Apple says no more product introductions until next year



  • Reply 101 of 122
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    USB 3 isn't around the corner, and with Light Peak possibly coming available late 2010, we may not see it at all.

    It isn't? Even though manufacturers are starting to put it on motherboards? Nobody's doing that with Light Peak. Between you and me I hope we are both right. USB3 for backwards compatibility, and Light Peak for faster external storage.

    I haven't researched this but can Light Peak power external devices like Firewire and USB, or is it strictly a data transmission medium via fiber technology.
  • Reply 102 of 122
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by star-fish View Post

    The Apple TV is getting a revamp very soon

    I hope so. Apple?s window for being to corner the living room appears to be shrinking. Then again, doing it right is better than doing it first.

    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    The lack of 1080p is also an issue for me. Why shouldn't I be able to stream 1080p? I can do that right now on my Xbox 360, and have bandwidth to spare. (50mbit uncapped cable)

    On the current AppleTV, no. It can?t handle it. The HW in the 360 is much more powerful than the appleTV. Now if the next AppleTV can?t do 1080p I?d be nonplissed.


    ...and most importantly of all - making it an open platform. I should be able to install apps for web streaming services, twitter etc with ease.

    I can?t agree with making it an open platform. It runs OS X, Apple is not going to make that open. Or if you meant just making it like a Mac Mini so it?s a typical Mac, i can?t agree with that either. No media appliance gets sold that way. They have a 10ft User Interface designed to be used with remote control.

    I would like an easy way to install codecs as I know Apple doesn?t want to get involved in potential patent and copyright issues there. I would also like to see an AppleTV SDK. I think that an App Store for the device could be what sets this media appliance apart from the rest. Netflix and Hulu streaming would be great, but I am doubtful of those.

    Now that the iPhone and Touch have AppleTV access and the tablet may be useful in the living room as a reader, I think that a Safari browser would be a useful for those occasional lookups. How about using the iPhone to speak into the app, have it translated to text and the text searched in Safari on your HDTV?
  • Reply 103 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    It isn't? Even though manufacturers are starting to put it on motherboards? Nobody's doing that with Light Peak. Between you and me I hope we are both right. USB3 for backwards compatibility, and Light Peak for faster external storage.

    I haven't researched this but can Light Peak power external devices like Firewire and USB, or is it strictly a data transmission medium via fiber technology.

    With Intel dropping any near term support, and possibly any support, that will be a major blow. Intel makes a good 50% of the mobo's for manufacturers. If they don't support it, then it won't be widely available on the brands people use most, and on many smaller brands as well. If Apple decides to not support it either, then it will have problems.

    Light Peak is a wrench in the works. Something not seen by anyone. It could change the entire equation.
  • Reply 104 of 122
    anyaanya Posts: 14member
    This makes me wonder if I should wait to purchase a new Macbook Pro. My current white Macbook is broken, and I'm planning on buying a Macbook Pro this time, but if there's a possible updated one in the making, I dunno if I should just wait. :/ Heh.
  • Reply 105 of 122
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    With Intel dropping any near term support, and possibly any support, that will be a major blow. Intel makes a good 50% of the mobo's for manufacturers. If they don't support it, then it won't be widely available on the brands people use most, and on many smaller brands as well. If Apple decides to not support it either, then it will have problems.

    Light Peak is a wrench in the works. Something not seen by anyone. It could change the entire equation.

    I see where Intel said they are not jumping on board, but to me it doesn't make much sense. Now that the specs are laid out how much effort is involved implementing it? I'm not a chip designer but wouldn't you want your chips to have the latest and greatest technology out there? Intel's statement to me sounds like they were caught with their pants down. I ask to someone more intelligent than I, why is Intel dragging their feet?
  • Reply 106 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by Anya View Post

    This makes me wonder if I should wait to purchase a new Macbook Pro. My current white Macbook is broken, and I'm planning on buying a Macbook Pro this time, but if there's a possible updated one in the making, I dunno if I should just wait. :/ Heh.

    The question is how long CAN you wait? I recently bought my daughter a MBP. She couldn't wait, because she had to go to the UK for school. Do you have some need the next few months, and can you fulfill it some other way until then?

    That's the question you need to answer.
  • Reply 107 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    I see where Intel said they are not jumping on board, but to me it doesn't make much sense. Now that the specs are laid out how much effort is involved implementing it? I'm not a chip designer but wouldn't you want your chips to have the latest and greatest technology out there? Intel's statement to me sounds like they were caught with their pants down. I ask to someone more intelligent than I, why is Intel dragging their feet?

    Intel was the one who came up with the USB 3 standard in the first place, and who has first silicon, so they were not caught with their pants down.

    This move surprised everyone in the industry.
  • Reply 108 of 122
    [QUOTE=Jerseymac;1508942]Or maybe they are just saying that to get you to pull the trigger on a new purchase! There is still time for all your requests to be fulfilled.

    iPhone with flash and multitasking

    Best to hold off for now. [/QUI

    Mope only jail broken. Yeah it's free online but who needs that when jailbroken can also play whole seasons. Apple wants $1.99 to$2.99 for something thats already free. So unless youbjailbreak which gives you the full potential of this phone.

    Peace be safe stay healthy. God Bless.
  • Reply 109 of 122
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Intel was the one who came up with the USB 3 standard in the first place...

    I just hope Apple is ready with USB3.0 come January and the Pro machines are ready for an update. I have a feeling that Apple will stale on USB3.0 they way did on USB2.0 when they were trying to promote their FW400, despite expensive fees that pretty much ensured low adoption. If not USB3.0 early next year, then I hope they have FW1600/3200 ready, but I can?t say I?m comfortable making that prediction.

    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Mope only jail broken. Yeah it's free online but who needs that when jailbroken can also play whole seasons. Apple wants $1.99 to$2.99 for something thats already free. So unless youbjailbreak which gives you the full potential of this phone.

    Peace be safe stay healthy. God Bless.

    The only free shows are from sites like Hulu, and they aren?t actually free since they are ad supported. They also can?t be downloaded. The only way to get free shows are from DVRs which allow you to transfer the MPEG-2 data to a PC, but that isn?t exactly legal and certainly a PITA for many people who do possess the technical skill and completely out of reach for the average person. Apple?s offering is just an option, and actually one that I?ve used myself now that it can be done via the iPhone. I even bought my first iTunes song only after the option was allowed on the iPhone simply because of convenience.
  • Reply 110 of 122
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,390moderator
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    Mr. Schiller has just shattered all the wet dreams of prognosticators waiting for their quad-core MBPs (15" model too).

    Anyone with foresight should have known that no quad-core would make its way into a MBP this year --at least not in the 13" and 15" units.

    I wonder why they'd put new model numbers into their OS update though. 10.6.2, which hasn't been released yet has model numbers Macbook Pro 6,1 and 6,2, which currently don't exist. Given that the expected update to quad mobile chips would only appear in the highest Macbook Pros, it makes sense that only two new models would appear. They could come out in January but still, 10.6.2 has native Magic Mouse support so it should come sooner rather than later meaning unless they remove those references, the update will effectively announce new products 2 months in advance.
  • Reply 111 of 122
    Just want to set the record straight here. I've been with AT&T for almost 10 years and got my 1st iPhone when it went to 3G.

    I did not jail break it until I saw how expensive Tom Tom and seeing GV Mobile taken down pushed me over the edge then I saw that you could get it for free, if jailbroken. So I did. After nine years but now I had Tom Tom, gv mobile and got an invite last month. I added that number to my AT&T A list so now all calls from gv mobile are free. Have yet to find out how to get free text so I pay $15 a month which is ridiculous as I read a report it uses parts of the phone system that take up now band width.

    Then I discovered free teethering, and this free program that let's you scroll up and down or sideways when not in an app to get to any page. I use this all the time and Tom Tom quite a bit.

    It Aldo offers a flash player plug in for safari but it also let's you download full seasons via torrents which really isn't stealing as ABC lost seasons 1-5 are free on line yet again apple wants you to pay between 2-3 dollars PER episode for something that is free. So I don't think we wil ever see flash on the iPhone.

    Just my opinion. Ymmv
  • Reply 112 of 122
    pmcdpmcd Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    I have an Apple TV and I find the interface to be ugly, slow, and generally poor. It's not very 'Apple-like' either, as it's comprised mostly of a basic white font on a black background with simple white borders around things. Very poor.

    The lack of 1080p is also an issue for me. Why shouldn't I be able to stream 1080p? I can do that right now on my Xbox 360, and have bandwidth to spare. (50mbit uncapped cable)

    I think the Apple TV needs a total do-over. Faster hardware, 1080p, an all new MUCH prettier and more modern interface, an iTunes movie/TV subscription option, and most importantly of all - making it an open platform. I should be able to install apps for web streaming services, twitter etc with ease.

    As it stands the X360 is a better media device than the Apple TV. Much better actually.

    The interface is not slow. Something must be wrong with your device. 1080p streaming is crazy at this point. Those people transferring Blu-ray 10gig+ movies will be the reason everyone gets capped. Almost noone has 50megabit access with unlimited data transfers and consequently I wouldn't bother with it if I were Apple.

    The XBox360 is a games' machine. Same for the PS3. They may be very nice, but I don't need a games' machine. If I had to choose one then I'd get a PS3 for the Blu-ray but since I don't want a dvd collection I'd rather not get it.

    Making it an open platform. Yeah, right.

    As for the XBox 360 being a better media device, does it run XBMC or do you have to use some PC to stream stuff to it? Not that familiar with it.

  • Reply 113 of 122
    pmcdpmcd Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I would like an easy way to install codecs as I know Apple doesn?t want to get involved in potential patent and copyright issues there. I would also like to see an AppleTV SDK. I think that an App Store for the device could be what sets this media appliance apart from the rest. Netflix and Hulu streaming would be great, but I am doubtful of those.

    Now that the iPhone and Touch have AppleTV access and the tablet may be useful in the living room as a reader, I think that a Safari browser would be a useful for those occasional lookups. How about using the iPhone to speak into the app, have it translated to text and the text searched in Safari on your HDTV?

    Why do you need extra codecs? What is wrong with h.264? It scales nicely, is standard, etc... I can't see any reason at all to support xvid, dvix, wmv, etc....and mkv containers.

    Easy way? For goodness sakes, it takes 10 minutes.

  • Reply 114 of 122
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by pmcd View Post

    Why do you need extra codecs? What is wrong with h.264? It scales nicely, is standard, etc... I can't see any reason at all to support xvid, dvix, wmv, etc....and mkv containers.

    Easy way? For goodness sakes, it takes 10 minutes.


    H.264 is nice, but I do use other codecs.

    Are you saying that it would take ten minutes for the average Apple customer to figure out how it can be done by researching it online, getting a USB flash drive, figuring out how to removing the hidden U3 partition that has affected many trying to install Boxee and then getting the install itself complete? I don't think so.
  • Reply 115 of 122
    pmcdpmcd Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    H.264 is nice, but I do use other codecs.

    Are you saying that it would take ten minutes for the average Apple customer to figure out how it can be done by researching it online, getting a USB flash drive, figuring out how to removing the hidden U3 partition that has affected many trying to install Boxee and then getting the install itself complete? I don't think so.

    Well you, not the average customer, said you wanted an easy way The average customer is not going to worry about multiple codecs anyway. They will use H.264 or WMV. Here's an alternative to Boxee/XBMC:

    1- get usb flask, put into mac

    2- downoad the ATV 3.0 OS (this is optional, but it's pretty nice)

    3- download atvusb-creator from google sw

    4- run 3 and use the dmg in 2 and don't select software menu, xbmc/Boxee

    5- shut off ATV. Put in flash drive. Turn on and when it tells you shut off again

    6- You now have sftp/ssh access so you can do whatever you like.

    7- Intslall Perian 1.1.4

    8- reboot


    Now, your ATV will play anything (well not .mkv). To make it easier, buy VideoDrive ($15 or so) and this will, amongst other things, allow you to sync xvid,etc...sw to your ATV as though it were h.264 (no transcoding required). As a bonus it provides you with automatic meyadata searching and installation.

    You don't need Boxee or XBMC and the ATV works the way it does in the iTunes environment. Of course you can also install XBMC but that's another few minutes.

    Now, 10 minutes may be a bit of an exaggeration but it's really not that long to get the best media player available.

  • Reply 116 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I just hope Apple is ready with USB3.0 come January and the Pro machines are ready for an update. I have a feeling that Apple will stale on USB3.0 they way did on USB2.0 when they were trying to promote their FW400, despite expensive fees that pretty much ensured low adoption. If not USB3.0 early next year, then I hope they have FW1600/3200 ready, but I can?t say I?m comfortable making that prediction.

    I dubt it. But also, the Mac Pro is the machine that needs it the least, because we can insert a card when it's really viable. Which means, when actual hardware is there that we can use.

    I doubt that FW 3200 will be coming for Apple, or anyone else. A waste of time.


    The only free shows are from sites like Hulu, and they aren?t actually free since they are ad supported. They also can?t be downloaded. The only way to get free shows are from DVRs which allow you to transfer the MPEG-2 data to a PC, but that isn?t exactly legal and certainly a PITA for many people who do possess the technical skill and completely out of reach for the average person. Apple?s offering is just an option, and actually one that I?ve used myself now that it can be done via the iPhone. I even bought my first iTunes song only after the option was allowed on the iPhone simply because of convenience.

    Hulu is in trouble, some networks are prohibiting their stuff to be shown through it, and it seems likely that they will start charging.
  • Reply 117 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    Just want to set the record straight here. I've been with AT&T for almost 10 years and got my 1st iPhone when it went to 3G.

    I did not jail break it until I saw how expensive Tom Tom and seeing GV Mobile taken down pushed me over the edge then I saw that you could get it for free, if jailbroken. So I did. After nine years but now I had Tom Tom, gv mobile and got an invite last month. I added that number to my AT&T A list so now all calls from gv mobile are free. Have yet to find out how to get free text so I pay $15 a month which is ridiculous as I read a report it uses parts of the phone system that take up now band width.

    Then I discovered free teethering, and this free program that let's you scroll up and down or sideways when not in an app to get to any page. I use this all the time and Tom Tom quite a bit.

    It Aldo offers a flash player plug in for safari but it also let's you download full seasons via torrents which really isn't stealing as ABC lost seasons 1-5 are free on line yet again apple wants you to pay between 2-3 dollars PER episode for something that is free. So I don't think we wil ever see flash on the iPhone.

    Just my opinion. Ymmv

    So you're now stealing software, and you think that's ok enough to brag about here?

    You have a low sense of morality.
  • Reply 118 of 122
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I dubt it. But also, the Mac Pro is the machine that needs it the least, because we can insert a card when it's really viable. Which means, when actual hardware is there that we can use.

    I doubt that FW 3200 will be coming for Apple, or anyone else. A waste of time.

    Hulu is in trouble, some networks are prohibiting their stuff to be shown through it, and it seems likely that they will start charging.

    Good point on the Mac Pro, but i hope the MBPs get it. Intel?s wont support USB3.0 in their chips until 2011. Technical issues or trying to get LightPeak further along before they eventually support it? I?m going with the former as LightPeak seems to be 5 years out at this point.

    My concern for USB3.0 is with Apple?s staggered update cycle. If we don?t get USB3.0 with the next Mac release and the next iPhone comes out in the summer, when many more devices and PCs will have support, would Apple include USB3.0 support in that iPhone even though no Mac can utilize it? Seems like the PC support needs to come before the accessory support. Though, most of Apple?s iDevices are used with PCs, but would Apple want the PC world to say that syncing your iPhone to a PC by Dell is 5x faster than on a Mac? I wouldn?t think so.

    Gotta love technological crossroads!

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    So you're now stealing software, and you think that's ok enough to brag about here?

    You have a low sense of morality.

    Not bragging, just being informative. I started using the iPhone 3.0 Beta when it came out. Tethering was included and open on it. No need for any hack, jut turn it on and go. Once the official build came out it was off. I can?t buy the access from AT&T.

    You can?t even turn on tethering when using WiFi. CAN?T EVEN TETHER WITH WIFI. So Installed the profile that allows me to tether (no jail breaking required). If AT&T offered the option I would pay for it, but they don?t, so I will continue to make sure I have options for connecting remotely until they do offer it.

    I also know people that have jailbroken just to try out apps, like the expensive GPS apps. IF you buy a stand alone GPS you can return it if it doesn?t suit your needs. With software there are usually trial periods built, even for mobile apps. But Apple doesn?t have a trial period, even though they already have the technology with exploding media, so buying a $100 app isn?t something many want to do on a whim. I?ve submitted a request for it.

    However, Apple is pretty good about refunding your money if you don?t like an app. Though I can see how that might be somewhat of a gamble for some.
  • Reply 119 of 122
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    [QUOTE=solipsism;1512461]Good point on the Mac Pro, but i hope the MBPs get it. Intel’s wont support USB3.0 in their chips until 2011. Technical issues or trying to get LightPeak further along before they eventually support it? I’m going with the former as LightPeak seems to be 5 years out at this point./quote]

    I'm not so sure about how many computers will come with USB 3. We're seeing it on one Asus hacker board. Whether more than a few companies offer it on their built systems shortly, is open to question.

    I think that we'll see Light Peak sooner than later.


    My concern for USB3.0 is with Apple’s staggered update cycle. If we don’t get USB3.0 with the next Mac release and the next iPhone comes out in the summer, when many more devices and PCs will have support, would Apple include USB3.0 support in that iPhone even though no Mac can utilize it? Seems like the PC support needs to come before the accessory support. Though, most of Apple’s iDevices are used with PCs, but would Apple want the PC world to say that syncing your iPhone to a PC by Dell is 5x faster than on a Mac? I wouldn’t think so.

    Gotta love technological crossroads!

    As you know, I've been a supporter of USB 3. But if it looks that LP will supersede the physical interconnect that it uses for a multi format bus, I'm all for it.


    Not bragging, just being informative. I started using the iPhone 3.0 Beta when it came out. Tethering was included and open on it. No need for any hack, jut turn it on and go. Once the official build came out it was off. I can’t buy the access from AT&T.

    That was a beta, and as you know very well, it's not supposed to be used anymore. Apparently, they must have forgotten to put a timer into the software, or someone has worked around it.


    You can’t even turn on tethering when using WiFi. CAN’T EVEN TETHER WITH WIFI. So Installed the profile that allows me to tether (no jail breaking required). If AT&T offered the option I would pay for it, but they don’t, so I will continue to make sure I have options for connecting remotely until they do offer it.

    You know that it's wrong. The fact that it isn't offered yet is not an excuse.


    I also know people that have jailbroken just to try out apps, like the expensive GPS apps. IF you buy a stand alone GPS you can return it if it doesn’t suit your needs. With software there are usually trial periods built, even for mobile apps. But Apple doesn’t have a trial period, even though they already have the technology with exploding media, so buying a $100 app isn’t something many want to do on a whim. I’ve submitted a request for it.

    The jailbreak because someone just wants to "try" software is some of the biggest BS I've ever heard, and you know it. There's a lot of software being pirated out there, and it's ALL on jailbroken phones.


    However, Apple is pretty good about refunding your money if you don’t like an app. Though I can see how that might be somewhat of a gamble for some.

    Most iPhone software is so cheap to begin with that theres no excuse to cry if you don't like it. I mean, really, crying because you don't like a $3 app?
  • Reply 120 of 122
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I dubt it. But also, the Mac Pro is the machine that needs it the least, because we can insert a card when it's really viable. Which means, when actual hardware is there that we can use.

    I doubt that FW 3200 will be coming for Apple, or anyone else. A waste of time.

    Hulu is in trouble, some networks are prohibiting their stuff to be shown through it, and it seems likely that they will start charging.

    hulu will re invent itself as an international ad based old content / with some new content for sale thru there servers or linked to amazon/netflix network .

    HULU will never die
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