HTC, Samsung also take issue with Apple's antenna claims



  • Reply 61 of 240
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    Can you replicate the decreased signal on any other phone with just the tip of your finger? I'll be waiting for your answer & link.

    False issue, as has already been pointed out.
  • Reply 62 of 240
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    had the iphone 4 for 2 days before I returned it with the intention of waiting for the next gen-- but because of the press release and the tone with which Jobs and co. conducted themselves, I will most likely take my business elsewhere. I was Iphone strong for 3 yrs.


    You were upset they had a software update and a press conference? The multiple sets of correlating data, technical explanations and demonstrations? I was offended when Steve Jobs said that you "were overly sensitive and obvious displace your own feelings of insecurity on others based on rumors and media speculation pieces". Not to mention that time he claimed you "teared up like a little girl after getting splashed at the pool". I agree that this tone was unacceptable and we should all take our business somewhere else... some company that will follow not innovate, and instead of addressing a notion just coddle & sooth us after any perceived slight. Boogerman, you need the love that only Eric Schmidt & Peter Chou can give.
  • Reply 63 of 240
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    While I do agree with you on most of what you said......I just don't a lot peopel complaining about dropped calls and signal loss on the other phones makers. thats doesn't mean they don't exist. I would even agree with the premise that ALL smartphones have some signal loss depending on how you hold them. BUT I have NEVER had a dropped call or signal loss with my iPhone 3G or 3GS or anyother phone I have had becasue of the way I held it. I have had a lot of phones over the years and from different carriers and nerver had theis happen until the 4G......That is just my experience......

    You're exaggerating the issue. Apple released data on this and I doubt that the difference in the number of dropped calls on the iP4 vs. 3GS is even statistically significant.
  • Reply 64 of 240
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    And how many users of other devices do you know who complained en masse about signal loss/attenuation issue before the Iphone 4?

    Were Blackberry users complaining? No Are they now? No

    Were Palm(HP) users complaining? No Are they now? No

    Were Android* -- Motorola--Samsung-- LG-- users complaining? No Are they now? No

    Were Iphone users complaining? no* Are they now? Yes You see the difference, right?

    *I am beginning to believe that the number of dropped calls on att are mostly experienced by Iphone users with the exception of the Nexus one. I never seem to have a problem, nor do I personally hear anyone complain about ATT other than those that use an iphone.

    *With the exception of the Nexus One, which I owned/tested and did have poor reception dropped call issues.

    Huh? Try going to the forums for those companies and look at all the complaints. What Iphone users are complaining? I am not complaining and i own an iPhone 4. From the facts, a tiny fraction of iPhone 4 owners have complained to apple about it.

    Go back to neowin or whatever anti-apple fanboy site you came from.
  • Reply 65 of 240
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, since other phones have this problem, but Apple is the company being criticized for it, singled out for it, it's entirely appropriate for them to point this out.

    They released a phone to the public that would drop your call if you touched it, literally. This is not something that other companies have done, and the only "problem" that other phones suffered from came from those death grip scenarios.

    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, except that doesn't really happen when the bars are analogous to signal strength:

    You're either being disingenuous, or you really aren't following and don't understand what's going on.

    What's going on is the connection is bridged when you touch the black band. Changing how the bars are represented doesn't solve this. Just because their single bar is now at -121 instead of -113, it doesn't mean they have solved the issue. It's the equivalent of getting a bigger tub instead of going on a diet when a fat person displaces all the water.

    Again, this software update along with a bumper is all that was needed. Dragging other companies in to bash them, and capitalizing on the public's ignorance about attenuation was just unnecessary and makes Apple look bad (in my eyes anyway.)
  • Reply 66 of 240
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    You're exaggerating the issue. Apple released data on this and I doubt that the difference in the number of dropped calls on the iP4 vs. 3GS is even statistically significant.

    No...I was speaking from personal experience. I had the 4G with the signal loss issue. I could reproduce it for an Apple store manger. It didn't matter if I had full signal or less than full signal. If I held it in my hand the way I just naturally hold my phone it would lose signal then go to no service. So I am not speaking about anyone else or any other data....from personal experience with other phones I have had throughout my lifetime and from different carriers. My 3G nor my 3GS would never drop calls based on how I held the phones. My son has a 3G now and it is rock solid never has had a problem. So then why did the 4G drop calls?
  • Reply 67 of 240
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    They released a phone to the public that would drop your call if you touched it, literally. This is not something that other companies have done, and the only "problem" that other phones suffered from came from those death grip scenarios.

    But only if you already had a very weak signal. You know that you are completely misrepresenting the issue, and it reflects poorly on you that you are doing so.
  • Reply 68 of 240
    Originally Posted by Malligator View Post

    Do you have the mental and physical dexterity to not put the tip of your finger on that one spot?

    That doesn't answer my question, does it?

    But yes, I do retain both the mental and physical capacity. I can even do it with my right and left hands-- I'm just so fucking ambidextrous like that, man.

    Let's ask the more appropriate question: Should you or I or anyone else have to hold the phone a certain way in order to use it?
  • Reply 69 of 240
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    No...I was speaking from personal experience. I had the 4G with the signal loss issue. I could reproduce it for an Apple store manger. It didn't matter if I had full signal or less than full signal. If I held it in my hand the way I just naturally hold my phone it would lose signal then go to no service. So I am not speaking about anyone else or any other data....from personal experience with other phones I have had throughout my lifetime and from different carriers. My 3G nor my 3GS would never drop calls based on how I held the phones. My son has a 3G now and it is rock solid never has had a problem. So then why did the 4G drop calls?

    Did you keep the phone? How's the software update and a bumper working out for you?

    I'd take 4.01 and a bumper over returning the whole thing any day, but that's just me.
  • Reply 70 of 240
    berpberp Posts: 136member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    I feel that it was an incredibly poor decision for Apple to call out RIM, HTC, etc. in the manner in which they did when clearly the signal drop/attenuation issue doesn't affect other phones both in quantity and frequency. I had the iphone 4 for 2 days before I returned it with the intention of waiting for the next gen-- but because of the press release and the tone with which Jobs and co. conducted themselves, I will most likely take my business elsewhere. I was Iphone strong for 3 yrs.

    And to be fair, I have other reasons for jumping ship-- *cough* notifications *cough*

    Btw, I've tested a number handsets as an alternative to the Iphone and while many are fantastic, the htc aria is a standout. No signal issues or dropped calls whatsoever thus far in the very same areas where all generations of Iphone were affected to varying degrees.


    By definition, a smart phone has to live up to its characterization. It has to perform a lot of tasks reasonably well with a good measure of cross pollination and coordination between those tasks. Not intelligent, but a good measure of synergetic productivity enhancement.

    Furthermore, for it to be smart it cannot forsake the free expanding will of its end user for the benefit of a free everlasting ride for its rain maker.

    In other words, it is conceptually impossible for Google, given its very nature, to engineer and brand a smart phone, for it is genetically and irremediably tied up to Google's own thought process. The consumer emerges more as a conceptual buying entity than as a performing human being. All servers, no freeways.

    But It could brand a fishing rod... with no space for ethical quandary!
  • Reply 71 of 240
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    Can you replicate the decreased signal on any other phone with just the tip of your finger? I'll be waiting for your answer & link.

    Since the weak spot gives you a texture feedback, wouldn't it help you avoid it. Typing is a relaxing activity and having a little mark on the F and the J, helps us focus more on the text and lets the body deal with the actual typing. When they say that is not a big deal, it really is not a big deal, it is just a change, but people don't like changes, the like new things but not changes. We all know that this was tread off, on the one hand better reception, more room for batteries, on the other, your body has to learn a new trick, you see it is not your mind that they want to change in the way we use the gadget. These guys take risks, that is why they are fun. They got away with the simple wheel of the expensive ipod, did they get away with the new ishuffle? they got away with the no physical keyboard of the first iphone, are they going to get away with this one? I am not sure, I tend to think they are because it is a better antenna.
  • Reply 72 of 240
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    But only if you already had a very weak signal. You know that you are completely misrepresenting the issue, and it reflects poorly on you that you are doing so.

    How was a person supposed to know they had a weak signal? They had 5 bars. I'm not misrepresenting the issue AT ALL. I'm only relaying everything I've seen and read. Are you going to tell everyone who posted a video on it that they're misrepresenting the issue? Listen to yourself.

    I guess now at least with the new update, they can see more clearly they don't have a strong signal...

    BTW, how am I misrepresenting the issue when clearly I've said numerous times that a bumper or case along with the software update is enough of a resolution?
  • Reply 73 of 240
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Did you keep the phone? How's the software update and a bumper working out for you?

    I'd take 4.01 and a bumper over returning the whole thing any day, but that's just me.

    I returned my 4G and got an EVO. I don't use cases on my phones. That is just a personal preference of mine. I also don't feel like I should have to use a case or bumper to have a fully function phone.....
  • Reply 74 of 240
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    No...I was speaking from personal experience. I had the 4G with the signal loss issue. I could reproduce it for an Apple store manger. It didn't matter if I had full signal or less than full signal. If I held it in my hand the way I just naturally hold my phone it would lose signal then go to no service. So I am not speaking about anyone else or any other data....from personal experience with other phones I have had throughout my lifetime and from different carriers. My 3G nor my 3GS would never drop calls based on how I held the phones. My son has a 3G now and it is rock solid never has had a problem. So then why did the 4G drop calls?

    Again, it will only do this, as tests have indicated, if you are already in an area where there is a very weak signal. Anecdotes are trumped by actual data, and the data indicate that the issue is not affecting significant number of users in a significant way. If your iP4 -- it's not a 4G, by the way -- was dropping calls in an area of strong signal, then it isn't because of this issue.
  • Reply 75 of 240
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by storneo View Post

    I think it was a GREAT decision! Apple was merely pointing out that other phones drop bars when held a specific way as does the iPhone 4. Jobs was even nice about it saying the other phone were "great phones". Apple did NOT say anything about dropped calls/data based on the bars dropping. To top it off, Apple is doing something to help their customers who complain about the issues, Do you think any of the other phone makers are going to do the same? NO WAY!

    How can people not understand that Jobs was just comparing Apple's phone to Android/WIN phones? Fact is phones drop bars when the antenna is interfered with. SIMPLE! By giving a demo on it he's just saying "look, if you're gonna make a big deal about this then be fair and give everyone a hard time!".

    You said it better than I. This whole debate now boils down to Apple vs the competition. I'm happy we all have choices. Well, not all of us. I'm with Verizon and I still have to wait for them to get the iPhone. Oops...that is my choice isn't it?
  • Reply 76 of 240
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    I returned my 4G and got an EVO. I don't use cases on my phones. That is just a personal preference of mine. I also don't feel like I should have to use a case or bumper to have a fully function phone.....

    How's the Evo working out for you? It's one of the phones people have shown to have attenuation issues when "held wrong."
  • Reply 77 of 240
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    How was a person supposed to know they had a weak signal? They had 5 bars. I'm not misrepresenting the issue AT ALL. I'm only relaying everything I've seen and read. Are you going to tell everyone who posted a video on it that they're misrepresenting the issue? Listen to yourself.

    I guess now at least with the new update, they can see more clearly they don't have a strong signal...

    BTW, how am I misrepresenting the issue when clearly I've said numerous times that a bumper or case along with the software update is enough of a resolution?

    You're misrepresenting it because you know, I know, we all know about the bar algorithm issue, but you are pretending as though the pre-fix bars are indicative of how much signal the phone can lose, when we all know they are not. Maybe you're just a confused thinker, which I think is the case, but the whole thing about it "losing signal" without qualifying the statement, or quantifying how much, is a misrepresentation
  • Reply 78 of 240
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Again, it will only do this, as tests have indicated, if you are already in an area where there is a very weak signal. Anecdotes are trumped by actual data, and the data indicate that the issue is not affecting significant number of users in a significant way. If your iP4 -- it's not a 4G, by the way -- was dropping calls in an area of strong signal, then it isn't because of this issue.

    He said he could reproduce the issue by just naturally holding his phone. Not by running an app, or by using it upside down, or whatever other possible cause you can think of. It was caused by naturally holding his phone, and in the Apple store no less. I've never been to an Apple store where their display phones didn't have excellent service, but it's still possible that particular store didn't have good service (but how can you tell when the bars are displayed incorrectly.)

    Look, this guy has given his story and you tell him basically it doesn't matter because other data says it's a non issue. That's kind of arrogant. You're basically calling him a liar, or too stupid to know why he's wrong.
  • Reply 79 of 240
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    You're misrepresenting it because you know, I know, we all know about the bar algorithm issue, but you are pretending as though the pre-fix bars are indicative of how much signal the phone can lose, when we all know they are not. Maybe you're just a confused thinker, which I think is the case, but the whole thing about it "losing signal" without qualifying the statement, or quantifying how much, is a misrepresentation

    I didn't write the algorithm, Apple did. Apple tested it, they worked with it, they released it that way.

    A dropped call is a dropped call, regardless of how your algorithm works.
  • Reply 80 of 240
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    And how many users of other devices do you know who complained en masse about signal loss/attenuation issue before the Iphone 4?

    Were Blackberry users complaining? No Are they now? No

    Were Palm(HP) users complaining? No Are they now? No

    Were Android* -- Motorola--Samsung-- LG-- users complaining? No Are they now? No

    Were Iphone users complaining? no* Are they now? Yes You see the difference, right? .

    Actually, there's no difference - at least none that anyone has been able to demonstrate.

    For you to prove your point, you'd have to show data that iPhone users are complaining in any greater numbers than other phone users. So far, you haven't done so.

    The iPhone 'problem' got a lot more visibility because of irresponsible bloggers, but that doesn't mean it's any more real.

    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    While I do agree with you on most of what you said......I just don't a lot peopel complaining about dropped calls and signal loss on the other phones makers.

    You must have your head in the sand, then. People complain about dropped calls on ALL carriers.

    Do you have evidence that the iPhone drops more calls UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS as other phones?

    To some extent, the sensitivity of the iPhone 4 hurts it - it is able to place a call in some very weak signal locations where other phones wouldn't connect in the first place. It would be interesting to see dropped call figures in a controlled environment. Oh, wait. Apple did that in a $100 M test lab and found that the iPhone has better than average reception.

    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    They released a phone to the public that would drop your call if you touched it, literally.

    As opposed to other phones that drop calls if you don't do anything?

    Do you have any evidence that the iPhone has more of a problem than other phones?

    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    I returned my 4G and got an EVO. I don't use cases on my phones. That is just a personal preference of mine. I also don't feel like I should have to use a case or bumper to have a fully function phone.....

    Good for you. I hope you're happy. Are you going to come back here and report it when your EVO drops calls?
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