Apple tablet speculation: high-end graphics, several models

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Amplifying the buzz for Apple's long-rumored tablet device, a new report suggests the hardware will include a high-end graphics card to produce a picture with "stunning resolution."

In a roundup of speculation on the still-unannounced device, spoke with a number of analysts about the forthcoming tablet, set to debut in the first quarter of 2010. Most analysts heaped praise on the mythical device, predicting that it will take on a number of markets and eliminate the need for numerous devices.

One analyst, Laura DiDio with ITIC, reportedly provided supposed specifics on the hardware. She said the device will sport a "high-end graphics card" that will offer picture at a "stunning resolution" greater than the iPhone and iPod touch. She also stated that the device will come in "several different models," suggesting that a 3G-enabled version would be tied to a contract with a wireless carrier such as AT&T.

"Any time Steve Jobs gets on stage, the expectations are incredibly high, but they are especially lofty for the tablet," the report said. "Analysts and investors are saying that this device could revolutionize the handheld world in the same way the the iPhone changed the smartphone market."

DiDio also said that Apple's successor to the Newton will include a Web cam that will allow simple mobile video conferencing. That would support a rumor that surfaced this summer, which also stated the tablet would have an "education edition" geared towards schools.

Analysts surveyed said they believe the device will "kill" single-function devices like the Amazon Kindle by offering books, Web browsing, gaming, entertainment and on-the-go computing. The belief that the hardware will serve as a general-purpose device was also recently stated by Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal.

Many see the hardware as potentially filling a void between the iPhone and the low-end MacBook. Some believe it could be Apple's answer to the low-cost, ultra-portable netbook market. Analyst Gene Munster with Piper Jaffray has predicted that the hardware will sell about 2 million units in its first year.

While rumors of the Apple tablet have captivated Apple fans and the tech community, the hardware has reportedly also been the primary focus of company co-founder Steve Jobs. This summer, it was reported that the touchscreen device has been his No. 1 priority since returning to work from a liver transplant. Jobs' return to work was said to be "jarring" for those involved in the creation of the tablet, as the CEO is very hands-on.


  • Reply 1 of 180
    Yes! I managed to comment before teckstud did!

    Perhaps he's lying in bed sick today.

    Edit: Oh and it will be very exciting to see what the tablet will have to offer. I doubt it'll ever reach the success the iPhone has, though.
  • Reply 2 of 180
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Oh crap. I thought the tablet was going to be good, but if the analysts are in favor of it I am deeply worried.
  • Reply 3 of 180
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    2 million in the first year, what is he smoking.
  • Reply 4 of 180
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    2 million in the first year, what is he smoking.

    I do not see why that is so far off the mark.

    I guarantee everyone I know (within reason) will be buying one. Thats half way to the target already.
  • Reply 5 of 180
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    I do not see why that is so far off the mark.

    I guarantee everyone I know (within reason) will be buying one. Thats half way to the target already.

    How many other tablets have sold 2 million in their first year?
  • Reply 6 of 180
    If they don't call it Newton, I'll quietly do nothing.
  • Reply 7 of 180
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    How many other tablets have sold 2 million in their first year?

    How many other tablets were made by Apple though? This thing will sell - and, as the article notes, it will kill the Kindle and the other e-readers and tablets we see trickling to market almost every week. Get ready.
  • Reply 8 of 180
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    There is no guarantee this device is even going to exist. Why are there "lofty exectations" at all? And since when has apple been the company to offer "high end graphics cards"?
  • Reply 9 of 180
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    ...and they can't get this stunning graphics on a macbook? Tablet being thinner and smaller should mean that it's easier to offer on a macbook so what gives.
  • Reply 10 of 180
    So DiDio meant high end graphics (chip) instead of "high-end graphics card" - a little worrying that the analyst didn't really understand the technology, but this does suggest a HD media capable device (of course). But I agree with Adjei, this will be big and will open a huge market.
  • Reply 11 of 180
    Making predictions about a device that doesn't even exist yet is what makes me hate analysts so much. At least wait until Jobs announces it and sets a price before obviously pulling figures out of their asses!
  • Reply 12 of 180
    richysrichys Posts: 160member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    How many other tablets have sold 2 million in their first year?

    How many other tablets have provided users with any clear benefits? None that I can think of. I remember assessing some of the original XP tablets with an organisation that would have really benefited from the tablet concept. Only the execution was so poor. Too heavy. Too poor a battery life. Too clumsy (with the required stylus input). Too much of a general purpose OS with 'pen' features tacked on.

    What Apple do well is look at an existing problem, and take it back to first principles. They then create a tightly focussed device that generally (initially, at least) does a few key things well, while being simple to use and understand.

    Personally, if the tablet has a Cocoa Touch type GUI, with a full HD display, and is small enough with a decent enough battery life to only need recharging overnight, then I'm interested. Make it a combination of the iPod Touch (or iPhone, if you need more than wifi) for the web browsing, email, and apps, and the Apple TV in terms of media, then I'm pretty much sold.

    With luck, it'll be out just in time for bonus time!
  • Reply 13 of 180
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    I laughed when I read the "jarring" comment.
  • Reply 14 of 180
    Apple is in the enviable (what competitor doesn't ENVY Apple?) position of having a two-years+-proven new platform/ecosystem in the iPhone/iPodTouch, as well as time to study such fits and starts as the Android toys, Kindle, Nook, et al.

    The Apple Tablet would seem to be able to nicely complement its existing lines while not cannibalizing any of them, while easily outdoing all competing devices in features, aesthetics, and system integration, etc. Presumably, it would require only another slightly different version of OS X, too, as it accommodates another set of finger/stylus gestures, etc.

    It would also be logical for the tablet to bring along Adobe's PDF, and, dare I say, "Flash!", to the mix, thus giving us truly rich content reader/mulitmedia functionality, while making it that much easier for publishers to sell content.
  • Reply 15 of 180
    DiDo doesn't know Diddley.

    Seriously, while the screen resolution on a 10" device obviously will be higher than on a 3" device, I think low power consumption will be more important than high-end graphics.

    Good to see some tablet rumors again. The Schiller comment that "the holiday line-up is set" seemed to kill a lot of the speculation fun.


  • Reply 16 of 180
    The problem is it has been rumored and speculated on for years. By hearing about it for so long, people develop their own expectations of what it should be that Apple can never meet. Whatever comes out will be all that some people want and a disappointment to others.

    As far as killing single use devices like the Kindle I wonder, as the Kindle and similar devices use E Ink that is quite different from LCD technology. I know many people who vastly prefer to read from a Kindle than from any LCD. It is easier on the eyes and produces less strain. Then again, Apple may well introduce color E Ink on its tablet, who knows.
  • Reply 17 of 180
    Cool! May it be released in all iPod nano colours!
  • Reply 18 of 180
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    One analyst, Laura DiDio with ITIC, reportedly provided supposed specifics on the hardware. She said the device will sport a "high-end graphics card" that will offer picture at a "stunning resolution" greater than the iPhone and iPod touch.

    I think she's full of it. "Stunning resolution" is primarily about pixel density when talking about small devices, and I would say at most the tablet will sport an integrated mobile gpu of some grade. "High end" gpus are brick sized behemoths, and even the HD 4850s in the new iMacs require beefy heatsinks. Good luck stuffing one into a slim 10" tablet. I call BS on her statement.
  • Reply 19 of 180
    "Several different models"?

    When's the last time Apple debuted a new product in 'several different models'?

    Here's a crazy prediction: If Apple introduces a tablet, there will be one. One configuration, one way to get it. There won't be 3G subsidized and unsubsidized. There won't be different screen sizes. There won't be mix-and-match internal components. It will be one proposition.

    Variations might show up later, but not at launch.

    I'm still not sure if most analysts are knowingly link-baiting with nonsense, or whether they truly are that ignorant of the companies and industries they write about.
  • Reply 20 of 180
    sabonsabon Posts: 134member
    Maybe they are seeing or hearing about what is actually a different sized iPhone which they think means there are different sized Apple Tablet PCs.

    As for great graphics, I agree about the heat issue. But maybe it is great compared to the other products out there like the Kindle, etc., which don't have very good graphics because they only do text and weak graphics (non color to boot). So anything better than a Kindle has great graphics. Follow my line of reasoning?

    As for whether it will be good or not. Think cover flow and album extras and then there is movies which I really think it will be able to play.

    The question is. Standard def or high def? Is there a way to power HD movies and extra content on a tablet device? I'm not so sure about that. But again, if she is comparing it to a kindle ...
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