Apple unveils redesigned, thinner iPhone 4 with two cameras



  • Reply 81 of 507
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Why in the world would you have done that to someone who is speaking the truth?

    Because a keynote isn't a democracy. They can write all they want, but don't dare interrupt my keynote. That's the way I ran things in past jobs and I don't see why it won't continue.

    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    Whoa there! It's not like the guy was massively disruptive or anything. There was a down period in the demo. Also, the audience laughed with him.

    Would you kick out the woman that shouted out "I love you Steve"?

    Yes. And her damn entourage. They can talk when they have their own keynote.
  • Reply 82 of 507
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by daylove22 View Post

    Video calling now a FaceTime

    I think recall video calling has been done on other phones/networks, just has not taken off.

    For me, seldom, if ever would I use video phone, but just thats me.

    I don't use webcams etc, so I may be off base... although Steve said wifi for now, doesn't this kind of touch on skype's turf and the like.

    Can use it for free (I presume) to just make a call to another iphone?
  • Reply 83 of 507
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post

    I think recall video calling has been done on other phones/networks, just has not taken off.

    For me, seldom, if ever would I use video phone, but just thats me.

    I don't use webcams etc, so I may be off base... although Steve said wifi for now, doesn't this kind of touch on skype's turf and the like.

    Can use it for free (I presume) to just make a call to another iphone?

    Since it's via WiFi, it's independent of your cell provider, so yes, it's free.
  • Reply 84 of 507
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    The gyroscope, overall thinness of the device, and using the casing as the antenna, it all seems to be what sets this phone apart, but the way Jobs described this thing talking about how nothing on the market comes close, that's laughable.

    Look, it's got all the latest and greatest (like a high res screen, 720 HD video recording, a front facing camera) but the evo can be directly compared to this thing.

    It really irritates me when someone like Jobs or Ballmer acts like people don't know what else is on the market when they say there's nothing like their product.


    It's just as irritating (IMO of course), to have folks like you try to knock the thing down by implying that there is "nothing new" though.

    It can be compared to other phones sure, but it mostly blows them away on every point. The screen is the highest resolution screen you can get on a mobile, period. The 720p video recording is better than you'd find on any other phone, etc. etc.

    If a product really is better than the rest (and we know it won't be that way forever), taking the opportunity to say "ours is the best," is the only honest way to frame things IMO.

    What do you expect Steve Jobs to say? Is he supposed to come out and go "Well, all phones have this stuff in them, ours is a bit better than the rest, but hey, make up your own mind." And then walk off?
  • Reply 85 of 507
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    I like the concept that when you click an Ad link,the interaction stays within the site. That may seem quite simple but very effective in keeping a visitr stay longer.

    And, I hope Apple really believes in protecting the privacy of the user. I cannot believe how many ads site wanted to place cookies into my computer when I visit sites.


    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    That would be nice, but its built into the OS so its doubtful iAds will be for general use.

    The crazy thing about iAds is that those are major brands most of Google's ads are from small companies or other software makers.

    Under other circumstances it would be impossible for a small software developer to get an ad and major commercial from Nissan, Geico, Targert, Direct TV, or any company of that level.

  • Reply 86 of 507
    bowserbowser Posts: 89member
    I teach vision science in a major California, university, the claims about this display are patently false.

    First, I'll overlook the claim about what the human retina can display, that's just wrong. The retina doesn't display anything, it's not a projector. Rather, it is an information gather device that has light projected on to it. It's nothing like a display at all. And, even if SJ meant display as in a projection screen, which is only partially correct, it doesn't change facts about the acuity of human visual perception.

    The human retina is actually capable of picking up details finer than the width of a human photoreceptor itself. This is sometimes measured with what's called vernier acuity, the ability to detect if two lines are offset from one another.

    Further, there are literally BILLIONS of receptors in the retina, with MILLIONS in a linear inch. There is no way a display of 326 ppi is higher resolution than the millions of receptors in a linear inch in the retina.

    I'm very saddened to see this misrepresentation of the capabilities of the display in the new iPhone. It will only give the trolls food.
  • Reply 87 of 507
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,132member
    Originally Posted by mello View Post

    Did they say if you can iPhone video chat with someone that is using iChat on a laptop or iMac?

    IIRC, it was iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 only.

    Sort of begs the question though - if you had a devices running iOS4 with a video camera, would you be able to run FaceTime on it? Like maybe a webcam system?
  • Reply 88 of 507
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    412MHz ARM11 to a 600MHz Cortex A8 was noticeable improvement. Going from Cortex A8 to idealized Cortex A8 as an A4, even at the same speed would show a noticeable improvement if the OS was designed for the HW, which we know it is. I speculate that it's likely around 800MHz and very fast.

    Even with the battery increases and these times besting real world use of other smartphones I would like to see these times at least doubled. I can't stand how battery tech seemingly moves so slowly compared to the rest of the industry.

    Apple does their own battery technologies. You can have long-charge batteries, you can have thin batteries and you can have long-life batteries, but you have to, by basic chemical processes, balance those needs for your form-factor. Now, given all the advances they are making in hydrogen and nuclear technologies, in a couple of years you may find a whole different power system onboard your mobile devices - imagine a micro-tokamac or micro-hyperion nuclear power system. Or one of the new Toshiba or Angstrom prototype fuel cells. So battery life may well become another technology anachronism within the decade.
  • Reply 89 of 507
    appdevappdev Posts: 61member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I couldn't tell from the live blogging coverage but they said iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 no set up.

    What identification do you use for calling since it is wifi only? I'm sure mobile me or Aol, standard iChat users but what is the numeric key pad for if it is wifi only?

    You would call like normal. It's just that the feature would be available if your phone was also contacted to a wifi network.
  • Reply 90 of 507
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    LOL Gyroscope. Nasa will soon be able to replace space shuttle avionics with an iPhone. Assuming there is an app for that.

    Considering how primitive the computers flying the shuttle are (all 5 of them), the iPhone is overkill. The Shuttle OS does have 400,000 lines of code however. Is that a lot?
  • Reply 91 of 507
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,132member
    The Jobster said "tell us where you want to put the ad, and we'll do it" or something similar. But here's a question for you delevopers out there - can the iAds load location information? IOW, can an advertizer buy an ad that only displays in certain geographical locations?
  • Reply 92 of 507
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by AppDev View Post

    You would call like normal. It's just that the feature would be available if your phone was also contacted to a wifi network.

    So do you stay on your phone minutes the entire time you use Facetime? Does it drop the phone part once it connects to Facetime?
  • Reply 93 of 507
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by Bowser View Post

    I teach vision science in a major California, university, the claims about this display are patently false.

    ..... There is no way a display of 326 ppi is higher resolution than the millions of receptors in a linear inch in the retina.

    I'm very saddened to see this misrepresentation of the capabilities of the display in the new iPhone. It will only give the trolls food.

    Yea, saw the Retina thing and went 'huh?' Just not apples to apples(so to speak).

    However, I suppose this is to be expected when tech is crossed with liberal arts.
  • Reply 94 of 507
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    Considering how primitive the computers flying the shuttle are (all 5 of them), the iPhone is overkill. The Shuttle OS does have 400,000 lines of code however. Is that a lot?

    Well almost. Lot more 'robustness' on aircraft and space craft. Gotta watch for those free radicals (gamma rays etc)

    No, 400k lines of code is not alot by todays standards.
  • Reply 95 of 507
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    Considering how primitive the computers flying the shuttle are (all 5 of them), the iPhone is overkill. The Shuttle OS does have 400,000 lines of code however. Is that a lot?

    I think they use Windows NT don't they?
  • Reply 96 of 507
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I think they use Windows NT don't they?

    They wish it was that modern. Think 70's tech.
  • Reply 97 of 507
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I agree he did use a bit of hyperbole. But he was talking about the number of pixels vs perception of sharpness at a given distance. Which is really a lot more involved that only the retina itself.

    Originally Posted by Bowser View Post

    Further, there are literally BILLIONS of receptors in the retina, with MILLIONS in a linear inch. There is no way a display of 326 ppi is higher resolution than the millions of receptors in a linear inch in the retina.

    I'm very saddened to see this misrepresentation of the capabilities of the display in the new iPhone. It will only give the trolls food.

  • Reply 98 of 507
    twoslicktwoslick Posts: 17member
    Originally Posted by Bowser View Post

    I teach vision science in a major California, university, the claims about this display are patently false.

    First, I'll overlook the claim about what the human retina can display, that's just wrong. The retina doesn't display anything, it's not a projector. Rather, it is an information gather device that has light projected on to it. It's nothing like a display at all. And, even if SJ meant display as in a projection screen, which is only partially correct, it doesn't change facts about the acuity of human visual perception.

    The human retina is actually capable of picking up details finer than the width of a human photoreceptor itself. This is sometimes measured with what's called vernier acuity, the ability to detect if two lines are offset from one another.

    Further, there are literally BILLIONS of receptors in the retina, with MILLIONS in a linear inch. There is no way a display of 326 ppi is higher resolution than the millions of receptors in a linear inch in the retina.

    I'm very saddened to see this misrepresentation of the capabilities of the display in the new iPhone. It will only give the trolls food.

    For someone who claims to teach this stuff, it honestly saddens me that you've tried to equate the cell density of the retina with the density of a display device held 10 to 12 inches away. Your nitpicking assumes you smashed the display up against your retina (of course, then you couldn't actually see the whole display). Your vision really does lose "resolution" the farther away an object is. Otherwise, we'd all be able to see the stripes on the American flag on the Moon.

    Maybe you'd like to source some research that says the retina can pick out detail higher than 326 ppi at 10 inches away before making nonsensical arguments.
  • Reply 99 of 507
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post

    They wish it was that modern. Think 70's tech.

    Didn't they upgrade them late '80s, early '90s? I doubt very much that it's Windows anything, though, probably some custom OS adapted from something else.
  • Reply 99 of 507
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I think they use Windows NT don't they?

    I highly doubt it. I would assume they use a custom written control software. I think it is an embedded system from IBM.
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