Tablet, iPhone OS 4.0, iLife 2010 'confirmed' for Apple event - report



  • Reply 121 of 224
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Or just someone with a brain.

    How anyone can take a word that comes out of that ultra-conservative, far right, pro-religious, homophobic, racist, sack of steaming lies is beyond me. It gives tabloid journalism a bad name.

    So yes, Fox News source = lie.

    Apparently you never followed that BBC News personality regarding knowledge and truthfulness on the subject matter she talks about... the highly educated, progressive intellectual, Katty Kay! You can find her touting her analysis on NBC / MSNBC, CNN, PBS, the usual bastions of journalistic integrity and objectivity, that definitely gives street cred to tabloid journalism!

    She has to be the dumbest "political analytical whore" you'll ever find! (a little Alan Grayson lingo if you please -

    I wonder where Katty Kay stands on Obama's skin color? Is he too light skin or not dark enough? Yeah, I see you have the usual diatribe of descriptive terms the left loves to bloviate, but comparing Fox News and racist only shows who among us lacks the brain!

    I selected this link from that rag the New York TImes so you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss with all your so called superior intelectual and analytical intelligence! I loved your brilliant "Fox News source = lie" analysis... absolutely pure genius! Keep up the great observations!
  • Reply 122 of 224
    Originally Posted by Daggermann View Post

    Has this ever happened before: That somebody leaked exactly which announcements will be made?


    Originally Posted by Daggermann View Post

    I don't believe it. Because the source is bad and because this has never happened before.

    Re-think that position. The morning Jobs was to reveal the new iMac (I forget which one--maybe the half-volleyball-base model?) either Newsweek or Time scooped him and had it on the cover!

    I bought a copy at the San Francisco Marriott newsstand and took it with me to stand in the long line that formed hours ahead of time, waiting to get into the keynote. A few others in line had the same magazine. It attracted a great deal of attention, because it revealed what we were all waiting and wondering about.
  • Reply 123 of 224
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    Originally Posted by echosonic View Post

    Isn't it funny how they can't help but inject their ideology into every aspect of everything they do/see/read/hear? I am amazed that the mere mention of Fox causes so many of them to begin blurting noises and puffing about like a bunch of territorially-challenged chimpanzees.

    You mean like you just did right there; right?
  • Reply 124 of 224
    doroteadorotea Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by Kishan View Post

    Okay, I get the iPhone4.0 and Tablet going together. But I still don't see the iLife thing.

    I certainly would hope iTunes would be on it. I'd hate to have an apple device that I couldn't have music. And what about video - we know Apple depends on iTunes for the db organization of media.
  • Reply 125 of 224

    What does that link have to do with the Times being racist?
  • Reply 126 of 224
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    Left winger?

    Just a hunch.

    I have a feeling that iLfe '10 will work on the tablet.

    ;-) You don't have to be a left winger to criticise Fox. If you are a left winger it is too easy a target. Fox is so far right that being a centrist, or even centrist conservative you can have fun with Fox.
  • Reply 127 of 224
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Again, let me explain to you: Stuff saved in iWork '09 cannot be opened in iWork '08.

    Do the following thought experiment in an intellectually honest way (if you can): If Microsoft came out with Office '09, and '10, each backwards-incompatible with the previous version, and yet had charged the same for the new versions, you would have complained.

    All I am suggesting is, there was a huge shift when Apple moved from 10.5 to 10.6, and I am simply hoping that the same does not happen when Apple moves from 10.6 nontouch to 10.6 touch. You should too.

    You mean like their new .docx format, not available in previous versions of Office? Like that? Like when the made it the default format for their Windows version of Office and then didn't even have a translator for Mac? Like that? Uh, people did complain. Maybe you just weren't paying attention. But Office made it possible to store in an alternate format, and so global meltdown was averted. Whew.

    Microsoft has a long history of going out of its way to be incompatible with Office formats, and they've changed enough times to legitimately wonder if 'incompatibility' isn't the primary reason. They did .rtf, and when people figured out .rtf, they moved to .doc, and now that everyone has pretty much figured out .doc, they give us .docx.

    Since you want to talk about intellectual honesty, try and understand what happened that forced the change from Pages 08 to Pages 09 (if you can). The Pages 08 format was a package. That's a nifty design but it has problems. You might put it in a .zip to email it, then unzip it, and viola! it's a folder with stuff in it. The Pages engineers realized they had a broken (or anyway suboptimal) file format and they changed the format to a flat file. It wasn't ill will, or pique, or a desire to force migration (though they're happy enough to prod you in that direction, no doubt). If you have Pages 08, no, it won't open that 09 file. But you could have saved it in a .doc format or a .rtf format.

    You're lecturing about this like you think you're parting the clouds. But everybody you're lecturing probably knows all this. I sure do. It's not like Pages has become the de facto file-exchange standard, anyhow, and they nearly brought industry to its knees with a thoughtless format change. How many Pages files that you open were created by someone outside your immediate circle? running version 2+ levels different from your own? whom you couldn't call and say, 'Hey dude, save that file in .rtf for me, willya."?

    Complaining about the near certainty of a 2010 version of iWork is like me bitching that the sun shouldn't rise today just because I had a bad weekend. If it's inconvenient to me that the inevitable happen, I need to deal with it. Likewise, if it's inconvenient to you that iWork 2010 might come, well then, it's up to you to deal with that. But of all the things in the world, an inconvenient but optional software update is about the most trivial thing in the world to lose your water about.
  • Reply 128 of 224
    Those who are doubting this report are showing extreme ignorance. "OMG Fox Nooz iz teh SUXXORZ!!!" The author is Clayton Morris, a very reputable journalist well regarded by everyone from Leo Laporte to Tom Merritt to Veronica Belmont to Partick Norton.

    Obviously, this is a controlled leak by Apple to make sure journalist butts are in seats next Wednesday.

    So who cares who Clayton works for? YOUR boss is probably McDonalds, so STFU and get back to work.
  • Reply 129 of 224
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    A tablet and iPhone OS 4.0 have been rumored for ages, the only new "information" is iLife. Additionally the term focus isn't all inclusive, this doesn't exclude the possibility of new MBP's being quickly introduced, or anything else for that matter and more specifically it doesn't give any information about what the tablet would do, which is what they will spend the most time talking about. We've seen many rumored lineups before, iPods come to mind.

    Saying again, we've obviously heard plenty of rumors, but I don't recall ever seeing one, for any Apple product, sourced as coming directly from Apple. That's the difference between this rumor and all the others, and that one single fact about it pins my implausibility meter.
  • Reply 130 of 224
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Or just someone with a brain.

    How anyone can take a word that comes out of that ultra-conservative, far right, pro-religious, homophobic, racist, sack of steaming lies is beyond me. It gives tabloid journalism a bad name.

    So yes, Fox News source = lie.

    Oh, the liberal spelling is "Faux" News.

    Get it right.

    Have a wonderful hate filled evening.
  • Reply 131 of 224
    ltmpltmp Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by echosonic View Post

    Isn't it funny how they can't help but inject their ideology into every aspect of everything they do/see/read/hear? I am amazed that the mere mention of Fox causes so many of them to begin blurting noises and puffing about like a bunch of territorially-challenged chimpanzees.

    Have you read your own posts lately?
  • Reply 132 of 224
    Originally Posted by Ronbo View Post

    You mean like their new .docx format, not available in previous versions of Office? Like that? Like when the made it the default format for their Windows version of Office and then didn't even have a translator for Mac? Like that? Uh, people did complain. Maybe you just weren't paying attention. But Office made it possible to store in an alternate format, and so global meltdown was averted. Whew.

    Microsoft has a long history of going out of its way to be incompatible with Office formats, and they've changed enough times to legitimately wonder if 'incompatibility' isn't the primary reason. They did .rtf, and when people figured out .rtf, they moved to .doc, and now that everyone has pretty much figured out .doc, they give us .docx.

    Since you want to talk about intellectual honesty, try and understand what happened that forced the change from Pages 08 to Pages 09 (if you can). The Pages 08 format was a package. That's a nifty design but it has problems. You might put it in a .zip to email it, then unzip it, and viola! it's a folder with stuff in it. The Pages engineers realized they had a broken (or anyway suboptimal) file format and they changed the format to a flat file. It wasn't ill will, or pique, or a desire to force migration (though they're happy enough to prod you in that direction, no doubt). If you have Pages 08, no, it won't open that 09 file. But you could have saved it in a .doc format or a .rtf format.

    You're lecturing about this like you think you're parting the clouds. But everybody you're lecturing probably knows all this. I sure do. It's not like Pages has become the de facto file-exchange standard, anyhow, and they nearly brought industry to its knees with a thoughtless format change. How many Pages files that you open were created by someone outside your immediate circle? running version 2+ levels different from your own? whom you couldn't call and say, 'Hey dude, save that file in .rtf for me, willya."?

    Complaining about the near certainty of a 2010 version of iWork is like me bitching that the sun shouldn't rise today just because I had a bad weekend. If it's inconvenient to me that the inevitable happen, I need to deal with it. Likewise, if it's inconvenient to you that iWork 2010 might come, well then, it's up to you to deal with that. But of all the things in the world, an inconvenient but optional software update is about the most trivial thing in the world to lose your water about.

    Oh, sounds like I hit a nerve. Perhaps you should be less condescending the next time.

    1) '.doc' worked for over a decade. iWork hasn't been (seriously) around for half as long. Give Microsoft some credit. Even if they deserve none, that is a pretty pathetic bar to set.

    2) Please speak in English, instead of sounding like a tech nerd, so that I can decide whether I am being intellectually honest or not. "The Pages 08 format was a package. That's a nifty design ..." (In what way is a 'package' nifty?). "...put it in a .zip to email it, then unzip it, and viola! it's a folder with stuff in it." (So?) "The Pages engineers realized they had a broken (or anyway suboptimal) file format and they changed the format to a flat file." (Suboptimal to flat? Yeah, that's totally clear). "It wasn't ill will, or pique, or a desire to force migration ....but you could have saved it in a .doc format or a .rtf format" (And lose the purpose for which I bought iWork? No thanks. Btw, you're obviously not a Keynote user. Try going back and forth between that and PPT).

    3) Your arrogance is amply evident when you make a statement such as "...everybody you're lecturing probably knows all this." If/when you took a poll and had some results to share, let me know.

    4) I wasn't complaining about the 'certainty' of anything. This is a rumor forum where one can express an opinion, in case you haven't noticed.
  • Reply 133 of 224
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,154member
    No MBP updates will not a happy Tipoo make. At their price point, they are a tough sell against competitors with i5's and discreet AMD graphics.
  • Reply 134 of 224
    why are there so many hippies on this site? I know you like to spew hatred (hypocrytically) at fox news for being conservative, but easily over 90% of the people in news are leftists. grow up. but I'm sure I'm wasting my time as most of you complaining have your egos firmly implanted in leftist ideology (ie not reality).

    anyway, anybody have any comments about my theory of an integrated social suite that includes apple maps and will be present in the tablet, iPhone, and iLife?
  • Reply 135 of 224
    Originally Posted by tipoo View Post

    No MBP updates will not a happy Tipoo make. At their price point, they are a tough sell against competitors with i5's and discreet AMD graphics.

    Last I looked, Apple wasn't having a 'tough sell' issue with MBPs. What are you referring to?
  • Reply 136 of 224
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    No "iSlate"

    It's a larger iPod Touch with a stylus for painting and drawing.

    Apple was impresses by the cover artist for the New Yorker, who used a iPod Touch and painting app.

    Also more games.
  • Reply 137 of 224
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member
    Perhaps the stylus is a form of verbal/eye motion. Picks up eye movement and voice commands in a useful way.
  • Reply 138 of 224
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Last I looked, Apple wasn't having a 'tough sell' issue with MBPs. What are you referring to?

    A tough sell to ME, that is
  • Reply 139 of 224
    Originally Posted by cwfrederick View Post

    why are there so many hippies on this site? I know you like to spew hatred (hypocrytically) at fox news for being conservative, but easily over 90% of the people in news are leftists. grow up. but I'm sure I'm wasting my time as most of you complaining have your egos firmly implanted in leftist ideology (ie not reality).

    That's right, show everybody how not to be a hater.
  • Reply 140 of 224
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    Left winger?

    Just a hunch.

    I have a feeling that iLfe '10 will work on the tablet.

    No need to be leftward leaning to distrust anything from FauxNews.
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