G5 - The truth



  • Reply 301 of 489
    There were pictures of this "iWalk" posted before the iPod was announced and they were fake. Very poorly done.
  • Reply 302 of 489
    <a href="http://forums.appleinsider.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000288"; target="_blank">http://forums.appleinsider.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000288</a>;

    There's a very interesting mock-up in the thread above.

    Reminds me of something I can't exactly recall.

  • Reply 303 of 489
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Codename:

    <strong><a href="http://forums.appleinsider.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000288"; target="_blank">http://forums.appleinsider.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb. cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000288</a>

    There's a very interesting mock-up in the thread above.

    Reminds me of something I can't exactly recall.



    I like that design but we have one major problem... A 15" LCD touch screen runs apx $1,000 (or more) and they are pretty dern heavy/thick unless Apple has some way around the price and weight I'm note sure what good the design is.


    Hmmm my bad... It seems touch screens have indeed come down in price... Given this box from Sony

    <a href="http://computers.cnet.com/hardware/0-1018-404-4774062.html"; target="_blank">http://computers.cnet.com/hardware/0-1018-404-4774062.html</a>;


    [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: DaveGee ]</p>
  • Reply 304 of 489
    For what it's worth:

    According to CompUSA sales person, he saw the order form for G5s from an Apple rep. Also, the chips will be made by AMD.

    No spec info
  • Reply 305 of 489
    jjjj Posts: 48member
    As far as I know, the "order forms" used by any apple reseller has been the online apple store for quite some time now.

    Sorry, but sales reps and compUSA employee's are cluless.
  • Reply 306 of 489
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by danho:

    <strong>For what it's worth:

    According to CompUSA sales person, he saw the order form for G5s from an Apple rep. Also, the chips will be made by AMD.

    No spec info </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yep that is the chain of command... From Steve's lips to a dude at CompUSA...

    Folks don't you get it?!?! Even the people who who WORK FOR APPLE have little or no idea what is going to be announced at MWSF... I know someone who works for Apple and trust me he knows just a tad more than you or I (about some thing) but anything BIG is kept from ALL but those who really NEED to know till the very last possible moment.

    Seems crazy?! Yep I think it's crazy too... but that's the way Steve playes the game.

    CompUSA does get some 'insidish info' like when products are EOLed (end of lifed) and they might even get one or two days advanced notice to minor product changes (ala Combo drive TIBooks) but knowing about a whole new CPU and then knowing said CPU was being built by AMD?!?!?! Sorry but no way...

  • Reply 307 of 489
    For what it's worth:

    I found this on the Amiga web site (yes, it is still around, and no, I am not an Amiga fanatic):

    "I did this with the best intentions but many factors have contributed to this slipping, some bad, such as the financial squeeze, compounded by the September 11 atrocity, some unexpected, such as the announcement of the G5, and some good, such as the advances in the next generation development that have made us rethink our transition."

    The important point is that this came from the head of Amiga who should probably know something about an upcoming G5 chip. This seems to imply that it will be coming out sooner than later, but you never know....

    <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 308 of 489
    wheewhee Posts: 46member
    [quote]Originally posted by Demule:

    <strong>"I did this with the best intentions but many factors have contributed to this slipping, some bad, such as the financial squeeze, compounded by the September 11 atrocity, some unexpected, such as the announcement of the G5, and some good, such as the advances in the next generation development that have made us rethink our transition."


    This quote is available from <a href="http://www.amiga.com/corporate/231201-mcewen.shtml"; target="_blank">here</a>. It's under the AmigaOS heading, about 50% of the way down the page. It does look rather interesting.

    [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: whee ]</p>
  • Reply 309 of 489
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    So now 2 developers have mentioned G5s, the VueScan guy and now this. Very interesting indeed. It sounds like the developement for Amiga has slowed because of the G5. Either he got a test box or at least heard about the test boxes and realized he will have to do some re-tooling to the code.

    BTW- when was it "announced" ? He mentioned it after the Sept 11th bombings so does that logically mean between Sept 11th and the 23rd (date of the article) it was announced? Insider info or a test box? Moto's roadmap was the announcement? Interesting indeed.
  • Reply 310 of 489
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:


    Folks don't you get it?!?! Even the people who who WORK FOR APPLE have little or no idea what is going to be announced at MWSF... I know someone who works for Apple and trust me he knows just a tad more than you or I (about some thing) but anything BIG is kept from ALL but those who really NEED to know till the very last possible moment.


    Yeah your right, Steve Jobs builds all the computers himself...
  • Reply 311 of 489
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael Grey:

    <strong>Codename I'd like to introduce you to my friend Jack because, judging from your cryptic posts, it's obvious that you don't know jack.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah good ol' Codena...um I mean PowermacG4.

    [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Bodhi ]</p>
  • Reply 312 of 489

    Thanks for the link to the Amiga article. I was just too lazy to include it originally.
  • Reply 313 of 489
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member


    Matsu catches breath...


    Please, Amiga was a pretty good platform, but it's dead, and this is just crap. Perhaps Amiga has a tiny future with an embedded OS type platform for plams/phones/alarm clocks and what not, but it was badly managed and it's dead. Every time I see mention of it in a mac community, I sweat a little. Look forward, not back.
  • Reply 314 of 489
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:



    Matsu catches breath...


    Please, Amiga was a pretty good platform, but it's dead, and this is just crap. Perhaps Amiga has a tiny future with an embedded OS type platform for plams/phones/alarm clocks and what not, but it was badly managed and it's dead. Every time I see mention of it in a mac community, I sweat a little. Look forward, not back.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's not about the OS persay, it's about the drag in developing the OS due to the announcement of the G5 (and sept 11th)

    Trying to figure out how he knows about the G5.
  • Reply 315 of 489
    here's something interesting to think about. if the new imac does indeed have the widescreen 15.2'' LCD screen, imagine REMOVING THE SCREEN AND TURNING IT 90 DEGREES CLOCKWISE and then use a pen for wireless input. you'd have a sheet of legal paper...perfect for reading websites and taking notes. what if the new imac has a switchable display that can be both landscape and portrait? how cool would that be????

  • Reply 316 of 489
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by koffedrnkr:

    <strong>here's something interesting to think about. if the new imac does indeed have the widescreen 15.2'' LCD screen, imagine REMOVING THE SCREEN AND TURNING IT 90 DEGREES CLOCKWISE and then use a pen for wireless input. you'd have a sheet of legal paper...perfect for reading websites and taking notes. what if the new imac has a switchable display that can be both landscape and portrait? how cool would that be????


    I remember those rumors of the iMac with removable screen/tablet and the base is also a airport station.
  • Reply 317 of 489
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    I do not think Apple is going to be releasing a tablet/iMac with removable screen/whatever any time soon, because it would flop like the Cube. Think about it. People right now, with whats been going on, are going to want something super cheap and something that they are familiar with. They aren't going off and buying things like this and the tablet/PDA/home appliance market has been suffering.
  • Reply 318 of 489
    Apple Computer had the G-4 at 2 GHz over a year ago.It all depends if Apple ordered the new chips.

    Steve could debut the G-5 in January and the machines would ship in 4-6 wks.Or if production of the Motorola 8500 is slated for the first quarter

    of 2002 and the machines to ship in the second quarter.Just in time for the summer.I have a gut feeling they will indeed revamp the G-5 casing design.At MACOSRUMORS they have a good point.

    shorter and wider from the front-view.Study the NeXT cube and the Apple cube that failed.It was over priced.But it had a big following.So that

    dedacahedron design is probably not too far off.

    It would probably open from the rear.With a modular interior design.Made of magnesium and Black.Very futuristic.Very Steve Jobs.Of course it would sell...all the Mac freaks would order one.

    With DVD-R and all.Cost would not be the prohibiting factor.Mac freaks would get what they want.

    So of course it would sell.Plus a G-5 as a server...Cisco and SiliconGraphics would indeed jump on the band-wagon.The MIPS chip is almost dead.So whether it ships in April or ??? but it will

    ship in 2002.Apples stock will be climbing over the coming months.They will not fail.Mark my words.Peace.
  • Reply 319 of 489
    Apple Computer had the G-4 at 2 GHz over a year ago.It all depends if Apple ordered the new chips.

    Steve could debut the G-5 in January and the machines would ship in 4-6 wks.Or if production of the Motorola 8500 is slated for the first quarter

    of 2002 and the machines to ship in the second quarter.Just in time for the summer.I have a gut feeling they will indeed revamp the G-5 casing design.At MACOSRUMORS they have a good point.

    shorter and wider from the front-view.Study the NeXT cube and the Apple cube that failed.It was over priced.But it had a big following.So that

    dedacahedron design is probably not too far off.

    It would probably open from the rear.With a modular interior design.Made of magnesium and Black.Very futuristic.Very Steve Jobs.Of course it would sell...all the Mac freaks would order one.

    With DVD-R and all.Cost would not be the prohibiting factor.Mac freaks would get what they want.

    So of course it would sell.Plus a G-5 as a server...Cisco and SiliconGraphics would indeed jump on the band-wagon.The MIPS chip is almost dead.So whether it ships in April or ??? but it will

    ship in 2002.Apples stock will be climbing over the coming months.They will not fail.Mark my words.Peace.
  • Reply 320 of 489
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    G4 at 2ghz a year ago?

    The G4 only scales up to 1.0ghz according to moto and others.
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