Violence in Israel/Palestine



  • Reply 241 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    "The true enemy of Arab is not Jew, the true enemy of Black is not White; the true enemy of all is dull-mindedness.?

    Tom Robbins

    I'm considering this for my new siganture
  • Reply 242 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    [quote] Here are some number I dug up:

    In 1968, Jewish historian Maxime Rodinson wrote that

    "the Arab population of Palestine was native in all the usual senses of the word" (Rodinson, M., Israel and the Arabs, Penguin, 1968, p. 216).

    Estimated Population of Palestine 1870-1946

    Arabs (%) Jews (%) Total

    1870 367,224 (98%) 7,000 (2%) 375,000

    1893 469,000 (98%) 10,000 (2%) 497,000

    1912 525,000 (93%) 40,000 (6%) 565,000

    1920 542,000 (90%) 61,000 (10%) 603,000

    1925 598,000 (83%) 120,000 (17%) 719,000

    1930 763,000 (82%) 165,000 (18%) 928,000

    1935 886,000 (71%) 355,000 (29%) 1,241,000

    1940 1,014,000 (69%) 463,000 (31%) 1,478,000

    1946 1,237,000 (65%) 608,000 (35%) 1,845,000


    So I changed the words, care to comment on the numbers? or the quote, or any of the other arguments?
  • Reply 243 of 761
    [quote]Originally posted by New:


    So I changed the words, care to comment on the numbers? or the quote, or any of the other arguments?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How about we use todays numbers. Or better yet, tomorrows numbers. Jews (100%) Arabs (0%). And tomorrow is geting closer and closer. You can take that to the history books.

  • Reply 244 of 761
    Listen New, what you fail to understand is that no matter how many obstacles you put in our way, we will always try to make it to our homeland. It?s like the Salmon fish going back. 2000 years of exile with all the history behind it did not stop us, and neither are a bunch of Arabs and their sympathizers.

  • Reply 245 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    I was showing how your claims where wrong, and I can see you have no answer, only a call for ethnic cleansing...

    Actually the Salmon is getting extinct... They all come from "fish-farms" now...

    [ 04-01-2002: Message edited by: New ]</p>
  • Reply 246 of 761
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    [quote]Originally posted by New:

    <strong>And the jews won it from...?</strong><hr></blockquote>Who did originally have Palestine? I mean originally.

    I thought the Hebrews came from Egypt with Moses, and took Palestine from the Canaanites (yeah, I was watching the Ten Commandments last night).

    Palestine means land of Philistines, who were Greek. Maybe the Greeks want it back?
  • Reply 247 of 761
    Well, you're getting good at copying fabricated ?facts?. But these are not even your own arguments, and frankly it's getting tedious pointing out those fabrications.

  • Reply 248 of 761
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    I don't think ANY one wants that piece of land back. Better it stays in the hands of the Israelis.
  • Reply 249 of 761
    Philistines, who were Phoenicians, came much later. (David and Goliath - much later history)

  • Reply 250 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    [quote] Well, you're getting good at copying fabricated ?facts?. But these are not even your own arguments, and frankly it's getting tedious pointing out those fabrications. <hr></blockquote>

    What are you talking about? Ofcourse they are not my numbers, I wasn't there to count the arabs and jews in 1920...

    If you have better sources, then please enlighten me... You are still just attacking me, and not my arguments...
  • Reply 251 of 761

    You are still just attacking me, and not my arguments


    What is your argument? There were so many ?Palestinians? there, why didn't they create their own state? Your numbers show a 2:1 advantage to the Arabs. And with an additional five armies attacking, it just doesn't make sense.

  • Reply 252 of 761
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    [quote]Originally posted by PC^KILLA:

    <strong>Philistines, who were Phoenicians, came much later. (David and Goliath - much later history)</strong><hr></blockquote>Yeah, I know, I was just being phoenicious.

    But here's what I don't get - you say you have a right to return to all these lands. Where does that right come from? Are you talking about the promised land based on God's promise? If so, that wouldn't exactly stand up in court, if you know what I mean.

    If it comes from somewhere else, please explain.
  • Reply 253 of 761
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    You've been claiming there really was no palestinian population in palestine, and that there is no difference between the arab people... I'm saying the opposit...

    You wrote this, remember?:

    [quote]You were upset Nick, that I didn?t refer to the Arabs in these areas as Palestinians. This is because there is no such thing as a Palestinian. There never was. You can go back thousands of years. You'll never find it. This is modern invention by Arab propagandists. I read the history books Nick. I know what I?m talking about.<hr></blockquote>

    and this:

    [quote]And like I said before - look at the houses. They are not more than 50 years old.

    The Turks pretty much emptied that land of inhabitants during their rein when they cut down all the wood in that area. It wasn?t until the Zionist movement began, and as they started to bring back life to the land, that that area became populated again. As more Jews populated that land, more Arabs arrived due to the increased economic viability of the area.<hr></blockquote>

    both very untrue statements...
  • Reply 254 of 761
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    brain wash.....

    I think the best value of PC^KILLA on this forum is to inform people of the feelings of the extreme Right wing (now in power) of Israel.

    They hate all arabs and want them dead. They want as much palestinian land as they can get no matter how they get it.

    How ironic, the Extreme Palestine wing wants all Jews dead. They also want as much of Israel as they can get their hands on.

    its anti-arabizm (is there a word for this?) vs anti-semitism. And by god they both need to lose and lose fast.

    [ 04-01-2002: Message edited by: thentro ]</p>
  • Reply 255 of 761
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    I could have said the same thing about you ? you sound like somebody who has been brainwashed by his parents or something, just like your buddy steve666.

    Unlike you, I have the mental capacity to filter out whats real or not from the news. You, on the other hand, are so clueless that if you formed an actual intelligent argument it would shock us all...............................
  • Reply 256 of 761

    Yeah, I know, I was just being phoenicious.


    But here's what I don't get - you say you have a right to return to all these lands. Where does that right come from? Are you talking about the promised land based on God's promise? If so, that wouldn't exactly stand up in court, if you know what I mean.

    The roman overran Judea in the early years of the 2nd last millennia. The Romans tried very hard to erase all memory of the Jews and even renamed that area as a final insult. Jews who were not forced into martyrdom in the roman amphitheaters, were forced into slavery. It has taken a long time to recover from that devastation, and there were many others that followed. But we never lost our aspiration to regain our homeland and we never renounced our claim to it ? our national birth right. The Romans were the aggressors, and all successive rulers of our land were basically thieves who stole from thieves who stole from thieves ? and just because a stolen property has been passed around many times, does not make it any less of a stolen property.


    You've been claiming there really was no palestinian population in palestine, and that there is no difference between the arab people... I'm saying the opposit... both very untrue statements..

    Let me finish that statement for you. ? both very untrue statements according to Arab mythologists.


    They hate all arabs and want them dead. They want as much palestinian land as they can get no matter how they get it.

    Kinda jumping the gun are we not thentro? To say I want them all dead, and to say that I don?t care how, is rather slanderous. I don?t want them dead. I want them out. And I did make it clear that I don?t believe a purely military solution is the way to go here. You need to cut them off from the economic engine that is Israel. They?ll leave on their own.


    [ 04-01-2002: Message edited by: PC^KILLA ]</p>
  • Reply 256 of 761
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    &gt;The UN decieds, Isreal needs to stop ignoring UN resolutions... The have to date ignored more resolutions than Iraq...&lt;

    The UN formed Israel. Tell the Arabs to pay more attention to the UN for a change. Israel would have stopped right there if they weren't attacked. Israel won, many times DEAL WITH IT. I don't see too many victors trying to sign a peace treaty and giving back land they lost-especially to people who started the war in the first place.

    As for the suicide bombings, except for the parents of the latest suicidal bitch who blew herself up, every single parent of the other suicide bombers declared themselves proud of their homicidal children. They also hoped that their other children would become 'martyrs' for the cause. Its impossible to search for peace with raging homicidal, suicidal lunatics........................
  • Reply 258 of 761
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    brain wash.....

    Yes but it applies to the anti-jew sentiment in this thread.

    I think the best value of PC^KILLA on this forum is to inform people of the feelings of the extreme Right wing (now in power) of Israel.

    They hate all arabs and want them dead. They want as much palestinian land as they can get no matter how they get it.

    If Israel really wanted all arabs dead they are going about it all wrong. That's because they DON'T want all the arabs gone. They just want them to leave them alone. But the won/t. Because the fact is that alll the people in the Arab lands that have the power want the jews dead.

    How ironic, the Extreme Palestine wing wants all Jews dead. They also want as much of Israel as they can get their hands on.

    its anti-arabizm (is there a word for this?) vs anti-semitism. And by god they both need to lose and lose fast.

    This part is the most correct part. Sorry thentro but you come off as a real jew hater. Someone that proclaims himself to be open-minded an worldly but deep down just hates and resents those dirty jews.

    I didn't mean that last part ( about you being a jew-hater), but I typed it to prove a point that most of the opinions formed by a person to another will never be publicly admitted like above. But that doesn't mean it wont be formed in the mind.
  • Reply 259 of 761
    you jewboys need some raghead friends in the worst way...

  • Reply 260 of 761
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    i'm not jewish, but thanks for asking! Here's a picture of me below. maybe we can relate?

    [ 04-01-2002: Message edited by: Outsider ]</p>
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