>>>The report also notes that 77 percent of iPhone users say they'll buy another phone from Apple, compared to just 20 percent of Android owners who say they'd buy another Android phone.<<<
... maybe that's because AT&T appears to deliberately cripple its Android offerings so as not to present any real competition for the iPhone.
And yet the Android is on so many other US carriers - oh I get they ALL suck - which is why the Android is failing to get interest in repeaters.Yes, yes. I see your logic (sic) now.
And here I thought all the private recommendations to ignore you were unfair. You're batting zero on the forum, except for us newbies I guess.
The path to correctly responding to your commentary lies long this line apparently:
User CP > Edit Ignore List > Enter name > Daharder. Oh look you are my first! Bully for you sir!
I personally don't know anyone who is satisfied with AT&T!
So who are these 73% ?? The service is awful everywhere I go. I have not completed two phone calls in 8 months and the data service is just as bad! For no reason my phone jumps from edge to 3g and back again and I can be sitting still in a chair!!
And this happens no matter where I am not any particular city, wether I'm inside or outside doesn't matter!!
apple blames it on AT&T and AT&T blames on Apple they both charge me to much money for the same crappy service!!
What an incredibly patient and long-suffering person you are! Imagine tolerating such horrible performance over the course of 8 months!! I can't imagine using a phone that wouldn't even allow me to make two calls in that time, let alone doing happy hops from data network to data network! In fact if that happened within 1 month the phone would be back to the supplier and either replaced or refunded. If the actual service via carrier was that bad - I would change that as well! In fact I have done it in the past and would do so in the future.
You have my deepest and express admiration sir - that must be some kind of tolerance record! I don't regard myself as having very high consumer expectations - but I doubt that I would put up with that for 8 solid months.
What an incredibly patient and long-suffering person you are! Imagine tolerating such horrible performance over the course of 8 months!! I can't imagine using a phone that wouldn't even allow me to make two calls in that time, let alone doing happy hops from data network to data network! In fact if that happened within 1 month the phone would be back to the supplier and either replaced or refunded. If the actual service via carrier was that bad - I would change that as well! In fact I have done it in the past and would do so in the future.
You have my deepest and express admiration sir - that must be some kind of tolerance record! I don't regard myself as having very high consumer expectations - but I doubt that I would put up with that for 8 solid months.
It's a case that I bought an apple Iphone and of course that locked me into a new 2 year contract. You can call you can complain but if you cancel the contract they charge you!!
So I answer the phone and tell who ever it is I will call them back on the land line and I do!!
And yet the Android is on so many other US carriers - oh I get they ALL suck - which is why the Android is failing to get interest in repeaters.Yes, yes. I see your logic (sic) now.
And here I thought all the private recommendations to ignore you were unfair. You're batting zero on the forum, except for us newbies I guess.
The path to correctly responding to your commentary lies long this line apparently:
User CP > Edit Ignore List > Enter name > Daharder. Oh look you are my first! Bully for you sir!
Run... Hide... Ignore... How typical of 'your ilk' when confronted with the truth - Enjoy your stay in hiding.
It's a case that I bought an apple Iphone and of course that locked me into a new 2 year contract. You can call you can complain but if you cancel the contract they charge you!!
So I answer the phone and tell who ever it is I will call them back on the land line and I do!!
If I'm not mistaken, you can return it in the first 30 days, and considering you apparently had problems since day 1, one must wonder why you decided not to leave when you had the chance.
>I'm glad they stuck with ATT.
Where I have lived and traveled over the past 3 years (length of iphone ownership) in the midwest, ATT has always been good.
I lived in minneapolis, ALWAYS 5 bars.
I live in Chicago, great coverage and much faster data than verizon.
Traveling to cleveland, orlando, lansing, milwaukee, coverage has always been good.
I can't speak for the coasts but I'm glad I have ATT. Verizon's 3g coverage in chicago is crap and their speeds are much lower. A very good friend who has an incredible routinely participates in speed test comparisons with me while we're out and about. ATT is the clear winner in Chicago, and its not even close.
Just the other night I hit 572 kilobytes/second down. Thats about 4.5 Megabit. And with a constant 1.5 MBit uplink, I'm uber-happy.
A fandroid with an EVO recently did a speed test comparison with me while we were at the same place, and he had "4G" coverage. He got 2.5 megabit and I got about 3.
"4G" is a ridiculous marketing technique. Its hardly in ANY major cities, but chicago happens to be one of them and it can't even keep up with ATT 3G.
Nuff said.
"Agreed. My wife's phone (not an iPhone...and we're on Verizon) drops bars and almost calls when she holds it on her shoulder. I'm not barking at LG about it. My LG doesn't get any signal inside the building where I work but I'm not writing LG about it. No...I'm talking to Verizon.
I don't think Apple caught this in pre-launch testing because there wasn't anything to catch. Wasn't there an article out a while back about new sim cards ATT supplied Apple with, a new style? I'm not looking to pass blame here, but I don't think the whole story is out yet. People in other countries are not having this problem and too many people in this country have a perfectly working phone to have it be a hardware issue. It's not the phone."
My only complaint is that AT&T needs to put some focus into their towers that follow major highways. If people maintained good 3G coverage while driving down the highway I bet that satisfaction would go up by 10%.
I came from Verizon to AT&T. Hated my Verizon service, not only had just as many dropped calls but my phone was garbage and had to be reset on their network like once a week. I also had tethering but half the time it didn't work and Verizon kept trying to blame it on my computer. Funny the tether would work fine to my friends Bberry, same exact model and plan, yet through my own phone it would work for like a minute and then no internet.
Moved to the iPhone and was a little bummed at lack of tethering, yet after almost 2 years I can only recall a handful of times I desired tethering. My favorite feature of AT&T's network is phone+data simultaneously! How the heck did I ever live without this?!
Verizon does have more coverage area but at least where I live the coverage is crap quality. If Verizon got iPhone tomorrow there is still no way I'd go back. Very happy with my AT&T service.
I personally don't know anyone who is satisfied with AT&T!
So who are these 73% ?? The service is awful everywhere I go. I have not completed two phone calls in 8 months and the data service is just as bad! For no reason my phone jumps from edge to 3g and back again and I can be sitting still in a chair!!
And this happens no matter where I am not any particular city, wether I'm inside or outside doesn't matter!!
apple blames it on AT&T and AT&T blames on Apple they both charge me to much money for the same crappy service!!
You haven't completed two calls in 8 months? I find that hard to believe unless your only calling from you mom's basement.
73% satisfied?? More pleased with AT&T than other carriers??? What the hell?
This factoid from reality is not journalism. Journalism today is supposed to be rumors compounded by innuendo laced with flaming invective from internet commenters such as myself.
If you keep publishing the actual facts, well, let's just say that it is a slippery slope you have embarked upon.
The whole thrust of politics, advertising and blogging these days is based on over-representing negatives to create a public impression of badness and wrongness. Without badness and wrongness, there is no drama. And journalism is far more than the mere transmission of information, facts and verifiable information; it is story driven. And stories ARE drama.
Everybody knows by now that A; AT&T is the worst company, ever, and B; Steve Jobs has crossed into the evilness that once was only found in Microsoft.
To throw the gasoline of truth on these widely-held popular beliefs is dangerous, for some reason. Don't say I didn't warn you.
A recently released survey of US iPhone users by the Yankee Group has found that despite lots of complaints, the majority are pleased with AT&T, even more so than subscribers on other carriers. ]
Bullshit. But if Steve Mobs tells you to think so, you will.
Facts are stubborn things. Fact is Verizon added 665,000 postpaid customers while AT&T only added 496,000. While iPhone 4 has brought more people to the table, it's sort of disingenuous to say people are satisfied with AT&T because of AT&T. They are satisfied because of the iPhone.
Even still, we are reaching close to the top end of people who are willing to switch carriers. That's a fact. While no one knows the true end of the exclusive contract (it was 2012 but has been renegotiated since then) I'd say that you will see different carriers enter the fray soon. Which ones, who knows. If you're truly butt hurt by Verizon, no one is saying that you must switch if Apple gets the iPhone. However, if they do get it along with Sprint and T-Mobile, that not only is a big boon for overall sales, but also a big blow to Google and Android. That alone is reason enough to consider opening it up. While I am aware of the issues of making a CDMA iPhone, I believe that you are not far away from having a really good CDMA/UMTS chipset that could bring a single iPhone that supports both standards to market.
Many online news sites have however labelled this finding "surprising" or words to that effect. But maybe it's true.
Changewave's earlier (May) report is diametrically opposed to these surprising findings, but they're possibly true all the same.
Gartner's spokesperson says...
"It would be interesting to see how many users were interviewed," said Carolina Milanesi, vice president of mobile devices research at Gartner, who has said AT&T was preventing even wider adoption of the popular iPhone. "My comments are based on feedback from clients we have in the U.S., especially in metropolitan areas, and my personal experience when roaming on the AT&T network. I have to admit I am very surprised by the results."
But perhaps her surprise is unwarranted and the YG report reflects the true situation.
Although other more sceptical sites have pondered on the methodology of Yankee Group's survey, it seems, in fact, that the least sceptical sites are astonishingly enough, the Apple fansites.
But that might just be coincidence. It could be true.
Disclaimer: I live in NZ and wouldn't have a clue how good or bad AT&T's network is, nor the other US networks. And frankly, I don't much care - other than it was another DED pile of rubbish that I had the opportunity to comment on.
I have had GTE/Verizon, Sprint and Cingular/AT&T as my wireless carriers over the years. Coverage area? Many more dead zones with Verizon and Sprint than with AT&T. The areas in which I trave include TX, LA, MS, TN, AR, OK, NM, AZ and NV.
Customer service? Neither Verizon nor Sprint were even close to as being helpful and friendly as AT&T.
Pricing? Verizon is hands down the most expensive. Sprint and AT&T are both much better priced.
Do I actually own an iphone? Yes - 3G an 4.
Do I believe that the majority of posts on here represent a minority of dissatisfied users? You bet I do
Never do phone surveys, but did participate several weeks ago when they said it was about iphone.
We love our iphones, but have so many dropped calls we have kept our verizon phones. I gave very low ratings for any questions involving reception.LIve in NYC and would switch to Verizon - My children live is SW New York State and the coverage there is awful. We know many people there that would buy an iphone immediately if Verizon carried the iphone.
And yet the Android is on so many other US carriers - oh I get they ALL suck - which is why the Android is failing to get interest in repeaters.Yes, yes. I see your logic (sic) now.
And here I thought all the private recommendations to ignore you were unfair. You're batting zero on the forum, except for us newbies I guess.
The path to correctly responding to your commentary lies long this line apparently:
User CP > Edit Ignore List > Enter name > Daharder. Oh look you are my first! Bully for you sir!
I personally don't know anyone who is satisfied with AT&T!
So who are these 73% ?? The service is awful everywhere I go. I have not completed two phone calls in 8 months and the data service is just as bad! For no reason my phone jumps from edge to 3g and back again and I can be sitting still in a chair!!
And this happens no matter where I am not any particular city, wether I'm inside or outside doesn't matter!!
apple blames it on AT&T and AT&T blames on Apple they both charge me to much money for the same crappy service!!
What an incredibly patient and long-suffering person you are! Imagine tolerating such horrible performance over the course of 8 months!! I can't imagine using a phone that wouldn't even allow me to make two calls in that time, let alone doing happy hops from data network to data network! In fact if that happened within 1 month the phone would be back to the supplier and either replaced or refunded. If the actual service via carrier was that bad - I would change that as well! In fact I have done it in the past and would do so in the future.
You have my deepest and express admiration sir - that must be some kind of tolerance record! I don't regard myself as having very high consumer expectations - but I doubt that I would put up with that for 8 solid months.
What an incredibly patient and long-suffering person you are! Imagine tolerating such horrible performance over the course of 8 months!! I can't imagine using a phone that wouldn't even allow me to make two calls in that time, let alone doing happy hops from data network to data network! In fact if that happened within 1 month the phone would be back to the supplier and either replaced or refunded. If the actual service via carrier was that bad - I would change that as well! In fact I have done it in the past and would do so in the future.
You have my deepest and express admiration sir - that must be some kind of tolerance record! I don't regard myself as having very high consumer expectations - but I doubt that I would put up with that for 8 solid months.
It's a case that I bought an apple Iphone and of course that locked me into a new 2 year contract. You can call you can complain but if you cancel the contract they charge you!!
So I answer the phone and tell who ever it is I will call them back on the land line and I do!!
And yet the Android is on so many other US carriers - oh I get they ALL suck - which is why the Android is failing to get interest in repeaters.Yes, yes. I see your logic (sic) now.
And here I thought all the private recommendations to ignore you were unfair. You're batting zero on the forum, except for us newbies I guess.
The path to correctly responding to your commentary lies long this line apparently:
User CP > Edit Ignore List > Enter name > Daharder. Oh look you are my first! Bully for you sir!
Run... Hide... Ignore... How typical of 'your ilk' when confronted with the truth - Enjoy your stay in hiding.
Dropped calls?
Minimum monthly price for iPhone?
geographical signal coverage?
customer service?
Upgrade path?
There are a lot of different aspects to a satisfaction survey for wireless carriers.
It's a case that I bought an apple Iphone and of course that locked me into a new 2 year contract. You can call you can complain but if you cancel the contract they charge you!!
So I answer the phone and tell who ever it is I will call them back on the land line and I do!!
If I'm not mistaken, you can return it in the first 30 days, and considering you apparently had problems since day 1, one must wonder why you decided not to leave when you had the chance.
THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'm glad they stuck with ATT.
Where I have lived and traveled over the past 3 years (length of iphone ownership) in the midwest, ATT has always been good.
I lived in minneapolis, ALWAYS 5 bars.
I live in Chicago, great coverage and much faster data than verizon.
Traveling to cleveland, orlando, lansing, milwaukee, coverage has always been good.
I can't speak for the coasts but I'm glad I have ATT. Verizon's 3g coverage in chicago is crap and their speeds are much lower. A very good friend who has an incredible routinely participates in speed test comparisons with me while we're out and about. ATT is the clear winner in Chicago, and its not even close.
Just the other night I hit 572 kilobytes/second down. Thats about 4.5 Megabit. And with a constant 1.5 MBit uplink, I'm uber-happy.
A fandroid with an EVO recently did a speed test comparison with me while we were at the same place, and he had "4G" coverage. He got 2.5 megabit and I got about 3.
"4G" is a ridiculous marketing technique. Its hardly in ANY major cities, but chicago happens to be one of them and it can't even keep up with ATT 3G.
Nuff said.
"Agreed. My wife's phone (not an iPhone...and we're on Verizon) drops bars and almost calls when she holds it on her shoulder. I'm not barking at LG about it. My LG doesn't get any signal inside the building where I work but I'm not writing LG about it. No...I'm talking to Verizon.
I don't think Apple caught this in pre-launch testing because there wasn't anything to catch. Wasn't there an article out a while back about new sim cards ATT supplied Apple with, a new style? I'm not looking to pass blame here, but I don't think the whole story is out yet. People in other countries are not having this problem and too many people in this country have a perfectly working phone to have it be a hardware issue. It's not the phone."
My only complaint is that AT&T needs to put some focus into their towers that follow major highways. If people maintained good 3G coverage while driving down the highway I bet that satisfaction would go up by 10%.
I came from Verizon to AT&T. Hated my Verizon service, not only had just as many dropped calls but my phone was garbage and had to be reset on their network like once a week. I also had tethering but half the time it didn't work and Verizon kept trying to blame it on my computer. Funny the tether would work fine to my friends Bberry, same exact model and plan, yet through my own phone it would work for like a minute and then no internet.
Moved to the iPhone and was a little bummed at lack of tethering, yet after almost 2 years I can only recall a handful of times I desired tethering. My favorite feature of AT&T's network is phone+data simultaneously! How the heck did I ever live without this?!
Verizon does have more coverage area but at least where I live the coverage is crap quality. If Verizon got iPhone tomorrow there is still no way I'd go back. Very happy with my AT&T service.
Run... Hide... Ignore... How typical of 'your ilk' when confronted with the truth - Enjoy your stay in hiding.
However, unlike yours', his ilk can't be routinely observed donning the notorious fedora,
I personally don't know anyone who is satisfied with AT&T!
So who are these 73% ?? The service is awful everywhere I go. I have not completed two phone calls in 8 months and the data service is just as bad! For no reason my phone jumps from edge to 3g and back again and I can be sitting still in a chair!!
And this happens no matter where I am not any particular city, wether I'm inside or outside doesn't matter!!
apple blames it on AT&T and AT&T blames on Apple they both charge me to much money for the same crappy service!!
You haven't completed two calls in 8 months? I find that hard to believe unless your only calling from you mom's basement.
This factoid from reality is not journalism. Journalism today is supposed to be rumors compounded by innuendo laced with flaming invective from internet commenters such as myself.
If you keep publishing the actual facts, well, let's just say that it is a slippery slope you have embarked upon.
The whole thrust of politics, advertising and blogging these days is based on over-representing negatives to create a public impression of badness and wrongness. Without badness and wrongness, there is no drama. And journalism is far more than the mere transmission of information, facts and verifiable information; it is story driven. And stories ARE drama.
Everybody knows by now that A; AT&T is the worst company, ever, and B; Steve Jobs has crossed into the evilness that once was only found in Microsoft.
To throw the gasoline of truth on these widely-held popular beliefs is dangerous, for some reason. Don't say I didn't warn you.
A recently released survey of US iPhone users by the Yankee Group has found that despite lots of complaints, the majority are pleased with AT&T, even more so than subscribers on other carriers. ]
Bullshit. But if Steve Mobs tells you to think so, you will.
Bullshit. But if Steve Mobs tells you to think so, you will.
Trite, thy name is Blackintosh.
Even still, we are reaching close to the top end of people who are willing to switch carriers. That's a fact. While no one knows the true end of the exclusive contract (it was 2012 but has been renegotiated since then) I'd say that you will see different carriers enter the fray soon. Which ones, who knows. If you're truly butt hurt by Verizon, no one is saying that you must switch if Apple gets the iPhone. However, if they do get it along with Sprint and T-Mobile, that not only is a big boon for overall sales, but also a big blow to Google and Android. That alone is reason enough to consider opening it up. While I am aware of the issues of making a CDMA iPhone, I believe that you are not far away from having a really good CDMA/UMTS chipset that could bring a single iPhone that supports both standards to market.
Many online news sites have however labelled this finding "surprising" or words to that effect. But maybe it's true.
Changewave's earlier (May) report is diametrically opposed to these surprising findings, but they're possibly true all the same.
Gartner's spokesperson says...
"It would be interesting to see how many users were interviewed," said Carolina Milanesi, vice president of mobile devices research at Gartner, who has said AT&T was preventing even wider adoption of the popular iPhone. "My comments are based on feedback from clients we have in the U.S., especially in metropolitan areas, and my personal experience when roaming on the AT&T network. I have to admit I am very surprised by the results."
But perhaps her surprise is unwarranted and the YG report reflects the true situation.
Although other more sceptical sites have pondered on the methodology of Yankee Group's survey, it seems, in fact, that the least sceptical sites are astonishingly enough, the Apple fansites.
But that might just be coincidence. It could be true.
Disclaimer: I live in NZ and wouldn't have a clue how good or bad AT&T's network is, nor the other US networks. And frankly, I don't much care - other than it was another DED pile of rubbish that I had the opportunity to comment on.
Customer service? Neither Verizon nor Sprint were even close to as being helpful and friendly as AT&T.
Pricing? Verizon is hands down the most expensive. Sprint and AT&T are both much better priced.
Do I actually own an iphone? Yes - 3G an 4.
Do I believe that the majority of posts on here represent a minority of dissatisfied users? You bet I do
We love our iphones, but have so many dropped calls we have kept our verizon phones. I gave very low ratings for any questions involving reception.LIve in NYC and would switch to Verizon - My children live is SW New York State and the coverage there is awful. We know many people there that would buy an iphone immediately if Verizon carried the iphone.
Trite, thy name is Blackintosh.
Please turn on your spell check. You meant to say truth, not trite.