Apple seeds Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Golden Master to developers



  • Reply 41 of 152
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I think Apple's strategy with Lion and full screen is refreshing. Open up an app....let it take the "full" focus of your attention and then move on to something else. I think it's more in line with how humans process and dispatch tasks.

    I completely agree.

    It gets annoying having 5 windows in your view at times.

    I'm running a dual 24" monitor set up on my Mac Pro for web development. I currently have FireFox, Mail, Terminal, OmniGraffle, Console all on one monitor tiled on each other (it gets annoying having to hide them all the time). It distracts me too much. On the other monitor I either have Xcode or BBEdit, it takes the full monitor so nothing takes away my attention while I am coding.

    I personally can't wait for full screen apps.
  • Reply 42 of 152
    Originally Posted by DoogH View Post

    If we are a developer and we install the GM, will we have to worry about Lion on release? Or do we already have the release version?

    If I'm not mistaken, you'll have to pay $29 like the rest of us.
  • Reply 43 of 152
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    This is great. I am looking forward to the new Mail, the full IP6 support, Mission Control, the new voices (Scottish lady!), full-disk encryption, app resume, the previews in Spotlight, and using XCode in full-screen. The new "About this Mac" window is also very nice.
  • Reply 44 of 152
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by DoogH View Post

    If we are a developer and we install the GM, will we have to worry about Lion on release? Or do we already have the release version?

    Good question. What is the exact meaning of GM seed? It's not just a candidate for GM, but the final thing, I think.
  • Reply 45 of 152
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Good question. What is the exact meaning of GM seed? It's not just a candidate for GM, but the final thing, I think.

    It's not a seed, they're seeding it. Seeding something is just another way of saying making it available for downloading, generally via bit torrent - but not exclusively.
  • Reply 46 of 152
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    So far the GM seems great. Much better than the previous build. iCal definitely has a few bugs but it's probably releasable. Beyond that, good.

    I could really use a new build of iTunes 10.5 today though, beta2 is sooo god awful buggy.
  • Reply 47 of 152
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    It's not a seed, they're seeding it. Seeding something is just another way of saying making it available for downloading, generally via bit torrent - but not exclusively.

    Then why didn't they call all the developer previews seeds too?
  • Reply 48 of 152
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    My IQ is 143 and I think it's awesome

    What it's doing is giving you an customized overview of the various things in your life. It's sweet that I can see my next appointment without launching the calendar, new emails without launching mail, weather without launching weather, etc.

    It's all very efficient... "glance and go"

    Right, but isn't that what phones are for? Why do I need "glance and go" on my laptop or desktop computer? Do I whip out my laptop every time I want to check the weather or see if I have a new tweet?

    I'm really not quite understanding what MS is doing here. Apple makes a clear distinction between iOS and OS X because they run on very different hardware that engenders different UI solutions. MS allows itself to fall way behind on touch interfaces, then abruptly goes all in by slapping a "touch friendly" UI on an OS that's likely to be mostly run on devices that strongly mitigate against that solution.

    And then they further muddy the waters by declaring that their phones will continue to run a different but similar OS while reserving Win 8 for tablets.

    Apple: purpose built mobile iOS on mobile devices, OS X on laptops and desktops. MS: WM7 on phones, Win8 with a touch skin on tablets, Win8 with a touch skin that probably will get quickly dismissed to get at Win7 on laptops and desktops.

    I don't think that's "efficient" at all, and "glance and go" makes no sense whatsoever for a desktop UI.
  • Reply 49 of 152 Posts: 340member
    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    Which looks more advanced?

    or this?

    I think Apple may have dropped the ball on this one.

    This has to be a joke post! If you think a bunch of tiles looks advanced, I think you have your head stuck up your Ballmer.
  • Reply 50 of 152
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    Which looks more advanced?

    or this?

    I think Apple may have dropped the ball on this one.

    You're kidding right? The tile design is little more than what was popular in desktop publishing 20 years ago. And while I applaud Microsoft's attempt to be un-Apple... You're also comparing Microsoft's touch based UI with Apple's desktop task manager layer.
  • Reply 51 of 152
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    W8 has the same gestures. It also has "live tiles" which are more useful than icons.

    Most importantly, it finally moved past the desktop metaphor that is over 25 years old and Apple still uses.

    Uh, Windows 8 stills uses the same desktop metaphor... Not sure what you think Windows 8 is? The tile interface you've shown is little more than a touch based layer on top of the normal UI.

    and actually iOS has done more for moving the computer industry away from the desktop metaphor than Microsoft will ever attempt to.
  • Reply 52 of 152
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    MS allows itself to fall way behind on touch interfaces, then abruptly goes all in by slapping a "touch friendly" UI on an OS that's likely to be mostly run on devices that strongly mitigate against that solution.

    You're right about that. MS will probably be getting a lot of resistance from their own customers, who happen to be windows users. Nobody comes even close to having as good a touch surface interaction as Apple has in their laptops, the magic trackpad, the iphone, the ipod touch and the ipad. Apple users know what great multitouch is like. Apple users have been used to the best multitouch surfaces and trackpads for years. One area in which all other tablets pale in comparison to the iPad, is the silky, smooth and very responsive feel of the UI. Using other tablets is like using something made in a previous century.

    Windows users don't have a clue about multitouch, unless they happen to own an iphone or maybe an ipad on the side. And now, MS is going to be releasing an OS built around touch and shoving it down the throats of all those users who are still sitting there with their ancient mice.
  • Reply 53 of 152
    rkrickrkrick Posts: 66member
    I would hope they will also have Lion available on physical media shortly after release on the App store. Not sure how you can access and upgrade from the App store if you intend to format and do a clean install. I personally would never upgrade without reformatting the drive.
  • Reply 54 of 152
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by RKRick View Post

    I would hope they will also have Lion available on physical media shortly after release on the App store. Not sure how you can access and upgrade from the App store if you intend to format and do a clean install. I personally would never upgrade without reformatting the drive.

    I don't think that they will. Apple said it will be download only I believe, and I don't have any problems with that.

    I'm sure that there will be various solutions for people who own multiple machines or people who want it on physical media. These people can simply burn their own DVD or just throw it on a cheap thumb drive. That's two solutions right there that should work fine. We'll know for sure after Lion is released.
  • Reply 55 of 152
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by RKRick View Post

    I would hope they will also have Lion available on physical media shortly after release on the App store.



    Not sure how you can access and upgrade from the App store if you intend to format and do a clean install. I personally would never upgrade without reformatting the drive.

    By DOING a clean install. The file is smart. It knows not to delete itself.

    And if you want to burn it to a disc, do it yourself. But the file can do a clean install after being downloaded.
  • Reply 56 of 152
    Originally Posted by RKRick View Post

    I would hope they will also have Lion available on physical media shortly after release on the App store. Not sure how you can access and upgrade from the App store if you intend to format and do a clean install. I personally would never upgrade without reformatting the drive.

    The passage from SL to Lion is very sweet, no problem to upgrade at all.

    Inside the installer u download from the store there is a usual system .dmg u can use to create DVD/pen drive and so on.
  • Reply 57 of 152
    rkrickrkrick Posts: 66member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    By DOING a clean install. The file is smart. It knows not to delete itself.

    And if you want to burn it to a disc, do it yourself. But the file can do a clean install after being downloaded.

    So let's say your hard drive dies and you install a new one or you just want to upgrade to an SSD, I guess you would have to install SL first to access the download then do your clean install... what a hassle.
  • Reply 58 of 152
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by RKRick View Post

    So let's say your hard drive dies and you install a new one or you just want to upgrade to an SSD, I guess you would have to install SL first to access the download then do your clean install... what a hassle.

    Or... you'll have that nice copy of Lion that you BURNED TO A DISC.
  • Reply 59 of 152
    dw7705dw7705 Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    Which looks more advanced?

    I think Apple may have dropped the ball on this one.

    I'm not sure that looking advanced is a good thing...

    The Windows screen looks nicer. (but it's like a sweaty body -it looks good on a picture but in real life it's something else.)

    Now, if you actually use your computer like most people do (and not just run weather apps/widgets but have lots of websites and running apps and several documents open ) I think Apple's approach is more useful. It's quicker to get an overview of what you're doing and it's easier to switch between tasks. (Although I still prefer the old style Exposé. There's definitely room for improvement on Mission Control.)

    I give Microsoft credit for trying something else. But is it useful? Don't think so. The desktop metaphor may be old, but it works.
  • Reply 60 of 152
    eluardeluard Posts: 319member
    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    I think Apple may have dropped the ball on this one.

    Truthfully, I think this looks dreadful. It looks like an advertisement for a real estate broker. Huge amounts of badly done Helvetica/Arial and simple coloured rectangles that scream a soulless life. Keep this, and I hope that it never comes to OS X.
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