Apple to introduce iPhone OS 4.0 on April 8



  • Reply 161 of 238
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    That doesn't support your contention that the iPad is faster than any smartphone.

    Let's see the Nexus One is the smartphone with the best performance on paper and the iPad trounces it. It sounds like you aren't going to accept any answer that shows the iPad looking good.

    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    Thanks. I was looking for something objective, based upon current netbooks.

    His comments don't sound objective. I read nothing about his feelings or some opinion he didn't form by actual usage. It's surely anecdotal, but all of these comparisons are. The difference is you the history of the tester along with other testers and you can get a pretty informed answer.

    Netbooks have more performance on paper than the iPad. They have at least 1GB RAM and an Atom CPU over ARm with a faster clock rate, but the reality is they are slower for doing pretty much every comparable task before of the OS and app overhead. It's like taking the engine in a Bugatti Veyron and putting it in a dump truck then racing an Ariel Atom. The engine you started with may have been fast and powerful but you kludge it up with a bunch of weighty code it's going to perform the way you want it.
  • Reply 162 of 238
    bkerkaybkerkay Posts: 139member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    That doesn't support your contention that the iPad is faster than any smartphone.

    It says that the iPad is faster than the iPhone.

    Okay, how about this? This compares iPad, iPhone 3GS and Nexus One.
  • Reply 163 of 238
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Things I’d like to see...
    • Gaming API that allows for touch controls on screen that can be instantly linked to a HW D-pad accessory. Making it easy for developers to make this virtual to physical connection via the 30-pin connector without having to build for a specific HW vendor making the D-Pad. This would open up the gaming accessory market by standardizing the developers efforts while making it simple to do. It would also help bring more and better games to the platform and hardcore mobile gamers wouldn’t feel be afraid that they’d have to buy multiple HW D-pads for different game vendors.

    • Lockscreen that allows for Widgets, like weather, stocks, rich notifications, whatever.

    • Allow for default page when entering iPhone to show running widgets (or mini-apps) instead of the top 16 apps (only showing bottom row apps).

    • New Homepage Widget API so that devs can sell really cool Widgets on the App Store.

    • Multitasking for the 3GS and newer devices with Apple creating backgrounding API, devs utilizing it as needed and then users turning it on and enabling it for the backgroundable apps.

    • Detailed history of ALL notifications, making it searchable and accessible nearly everywhere you are in the system. Flicking the page up or down to see something similar to the way search works on iPhone OS grouping data from apps with their visible icon, but this would be for notifications you can order by app or by date or you can search.

    • Ability to search pages in Safari.

    • Folder os Smart Folder on Home Screen. Some potential Smart Folder categories are Recently Added apps, Apps used more than x-days ago, Games folder, etc.

    • I'd like the OS to send app usage data to iTunes so you can see which apps you haven't used or sued the most so you can clean out the "forgotten apps" that are still updated. This will same you and Apple from having to push as many updates.
  • Reply 164 of 238
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    mobileme sync to do / notes
  • Reply 165 of 238
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    As I stated. The iPad is fast- faster than any phone I have browsed the internet with. A phone with the same processor and smaller screen would be even faster.

    Don't comment on my non-interesting posts then.

    The iPad has faster WiFi. If 802.11/n is available the iPad can use it-- current iPhones can't.

  • Reply 166 of 238
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    Not ready yet.

    It will get released with the next iPhone in late June I would expect then be available to iPad users the same day as the phone comes out.

    Will give developers a solid 3 months or so to work on it.

    also when people choose a new phone in the next 3 months a

    brand new iphone is waiting in the wings !!!!

    the new touch rumours have got me going

  • Reply 167 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    You should go out into the wild and experience an iPad first-hand. Something as objective as a performance test does not paint a vivid picture - you have to experience it.

    I have gone out into the wild. The iPad is very nice.

    But I was inwas terested to see if there was any truth to the contention that the iPad is faster than any cellphone.
  • Reply 168 of 238
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Let's see the Nexus One is the smartphone with the best performance on paper and the iPad trounces it. It sounds like you aren't going to accept any answer that shows the iPad looking good.

    His comments don't sound objective. I read nothing about his feelings or some opinion he didn't form by actual usage. It's surely anecdotal, but all of these comparisons are. The difference is you the history of the tester along with other testers and you can get a pretty informed answer.

    Netbooks have more performance on paper than the iPad. They have at least 1GB RAM and an Atom CPU over ARm with a faster clock rate, but the reality is they are slower for doing pretty much every comparable task before of the OS and app overhead. It's like taking the engine in a Bugatti Veyron and putting it in a dump truck then racing an Ariel Atom. The engine you started with may have been fast and powerful but you kludge it up with a bunch of weighty code it's going to perform the way you want it.

    OMG, you reminded me, Iv'e seen something very similar...

    Circa 1979. Woz bought an expensive Porsche (914, I think). A new model was coming out and he was far back on the waiting list. So he decided to upgrade the model he had, added Recaro seats (cost several thousand $, AIR). Each week, or so he would get his car back from the shop/mechanic with a new upgrade.

    This went on for several months to where the upgrades cost Woz more than the new model...

    One time said he'd just had it tuned and it was running like a dream! He came by and gave me a ride around the block (a few miles around Cupertino and Sunnyvale)...

    During the whole trip, he could never get the speed above 8 kph (about 13 mph). The trip seemed quite long... comfortable seats, though!

    I don't think I ever saw that car again

  • Reply 169 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Netbooks have more performance on paper than the iPad. They have at least 1GB RAM and an Atom CPU over ARm with a faster clock rate, but the reality is they are slower for doing pretty much every comparable task before of the OS and app overhead.

    Interesting. Do you have any tests that demonstrate that?
  • Reply 170 of 238
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    Some good ideas. I would add
    1. Grouping/categorising app icons - eg: click on "News" icon to get to my multiple news apps. And/or allow me to put a coloured box around 4 app icons, so visually I see them as grouped.

    2. Sync via wifi/bluetooth

    3. Printing and access network files via wifi/bluetooth

    4. Generally more independence from a computer - create albums for music, crop photos & identify faces (sync these back to Mac). Allow an iPad setup to create the iTunes setup, rather than vice versa.

    5. Greater MobileMe integration

    6. Play video via component output for all apps on iPhone, not just iPod app. Output 720p via component on iPad

    7. Multiple users (even if it's just for MobileMe settings & mail)

    8. Record every location whenever location services are activated (useful to merge with iPhoto data to create locations on photos)

    9. When the phone is lost - allow tracking, and leaving a message to call - but simultaneously allow remote wiping the rest of the data

    1) I made mention of folders and smart folders. The pages are just too tedious. This is especially true on the iPad. I've found myself using the search feature for the first time.

    2) Not keen on WiFi sync, and BT sync is a definite no go. It's slow enough as it is with syncing. I'm really hoping for USB3.0 and the next iPhone to handle those faster USB data rates.

    3) I haven't printed in so long so that would have likely never crossed my mind.

    4) Making the iPod app work more like iTunes looks like something they don't want to do. It would be nice though.

    5) Along with better MM integration I'd love for them to adopt a slick system like Dropbox. That works like a Mac app/service should work. Apple has a lot of catching up to do there.

    6) If the iPad with an A4 can load and play 720p video hopefully the next iPhone will too, if it gets the A4.

    7) This is one I definitely forgot and especially true for the iPad, which is more likely to be a "family" device.

    8) That would be nice. I bet an app could do that, too. Just pop it on when you are at a place taking photos.

    9)That would be great. Wiping personal data but not the OS so that you can leave the callback message.

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    The iPad has faster WiFi. If 802.11/n is available the iPad can use it-- current iPhones can't.

    Looking over the chip in the iPad 802.11n looks like a possibility this year.
  • Reply 171 of 238
    josh.b.josh.b. Posts: 353member
    Originally Posted by bkerkay View Post

    Okay, how about this? This compares iPad, iPhone 3GS and Nexus One.

    Good stuff. Thanks.
  • Reply 172 of 238
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Josh.B. View Post

    Interesting. Do you have any tests that demonstrate that?

    Besides the link bkerkay supplied the rest are pretty much googlable. By nature of design Atom is faster than ARM, not just the clock speed, either. You can read about the chip design on Wikipedia. Where Atom fails is mainly in power consumption. ARM is very efficient so it's great for mobiles.

    Then there are speed tests. You can go to YouTube and find videos of people using netbooks with pretty much any OS version to see startup times, app launches, page loadings, etc. The same for the iPad and phones.

    While the HP Slate is the exception I think a trend for ARM-based tablets running a mobile OS like Android or Maemo designed for touchscreens will become more popular than running Atom with Windows 7.
  • Reply 173 of 238
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Mmmm... Maybe they will use something that is curiously absent from the iPad... CoverFlow.

    Though, after using the iPad for less than a day, most user's multitasking requirements for [third-party] apps... would, likely, be satisfied by:

    -- state saving

    -- task switching

    -- fast [previously-running] app reload

    -- inter-app communication/invocation

    From a UI standpoint:

    1) Do something

    2) Do something else (start or invoke another app)

    3) easily switch back to 1)

    So, Apple could introduce a structure for multitasking and provide APIs to assist implementation with a standard UI (with complexity hidden from the user).


    Exposé/Spaces would be a nice addition to the OS.
  • Reply 174 of 238
    Wait you have to pay for OS upgrades? I assumed they were free since that's always the way my iphone upgrades have worked. How much does it cost to upgrade the OS on the Iphone and Ipad?

    So let me get this clear, when you buy the Ipad you get only ONE free OS upgrade? whether it's the OS 4 or the next one?
  • Reply 175 of 238
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    Some good ideas. I would add
    1. Grouping/categorising app icons - eg: click on "News" icon to get to my multiple news apps. And/or allow me to put a coloured box around 4 app icons, so visually I see them as grouped.

    2. Sync via wifi/bluetooth

    3. Printing and access network files via wifi/bluetooth

    4. Generally more independence from a computer - create albums for music, crop photos & identify faces (sync these back to Mac). Allow an iPad setup to create the iTunes setup, rather than vice versa.

    5. Greater MobileMe integration

    6. Play video via component output for all apps on iPhone, not just iPod app. Output 720p via component on iPad

    7. Multiple users (even if it's just for MobileMe settings & mail)

    8. Record every location whenever location services are activated (useful to merge with iPhoto data to create locations on photos)

    9. When the phone is lost - allow tracking, and leaving a message to call - but simultaneously allow remote wiping the rest of the data

    Then, since full multitasking would take a toll on speed of the device, the limited multitasking needs to handle a few things.... I'm trying to think HOW this could be done...:
    • Give an app 30 seconds to finish what it's doing, even after it LOOKS like it's been closed. eg: If I send an MMS now I can hit the home button while half way through, and the MMS will be sent in the background - that should work for IMs, moves in chess, etc

    • Multitasking via application "stubs", such that the tiny stubs can run in background (either continuously, or wake up periodically, or woken up by push notifications) and send notifications like push to the user. They can then open the main app if requested.

    • An Apple backgrounder app which, when connected via wifi, automatically downloads data as requested by registered apps - eg: The iPad/Touch could automatically update "The Times" app's cache of news, my Pocket Weather app could update it's forecasts, my movies app could update movie times - then when I go to use the app and am away from wifi it'll still have latest movies/news/weather/etc.

    • Let push notifications tell the backgrounder app to download some data immediately for an app that will be opened shortly.

    Excellent points, and a good reply by Soli.

    Can't really add anything to that, other than a simple security measure to ensure that remote wipe actually works: I had my iphone stolen recently and remote wipe did not work by virtue of the thief removing the sim card: when sim card is remove prompt for a 4 digit code the owner sets (as an optional security feature) and failing that code an X no of times wipes the phone. Will work like a charm.
  • Reply 176 of 238
    ortort Posts: 39member
    I want them to fix smart playlists. Right now they are riddled with crippling glitches and bugs that broke my entire system. Playlist techniques I have been using since I had a 3rd Gen iPod no longer work on an iPhone.

    It's pretty pathetic that Apples flagship portable device still to this day cannot handle smart "live updating" playlists AT ALL.

    Beyond that I really would like to be able to lock out screen rotation on an app-by-app basis. Specifically in the iPod app. I hate coverflow view and I never use it. Let me turn it off, because it really gets in my way.

    I want profiles and I want the phone to switch between them on a timer.

    M-F: 9am to 6pm = WORK PROFILE... No goofy ringtones. Every call just gets a beep.

    From MIDNIGHT to 7AM = SILENT PROFILE... The phone does not ring

    Every other time = default settings

    And give me a button to quickly toggle between them.

    As well as a button to quickly toggle between 2G and 3G

    I would like to be able to passcode protect certain apps. Anyone who picks up my phone can thumb thru my email? Blech. I know I can protect the whole phone with a passcode, but I find that kind of annoying also. Let me lock my mail.

    I want to be able to use multiple pictures for my wallpaper. I should be able to set up a folder of pics and have it cycle between them.
  • Reply 177 of 238
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    The iPad is a mega couch computer... Watch NCAA finals while surfing...

  • Reply 178 of 238
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by ort View Post

    I want them to fix smart playlists. Right now they are riddled with crippling glitches and bugs that broke my entire system. Playlist techniques I have been using since I had a 3rd Gen iPod no longer work on an iPhone.

    It's pretty pathetic that Apples flagship portable device still to this day cannot handle smart "live updating" playlists AT ALL.

    Beyond that I really would like to be able to lock out screen rotation on an app-by-app basis. Specifically in the iPod app. I hate coverflow view and I never use it. Let me turn it off, because it really gets in my way.

    I want profiles and I want the phone to switch between them on a timer.

    M-F: 9am to 6pm = WORK PROFILE... No goofy ringtones. Every call just gets a beep.

    From MIDNIGHT to 7AM = SILENT PROFILE... The phone does not ring

    Every other time = default settings

    And give me a button to quickly toggle between them.

    As well as a button to quickly toggle between 2G and 3G

    I would like to be able to passcode protect certain apps. Anyone who picks up my phone can thumb thru my email? Blech. I know I can protect the whole phone with a passcode, but I find that kind of annoying also. Let me lock my mail.

    I want to be able to use multiple pictures for my wallpaper. I should be able to set up a folder of pics and have it cycle between them.

    Wow ort those are some good suggestions for forgetful people like me that forget to turn phone to vibrate for certain regular times! I hope you submit them to Apple, as I am too.
  • Reply 179 of 238
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    2) Not keen on WiFi sync, and BT sync is a definite no go. It's slow enough as it is with syncing. I'm really hoping for USB3.0 and the next iPhone to handle those faster USB data rates.

    I'm more thinking... if I plug my iPad (or iPhone) into it's charger, wherever that is in the house, it'd be nice to have the wifi do a sync at some stage (in the background.

    I keep my iPhone dock next to my bed. An iPad might be positioned as a photo-frame when not in use, living in the kitchen or near the TV remote. I'd prefer to avoid plugging into my computer (except to sync fast!)


    4) Making the iPod app work more like iTunes looks like something they don't want to do. It would be nice though.

    I'm more interested in iPhoto. My friend who wanted the iPad (without computer) wanted to load her photos onto the iPad, and organise into albums to watch. There's no facility for that... imported photos all go into the single folder until synced to iPhoto.


    6) If the iPad with an A4 can load and play 720p video hopefully the next iPhone will too, if it gets the A4.

    The iPhone is already capable of outputting regular video, but doesn't allow apps to use it.

    The iPad is capable of decoding 720p, and can output 1024x768 vga, but doesn't do component output at 720p? It's not about the A4's power - it's just not offered. This just seems odd.


    8) That would be nice. I bet an app could do that, too. Just pop it on when you are at a place taking photos.

    There are a few apps that do this. You turn them on every time you take a photo. You get home and load the photos and iPhone data together, it integrates GPS co-ordinates. THEN upload to iPhoto.

    Just a little too convoluted at present.
  • Reply 180 of 238
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by bkerkay View Post

    Okay, how about this? This compares iPad, iPhone 3GS and Nexus One.

    Decent comparison, but Anand what's his name, throws in the usual moronic commentary on the side:


    Either way the one thing we can be sure of is Apple's A4 SoC is much more like a 1GHz Cortex A8 rather than anything more exotic. Good work Jon


    I should note that while the performance improvement is significant, it's not earth shattering. Despite the early reports of the iPad being blazingly fast, I found it just "acceptable" in my limited time with it thus far. I'll go into greater detail in my full review later.

    He got a 10-20% advantage over the Nexus one in the browser tests, and a whooping 37.6% one in the javascript tests, I don't know what more "exotic" or "earth shattering" he was expecting, and how come something that surpasses the best of the competition by that large a percentage is just "acceptable".

    But I guess it's the same with all specs oriented tec pundits. If they are on the payroll of the said reviewed company a 5% gain becomes huge news, if they are not a 20% one becomes just acceptable. He was raving about the new intel chips that get arguably no more than 10% gains over the predecessors, and suddenly a 20% gain is just acceptable? Maybe if apple hadn't made him buy the ipad and instead offered it for free...
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