I have to wonder if it is more than a coincidence that the first time Apple has offered a case for a phone is also for a phone which needs a case to solve an antenna problem.
They have only known about this for 22 days. The Bumper was in production long before that.
Your conspiracy theory doesn't match up with the facts.
Don't know about the stickers Steve jobs was referring to but the manual for the Nokia 2330 clearly has a picture of how to hold the phone without blocking the antenna with the following advice:
Your device may have internal and external antennas. As with any radio transmitting device, avoid touching the antenna area unnecessarily while the antenna is transmitting or receiving. Contact with such an antenna affects the communication quality and may cause the device to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed and may reduce the battery life.
The phone is fine.. and from the sounds of it, has been proven better then any other phone in all areas INCLUDING reception, but like all phones can loss signal when held in a certain way in certain areas of already weak signal strength. But if that still isn't enough for you then actually go out and try it, instead of just buying all this at it's word??
Yep. Better than any other phone in all areas. Period.
But the whiners won't be happy unless it can rewrite the laws of science.
Historically, Apple executes very well and when they do fall short, their competitors love to make a big deal out of it. Sometimes I think Apple's own customers need to take a pause and remember that Apple is comprised of human beings with human flaws. They will make mistakes from time to time.
Apple isn't perfect, but I have been far happier with their computers, mp3 players and phones than those made by other companies. If I have ever had an issue, they have always made things right.
RIM and NOKIA make good products, but like it or not some of their phones have the very same flaw. I know that they'd prefer no one point that out, but they do. Apple had no choice but to address this when the very same companies and the media are blowing this all out of proportion and making it sound like an iPhone 4 problem only.
Apple admitted that the iPhone 4 isn't perfect and that they are working hard to rectify the situation. But, in the meantime, here is a free bumper. We understand it is not a fix but a work-around, but it will alleviate the problem for the time being. If you are still unhappy, we'll refund your money.
Personally, I'm cool with that.
I agree.
Considering Every computer, MP3 player and Phone I've ever had from apple has far surpassed my expectations of it, I am perfectly happy with giving apple the benefit of the doubt.
Personally, when it comes to choosing to believe Apple or the press, Apple or some un-named guys off You Tube, or Apple or Consumer reports, I'm gonna go with Apple.
But hey if it turns out all the other guys were right and this is the ONE apple product that doesn't blow my mind with how good it is.. I can just bring it back. Easy Peasy
Lets not forget, Consumer report's web traffic is going to go through the roof because of all this media attention and will essentially stay through the roof until they decide to recommend iPhone 4 again. I mean they actually still call iPhone 4 the best smart phone on the market, but won't recommend it for an issue every other phone they recommend has. I kind of get the feeling they're milking this for exposure.
The iPhone 4 is the only phone that can go from 5 bars to 0 bars with the touch of a single finger at a small part of the case.
Apple is right to be criticized for this obvious design flaw. This is not standard attenuation.
With the more accurate(?) display of bars (the 4.0.1 fix), the iP4 no longer drops from 5 to 0 bars.
What is the standard?
4 bars to 1 bar?
4 bars to 0 bars?
These were both demonstrated on competitive phones at the press event.
And, if you will spend a little more time on enlightenment, rather than entitlement-- I think you will find many videos showing various smart phones losing 1 or more bars-- some display a max of 4 bars and lose them all when held improperly.
There are some people pissed that their smart phones drop signals, have poor call quality, and drop calls-- they are not all Apple customers.
Try some of the links below-- watch and learn! Pay special attention to the comments of the customers, where present.
A couple of the videos appear to have been taken down??
{QUOTE davesw ]
Videos: death grip on EVO, Droid Incredible, Nexus One, Galaxy 1, G1, etc.
But of course, neither official response made any attempt to deny or refute Apple's examples. They simply didn't enjoy having their own issues highlighted.
Could you take some call drop data on your iPhone 4 for a month or two to give us some real-world data so we can see what the actual drop rate is from an unbiased non-Apple tester? You do have an iPhone 4, right? You certainly speak as if you do.
Anybody who would claim that "Apple is deflecting the real issue here" can't possibly own an iPhone.
Don't hold your breath waiting for his "unbiased" results!
But of course, neither official response made any attempt to deny or refute Apple's examples. They simply didn't enjoy having their own issues highlighted.
I agree with your Comment COMPLETELY man. EXACTLY!!
Although, I'm sure this is exactly what everyone expected these companies to say.
I actually thought this was a perfect opportunity for Nokia to gain the upper hand here and maybe zing apple by saying "Yes, this is an issue that every smartphone has but at least we have the courtesy of warning people with a sticker so they know what they are buying into!" lol but of course they just came along with this PR garbage instead :P
I am an Apple and Steve Jobs fan, but disappointed at how this "Antennagate" was handled.
First, Steve was a conceited in his tone, and it just goes along with the hubris from Apple lately.
Second, their trying to dilute the antenna problem by saying it affects the rest of the industry is a far cry from their philosophy when they launched the iPhone. Instead of saying that all other phones suffer from it, they should have offered an "Apple" approach. Remember how the IPhone is so much better than the other phones, in so many aspects. Well, why play that card now that all the other phones suck, and so why can't ours. They shouldn't even mention that. If people didn't notice that the other phones suffer from the same thing don't even mention it. Just make yours even better than the rest. All of a sudden we're comparing the iPhone to the rest when up until now it was always a step above. This is no excuse. This should have been discovered and addressed in testing. Even if it wasn't a problem, someone should have anticipated and been prepared for this media blowing it out of proportion, and have an answer at the ready.
It goes to show that nobody is perfect, not even when it comes to their bread-and-butter product (like Microsoft with Vista, and this, Apple and the iPhone).
Sure, they're not perfect, but they have an attitude like they are. They made everyone expect much better from them than everybody else. Then live up to that.
I am an Apple and Steve Jobs fan, but disappointed at how this "Antennagate" was handled.
First, Steve was a conceited in his tone, and it just goes along with the hubris from Apple lately.
Second, their trying to dilute the antenna problem by saying it affects the rest of the industry is a far cry from their philosophy when they launched the iPhone. Instead of saying that all other phones suffer from it, they should have offered an "Apple" approach. Remember how the IPhone is so much better than the other phones, in so many aspects. Well, why play that card now that all the other phones suck, and so why can't ours. They shouldn't even mention that. If people didn't notice that the other phones suffer from the same thing don't even mention it. Just make yours even better than the rest. All of a sudden we're comparing the iPhone to the rest when up until now it was always a step above. This is no excuse. This should have been discovered and addressed in testing. Even if it wasn't a problem, someone should have anticipated and been prepared for this media blowing it out of proportion, and have an answer at the ready.
It goes to show that nobody is perfect, not even when it comes to their bread-and-butter product (like Microsoft with Vista, and this, Apple and the iPhone).
Sure, they're not perfect, but they have an attitude like they are. They made everyone expect much better from them than everybody else. Then live up to that.
I actually like where you're going with this post.. but this isn't a copy and past thing, where they can take the feature and make it their own. This is just Physics which he is saying you can't avoid. If you cover up a signal, it will weaken. Period. It doesn't matter what company you are or what product you have. If a technological ability doesn't exist then it doesn't exist.. Apple or Not.
Some times I think people just expect way to much of Apple. I guess that's what they get for consistently making product better then any other company can even dream of. lol.
I'm so glad Apple held a press conference and cleared up any misunderstandings so there would be no further fighting and bickering!
Over 130 posts and counting. Ye who make up the AI forum are unmatched in your ability to make a big deal out of nothing. You are all pathetic fanbois. Have some more Kool Aid and keep posting. Don't leave your grandmother's basement and chase a ball or anything.
Could you take some call drop data on your iPhone 4 for a month or two to give us some real-world data so we can see what the actual drop rate is from an unbiased non-Apple tester? You do have an iPhone 4, right? You certainly speak as if you do.
iphone 4 drops more call than iphone 3GS. this is not my judgement this is what one of yesterdays topic on this forum.
I'm so glad Apple held a press conference and cleared up any misunderstandings so there would be no further fighting and bickering!
Over 130 posts and counting. Ye who make up the AI forum are unmatched in your ability to make a big deal out of nothing. You are all pathetic fanbois. Have some more Kool Aid and keep posting. Don't leave your grandmother's basement and chase a ball or anything.
PS The iPhone 4 is doomed!
It's obviously doomed.
I mean before this all happened their was 2 week waits to get one.. and now there is only.. hmm three week waits...
That's odd cause for a second there I thought you weren't just a complete retard who makes fun of people for posting on forums that you clearly read and post on.
I am an Apple and Steve Jobs fan, but disappointed at how this "Antennagate" was handled.
First, Steve was a conceited in his tone, and it just goes along with the hubris from Apple lately.
Second, their trying to dilute the antenna problem by saying it affects the rest of the industry is a far cry from their philosophy when they launched the iPhone. Instead of saying that all other phones suffer from it, they should have offered an "Apple" approach. Remember how the IPhone is so much better than the other phones, in so many aspects. Well, why play that card now that all the other phones suck, and so why can't ours. They shouldn't even mention that. If people didn't notice that the other phones suffer from the same thing don't even mention it. Just make yours even better than the rest. All of a sudden we're comparing the iPhone to the rest when up until now it was always a step above. This is no excuse. This should have been discovered and addressed in testing. Even if it wasn't a problem, someone should have anticipated and been prepared for this media blowing it out of proportion, and have an answer at the ready.
It goes to show that nobody is perfect, not even when it comes to their bread-and-butter product (like Microsoft with Vista, and this, Apple and the iPhone).
Sure, they're not perfect, but they have an attitude like they are. They made everyone expect much better from them than everybody else. Then live up to that.
If you consider a 94.45% satisfaction rating with the iPhone 4 to be "not living up to that" (a higher standard), then I suggest you may never find satisfaction with any product you ever purchase.
I still don't get all the anger out there. Mine has worked flawlessly, as has all the iPhone models I have purchased (3G and up). However, if someone is having a horrible experience, as I did when I moved from one state to another when the AT&T / Cingular tower conversions where going on in 2002/2003? Well, then I feel your pain. But judging by the HUGE number of new posters here and elsewhere, that magically appeared when the antenna issue was first bandied about? I have no doubt that most of them have never even held an iPhone 4, let alone own one.
I have to wonder if it is more than a coincidence that the first time Apple has offered a case for a phone is also for a phone which needs a case to solve an antenna problem.
They have only known about this for 22 days. The Bumper was in production long before that.
Your conspiracy theory doesn't match up with the facts.
Can anyone find these pictures? Anyone?
Don't know about the stickers Steve jobs was referring to but the manual for the Nokia 2330 clearly has a picture of how to hold the phone without blocking the antenna with the following advice:
Your device may have internal and external antennas. As with any radio transmitting device, avoid touching the antenna area unnecessarily while the antenna is transmitting or receiving. Contact with such an antenna affects the communication quality and may cause the device to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed and may reduce the battery life.
See here:
I've got 99 problems but the "Deathgrip" ain't one of them.
.55%??? One would think with a "design flaw" that number would be closer to 100%.
The phone is fine.. and from the sounds of it, has been proven better then any other phone in all areas INCLUDING reception, but like all phones can loss signal when held in a certain way in certain areas of already weak signal strength. But if that still isn't enough for you then actually go out and try it, instead of just buying all this at it's word??
Yep. Better than any other phone in all areas. Period.
But the whiners won't be happy unless it can rewrite the laws of science.
Historically, Apple executes very well and when they do fall short, their competitors love to make a big deal out of it. Sometimes I think Apple's own customers need to take a pause and remember that Apple is comprised of human beings with human flaws. They will make mistakes from time to time.
Apple isn't perfect, but I have been far happier with their computers, mp3 players and phones than those made by other companies. If I have ever had an issue, they have always made things right.
RIM and NOKIA make good products, but like it or not some of their phones have the very same flaw. I know that they'd prefer no one point that out, but they do. Apple had no choice but to address this when the very same companies and the media are blowing this all out of proportion and making it sound like an iPhone 4 problem only.
Apple admitted that the iPhone 4 isn't perfect and that they are working hard to rectify the situation. But, in the meantime, here is a free bumper. We understand it is not a fix but a work-around, but it will alleviate the problem for the time being. If you are still unhappy, we'll refund your money.
Personally, I'm cool with that.
I agree.
Considering Every computer, MP3 player and Phone I've ever had from apple has far surpassed my expectations of it, I am perfectly happy with giving apple the benefit of the doubt.
Personally, when it comes to choosing to believe Apple or the press, Apple or some un-named guys off You Tube, or Apple or Consumer reports, I'm gonna go with Apple.
But hey if it turns out all the other guys were right and this is the ONE apple product that doesn't blow my mind with how good it is.. I can just bring it back. Easy Peasy
Lets not forget, Consumer report's web traffic is going to go through the roof because of all this media attention and will essentially stay through the roof until they decide to recommend iPhone 4 again. I mean they actually still call iPhone 4 the best smart phone on the market, but won't recommend it for an issue every other phone they recommend has. I kind of get the feeling they're milking this for exposure.
What is the difference? The 3GS is the best phone out there except for the 4.
I would ask where you're getting your information but from your posts you seem like the DaHarder of the apple side.
The iPhone 4 is the only phone that can go from 5 bars to 0 bars with the touch of a single finger at a small part of the case.
Apple is right to be criticized for this obvious design flaw. This is not standard attenuation.
With the more accurate(?) display of bars (the 4.0.1 fix), the iP4 no longer drops from 5 to 0 bars.
What is the standard?
4 bars to 1 bar?
4 bars to 0 bars?
These were both demonstrated on competitive phones at the press event.
And, if you will spend a little more time on enlightenment, rather than entitlement-- I think you will find many videos showing various smart phones losing 1 or more bars-- some display a max of 4 bars and lose them all when held improperly.
There are some people pissed that their smart phones drop signals, have poor call quality, and drop calls-- they are not all Apple customers.
Try some of the links below-- watch and learn! Pay special attention to the comments of the customers, where present.
A couple of the videos appear to have been taken down??
{QUOTE davesw ]
Videos: death grip on EVO, Droid Incredible, Nexus One, Galaxy 1, G1, etc.
* Samsung I9000 Galaxy S: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LROTHrTR92k
* HTC Evo Signal Attenuation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pj2YBYTbag
* Samsung Galaxy 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
* Samsung Galaxy 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPCQdYtPihg
* Droid Incredible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaDE941PzQk
* Droid Incredible (With Network Extender in Room): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpEQH...eature=related
* Nexus One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEIA_lMwqJA
* Nexus One vs. iPhone (start at 1:29): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvMoV4_C4aA
* Nexus One: http://posterous.com/getfile/files.p...n_-_iPhone.m4v
* Nexus One (after Google's update to correct): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2g5J4qPp54
* Nexus One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deCkjeHYT-g
* Android G1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CDaxhjUs9M
* "Major signal degradation when Nexus One is picked up" (N1 Thread on On this Problem): http://www.google.com/support/forum/...9184c33e&hl=en
Could you take some call drop data on your iPhone 4 for a month or two to give us some real-world data so we can see what the actual drop rate is from an unbiased non-Apple tester? You do have an iPhone 4, right? You certainly speak as if you do.
Anybody who would claim that "Apple is deflecting the real issue here" can't possibly own an iPhone.
Don't hold your breath waiting for his "unbiased" results!
Hey, if you're gonna notify us about a personal attack, don't quote the damn thing in your own post.
Best damn post in weeks! Now, don't STFU!
But of course, neither official response made any attempt to deny or refute Apple's examples. They simply didn't enjoy having their own issues highlighted.
I agree with your Comment COMPLETELY man. EXACTLY!!
Although, I'm sure this is exactly what everyone expected these companies to say.
I actually thought this was a perfect opportunity for Nokia to gain the upper hand here and maybe zing apple by saying "Yes, this is an issue that every smartphone has but at least we have the courtesy of warning people with a sticker so they know what they are buying into!" lol but of course they just came along with this PR garbage instead :P
I am an Apple and Steve Jobs fan, but disappointed at how this "Antennagate" was handled.
First, Steve was a conceited in his tone, and it just goes along with the hubris from Apple lately.
Second, their trying to dilute the antenna problem by saying it affects the rest of the industry is a far cry from their philosophy when they launched the iPhone. Instead of saying that all other phones suffer from it, they should have offered an "Apple" approach. Remember how the IPhone is so much better than the other phones, in so many aspects. Well, why play that card now that all the other phones suck, and so why can't ours. They shouldn't even mention that. If people didn't notice that the other phones suffer from the same thing don't even mention it. Just make yours even better than the rest. All of a sudden we're comparing the iPhone to the rest when up until now it was always a step above. This is no excuse. This should have been discovered and addressed in testing. Even if it wasn't a problem, someone should have anticipated and been prepared for this media blowing it out of proportion, and have an answer at the ready.
It goes to show that nobody is perfect, not even when it comes to their bread-and-butter product (like Microsoft with Vista, and this, Apple and the iPhone).
Sure, they're not perfect, but they have an attitude like they are. They made everyone expect much better from them than everybody else. Then live up to that.
Best damn post in weeks! Now, don't STFU!
Ah, the impertinence of youth.
>>This is a rant<<
I am an Apple and Steve Jobs fan, but disappointed at how this "Antennagate" was handled.
First, Steve was a conceited in his tone, and it just goes along with the hubris from Apple lately.
Second, their trying to dilute the antenna problem by saying it affects the rest of the industry is a far cry from their philosophy when they launched the iPhone. Instead of saying that all other phones suffer from it, they should have offered an "Apple" approach. Remember how the IPhone is so much better than the other phones, in so many aspects. Well, why play that card now that all the other phones suck, and so why can't ours. They shouldn't even mention that. If people didn't notice that the other phones suffer from the same thing don't even mention it. Just make yours even better than the rest. All of a sudden we're comparing the iPhone to the rest when up until now it was always a step above. This is no excuse. This should have been discovered and addressed in testing. Even if it wasn't a problem, someone should have anticipated and been prepared for this media blowing it out of proportion, and have an answer at the ready.
It goes to show that nobody is perfect, not even when it comes to their bread-and-butter product (like Microsoft with Vista, and this, Apple and the iPhone).
Sure, they're not perfect, but they have an attitude like they are. They made everyone expect much better from them than everybody else. Then live up to that.
I actually like where you're going with this post.. but this isn't a copy and past thing, where they can take the feature and make it their own. This is just Physics which he is saying you can't avoid. If you cover up a signal, it will weaken. Period. It doesn't matter what company you are or what product you have. If a technological ability doesn't exist then it doesn't exist.. Apple or Not.
Some times I think people just expect way to much of Apple. I guess that's what they get for consistently making product better then any other company can even dream of. lol.
Over 130 posts and counting. Ye who make up the AI forum are unmatched in your ability to make a big deal out of nothing. You are all pathetic fanbois. Have some more Kool Aid and keep posting. Don't leave your grandmother's basement and chase a ball or anything.
PS The iPhone 4 is doomed!
Here's a universal case that fits any smart phone with antenna problems:
Most users will avoid gripping it, altogether!
Could you take some call drop data on your iPhone 4 for a month or two to give us some real-world data so we can see what the actual drop rate is from an unbiased non-Apple tester? You do have an iPhone 4, right? You certainly speak as if you do.
iphone 4 drops more call than iphone 3GS. this is not my judgement this is what one of yesterdays topic on this forum.
I'm so glad Apple held a press conference and cleared up any misunderstandings so there would be no further fighting and bickering!
Over 130 posts and counting. Ye who make up the AI forum are unmatched in your ability to make a big deal out of nothing. You are all pathetic fanbois. Have some more Kool Aid and keep posting. Don't leave your grandmother's basement and chase a ball or anything.
PS The iPhone 4 is doomed!
It's obviously doomed.
I mean before this all happened their was 2 week waits to get one.. and now there is only.. hmm three week waits...
That's odd cause for a second there I thought you weren't just a complete retard who makes fun of people for posting on forums that you clearly read and post on.
>>This is a rant<<
I am an Apple and Steve Jobs fan, but disappointed at how this "Antennagate" was handled.
First, Steve was a conceited in his tone, and it just goes along with the hubris from Apple lately.
Second, their trying to dilute the antenna problem by saying it affects the rest of the industry is a far cry from their philosophy when they launched the iPhone. Instead of saying that all other phones suffer from it, they should have offered an "Apple" approach. Remember how the IPhone is so much better than the other phones, in so many aspects. Well, why play that card now that all the other phones suck, and so why can't ours. They shouldn't even mention that. If people didn't notice that the other phones suffer from the same thing don't even mention it. Just make yours even better than the rest. All of a sudden we're comparing the iPhone to the rest when up until now it was always a step above. This is no excuse. This should have been discovered and addressed in testing. Even if it wasn't a problem, someone should have anticipated and been prepared for this media blowing it out of proportion, and have an answer at the ready.
It goes to show that nobody is perfect, not even when it comes to their bread-and-butter product (like Microsoft with Vista, and this, Apple and the iPhone).
Sure, they're not perfect, but they have an attitude like they are. They made everyone expect much better from them than everybody else. Then live up to that.
If you consider a 94.45% satisfaction rating with the iPhone 4 to be "not living up to that" (a higher standard), then I suggest you may never find satisfaction with any product you ever purchase.
I still don't get all the anger out there. Mine has worked flawlessly, as has all the iPhone models I have purchased (3G and up). However, if someone is having a horrible experience, as I did when I moved from one state to another when the AT&T / Cingular tower conversions where going on in 2002/2003? Well, then I feel your pain. But judging by the HUGE number of new posters here and elsewhere, that magically appeared when the antenna issue was first bandied about? I have no doubt that most of them have never even held an iPhone 4, let alone own one.