RIM, Nokia respond to Apple's "Antennagate" press conference



  • Reply 81 of 547
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    "For their part, RIM dismissed ..."

    RIM is one corporation. RIM should be referred to as "it."
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  • Reply 82 of 547
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    You smoke too much.

    Note: Ignore List
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  • Reply 83 of 547
    Some newbie comes into their (the whole mobile hardware industry) market and gobbles up 80% of the industry profits in three years. They are collectively dying for an opportunity slow Apple down. Too bad, too late.
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  • Reply 84 of 547
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Note: Ignore List

    Sure, but question still stands. WHAT DO YOU SMOKE THAT GETS YOU SO HIGH?
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  • Reply 85 of 547
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    One would reason a company as 'innovative' as Apple would have found a viable solution to this 'attenuation problem' rather than choosing a design that actually exacerbates it.

    The iPhone has the best reception of any cell phone, bar none, unless you hold it in the same way that makes every other cellphone lose signal.

    Its that simple. Their design DOES make better reception then anybody.
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  • Reply 86 of 547
    I really wish Apple wouldn't have had to be the one's to point out similar problems with Nokia and RIM phones. It does make them look bad, but apparently the tech media doesn't have the integrity to do their jobs so someone had to point it out. Nokia and RIM don't have a leg to stand on with their complaints. Truth is an absolute defense.
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  • Reply 87 of 547
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Bottom Line:

    Apple Screwed Up By Choosing Aesthetics Over Functionality, They're Attempting To Appease The Masses Until They Can Re-Engineer A Real Solution, and Pointing Out (alleged) Issues With Competing Handsets Doesn't Help..

    Note: Rubber Bandages To Cover Up The Flaw Is Not A Real Solution -

    If you don't want an iPhone don't buy one. If you bought one and don't like it, return it.
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  • Reply 88 of 547
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    The iPhone has the best reception of any cell phone, bar none, unless you hold it in the same way that makes every other cellphone lose signal.

    Its that simple. Their design DOES make better reception then anybody.

    (Non-Apple sponsored) Scientific Evidence... Laboratory Results - Please?
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  • Reply 89 of 547
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    The iPhone has the best reception of any cell phone, bar none, unless you hold it in the same way that makes every other cellphone lose signal.

    Its that simple. Their design DOES make better reception then anybody.

    That was my take on the situation, but do you have any evidence to back up your claim other than the AnandTech.com report?

    Thing is the iPhone has a mark much like a scab, and people just cant help but "pick at it"
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  • Reply 90 of 547
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,411member
    Originally Posted by thomasfxlt View Post

    Some newbie comes into their (the whole mobile hardware industry) market and gobbles up 80% of the industry profits in three years. They are collectively dying for an opportunity slow Apple down. Too bad, too late.

    Yeah: So much talent in that industry, so many tens of thousands of smart people, so many billions of R&D dollars, and yet they have so little to show for it. Along comes a cute-sy computer/PMP maker, and their industry gets upended.

    I'll bet they're still sitting around in the executive boardrooms and R&D labs in endless meetings, discussing what the heck happened during these past three years.
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  • Reply 91 of 547
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by SixPenceRicher View Post

    What is wrong with pointing out deficiencies in other products?


    Generally, if you point to a competitor's product, you are identifying a product that the intended customer may want to investigate.

    For example, if you say that your car has a glove compartment just as big as a BMW, then you have told the customer that BMW is a worthy competitor. And if the customer doesn't care about the Glove Box, the real stuff about the BMW might cause them to buy one.

    So generally, it is uncommon for any company to give free advertising to their competition.

    But Apple has no competition.
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  • Reply 92 of 547
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,411member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    (Non-Apple sponsored) Scientific Evidence... Laboratory Results - Please?

    And where's yours when you make ridiculous assertions like [quote] "Screwed Up By Choosing Aesthetics Over Functionality"? [unquote]?
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  • Reply 93 of 547
    Originally Posted by thomasfxlt View Post

    Some newbie comes into their (the whole mobile hardware industry) market and gobbles up 80% of the industry profits in three years. They are collectively dying for an opportunity slow Apple down. Too bad, too late.

    I hope so, I'm tired of people offering me feeds and speeds - I want utility, design, usability, factored in as well

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Yeah: So much talent in that industry, so many tens of thousands of smart people, so many billions of R&D dollars, and yet they have so little to show for it. Along comes a cute-sy computer/PMP maker, and their industry gets upended.

    I'll bet they're still sitting around in the executive boardrooms and R&D labs in endless meetings, discussing what the heck happened during these past three years.

    well Nokia seem to be sitting around or reorganizing every 5 minutes
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  • Reply 94 of 547
    st3v3st3v3 Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    The iPhone has the best reception of any cell phone, bar none, unless you hold it in the same way that makes every other cellphone lose signal.

    Its that simple. Their design DOES make better reception then anybody.

    Where did you get this information? It holds on to the signal quite well but I'm not sure about it being the best cell phone in terms of reception at all.

    Originally Posted by SixPenceRicher View Post

    What is wrong with pointing out deficiencies in other products? This is capitalism at its finest. Apple is simply pointing out that this is not a unique situation to iPhone 4.

    The same Fandroids, RIMjobs, and NokiaNuts that are decrying the exposition of their pet technologies as being similarly deficient and that "competition is good" are the very same that are out flaming Apple on a minute-by-minute basis in a desperate attempt to keep this much ado about nothing in the limelight. Stings, doesn't it?

    Sorry, but I find the comparison to other competing products ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE. Let me repeat that, in case you didn't hear:


    Great. I'm happy that you have an opinion that's different from mine. I completely care that you do not agree with my post. And what stings? I don't even own a blackberry, but I see the assumption around here is if it's not pro-apple, you're pro-competition.

    Anyway, clearly these Fandroids, RIMjobs, and NokiaNuts decrying the exposition of their pet technologies have gotten to you--who most likely self identify as an AppleAsshat. Sucks for you, posts on an online forum made by people who don't like your device really shouldn't bother you. You should calm down.

    Also, the comparison was just a glazing over of the issue. As I've said before, "every phone has this issue, but ours results in a greater amount of signal loss than our previous model" doesn't sound too good. Thus, they just left it at the first part. Everyone knows that the bars mean little, and I'm sure apple does too. However they never got into the amount lost in dbm with their phone vs competing phones, data loss, phone quality and calls dropped, or anything scientific. Everyone decried how unscientific all the random videos online were and considered anandtech to be a credible source with their findings on the iphone 4, but when apple does something in the same vein the whole forum jumps on it. I like anandtechs testing of it better, showing how the 3 phones responded depending on how it was held in one's hand. Their review was excellent because they noted the issue, but also highlighted the positives of the antenna design. Seems like everyone feels too close to their phones. The brand loyalty in the phone industry is ridiculous.
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  • Reply 95 of 547
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    [QUOTE=anantksundaram;1678091]And where's yours when you make ridiculous assertions like

    "Screwed Up By Choosing Aesthetics Over Functionality"? [unquote]?

    Mine was merely an opinion, and presented as such, not (seemingly) a statement of fact.

    Know The Difference -
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  • Reply 96 of 547
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    (Non-Apple sponsored) Scientific Evidence... Laboratory Results - Please?

    Look no further than the Apple website. They now have pictures of their labs, which cost 100 Million Dollars.
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  • Reply 97 of 547
    guinnessguinness Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by 2oh1 View Post

    I disagree that Apple was out of line in any way here.

    Remember the Toyotas-won't-stop problem from a few months ago? If the issue wasn't a Toyota issue, but instead a problem that was universal to all cars (or all sedans, regardless of the carmaker), you're damn right that I'd have wanted Toyota to point that out.

    Toyota never went out of their way to say that the stuck accelerator problem really wasn't a problem, then drag GM and Honda into the mix.

    I find what Apple did, is sort of sketchy, they admitted a problem, but didn't own up to it. They didn't fix the problem, just put a band aid over it, then used the Chewbacca defense to give the cult something to divert their attention towards.

    Seriously while other phones may lose bars when the phones are held in the 'death grip', ie normal handheld position, do any of them drop calls like the iPhone 4 can? Probably not. Not that it couldn't happen, but Apple is the one that uses hyperbole to describe everything they do, and there simply aren't a lot of other companies that can sell 3 million phones that quickly; Apple is one of the big boys, they have to be more forthcoming with mistakes.
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  • Reply 98 of 547
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,411member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    And where's yours when you make ridiculous assertions like

    Mine was merely an opinion, and presented as such, not (seemingly) a statement of fact.

    Know The Difference -

    DaHarder: Just earlier today, a global moderator told you the following: "Maybe if you don't come here with an axe to grind, you might not get flak for grinding your axe at every opportunity that you see. I realize that sometimes people come across as insufferable fanboys, but then, that doesn't justify coming across as an insufferable troll."

    You should probably consider that a polite warning.
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  • Reply 99 of 547
    sendmesendme Posts: 567member
    Originally Posted by Magic8Ball View Post

    That was my take on the situation, but do you have any evidence to back up your claim other than the AnandTech.com report?

    Steve quoted the ATT data. The iP4 has fewer dropped calls than any other phone except the 3GS, which is the second-best phone on the market. And compared to the 3GS, the difference was hardly worth mentioning, but Steve manned up to it anyways, in an abundance of honesty.

    Any more questions?
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  • Reply 100 of 547
    st3v3st3v3 Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    Steve quoted the ATT data. The iP4 has fewer dropped calls than any other phone except the 3GS, which is the second-best phone on the market. And compared to the 3GS, the difference was hardly worth mentioning, but Steve manned up to it anyways, in an abundance of honesty.

    Any more questions?

    Wait, where did he say that? I swore he only said it had more dropped calls than the 3GS, not fewer dropped calls than any phone on the market except the 3GS.
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