Apple to sell Mac OS X 10.7 Lion for $29.99 only in Mac App Store



  • Reply 81 of 139
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    What I don't yet know is if you can install it will install from a pre-Snow Leopard OS by running the installer. Apple info may just be a blanket statement because you need the Mac App Store in Snow Leopard or later to download the installer.

    That's a good question. But 10.6 is only $30 and 10.7 is only $30, so even if you do need to buy SL just to download it (which admittedly is a bit silly) it is still cheaper than OS X used to be for a full version.
  • Reply 82 of 139
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Does anyone here still think that optical drives aren't on the way out?

    I wanted them out for some time now.
  • Reply 83 of 139
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post

    Wrong again. It's likely 4GB because it is a differential update (not all of the OS is ever new).

    As it is right now with Dev preview 4GB is a full blown bootable disk image.

    Just think about what scenario is still possible? Some people don't use Time Machine or any other backup utility at all. What if HDD in their Mac fails? Do we honestly believe that we will need to install SL and then Lion all the time this happens? I doubt that.

    Most likely Lion will be a .app download from MAs, but inside we will have full blown DMG (just as we have now) and you can do whatever you want with that disk image.

    I doubt Apple is concerned about privacy or copy protection (any kind). Anyway after july all Macs come with Lion (which you already will be paying for by buying a Mac).

    P.S. It's 4 GB, because Xcode and some other things are not included anymore and not because it's differential upgrade or something.
  • Reply 84 of 139
    modemode Posts: 163member
    Apple has zero interest in computers that do any sort of production work period.

    Lion could very likely be the last OS they develop for desktop platforms before they discontinue them altogether.

    7 years from now people will be buying iMac's for $10k and the only thing they will do is display a picture of Steve Jobs with the word 'Worship' under it in a real nice Garamond font.
  • Reply 85 of 139
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by Mode View Post

    Apple has zero interest in computers that do any sort of production work period.

    Lion could very likely be the last OS they develop for desktop platforms before they discontinue them altogether.

    7 years from now people will be buying iMac's for $10k and the only thing they will do is display a picture of Steve Jobs with the word 'Worship' under it in a real nice Garamond font.

    You are badly ill arent' you?
  • Reply 86 of 139
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by macosxp View Post

    So, a family of Macs with slow internet that occasionally needs to boot into the DVD to fix a problem is basically screwed?

    Not at all. Nothing is stopping you from making a clone of your drive onto a back up drive for problem solving.


    And if you're coming from Leopard, you have to install Snow Leopard first?

    yep. Which a bunch of folks told me they would never do and my sources were full of caca. (and no I don't hate to say I told ya so. about this or about the free v paid itunes cloud or the rest of it)
  • Reply 87 of 139
    modemode Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    You are badly ill arent' you?

    Snow Leopard still doesn't have modern graphics drivers, can't print through firewire, networking bugs, font handling display issues and lags behind Leopard on all sorts of benchmarks. It's not ready for prime time professional production work period. (yes, some of this is also due to developers who abandoned it).

    Then of course there is Apple who refuses to brand a display that isn't a mirror. Mac Pro's (which I have) are insanely expensive for the horsepower and there is nothing in them that is upgradable any more then an iMac. (ram & HDD).

    Top that off with Apple killing the Xserve.

    If you can't see that Apple is abandoning the professional/production industry - geez man, I don't know what to tell you. It's not like it's a secret.

    Apple conceded the desktop - that's why they are pioneering the mobile device industry. The consumer market is their focus now.
  • Reply 88 of 139
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by Mode View Post

    Snow Leopard still doesn't have modern graphics drivers, can't print through firewire, networking bugs, font handling display issues and lags behind Leopard on all sorts of benchmarks. It's not ready for prime time professional production work period. (yes, some of this is also due to developers who abandoned it).

    Then of course there is Apple who refuses to brand a display that isn't a mirror. Mac Pro's (which I have) are insanely expensive for the horsepower and there is nothing in them that is upgradable any more then an iMac. (ram & HDD).

    Top that off with Apple killing the Xserve.

    If you can't see that Apple is abandoning the professional/production industry - geez man, I don't know what to tell you. It's not like it's a secret.

    Apple conceded the desktop - that's why they are pioneering the mobile device industry. The consumer market is their focus now.

    So the answer is yes. I figured that much already.
  • Reply 89 of 139
    kevinnealkevinneal Posts: 66member
    How is this going to work in the business world, do we now have to set up an itunes account for each user? or are there business iTunes accounts.

    Do we have to download Lion separately on every mac in the company?
  • Reply 90 of 139
    I use Macs for my business, in fact, I have 12 of them. Whats the upgrade path going to be like for business?

    Downloading software is great, but I'm not too keen on major OS updates as a download only.

    I'd gladly pay 2x as much for a DVD with a fancy label slapped on it.
  • Reply 91 of 139
    Originally Posted by Kevinneal View Post

    How is this going to work in the business world, do we now have to set up an itunes account for each user? or are there business iTunes accounts.

    Do we have to download Lion separately on every mac in the company?

    Exactly! Apple keeps making inroads into enterprise, and then seems to base all their advancements on the home user.
  • Reply 92 of 139
    Originally Posted by Mode View Post

    Snow Leopard still doesn't have modern graphics drivers, can't print through firewire, networking bugs, font handling display issues and lags behind Leopard on all sorts of benchmarks. It's not ready for prime time professional production work period. (yes, some of this is also due to developers who abandoned it).

    Then of course there is Apple who refuses to brand a display that isn't a mirror. Mac Pro's (which I have) are insanely expensive for the horsepower and there is nothing in them that is upgradable any more then an iMac. (ram & HDD).

    Top that off with Apple killing the Xserve.

    If you can't see that Apple is abandoning the professional/production industry - geez man, I don't know what to tell you. It's not like it's a secret.

    Apple conceded the desktop - that's why they are pioneering the mobile device industry. The consumer market is their focus now.

    Very sad. Who wants to spend all day in an office on a Windows machine?
  • Reply 93 of 139
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by Kevinneal View Post

    How is this going to work in the business world, do we now have to set up an itunes account for each user? or are there business iTunes accounts.

    Do we have to download Lion separately on every mac in the company?

    I think if you are the owner of that business you will be able to use one Apple ID to download Lion on all Macs you have. Please read Mac App Store licence agreement to make sure.
  • Reply 94 of 139
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by macosxp View Post

    So, a family of Macs with slow internet that occasionally needs to boot into the DVD to fix a problem is basically screwed?

    And if you're coming from Leopard, you have to install Snow Leopard first?

    Bingo. Better invest in a good hard disk for Time Machine backups.
  • Reply 95 of 139
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by chabig View Post

    If your disk fails, you restore from your backup.

    This fails to get the point... There are scenarios where a clean install is preferred. I dont want to restore my current settings because I dont need 90% of the crap I have installed and cant completely uninstall thanks to the lack of install tracking and uninstall tools being native to OSX.

    I just copy the bits of my home folder that I need to an external HDD then I want to start over with a clean slate, and I want to install the latest major release of OSX right away, not install 10.6, then wait for 10.6.x (whichever rev included the app store) to download then download and install a 4gb update...that turns a 60 minute reinstall process into an all day task -- that is effing insain!
  • Reply 96 of 139
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,668member
    Originally Posted by Kevinneal View Post

    Do we have to download Lion separately on every mac in the company?

    Are you serious? Don't you know how to copy the file the app store downloads to other machines? Apple even tells you how! (look for it yourself).
  • Reply 97 of 139
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,668member
    Originally Posted by Povilas View Post

    P.S. It's 4 GB, because Xcode and some other things are not included anymore and not because it's differential upgrade or something.

    That's probably it. I forget about Xcode because I don't use it.
  • Reply 98 of 139
    habihabi Posts: 317member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    I assume it will include one click burn of a bootable DVD or drive (thumb drive would be perfect). And testing it shouldn't be a big deal, just boot from it once to make sure it works. Apple just needs to announce the specifics of how they're handling bootable drives to get this question answered. They already include the functionality for a recovery partition, now they just need to include the option to put it on a separate physical drive as well.

    It will take a while to download, but they should include a way to create bootable DVD or thumb drive.

    So why dont you do it now? This has been possible for years. I dont remember when i´ve used the DVD:s...

    Just insert the dvd and use diskutility to make copy to your usb stick. Then just select this as your boot drive in settings and boot to the install-usb-stick.
  • Reply 99 of 139
    jonnykjonnyk Posts: 2member
    Another nail in the coffin for the people who have kept Apple going all these years. The worst thought out move in a long list of penny pinching, money grabbing decisions. This will only work on machines that are full functional and running 10.6.6 or later. That would be about 15 to 20 % of the Macs that it will run on.

    As for a $49 server download. Man alive what a mess that will create. Every no it all moron will think that they can configure a server. Good luck with that. jonny
  • Reply 100 of 139
    chabigchabig Posts: 641member
    Originally Posted by jonnyk View Post

    Another nail in the coffin for the people who have kept Apple going all these years. The worst thought out move in a long list of penny pinching, money grabbing decisions. This will only work on machines that are full functional and running 10.6.6 or later. That would be about 15 to 20 % of the Macs that it will run on.

    As for a $49 server download. Man alive what a mess that will create. Every no it all moron will think that they can configure a server. Good luck with that. jonny

    What are you referring to? Selling Lion for $30 for all your machines isn't a money grabbing decision by Apple.

    What only works on functional machines?

    I see no problem with selling the server upgrade for $50. How can this cause trouble?
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