I'm more frustrated now when I need to clean the underside where all the dust builds up along the ring than I am with any scroll ball issues. It'll be interesting to see what this new touch enhanced mouse is like.
  • Reply 34 of 164

    In 1984, columnist John Dvorak wrote, "The nature of the personal computer is simply not fully understood by companies like Apple (or anyone else for that matter). Apple makes the arrogant assumption of thinking that it knows what you want and need. [...] The Macintosh uses an experimental pointing device called a ?mouse?. There is no evidence that people want to use these things. I don't want one of these new fangled devices."

    I love that quote. It's up there with the guy who said no one would want a computer in their homes and the boss of Decca records who refused to sign the Beatles because guitar bands were "on the way out"
  • Reply 35 of 164
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    The history of the mouse is very interesting and well covered here.

    Unfortunately it has been a long time since Apple has shipped a useful mouse. As someone else mentioned it appears that Apples goal is to keep Logitech in business. We should not discount Apples failures when they try to innovate. It is sad that many are so vocal about other Mac defects but openly accept the need to buy a mouse for a new Mac.

    Apple really should be more responsive when consumers reject it's innovation. The current mouse should have been replaced long ago. I worry that this next attempt to innovate won't be any better than the rest. Sometimes it just isn't possible to take a concept any further after a certain arraingement becomes accepted. Sort of like sockets and ratchets or Hobart mixers for cooks.

  • Reply 36 of 164
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member
    Originally Posted by 1337_5L4Xx0R View Post

    $50 says it's going to suck, like every mac mouse shipped by apple in the last 10 years

    I'm a complete Apple apologist, but...

    While the first part may not be true (hoping Apple is determined to improve their mouse reputation) but the second definitely is.
  • Reply 37 of 164
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    This is like having a discussion on what types of casette tapes do your prefer in 1990.

    The mouse will soon be a thing of the past. It's dead.

    A wireless track pad is the thing Apple should have next. Especially for the new idustrial designed iMac.

    I already have own one on my iPhone- fantastic App- the AirMouse. Works by WiFi not bluetooth.
  • Reply 38 of 164
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member
    Originally Posted by gimpymw View Post

    I love hearing people bitch about the scroll ball on the mighty mouse like its the one thing that makes it or breaks it.

    You want my two dead wired MM ? : ) I spent $$$ on replacement mice for each that still work years later. Never needed cleaning either.

    But my MMs are bricks, not dirty.
  • Reply 39 of 164
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by 1337_5L4Xx0R View Post

    $50 says it's going to suck, like every mac mouse shipped by apple in the last 10 years

    That's one of the reasons Logitech is so profitable... maybe they pay Apple to ship crappy mice...

    ... nah maybe not.

    Last I checked, Logitech does well selling Mice to 95% of the computing world...who use PCs.
  • Reply 40 of 164
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    I [?] HATE the Mighty Mouse:
    1. Stupid little ball

    2. Flat shape (same height in back and front so you can't easily push it around with your palm)

    3. One giant button with TEENY TINY little side pads. To lift the mouse with the button clicked you have to stop and think about your grip and make sure your thumb and outer fingers are positioned just so.

    4. Side "buttons" are useless as buttons are are accidentally "clicked" far too easily

    5. Touch sensitive two button idea sounds cool in principle but without tactile feedback it's easy to send a regular click when you meant to right-click. And you should just see computer illiterates try to use the thing as a two button. Their heads explode.

    It's like Apple never even tested the thing with... you know... humans. Total garbage.

    Do you have really big hands or something? I mean, like Lurch big? The MM is easily configurable for one- or two-button operation, and I've always found the two-button configuration to be very reliable without me having to concentrate on how I'm gripping it. My aging mother (as I imagine many seniors) was a bit awkward with it, so I configured it for one-button operation for her, and she did okay. Not trying to discount your experience with the MM (you're certainly not alone), but I've just never found the MM as problematic or difficult to use as you describe.

    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    I really hope this new mouse is an improvement. It would be nice to go back to using an Apple mouse instead of Logitech and Microsoft. Much as I dislike MS in general... they make great mice. The Laser Mouse 7000 is awesome. Awesome shape. Nice thumb button. Light as a feather.

    I hope this new mouse, or whatever they introduce, is an improvement too. I've always preferred the acceleration curves of Windows' mice; I've always attributed the smoother response and feel to the software as opposed to the hardware of any particular brand of mouse. Apple's mouse control panel has never given me the flexibility to customize the mouse's acceleration curves exactly the way I like them. Kensington's 4-button Turbo Mouse was the best for that. But Kensington ruined a great thing when they "improved" the Turbo Mouse with their so-called "Expert" Mouse. It was such a horrible product (to my experience) that I abandoned trackballs forever.
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